Requestor: Jeff Walik, President, Village of Stickney
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Stickney
Volume and Property Index Number:
188, 19-06-205-058-0000; 188, 19-06-205-060-0000; 188, 19-06-205-061-0000
Summary: The Village is interested in acquiring the following three (3) parcels, collectively referred to herein as the “Properties”. PIN 19-06-205-058-0000 is a one story 5-17 commercial structure that has been unoccupied since about 2011. PIN 19-06-205-060-0000 is a one story 5-17 commercial structure that has been unoccupied since about 2011. PIN 19-06-205-061-0000 is a one story 5-17 commercial structure that has been unoccupied since about 2011. The Village intends to use these Properties to solicit proposals for the redevelopment of the Properties, which will include the rehabilitation and/or redevelopment of taxable improvements on the Properties.
The Village also intends to do the following: File for tax-exempt status on these Properties if the Properties are used for municipal purposes or until the tax deed is conveyed to a developer for redevelopment purposes; Manage the Properties after acquisition; Publicly market and dispose of the Properties in a public and transparent manner consistent with all applicable state and local laws; Hire legal counsel to assist with obtaining the tax deeds for the Properties; Bear all costs associated with acquiring the Properties, including legal fees; and File with the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development No-Cash Bid Reports reporting the status of the Properties for five (5) years or until the development is complete, whichever occurs last. There is no third-party requestor related to these Properties.