WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Lillian "Giggie" Cortese from our midst; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was the beloved wife of the late Charles "Chuckie" Cortese; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was the loving mother of Mary Ann (Michael) DiVito; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was the fond sister of Marion (the late Twerps) Segvich, and the late Charlie (Carmel) Begich, Jocko (Anita) Becich, Carl "Gink" Becich, and Tonka (the late Scully) Scalise; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was the cherished grandmother of Chuckie (Jamyn) Scalfaro, Michael (fianc? Jennifer) DiVito, and Kica (Ante) Kosir; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was the dear great-grandmother of Olivia Scalfaro and Lana Kosir; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was a loving aunt and dear Kuma to many; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was a lifelong Bridgeport resident and longtime supporter of the Chicago White Sox; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was a proud and lifelong parishioner of St. Jerome Croatian Catholic Church and the 20 year Chairperson of the Velika Gospa Feast; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was a member of the Jugerettes Club, Club Poljica, the Medjugorje prayer group, the Marion Society, Club Sinj and past President of the Altar Society; and
WHEREAS, Lillian "Giggie" Cortese touched the lives of many and will be remembered by all who knew her; and
WHEREAS, all who knew her will attest that Lillian "Giggie" Cortese was a kind and compassionate woman, virtuous of character and gentle in spirit, admired and respected by her many friends and neighbors, and dearly loved by her family; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County that the Board does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family of Lillian "Giggie" Cortese, and joins...
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