Department(s): Transportation and Highways
Vendor: Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc., San Francisco, California
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Planning Services
Contract Value: $799,943.00
Contract period: 7/1/2020 - 12/31/2021
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2020 $300,000.00, FY 2021 $499,943.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.520830
Contract Number(s): 1928-17931
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Department of Transportation respectfully requests approval of the proposed new contract between the County and Nelson\Nygaard, Inc, San Francisco, California. The contracted entity will produce a County-wide transit plan to assess short and long-term transit needs across the County and develop strategies and recommendations to improve mobility in the region. This contract is necessary for the County to maintain its prestigious position as a national leader in transit availability and utilization and expand further the access and affordability of transit to all County residents.
This contract is awarded through publicly advertised Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in accordance with Cook County Procurement Code. Nelson\Nygaard, Inc. was selected based on established evaluation criteria.