Department(s): Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, Circuit Court of Cook County
Vendor: Black Dog Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Dry and Canned Goods
Contract Value: $3,854,203.34
Contract period: 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2019, with one (1), one (1) year renewal option.
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017: $1,445,326.00, FY 2018: $1,927,102.00, FY 2019: $481,775.34.
Accounts: 1440 JTDC - 530010 Food Supplies
Contract Number(s): 1625-15681
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs
Summary: The Department of Juvenile Temporary Detention Center requests authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Black Dog Corporation to supply dry and canned goods for residents of the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center.
Competitive bidding procedures were followed in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Black Dog Corporation was the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.