Department: 201600490
Claim Number: 201600490
Claim Payment: $3,500.00
Account Number: 499-826
Fixed Charges Department: 499 (Public Safety)
Claimant: Manish Patel
Property Damage/Bodily Injury: 2000 Dodge Intrepid/Neck and Back Soreness
County Driver: John Pradun
Unit/Plate Number: 4633
Prior Accidents: 0
Date of Accident: 07/07/2016
Location: Meacham Road south of Mallard Crossing, Elk Grove Village, IL
Incident/Activity: Cook County Sheriff's vehicle was traveling northbound on Meacham Road, just south of the intersection with Mallard Crossing in Elk Grove Village and rear-ended the claimant's vehicle causing rear-end damages. The claimant also sustained bodily injuries to his neck and back.
Investigated by: CorVel