Requestor: Robert Polk, Mayor, Village of Burnham
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Burnham
Volume and Property Index Number:
193, 29-01-208-033-0000; 193, 29-01-208-034-0000; 193, 29-01-417-016-0000; 193, 29-01-417-017-0000; 193, 29-01-417-018-0000; 193, 29-01-417-019-0000; 193, 29-01-417-026-0000; 193, 29-01-417-027-0000; 193, 29-01-417-028-0000; 193, 29-01-417-029-0000
Summary: This request package contains ten (10) improved property index numbers (PINs). PINs 29-01-208-033-0000 & 29-01-208-034-0000 have an unoccupied and abandoned commercial structure that sitting on them that will be demolished due to its condition upon ownership. PINs 29-01-417-016-0000, 29-01-417-017-0000, 29-01-417-018-0000, & 29-01-417-019-0000 have an unoccupied and abandoned commercial structure sitting on them that will be rehabilitated and used for the commercial redevelopment of the area. PINs 29-01-417-026-0000, 29-01-417-027-0000, 29-01-417-028-0000, & 29-01-417-029-0000 have a commercial structure sitting on them that will be used for the commercial redevelopment of the area. It is the intention of the Village of Burnham to use all parcels for the commercial redevelopment of the areas in which the parcels are located. The commercial redevelopment of the parcels will return the property to a viable use beneficial to the municipality. The commercial redevelopment will also return the properties to a tax producing status, thereby generating economic development for the municipality and other taxing bodies.
The Village of Burnham, at this time, does not have an immediate intention to convey any Tax Certificate of Purchase from Cook County or any perfected deed to any Third Party Requestor. Also, the Village of Burnham will accept an assignment of all Tax Certificates of Purchase from Cook County and will undertake such legal proceedings and tax search services as necessary to obtain a tax deed and...
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