WHEREAS, National Safe Boating week will be held from May 21, 2002 - May 27, 2022, as a reminder to all boaters to be mindful of the important life-saving tips for the boating season; and
WHEREAS, More than 100 million Americans, will take to the Great Lakes, Rivers, and other bodies of water from coast to coast to enjoy recreational boating activity; and
WHEREAS, The Coast Guard estimates that human error accounts for most boating accidents and that wearing a life jacket could prevent nearly 86 percent of boating fatalities; and
WHEREAS, A significant number of boaters who lose their lives by drowning each year would be alive today had they worn their life jackets; and
WHEREAS, On average, 650 people die each year in boating related accidents in the U.S.; 75 percent of these are fatalities caused by drowning; and
WHEREAS, A vast majority of accidents are caused by human error or poor judgment and not by the boat, equipment, or environmental factors; and
WHEREAS, During National Safe Boating week, the U. S. Coast Guard and its federal, state, and local safe boating partners encourage all boaters to explore and enjoy America’s beautiful waters responsibly, practice safe boating and wear a life jacket at all times while boating; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the President and the Cook County Board of Commissioners, on behalf of the residents of Cook County, hereby support the goals of the Safe Boating Campaign and Proclaim May 21-27, 2022, as National Safe Boating Week and promote safe boating.