Department(s): Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Action: Requesting to pay for outstanding Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) invoices
Payee: Safeware, Inc., Landover, Maryland
Good(s) or Service(s): Various supplies and equipment necessary for first responders’ tactical operations
Fiscal Impact: $597,458.90 [$780.49 (265-350) - Office Supplies; $9,832.50 (265-390) - Supplies and Materials Not Otherwise Classified; $20,070.77 (265-444) - Maintenance and Repair of Automotive Equipment; $288,607.51 (265-521) - Institutional Equipment; $278,167.63 (265-549) - Vehicle Purchase]
Accounts: 265-350 - Office Supplies; 265-390 - Supplies and Materials Not Otherwise Classified; 265-444 - Maintenance and Repair of Automotive Equipment; 265-521 - Institutional Equipment ; 265-549 - Vehicle Purchase
Contract Number(s): N/A
Summary: This equipment and these supplies were procured under a piggyback contract later to be disallowed by Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA).