Department: Sheriff of Cook County
Other Part(ies): Village of Ford Heights, Ford Heights, Illinois
Request: Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between Cook County Sheriff's Office and the Village of Ford Heights
Goods or Services: The Cook County Sheriff's Police Department shall provide law enforcement services to the Village of Ford Heights pursuant to 5ILCS 220/2.
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: 7/15/2014 - 7/15/2019
Fiscal Impact: Revenue Generating - $36,000.00
Accounts: 231-110 (Reimbursement)
Summary: As part of the Intergovernmental Agreement, the Cook County Sheriff's Police Department shall provide law enforcement services to the Village of Ford Heights.
The Village of Ford Heights shall remit to the County three thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) each month to offset a portion of the costs to provide said law enforcement services.
The Cook County State's Attorney's Office has approved the Intergovernmental Agreement as to form.