(Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee 3/15/2023))
Sponsored by: BILL LOWRY, Cook County Board of Commissioners
Sec. 2-504. Cook County Cannabis Commission.
(a) Commission members. The Cook County Cannabis Commission will comprise of 11 members.
(1) The Cannabis Commission will include seven Commissioners. The Vice-Chair of the Litigation Sub-Committee Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee, the Chair of the Zoning and Building Committee, the Vice-Chair of Business and Economic Development Committee, the Vice-Chair of the Criminal Justice Committee, the Chair of Health and Hospitals Committee and the Chair of the Rules and Administration Committee. The Vice-Chair of the Litigation Sub-Committee Chair of the Rules and Administration Committee shall serve as the Chair of the Commission and the Chair of Finance Committee shall serve as the Vice-Chair of the Commission. In the event any of the seven above-mentioned Commissioners are unable to attend a Cannabis Commission meeting, the absent Commissioner may, through written notification to the Chair of the Cannabis Commission and the Secretary to the Board, and no later than two business days prior to the Cannabis Commission meeting, appoint the vice chair of their respective committee to serve on the Commission for the duration of the subsequent Cannabis Commission meeting.
(2) The Cannabis Commission will also include an employee representative of the Department of Public Health, the Justice Advisory Council, the Bureau of Finance, and the Bureau of Economic Development; said employee representatives will be appointed by the President.
Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption (or give specific date)