Department: Cook County State's Attorney's Office
Grantee: Cook County State's Attorney
Grantor: Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council
Request: Authorization to renew grant
Purpose: The personnel funded by this grant work to increase the prosecution of offenders involved in motor vehicle theft and other motor vehicle related crimes.
Grant Amount: $823,644.00
Grant Period: 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2015
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: None
Most Recent Date of Board Authorization for Grant: 2/19/2014
Most Recent Grant Amount: $823,644.00
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: This grant renewal provides one year of continued funding for the Motor Vehicle Theft Prosecutions Unit. This grant funds the salaries and benefits for five (5) assistant state's attorneys, one (1) state's attorney investigator, and one (1) administrative assistant located at 2650 South California Ave. The personnel funded by this grant work to increase the prosecution of offenders involved in motor vehicle theft and other motor vehicle related crimes.