WHEREAS, Enclave Learning & Earning Center (Enclave O’Hare) is a not-for-profit socioeconomic development and education initiative; and
WHEREAS, Enclave O'Hare focuses rapt attention and other energy on highly personal ways to support entrepreneurial individuals and their influencers, more so than on supporting the financial growth of their ventures; and
WHEREAS, a philosophy that Enclave prioritizes is people first, ventures second, and profits third; and
WHEREAS, in 2022, Enclave is celebrating its 5th year anniversary of helping entrepreneurs; and
WHEREAS, Enclave is led by the inimitable, John Dallas, who brings a lifetime of successful experience as a businessman and entrepreneur; and
WHEREAS, Enclave remains a priceless resource in our community in helping to drive more business innovation; and
WHEREAS, supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs is a vital component in continuing to provide opportunities to our community members; and
WHEREAS, the 15th District and the entire Cook County Board of Commissioners celebrate this momentous anniversary alongside the entire Enclave community; and
WHEREAS, Enclave represents the best of partnership and innovation in Cook County; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Board of the Cook County Commissioner would like to recognize both John Dallas for his exemplary work and Enclave, for 5 years of creating a space for entrepreneurs to thrive; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that suitable copies of this resolution are presented to John Dallas and Enclave.