Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): N/A
Request: Approval of Appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds
Good(s) or Services(s): Topographic Surveying Services
Location: Various Locations throughout Cook County
Section: 16-6SURV-00-ES
Fiscal Impact: $423,500.00
Accounts: 600-585 Account
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits for adoption a resolution appropriating funds for topographic surveys and other related engineering services at various locations throughout Cook County by an outside engineering consultant.
This appropriation, as proposed, consists of professional topographic surveying services and other engineering tasks to be performed at various locations on a task order basis, and shall include supervision by County forces .
This appropriation is made in anticipation of a forthcoming contract to be presented to your Honorable Body at a later date.
This improvement will promote economic development, regional mobility, and is needed to protect the public investment in the highway system and provide a safe, efficient and sustainable highway.