Department(s): Recorder of Deeds
Other Part(ies): PropertyInfo Corp, Houston, Texas
Request: Authorization to enter into an interagency agreement
Good(s) or Service(s): CCRD maintains a public search website allowing the Purchaser access to certain land record data and document images filed with the Recorder and to data from the bulk database index information system.
Agreement period: 3/14/2018 - 3/13/2020, and one renewal
Fiscal Impact: FY 2018 $600,000.00, FY 2019 $600,000 -Revenue Generating
Accounts: Recorder Revenue Fee; General Fund Revenue
Agreement Number(s): N/A-
Summary/Notes: The Purchaser will have access to copies of data for a bulk purchase and the Purchaser will deposit funds with Recorder of Deeds for fees in advance of receiving the Data requested. The agreement for 2 years at a new flat rate of $600,000.00/year. Total anticipated revenue is $3.750 million over the life of the contract including revenue received to date.