Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Illinois Department of Transportation, Springfield, Illinois
Request: Authorization to enter into an interagency agreement
Description: Federal Participation with the Illinois State of Illinois. Cook County will be the lead agency to conduct Preliminary Engineering for improvements along 134th Street from Halsted Street to Marsden Drive to be identified as Cook County Section: 16-13433-00-RP. The FHWA will pay up to a maximum of $113,000.00 and the State of Illinois will pay up to a maximum of $113,000.00 toward the Preliminary Engineering costs. Professional Services.
Location: 134th Street, Halsted Street to Marsden Drive in the Village of Riverdale
County Board District: 5
Section: 16-13433-00-RP
Job Number: P-91-397-16
Federal Project Number: M-4003 (788)
Centerline Mileage: 0.30miles
Agreement Period: One-time agreement
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Fiscal Impact: $226,000.00 ($113,000.00 to be reimbursed from FHWA and $113,000.00 to be reimbursed from the State of Illinois)
Accounts: Corporate Business Units (EDP: 811601 & STP: 811602 Accounts)
Summary: This Agreement is necessitated by the improvement which is needed to protect the public investment in the highway system and provide a safe and sustainable highways. Further, the improvement supports development of the regional economy in accordance with the Department’s Long Range Transportation Plan. The Agreement has been examined and approved by this Department. I also respectfully request authorization to execute any and all documents, including professional services, necessary to implement this agreement.