Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Improvement Resolution
Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds
Project: This improvement, as proposed, will consist of pavement widening and reconstruction on new vertical alignment with composite pavement - HMA over PCC base course over aggregate subgrade, intersection improvements including additional and extended turn lanes, drainage improvements, new pedestrian crosswalks and pedestrian-actuated signals, installation of 10-foot wide multi-use path, traffic signal modernization, segmental block retaining wall along the southbound exit ramp and replacing bridge over I-94, pavement markings, signing, landscaping, traffic control and protection, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances. The cost of the bridge replacement over I-94, estimated by IDOT to be $8,000,000, will be reimbursable from IDOT per the proposed intergovernmental agreement.
Location: Old Orchard Road (West Section), Woods Drive to I-94 Northbound Ramp in the Village of Skokie
Section: 15-A8327-10-PV
County Board District(s): 13
Centerline Mileage: 0.58 miles
Fiscal Impact: $15,000,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: (600-585 Account)
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits for adoption a resolution appropriating funds for the improvement of Old Orchard Road from Woods Drive to the I-94 Northbound Ramp, and also including the southbound ramps in the Village of Skokie.
This improvement will promote economic development and regional mobility, and is needed to protect the public investment in the highway system and provide a safe, efficient and sustainable highway.