Department: Sheriff of Cook County
Other Part(ies): City of Chicago Heights, Village of Berkeley, Village of Park Forest
Request: Enter into Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Cook and the following governmental entities: City of Chicago Heights, Village of Berkeley and Village of Park Forest
Goods or Services: Cook County Sheriff’s Restoring Neighborhood Workforce (RENEW) demolition services at identified abandoned and dangerous properties for governmental entities.
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: Upon execution of the Intergovernmental Agreements and continue in full force and extend until terminated by any party.
Fiscal Impact: None. Estimate revenue generating amount: $0
Accounts: None
Summary: The purpose of these intergovernmental agreements is to provide the municipalities with Sheriff’s Restoring Neighborhoods Workforce (“RENEW”) crews to provide demolition, enclosure, and cleanup efforts at blighted and dangerous properties on behalf of municipalities as directed by the Sheriff. The services provided by RENEW represent significant cost savings to the Municipality, provide job skills and training to RENEW participants, and provide a service to the community by removing dangerous, abandoned properties which may serve as a hotbed for criminal activity.
These services are offered at no cost to the municipality. In return the municipalities shall assign lien rights to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office to recoup costs, and agree to delegate Illinois Housing Development Authority (“IDHA”) funds or other grant funds to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office for use by RENEW with equipment and training.
Permission is hereby requested for the Sheriff of Cook County or his designee on behalf of Cook County, to be authorized to enter into agreements with other municipalities, with respect to the further implementation of this program.