Department(s): Revenue
Other Part(ies): Allegiance Protection Group, Inc., New York, New York
Request: Authorization to enter into an interagency agreement
Good(s) or Service(s): Single-purpose tobacco detection canine with handler
Agreement period: Effective when executed and shall continue until Notice is provided by either party.
Fiscal Impact: None for the canine; $92,250.00 yearly for handler and maintenance fees, offset by revenue generated via tobacco inspections
Accounts: 007-818 Reimbursement to Designated Fund
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Summary/Notes: The Department of Revenue has been using a single-purpose tobacco detection canine to assist with enforcement of the Tobacco Tax Ordinance. The canine was provided pursuant to a Board-approved agreement with Altria Client Services (“Altria”). Altria no longer wishes to own the canine, and ownership has been taken by Allegiance Protection Group, Inc. (“Allegiance”). Accordingly, we submit this agreement with Allegiance for approval. Under the agreement, the County will have sole use of the single-purpose tobacco detection canine and a handler for a 40-hour work week. The County will provide compensation for the handler and maintenance fees on a quarterly basis.