Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Labor Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/30/2015 9:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
Meeting Rescheduled from 6/30/2015 @ 11:00 AM to 6/30/2015 @ 9:30 AM
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleMotionResultAction DetailsVideo
15-4166 1  Committee MinutesCOMMITTEE MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 6/9/2015   Not available Video Video
15-3641 1 APPROVING ECONOMIC PACKAGE INCLUDING WAGE INCREASES AND HEALTHCAREResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION APPROVING ECONOMIC PACKAGE INCLUDING WAGE INCREASES AND HEALTHCARE WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and WHEREAS, a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period of December 1, 2012 through November 30, 2017 has been negotiated between the County of Cook and the Cook County Pharmacy Association, Chicago Joint Board, Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union Local 200 (RWDSU Local 200) representing Health & Hospital System Administrative Assistants III’s and IV’s, Talent Management Assistants, Talent Management Specialists, Human Resource Specialists and Recruitment and Selection Analyst; and WHEREAS, a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period of December 1, 2012 through November 30, 2017 has been negotiated between the County of Cook and the Cook County Pharmacy Association, Chicago Joint Board, Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union Local 200 (RWDSU Local 200) representing Health & Hospital System Administrative Ass   Not available Video Video
15-3648 1 Approving economic package including wage increases and healthcareResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION APPROVING ECONOMIC PACKAGE INCLUDING WAGE INCREASES AND HEALTHCARE WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and WHEREAS, a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period of December 1, 2012 through November 30, 2017 has been negotiated between the County of Cook and Health Care, Professional, Technical, Office Warehouse and Mail Order Employees, Union Local No. 743 representing Provident Hospital Employees; and WHEREAS salary adjustments and general wage increases are reflected in the Salary Schedules included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the County of Cook and Union Local No. 743; and (a) effective the first full pay period on or after June 1, 2013 the pay rates for all classifications shall be increased 1.00% (b) effective the first full pay period on or after June 1, 2014 the pay rates for all classifications shall be increased 1.50% (c) effective the first full pay period on or after June 1, 2015   Not available Video Video
15-3649 1 APPROVING ECONOMIC PACKAGE INCLUDING WAGE INCREASES AND HEALTHCAREResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION APPROVING ECONOMIC PACKAGE INCLUDING WAGE INCREASES AND HEALTHCARE WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and WHEREAS, a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period of December 1, 2012 through November 30, 2017 has been negotiated between the County of Cook and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 700 (representing employees in Enterprise Solutions and Facilities Management); and WHEREAS salary adjustments and general wage increases are reflected in the Salary Schedules included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the County of Cook and Teamsters Local 700; and (a) effective the first full pay period on or after June 1, 2013 the pay rates for all classifications shall be increased 1.00% (b) effective the first full pay period on or after June 1, 2014 the pay rates for all classifications shall be increased 1.50% (c) effective the first full pay period on or after June 1, 2015 the pay rates f   Not available Video Video