Requestor: Ronald Gardiner, Village President, Village of Glenwood
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Glenwood
Volume and Property Index Number:
009, 32-03-325-018-0000
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Glenwood's application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2015 County Scavenger Sale for the parcel of property identified. This request package is for only for the one (1) PIN described above. The PIN that is the subject of this application is a vacant lot on Jane St. in the flood plain. There are no structures on the property. It is the Village of Glenwood's desire to obtain title to this property through the County's No Cash Bid Program so that the property can be used by the Village for flood control purposes.
In the event this application is approved, it is the Village's intent to file the necessary documents that are required to obtain a tax-exempt status for the property. The Village will continue to maintain this tax exempt status for the property as long as the Village continues to own it. Please be advised that the Village does not have any agreement to convey the perfected tax deed for the property to any developer, organization or other private party. The Village also has not entered into any negotiations with any developer, organization, or other entity pertaining to this property. The Village's is not acting on behalf of any third party requestor. In the event this application is approved, the Village will retain legal counsel in order to obtain the tax deed. It will be the Village's responsibility to bear all legal and other costs that are necessary for its acquisition of the property through the tax deed process. The Village understands and agrees that it will need to comply with the reporting requirements of the County's No Cash Bid Ordinance. This will require the Village to submit No Cash Bid Reports on the status o...
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