Requestor: David B. Guerin, President, Village of River Grove
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of River Grove
Volume and Property Index Number:
071, 12-35-100-012-0000
Summary: The Village of River Grove has targeted a location within the community for municipal use. In the interest of the utilizing this property for said purposes, the Village of River Grove is seeking title to the tax delinquent property, and requests that the Cook County Board of Commissioners submit a No Cash Bid for this property on behalf of the Village. This Request Package contains one (1) PIN, which is a vacant sliver of land adjoining a nearby park. The property has been maintained and used by the Village as a paved thoroughfare, for access to the park and surrounding residential areas. Likely due to a drafting error in the past, the property was never conveyed to the Village. Due to the small width of the property, a home cannot be built at the location. If the Village of River Grove were to obtain title to the property, it will file for tax exempt status for the property because it will retain the property for continued use to serve the adjoining park and residential areas. The area suffers from poor drainage, and the Village would be able to reconstruct the property in a manner to greatly improve the drainage in the area. This will benefit the surrounding residential property owners.
This request does not contain a Third Party Requestor. The Village bear all legal and other costs associated with acquisition of the parcel. The Village of River Grove agrees to submit, to the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development, No Cash Bid Reports on the status of the parcel for five years, or development is complete, whichever occurs last, as required by the Cook County No Cash Bid Ordinance.