Requestor: Mary Werner, President, Village of Worth
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Worth
Volume and Property Index Number:
152, 23-24-211-027-0000; 152, 23-24-211-028-0000; 245, 24-18-303-006-0000; 246, 24-19-209-034-0000; 246, 24-19-410-017-0000
Summary: On behalf of the Village, please find enclosed the Village of Worth's no-cash bid request package for the 2021-2022 No Cash Bid Program for five (5) PINs, as follows: The Village has retained legal counsel to obtain tax deeds to the above-noted parcels and will bear all legal and other costs associated with the acquisition of these parcels. As detailed hereinbelow, the Village anticipates marketing the properties for private redevelopment in the event it is able to obtain tax deed(s) but has not yet fielded any third-party requests or otherwise identified a specific investor or third party to whom the Village presently plans to deed any particular parcel. There have not been any third-party requests made to the Village to acquire any of the above-properties. The Village will submit to the Cook County Planning and Development Department no-cash bid reports on the status of each parcel until the later of five years or the completion of redevelopment.
PINs 23-24-211-027-0000 and 23-24-211-028-0000, collectively comprise the property commonly known as 11318 S. Harlem Avenue, Worth, Illinois 60482. The property is now vacant land following a devastating fire around 2012 that destroyed a Chinese restaurant formerly situated on the property. The property no longer features any vertical improvements, but is paved. The property would be ideally suited for redevelopment either as an off-street surface parking lot serving the adjacent commercial strip mall to the north with just minimal investment for grading and paving improvements or with the construction of a new commercial structure. Either outcome would enhance the surrounding commercial di...
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