Department(s): Sheriff's Department of Corrections
Vendor: CBM Premier Management, LLC, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Food service for inmate meals
Original Contract Period: 7/24/2012 - 7/23/2015, with three (3), one (1) year renewal options.
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 7/24/2015 - 7/23/2016
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $39,224,165.84
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 7/24/2012, $38,360,583.23
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 1/15/2014, $570,359.78; 3/11/2015, $293,222.83
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: $12,786,861.07
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2015: 230 - $2,040.00, 239 - $2,843,100.00 FY 2016: 230 - $81,160.00, 239 - $9,860,561.07
Accounts: 239-223 and 230-231
Contract Number(s): 11-84-038
The vendor has met the Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Ordinance.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Sheriff's Office is requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase and exercise the first of three (3) renewal options for Contract No. 11-84-038 with CBM Premier Management, LLC to purchase meals for inmates.
This Contract was awarded through a Request for Proposals process in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. CBM Premier Management, LLC was selected based on established evaluation criteria.