Requestor: Don DeGraff, Mayor, Village of South Holland
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of South Holland
Volume and Property Index Number:
201, 29-09-407-003-0000; 202, 29-10-302-001-0000; 202, 29-10-302-002-0000; 202, 29-10-302-003-0000; 202, 29-10-302-004-0000; 213, 29-21-200-060-0000; 214, 29-21-402-018-0000; 215, 29-23-401-063-0000; 215, 29-23-401-070-0000; 215, 29-23-401-072-0000
Summary: Please accept this request to obtain the following ten (10) vacant Parcels: PIN 201, 29-09-407-003-0000 - Unoccupied Commercial Structure, vacant since 2014. PIN 202, 29-10-302-001-0000 - Unoccupied Commercial Structure, vacant since 2014. PIN 202, 29-10-302-002-0000 - Unoccupied Commercial Structure, vacant since 2014. PIN 202, 29-10-302-003-0000- -Unoccupied Commercial Structure, vacant since 2014. PIN 202, 29-10-302-004-0000- -Unoccupied Commercial Structure, vacant since 2014. PIN 213, 29-21-200-060-0000 - Vacant Land. PIN 214, 29-21-402-018-0000 - Unoccupied Commercial Structure, vacant since 6/2021. PIN 215, 29-23-401-063-0000 - Unoccupied Commercial Structure, vacant since 2011. PIN 215, 29-23-401-070-0000 - Unoccupied Commercial Structure, vacant since 2011. PIN 215, 29-23-401-072-0000 - Unoccupied Industrial Structure, vacant since 2/2021.
The Village intends to use these parcels for economic redevelopment. There are no third-party requestors. The Village agrees to report the status of the parcels to the Cook County Department of Planning & Development annually for five consecutive years or until the property is transferred to a developer, whichever occurs last, as required by the Cook County No Cash Bid Ordinance. Also, the Village will apply for tax-exempt status on the parcels once a tax deed is obtained until the parcels are transferred to a developer. The Village will bear all costs to proceed to tax deed and perform all other legal and other activities associated with this program.
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