Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Supplemental Improvement Resolution
Request: Approval of a supplemental improvement resolution appropriating additional funds upon the recommendation of the Committee on Roads and Bridges
Project: The Department respectfully submits for adoption, a supplemental improvement resolution appropriating additional funds for the additional services by an outside consulting engineering firm required to complete the Phase I Preliminary Engineering Project for Quentin Road from Dundee Road to Lake-Cook Road. This request, as proposed, is to conduct new environmental, traffic, safety, drainage, structural and other related engineering studies that were identified after the Supplement #6 scope of work was approved.
Location: Quentin Road, Dundee Road to Lake-Cook Road in the Village of Palatine and Unincorporated Palatine Township.
Section: Section: 05-V6246-10-ES
County Board District: 14
Centerline Mileage: N/A
Fiscal Impact: $1,100,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: (600-585 Account)
Board Approved Date and Amount:
Board approved amount 6/7/2005: $455,658.09
Previous increase approved 9/7/2006: 116,044.36
Previous increase approved 7/10/2007: 129,570.80
Previous increase approved 10/15/2008: 191,759.15
Previous increase approved 10/19/2010: 148,547.68
Previous increase approved 9/10/2012: 35,225.00
Previous increase approved 7/17/2013: 148,566.98
Increased amount requested: 1,100,000.00
Adjusted amount: $2,325,372.06
Increased Amount: $1,100,000.00
Total Adjusted Amount: $2,325,372.06
Summary: Approval of a supplemental improvement resolution appropriating additional funds upon the recommendation of the Committee on Roads and Bridges
On 7/17/2013, your...
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