Department: Cook County Bureau of Finance
Other Part(ies): Forest Preserve District of Cook County
Request: Authorize the Forest Preserve District, with respect to assets under its authority and control, to join the Asset Marketing Program through an inter-governmental agreement and the County's contract with the Program Manager, as envisioned in the Asset Marketing Ordinance adopted by the Board on 11/19/2014.
Goods or Services: The Forest Preserve District will participate as a voting member on the Asset Marketing Committee, set forth in the Asset Marketing Ordinance, No. 14-O-5643. This will allow the Forest Preserve District the opportunity to derive additional revenue or value from assets under their control via the marketing program(s) proposed by the Program Manager.
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: This IGA shall commence on the date of execution by the Parties and shall remain in force and effect through the close-out period of the Asset Marketing Program Manager Contract unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties by Amendment in accordance with Section 3.3 or Terminated in accordance with Section 3.4 in the IGA.
Fiscal Impact: Each Party to this IGA shall bear its own costs of carrying out this agreement. No Party shall seek to charge or obtain reimbursement from another Party for any costs associated with this IGA, including but not limited to such items as salaries, fringe benefits, and chargebacks.
In the event the County or the Forest Preserve District receive incremental revenue from the Program attributed by the Program Manager as being derived from one or more assets under the specific authority and control of the County or the Forest Preserve District, said revenue so attributed shall be disbursed to the County or the Forest Preserve District, as the case may be and as soon as is practicable, under such terms and conditions as otherwise provided in the A...
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