Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Other Part(ies): City of Chicago (“City”) through its Department of Fleet and Facility Management (“2FM”) and Department of Streets and Sanitation (“Streets and San”), Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Chicago’s 2FM and Streets and San.
Goods or Services: The Sheriff’s Office will have the exclusive use of two surplus backhoes and a woodchipper from the City’s 2FM to be utilized in the Sheriff’s Neighborhoods Workforce Program (“RENEW”) in exchange for the continued use of the Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program (“SWAP”) crews for City’s Streets and San projects.
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: 6/29/2016 - 6/28/2017 and shall automatically renew for one (1) additional year.
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: None
Summary: Authorization for the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and the City through its’ 2FM and Streets and Sans to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City’s 2FM and Streets and Sans to provide the exclusive use of two surplus backhoes and a woodchipper for use by the Sheriff’s RENEW program in exchange for continued use of SWAP crews for Streets and Sans projects.