Department: Cook County Health
Grantee: Cook County Health
Grantor: Department of Health & Human Services/Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: CCH-Community Health Workers for COVID Response & Resilient Communities (CCH-CCR) Initiative
Grant Amount: $3,000,000.00
Grant Period: 8/31/2021-8/30/2022
Fiscal Impact: $3,000,000.00
Accounts: N/A
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: This grant aims scale up Community Health Worker (CHW) activities in Cook County related to public health response efforts in those communities hit hardest by an outbreak and among populations that are at high risk for exposure, infection, and poorer health outcomes (priority populations).
Emphasis/focus areas are: 1) Training Community Health Workers to ensure comprehensive acquisition and reinforcement of relevant knowledge, roles and skills in support of a public health response to manage outbreaks and community spread; 2) Deploying Community Health Workers to support the public health response to manage outbreaks among priority populations within communities; 3) Engaging Community Health Workers to build and strengthen community resilience to mitigate the impact of an outbreak by improving the overall health priority populations within communities.