WHEREAS, the County of Cook (the County) is an entitlement community pursuant to the regulations of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) at 24 CFR Part 92 and the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) at 24 CFR Part 570, which entitles the County to receive an annual allocation of CDBG and HOME grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and
WHEREAS, the amount of HOME funds that the County receives pursuant to entitlement status is determined by a HUD formula that takes into consideration the populations of the municipalities within its jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS, the City of Des Plaines and the Village of Arlington Heights (the Electing Municipalities) within the County that receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds directly from HUD can elect to join the County's HOME Consortium (the Consortium), which would allow HUD to take into account the populations of these municipalities when calculating the County's annual HOME funds entitlement grant, thus increasing the County's annual allocation; and
WHEREAS, the Electing Municipalities are choosing to join the Consortium, as signified by resolution of their municipal boards; and
WHEREAS, each Electing Municipality must conform to the Consortium Program Year, which runs October 1 through September 30 in accordance with HUD rules; and
WHEREAS, as the Electing Municipalities move to the Consortium Program Year they may experience a gap in their administrative funding for the few months after their old program year expires and before the Consortium Program Year begins. (i.e., if their current program year ends on June 30 there is a three month gap before the new program year starts on October 1); and
WHEREAS, the County wants to maximize its federal allocation of HOME Funds by including the Electing Municipalities in the Consortium. The Cou...
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