Department: Department of Budget & Management Services
Report Title: Board Resolution 22-0637 ARPA Budget Transfer Approvals
Report Period: October 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023
Summary: Pursuant to Board Resolution 22-0637, the Department of Budget & Management Services (DBMS) may approve budgetary transfers required to implement the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) initiatives approved by the Board of Commissioners within the special purpose fund established for the County’s allocation of ARPA Funding. Attached, please find a report of all transfers made within the ARPA special purpose fund between October 1, 2023, and October 31, 2023.
Please note, the report presents the information in three different formats:
Summary of Budget Transfers: reflects a summary of all transfers by fund and department, and the purpose of the transfer.
Transfers By Department: reflects all transfers by Department, delineating the accounts out of and into which such transfers were made.
Transfers By Fund: reflects all transfers by Fund, delineating the Department or Agency that made the transfer, and the accounts out of and into which such transfers were made.