Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Western Remac, Inc., Woodridge Illinois
Action: Approval of change in plans and extra work by the Board upon recommendation of the Committee of Roads and Bridges.
Section: 12-8SPAM-33-GM
Contract Number(s): N/A
IDOT Contract Number(s): N/A
Federal Project Number(s): N/A
Federal Job Number(s): N/A
Location: County Wide
Board District: District of project
Good(s) or Service(s): This maintenance contract consisted of furnishing, removing, relocating and maintaining existing and new sign panel assemblies and their appurtenances on various roads in Cook County. The quantities as shown on the contract documents were estimated for bidding purposes only. This change represents the difference between the estimated quantities and actual field quantities of work performed with savings due to less quantities being required for sign panel type AP, metal post type B, remove sign panel and nonuse of traffic investigation and inspection vehicle, per field conditions.
A new item was added for renting changeable message sign to warn motorist of change in traffic patterns which was not included in the original contract.
Fiscal Impact: $56,671.58 decrease
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-600 Account)
Change in Plans and Extra Work
1st and Final
Sign Panel Assembly Maintenance 2012
Section: 12-8SPAM-33-GM
Adjustment of Quantities and New Items
The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits a change in plans and extra work of the above captioned County wide project.
On 10/4/2011, your honorable Body approved renewal of subject contract to Western Remac, Inc., Woodridge Illinois for the aforesaid improvement to be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications.