Department: Adoption and Family Support Services (DAFSS)
Request: Approve Transfer of Funds
Reason: The Chief Judge is assuming the operations of DAFSS, effective 5/25/2020. All current operations, employees, expenses and activities of DAFSS will be conducted under the Chief Judge, where this operation is more appropriately housed.
From Account(s):
Fund Dept. Program Parent Account Description Budget
11100 1451 10155 501005 - Salaries and Wages of Employees With Benefits 70,806.00
11100 1451 35395 501005 - Salaries and Wages of Employees With Benefits 174,285.00
11100 1451 10155 501510 - Mandatory Medicare Cost 1,668.00
11100 1451 35395 501510 - Mandatory Medicare Cost 6,079.00
11100 1451 10155 501585 - Insurance Benefits 8,475.00
11100 1451 35395 501585 - Insurance Benefits 48,828.00
11100 1451 35395 501765 - Professional Develop/Fees 5,500.00
11100 1451 35395 501835 - Transportation and Travel Expenses 5,500.00
11100 1451 10155 520149 - Communication Services 697.00
11100 1451 35395 520259 - Postage 485.00
11100 1451 10155 520825 - Professional Services 9,700.00
11100 1451 35395 530600 - Office Supplies 1,101.00
11100 1451 10155 540129 - Maintenance and Subscription Services 2,896.00
11100 1451 35395 540129 - Maintenance and Subscription Services 1,200.00
11100 1451 10155 550029 - Countywide Office and Data Processing Equip Rental 3,699.00
Grand Total $340,922.00
To Account(s):
Fund Dept. Program Parent Account Description
11100 1310 13725 501005 - Salaries and Wages of Employees With Benefits 70,806.00
11100 1310 13725 501005 - Salaries and Wages of Employees With Benefits 174,285.00
11100 1310 13725 501510 - Mandatory Medicare Cost 1,668.00
11100 1310 13725 501510 - Mandatory Medicare Cost 6,079.00
11100 1310 13725 501585 - Insurance Benefits 8,475.00
11100 1310 13725 501585 - Insurance Benefits 48,828.00
11100 1310 13725 501765 - Professional Develop/Fees 5,500.00
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