Department: County Clerk
Claim Number: 97012889
Claim Payment: $219.21
Account Number: 490-826
Fixed Charges Department: 490 (Corporate)
Claimant: Carol J. Kral
Property Damage/Bodily Injury: 2007 Saturn ION
County Driver: Cata Truss
Unit/Plate Number: 194434
Prior Accidents: 1
Date of Accident: 02/29/2016
Location: 1900 Hassel Road, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Incident/Activity: Cook County Clerk employee was exiting a leased van while parked at 1900 Hassel Road in Hoffman Estates, when the wind gust forced the driver's side door into the passenger side mirror of the claimant's vehicle causing damages.
Investigated by: CorVel