Request: Variance V-2402
Township: Stickney
County District: 16
Property Address: 4836 S. Long Avenue, Chicago/Stickney, IL. 60638
Property Description: The Subject Property is 0.07 acres, located approximately 1,200 feet east of Central Avenue, approximately 2,800 feet north of Archer Avenue, approximately 1,000 feet south of 47th Street in Section.
Owner: Top Heating and Cooling, Inc. - Tomasz Plewa, 8003 S. 86th Avenue, Justice, IL 60458
Agent/Attorney: Anna Lukaszczyk, 8642 Menard Avenue, Burbank, IL 60459
Current Zoning: R-5 Single Family Residence District
Intended use: Applicant seeks a variance to: 1) reduce the lot area from the minimum required 10,000 square feet to an existing 3,142 square feet, 2) reduce lot width from 60 feet to an existing 25 feet, 3) reduce front yard setback from 30 feet to 12.2 feet, 4) reduce left interior side yard setback from 10 feet to 3 feet for the principal structure and 5 feet to 2 feet for accessory structure, 5) reduce right interior side yard setback from 10 feet to 3 feet for the principal structure and from 5 feet to 3 feet for the accessory structure, 6) reduce the rear yard setback from the minimum required 5 feet to 3 feet, 7) increase the Floor Area Ratio from maximum allowed 0.40 to 0.88 0.71 in order to construct a new single-family residence with detached garage.
Recommendation: ZBA Recommendation is that the above application be granted as amended.
Conditions: None
Objectors: Geneva Alicea, 4844 S. Long Avenue, Chicago, IL. 60638
Zoning Board Hearing: 02/07/2024
Zoning Board Recommendation date: 02/07/2024
County Board extension granted: N/A