Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project
Request: Approval of the Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution
Project: Plainfield Road Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Phase I Study
Location: Plainfield Road, County Line Road to East Avenue, Villages of Burr Ridge, Indian Head Park, La Grange, Western Springs and the City of Countryside, Illinois
Section: 16-B3719-00-EG
County Board District: 16, 17
Centerline Mileage: 3.50 miles
Fiscal Impact: $1,237,500.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.540370
Board Approved Date and Amount: 8/3/2016, $962,500.00
Increased Amount: $1,237,500.00
Total Adjusted Amount: $2,200,000.00
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully request Approval of the Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution for work being done in County Districts 16 and 17. The Preliminary Engineering and Environmental study is being done on Plainfield Road from County Line Road to East Avenue. The work being done is in the Villages of Burr Ridge, Indian Head Park, La Grange, Western Springs and the City of Countryside in Cook County.