Department(s): Department of Risk Management
Vendor: Rising Medical Solutions, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Workers’ Compensation Administration Services
Contract Value: $7,950,000.00
Contract period: 1/1/2020 - 12/31/2022 with two (2) one-year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2020 $2,650,000.00, FY 2021 $2,650,000.00, FY2022 $2,650,000.00
Accounts: 11250.1021.580111
Contract Number(s): 1944-17617
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation and partial MBEWBE waiver.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Department of Risk Management of the Bureau of Finance respectfully submits this item requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract 1944-17617 with Rising Medical Solutions (Rising). This contract with Rising is intended to provide Workers’ Compensation Administration Services. Depending on the nature and complexity of a given claim, Workers Compensation Adjusters and the Office of the State Attorney require access to a variety of services. Within this contract Rising will make available services including Medical Bill Review/Repricing Services, Utilization Review, Case Management Services, Independent Medical Examinations, Recorded Statements and Surveillance, Durable Medical Equipment, Pharmacy Benefit Manager and Vocational Rehabilitation Placement Service.
This contract is awarded through Request for Proposals (RFP) procedures in accordance with Cook County Procurement Code. Rising Medical Solutions was selected based on established evaluation criteria.