Department: Cook County Department of Revenue
Request: Transfer of Funds
Reason: Funds will be used for equipment and computer supplies needed for the startup of the Integrated Tax Processing System (ITPS) implementation. Additionally, the Department of Revenue seeks to further extend exceptional taxpayer services by acquiring translation and interpretation services. These services will allow the department contract with vendors that will translate tax notices in multiple languages and provide interpretation support. Last, the department seeks to encumber funds for LexisNexis Vitalcheck (the credit card processing vendor). Credit card payment processing has increased due to a surge in taxpayers using credit cards to make payments.
From Account(s): 007-240, $35,000.00; 007-260, $20,000.00)
To Account(s): 007-388, $15,000.00; 007-260, $20,000; 007-249, $20,000.00
Total Amount of Transfer: $55,000.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
The Integrated Tax Processing System was approved at the September 9th Board meeting. Upon approval of the project it became apparent that additional computer operation supplies would be necessary to start implementation of the project. The request for translation and interpretation has increased greatly in FY 2015. It became apparent at the end of Q3 that funding was needed to secure these services. In Q3 the department recognized that there was surge in taxpayers paying with credit. To accommodate the increase in credit card payments the department needs to encumber funds for LexisNexis (the credit card processing vendor.)
How was the account used for the source of transferred funds identified? List any other accounts that were also considered (but not use...
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