WHEREAS, the collection, processing and disposal of municipal solid waste is a fundamental responsibility of local governments to protect public health, safeguard the environment, and provide for an improved solid waste management system; and
WHEREAS, the Illinois Solid Waste Planning & Recycling Act (415 ILCS 15/) requires Illinois counties to have a solid waste management plan (SWMP), form an advisory committee to help create the plan, and update the SWMP every five years; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Municipal Code: Chapter 30, Article VI: Solid Waste and Recycling, establishes the creation of the solid waste advisory committee, requires the designation of a county solid waste coordinator, and sets forth waste hauler reporting requirements; and
WHEREAS, Cook County adopted its original plan in 1996 and the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved plan updates in 2000, 2012, and 2018; and
WHEREAS, the 2024 SWMP update was designed by the Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability (DES) in conjunction with the University of Illinois: Illinois Sustainable Technology Center; and
WHEREAS, the 2024 SWMP update was completed in cooperation with the Cook County Solid Waste Advisory Committee, which included representatives from the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, the West Cook County Solid Waste Agency, the South Suburban Mayors & Managers Association, Lakeshore Recycling Systems, McDonalds USA, Rush University Hospital, Faith in Place, the Plant Chicago, the Greater Chicago Food Depository, the Chicago Sustainability Task Force, and the City of Chicago: Department of Streets & Sanitation; and
WHEREAS, DES provided a copy of the 2024 SWMP update to all 134 municipalities within the County and posted the proposed updated plan for public review and comment on the Department's website; and
WHEREAS, the updated SWMP presents a progres...
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