BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that CHAPTER 2 - ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE III - COUNTY BOARD, DIVISION 1 - GENERALLY, SECTION NUMBER 2-74 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 2-74. County Commissioner, vacancy in office.
(a) District committee of same political party to appoint. If a vacancy occurs in the Office of Commissioner, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District of which the incumbent was a candidate at the time of the candidate's election. If the incumbent Commissioner was appointed to the position, then such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District which appointed the incumbent. The appointee shall be of the same political party that the incumbent Commissioner was at the time of election or appointment.
(b) Composition of district committee. The district committee of a County Board District shall consist of the committeemen of each ward or township of the appropriate political party of the incumbent commissioner when elected contained in whole or in part within the County Board District. In making appointments under this Section, each committeeman of the appropriate district committee shall be entitled to one vote for each vote that was received, in that portion of the County Board District which the committeeman represent on the committee, by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant at the general election at which that Commissioner was elected to the seat which has been vacated (or the Commissioner's elected predecessor, if the Commissioner whose seat is vacant was appointed) and a majority of the total number of votes received in such general election by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant is required for the appointment of the successor.
(c) Wri...
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