WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Father Donald Joseph Ahearn from our midst; and
WHEREAS, Donald Ahearn, son of the late Daniel and Helen Ahearn and brother to the late Eleanor, Marion, Peggy, and Bill, grew up on the West Side and attended Presentation Parish; and
WHEREAS, Father Ahearn progressed through the seminary system, first at Quigley High School and then at Mundelein Seminary; and
WHEREAS, Father Ahearn was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago on May 3, 1951; and
WHEREAS, Father Ahearn's first assignment was St. Gertrude Parish in Franklin Park, where he served as the assistant pastor for eight years; and
WHEREAS, during his tenure at St. Gertrude, Father Ahearn acted as a chaplain at St. Patrick High School in Chicago; and
WHEREAS, Father Ahearn's next assignment was as assistant pastor at St. Barbara Parish in Brookfield, where he served for seven years; and
WHEREAS, in 1966, Father Ahearn transferred to St. David Parish in Chicago, where he served as assistant pastor for four years; and
WHEREAS, over the next several years, Father Ahearn worked in various capacities at St. Nicholas, Holy Rosary, All Saints, and Our Lady of Ransom; and
WHEREAS, Father Don found his home at St. Juliana Parish in the Edison Park neighborhood of Chicago, where he served as pastor from August of 1975 through June of 1995; and
WHEREAS, during that time, Father Don was a member of the Pastor Review Board and the School Board Advisory Committee and served as Assistant Vicar for Senior Priests; and
WHEREAS, from 1995 until his passing on January 1, 2017, Father Ahearn was pastor emeritus at St. Juliana, where he will be remembered for his Irish wit and warmth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Father Donald Joseph Ahearn a...
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