Request: Variation V 19-31
Township: Elk Grove
County District: 15
Property Address: 2324 Landmeir Road, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
Property Description: The Subject Property is located near Landmeir Road and Higgins Road in Section 26,
Owner: Dolores Kowolski, 2324 Landmeir Road, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
Agent/Attorney: G.I. Super Service, Inc., 2500 E. Higgins Road, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
Current Zoning: I-1 Restricted Industrial District
Intended use: Applicant seeks a variance to: (1) to increase the height of a fence located in the front yard from the maximum allowed 3 ft. to a proposed 8 feet, (2) increase the height of a fence located in the rear yard of a through lot from the maximum allowed 3 feet, to a proposed 8 feet, (3) increase the height of a fence located in the right interior side yard from the maximum allowed 6 feet to a proposed 8 feet and (4) increase the height of a fence located in the left interior side yard from the maximum allowed 6 feet to a proposed 8 feet.
Recommendation: ZBA Recommendation that the application be granted
Conditions: : The Condition that the fence be 6 feet high with 2 feet of barbed wire with a total of 8 feet fence to match the existing west fence.
Objectors: Elk Grove Village
Bryan Kozor, Elk Grove Village
Zoning Board Hearing: 08/07/2019, 09/04/2019, 12/04/2019 and 02/05/2020
Zoning Board Recommendation date: 02/05/2020
County Board extension granted: N/A