Endorsing the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus' Greenest Region Compact
WHEREAS, Cook County has a history of environmental stewardship, from energy efficiency, water conservation, land stewardship and participation in clean air initiatives; and
WHEREAS, it is important for local governments throughout the United States to take leadership roles to advance sustainability both in their own communities and in concert with regional, national and global initiatives; and
WHEREAS, Cook County Offices Under the President (OUP) is committed to supporting healthy, resilient communities that thrive economically, socially and environmentally through the Sustainable Communities pillar of its Policy Roadmap strategic plan; and
WHEREAS, Cook County OUP fosters Sustainable Communities by implementing programs that remediate pollution, conserve resources, promote renewable energy and energy efficiency, implement green natural infrastructure solutions to mitigate flooding and improve access to green spaces; and
WHEREAS, Cook County provides technical assistance and support to stakeholders to reduce energy emissions, adopt renewable energy sources, improve environmental health and climate resiliency and increase capacity for recycling and green job training; and
WHEREAS, Cook County reduces its climate impact through improved energy efficiency in its operations and investing in clean energy and green jobs; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus provides a forum for the chief elected officials of the Chicago region to develop consensus and act on common public policy issues and multi-jurisdictional challenges; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus created the Greenest Region Compact to address environmental sustainability issues of global importance at the local level; and
WHEREAS, the Greenest Region Compact is built on important environmental initiatives already underway in communities, in partnership with many non-profit, state, regional...
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