Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/13/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
Issued on: 3/7/2025
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Click to Watch Live, To comment on an item on this agenda, click here, New Items 3-13-2025.pdf, Second New Items 3-13-2025.pdf, Third New Items 3-13-2025.pdf, Errata Board Agenda 3-13-2025.pdf, Second Errata Board Agenda 3-13-2025.pdf, Fourth New Items 3-13-2025.pdf, PUBLIC SPEAKERS COOK COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING 3-13-2025 - Post Meeting Update
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25-1695 1 CALLING FOR A HEARING OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE FROM THE PUBLIC SAFETY COUNTY STAKEHOLDERS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SAFEGUARDS FOR THE PROTECTION OF GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE SURVIVORS AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS MEDIATIONS AND CHILD RResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A HEARING OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE FROM THE PUBLIC SAFETY COUNTY STAKEHOLDERS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SAFEGUARDS FOR THE PROTECTION OF GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE SURVIVORS AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS MEDIATIONS AND CHILD REPRESENTATION WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners took a stance to work towards the full protection of domestic violence and gender-based violence survivors; and WHEREAS, as part of the Cook County Domestic Violence Initiative, the Board passed an amendment to provide funding as part of the FY2022 budget to improve and expand services for survivors of domestic violence, to address the immediate needs of Domestic Violence Court operations and to establish a 24 hour, 7 day a week court operation for Domestic Violence Court proceedings; and WHEREAS, said measure was to ensure that adequate funding is available to improve and streamline operations, increase efficiency, and provide accurate information in the criminal justice system, all with the goal of ensuring the public safety of the residenreferPass Action details Not available
25-1720 1 Endorsing the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus’ Greenest Region CompactResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION Endorsing the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus’ Greenest Region Compact WHEREAS, Cook County has a history of environmental stewardship, from energy efficiency, water conservation, land stewardship and participation in clean air initiatives; and WHEREAS, it is important for local governments throughout the United States to take leadership roles to advance sustainability both in their own communities and in concert with regional, national and global initiatives; and WHEREAS, Cook County Offices Under the President (OUP) is committed to supporting healthy, resilient communities that thrive economically, socially and environmentally through the Sustainable Communities pillar of its Policy Roadmap strategic plan; and WHEREAS, Cook County OUP fosters Sustainable Communities by implementing programs that remediate pollution, conserve resources, promote renewable energy and energy efficiency, implement green natural infrastructure solutions to mitigate flooding and improve access to green spaces; and WHEREAS, Cook County provides technical assistance and suapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1086 1 Cook County Taxpayers' Interest Assurance Ordinance: Annual Compliance Request for Information Regarding Depository Accounts Held in FY2024 TIAO Annual Compliance Request for Information Regarding Depository Accounts Held in FY 2024ReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Finance - Office of the Chief Financial Officer Report Title: Cook County Taxpayers’ Interest Assurance Ordinance: Annual Compliance Request for Information Regarding Depository Accounts Held in Fiscal Year 2024. Report Period: 12/1/2023 - 11/30/2024 Summary: This report is to comply with the requirements of the Taxpayers’ Interest Assurance Ordinance, under which the CFO compiles information from various departments relative to accounts with financial institutions and forward the same to the Board.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1235 1 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR A LINE OF CREDIT AND RELATED DOCUMENTS AND THE ISSUANCE OF ONE OR MORE PROMISSORY NOTES IN CONNECTION THEREWITHOrdinancePROPOSED ORDINANCE ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR A LINE OF CREDIT AND RELATED DOCUMENTS AND THE ISSUANCE OF ONE OR MORE PROMISSORY NOTES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, Section 6(a) of Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois provides that “a County which has a Chief Executive Officer elected by the electors of the County ... (is) a Home Rule Unit” and The County of Cook, Illinois (the “County”), has a Chief Executive Officer elected by the electors of the County and is therefore a Home Rule Unit and may, under the power granted by said Section 6(a) of Article VII of the Constitution of 1970, as supplemented by the Local Government Debt Reform Act, as amended, the (“Act”), exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs, including, but not limited to, the power to tax and to incur debt; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the County has the power to incur debt payable from any lawful source and maturing within 40 years from the time it is incurred without prior referendum appreferPass Action details Not available
25-1486 1 COVID-19 Financial Response ReportReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Finance Report Title: COVID-19 Financial Response Report Report Period: 3/1/2020-2/12/2025 Summary: This report serves as an update on Cook County’s Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), FEMA PA and ERA fund use for COVID-19 efforts. It covers activity for the period from March 1, 2020, through February 12, 2025. This report includes updates on the County’s FEMA PA, Emergency Rental Assistance and American Rescue Plan Act grant allocations.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1191 1 MGT of Impact Solutions, LLC, Tampa, FloridaContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Budget and Management Services Vendor: MGT Impact Solutions, LLC, Tampa, Florida Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Cost Allocation Consulting Services Contract Value: $424,200.00 Contract period: 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2028 with two (2) one-year renewal options Contract Utilization: The Contract specific goal set on this contract is zero. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $140,000.00, FY 2026 $141,400.00, FY 2027 $142,800.00 Accounts: 11000.1490.11030.520830 Contract Number(s): 2514-12310 Summary: Department of Budget & Management Services is requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into a contract with MGT Impact Solutions, LLC., Tampa, FL to receive their technical assistance and expertise in developing the County’s cost allocation of expenditures to the Transportation Fund in compliance with the State of Illinois Safe Roads amendment. This is a Sole Source Procurement pursuant to Section 34-139 of the CapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1514 1 Board Resolution 22-0637 ARPA Budget Transfer ApprovalsReportREPORT Department: Department of Budget & Management Services Report Title: Board Resolution 22-0637 ARPA Budget Transfer Approvals Report Period: February 1, 2025 - February 28, 2025 Summary: Pursuant to Board Resolution 22-0637, the Department of Budget & Management Services (DBMS) may approve budgetary transfers required to implement the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) initiatives approved by the Board of Commissioners within the special purpose fund established for the County’s allocation of ARPA Funding. Attached, please find a report of all transfers made within the ARPA special purpose fund between February 1, 2025, and February 28, 2025. Please note, the report presents the information in three different formats: Summary of Budget Transfers: reflects a summary of all transfers by fund and department, and the purpose of the transfer. Transfers By Department: reflects all transfers by Department, delineating the accounts out of and into which such transfers were made. Transfers By Fund: reflects all transfers by Fund, delineating the Departmreceive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1632 1 FY2025 Quarter 1 Capital Improvements and Equipment Funding and Project ReportsReportREPORT Department: Department of Budget & Management Services Report Title: FY2025 Quarter 1 Capital Improvements and Equipment Funding and Project Reports Report Period: December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025 Summary: Pursuant to Section 16 of the FY2025 Annual Appropriations Bill, please find enclosed the FY2025 Quarter 1 Capital Improvements and Equipment Funding and Project Reports. The reports outline adjustments to capital funding that occurred during, and the unencumbered balances that exist in the Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment funds at the end of the 1st Quarter of FY2025.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1633 1 FY2025 1st Quarter Grants ReportReportREPORT Department: Department of Budget & Management Services Report Title: FY2025 1st Quarter Grants Report Report Period: December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025 Summary: Pursuant to Section 28 of the Cook County Resolution and Appropriation Bill for FY2025, the Department of Budget & Management Services submits the attached list of grant awards received by Cook County Departments and Agencies during the 1st Quarter of the fiscal year (December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025).receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1683 1 FY2025 1st Quarter Budget Transfers Under $50,000ReportREPORT Department: Department of Budget & Management Services Report Title: FY2025 1st Quarter Budget Transfers Under $50,000 Report Period: December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025 Summary: Pursuant to Section 9 of the Cook County Resolution and Appropriation Bill for FY2025, the Department of Budget & Management Services submits the attached list of budget transfers of under $50,000 made by Cook County Departments and Agencies from December 1, 2024 through February 28, 2025.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1710 1 FY2025 1st Quarter FTE Position ReclassificationsReportREPORT Department: Department of Budget and Management Services Report Title: FY2025 1st Quarter FTE Position Reclassifications Report Period: December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025 Summary: Pursuant to Section 10 of the Annual Appropriation Bill and Budget Resolution, before any position is recommended for reclassification. the relevant Agency of the County must obtain prior approval of the Budget Director to validate available funding. Section 10 further requires this office to issue a report to the Board of Commissioners of approved position reclassifications on a quarterly basis for the preceding quarter.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1518 1 Bills and Claims Report 1/14/2025-2/18/2025ReportREPORT Department: Comptroller’s Office Report Title: Bills and Claims Report Report Period: 1/14/2025 - 2/18/2025 Summary: This report to be received and filed is to comply with the Amended Procurement Code Chapter 34-125 (k). The Comptroller shall provide to the Board of Commissioners a report of all payments made pursuant to contracts for supplies, materials and equipment and for professional and managerial services for Cook County, including the separately elected Officials, which involve an expenditure of $150,000.00 or more, within two (2) weeks of being made. Such reports shall include: 1. The name of the Vendor; 2. A brief description of the product or service provided; 3. The name of the Using Department and budgetary account from which the funds are being drawn; and 4. The contract number under which the payment is being made.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1689 1 Annual Diversity Report Fiscal Year 2024ReportREPORT Department: Office of the Chief Procurement Officer Report Title: Annual Diversity Report Fiscal Year 2024 Report Period: December 1, 2023 - November 30, 2024 Summary: This report is to be received and filed to comply with the Amended Procurement Code Chapter 34-280(a). The CPO or designee shall provide the Board of Commissioners a report detailing the County’s performance under the program which outlines annual participation goals.referPass Action details Not available
25-1487 1 CCH Genetic CounselingGrant Award AmendmentPROPOSED GRANT AWARD AMENDMENT Department: Cook County Health Grantee: Cook County Health Grantor: Illinois Department of Public Health Request: Authorization to increase appropriation. Purpose: CCH Genetics Counseling Supplemental Grant Amount: N/A Grant Period: 2/1/2025 - 6/30/2027 Extension Period: N/A Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A Date of Previous Board Authorization for Grant: 11/21/2024 Previous Grant Amount: $125,000.00 Concurrences: The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. Summary: This is a request to increase the appropriation by $261,896.40 for Program Number 54713, for a total of $386,896.40.approvePass Action details Not available
25-1681 1 HIV SVCS Population Centered Health Homes - HRSA Part AGrant AwardPROPOSED GRANT AWARD Department: Cook County Health (CCH) Grantee: Cook County Health Grantor: Chicago Department of Public Health Request: Authorization to accept grant Purpose: HIV SERVICES -Population Centered Health Homes - HRSA PCHH. Grant Amount: $4,794,668.00 Grant Period: 3/1/2025 - 2/28/2026 Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A. Concurrences: The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. Summary: Cook County HIV Integrated Programs (CCHIP) utilizes CDPH Part A funding to expand comprehensive, community-based services across its sites: Austin Health Center, Provident Hospital, Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center, and South Suburban HIV/AIDS Regional Clinics (SSHARC). These funds support key service categories, including Ambulatory Outpatient Care, Mental Health, Outpatient Substance Use, Oral Health, Early Intervention Services, Outreach, and Psychosocial Support Services. With this investment, CCHIP has strengthened its integrated care model, ensuring improvedapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0446 1 2024 Annual Countywide Fleet ReportReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Administration Report Title: 2024 Annual Countywide Fleet Report Report Period: 2024 Summary: Pursuant to ARTICLE VIII, Sec. 2-671 (e)(7), the Vehicle Steering Committee shall update the Board of Commissioners annually on the fleet inventory Countywide.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0919 1 Intergovernmental Agreement with the Cook County Forest Preserve DistrictIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois (“FPDCC”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Design Engineering, Construction and Construction Engineering Improvements Location: FPDCC, Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois Section: 21-A6107-00-PV Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 15 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the County and the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. The County of Cook (“County”) will be the lead agency for design engineering, construction and construction engineering improvements for multi-use trail spur on FPDCC property at the northeast corner of Central Road and Huntington Boulevard (Trail Spur) to connect the proposed mureferPass Action details Not available
25-0930 1 Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)_ 55th Street ProjectIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Illinois State Department of Transportation (“State”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: Preparation of plans and Specifications Location: City of Countryside, Illinois Section: 25-55LGR-00-SS Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 17 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $402,500.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the County and the State. The State will be the lead agency for preparation of plans and specifications, obtain all necessary right-of-way, construction and construction engineering improvements along 55th Street from La Grange Road to East Avenue; The State will include construction and installation of upsizing of storm sewer pipe for the County as approvePass Action details Not available
25-1080 1 Intergovernmental Agreement with Elk Grove VillageIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Elk Grove Village, Illinois (“Village”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: Design Engineering, Construction and Construction Engineering Location: Village of Elk Grove Village, Illinois Section: 24-BREPN-00-BR Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 15 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: N/A Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the County and the Village of Elk Grove. The County will be the lead agency for design engineering, construction and construction engineering for improvements along Meacham Road Bridge over West Branch Salt Creek. Upon completion of the Project, the County will continue to own, operate and maintain those portion of Meacham Road under its established jurisdictional autreferPass Action details Not available
25-1112 1 Construction Monthly Status Report – January 2025ReportREPORT Department: Transportation and Highways Report Title: Bureau of Construction Status Report Report Period: 1/1/2025 - 1/31/2025 Action: Receive and File Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests that the status report be received and filed for Construction for the month of January 2025.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1197 1 Contract for Tractor Mowers with Attachments - co. no. 2457-10011Contract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Alta Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Alta Construction Equipment Illinois, LLC, Orland Park, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Tractor Mowers with Attachments Location: District 1-Schaumburg, District 2-DesPlaines, District 4-Orland Park, District 5-Riverdale Section: N/A Contract Value: $593,584.00 Contract period: 4/11/2025 - 4/10/2027 with one (1), one (1) year renewal option Contract Utilization: The contract specific goal set on this contract was zero.. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $593,584.00 Accounts: Capital Equipment: 11569.1500.21120.560155 Contract Number(s): 2457-10011 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of proposed contract between Alta Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Alta Construction Equipment Illinois, LLC., Orland Park, Illinois. This Contract will provide for the creferPass Action details Not available
25-1232 1 Agreement for Joint Funding Agreement_ Busse Road_C-91-048-25Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): State of Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Request: Approval of proposed Joint Funding Agreement for Construction Work Goods or Services: Construction and Construction Engineering Location: Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois Section Number: 20-W7141-00-PV County Board District: 9 Centerline Mileage: N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Agreement Number(s): N/A Fiscal Impact: $15,827,279.00 ($1,116,279.00 to be reimbursed from the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) Congressional Directed Spending Funds. Accounts: MFT: 11300.1500.29152.521536, ($14,711,000.00); 11300.1500.54673.560019 ($1,116,279.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed agreement between the County and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation. The County will be the lead agency for construction and construction engineering for improvements along BusreferPass Action details Not available
25-1281 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for Design Engineering Services for Various Locations CountywideSupplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of proposed Supplement Improvement Resolution Project: Design Engineering Services for Various Locations Countywide Location: Countywide Section: 21-8DESV-00-EG, 21-8DESV-01-EG, 21-8DESV-02-EG, 21-8DESV-03-EG County Board District: Countywide Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $8,000,000.00 (FY2025, $4,000,000.00; FY20262, $4,000,000.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019 Board Approved Date and Amount: 7/29/2021, $20,000,000.00 Increased Amount: $8,000,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $28,000,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for work being done throughout various locations in Cook County. The work being done is Design Engineering Services for Various Locations Countywide in Cook County. The total supplemental amount forreferPass Action details Not available
25-1282 1 Contract for Long Range Transportation Plan 2050 Contract no. 2316-10197Contract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: CDM Smith, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Planning Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-6LRTP-02-ES Contract Value: $1,224,262.00 Contract period: 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2028 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: 11300.1500.29150.520830 FY2025 ($249.815.50) FY2026 ($499.631.00) FY2027 ($249,815.50) 11900.1500.54545.520830 FY2025 ($56,250.00) FY2026 ($112,500.00) FY2027 ($56,250.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Funds: 11300.1500.29150.520830 ($999,262.00) State Planning and Research Funds: 11900.1500.54545.520830 ($225,000.00) Contract Number(s): 2316-10197A Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests the approval of the proposed Contract between Cook County and CDM Smith, Inc., Chicago,referPass Action details Not available
25-1310 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for PPRP North 2021Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution Project: Pavement Preservation and Rehabilitation Program - North 2021 Location: Villages of Arlington Heights, Elk Grove, Mount Prospect, Palatine, Schaumburg, and Roselle Section: 20-PPRPN-00-PV County Board District: 14, 15 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $70,000.00 (FY2025) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019 Board Approved Date and Amount: 7/30/2020, $16,300,000.00; 6/24/2021, $4,000,000.00 Increased Amount: $70,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $20,370,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for working being done in various Villages throughout the 14th and 15th Districts in Cook County. A resolution appropriating the funds are for the Pavement Preservation and RehabilitatreferPass Action details Not available
25-1469 1 Improvement Resolution for Cook County 2050 Long Range Transportation PlanImprovement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: Cook County 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan Location: Countywide Section: 23-6LRTP-02-ES County Board District(s): Countywide Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $1,225,000.00 (FY25 $306,250.00; FY26 $612,500.00; FY27 $306,250.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.520850 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed improvement resolution for work being done throughout Cook County. The resolution is appropriating funds for the Cook County 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) in Cook County.referPass Action details Not available
25-1599 1 Indoor Air Quality IGA (Cook County and University of Illinois)Intergovernmental AgreementPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Department: Bureau of Asset Management Other Part(ies): The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the County of Champaign, Illinois Request: Request to Enter Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: Indoor Air Quality Assistance Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: 4/10/2025 - 4/10/2026, with one (1), one (1) year renewal option Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A Summary: The Parties desire to enter into an intergovernmental agreement in which Champaign County through the CCRPC/ICRT and U. of I. agree to assist Cook County by providing technical assistance, evaluation, and training services for healthy buildings. The assessment(s) shall be inclusive of, but not limited to, solutions improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in Cook County facilities. Services shall include, but are not limited to, specific deliverables from the Clean Air Buildings Challenge, including a clean IAQ action plan, education and communication plan for stakeholders, best practices to improve aireferPass Action details Not available
25-1119 1 Production Distribution Companies, Inc.ContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management Vendor: Production Distribution Companies, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): General Electric Lamps and LED Lamps, Sylvania Lamps and Ballasts, Halco Lamps and Ballasts, Lithonia Lamps and Ballasts Contract Value: $700,000.00 Contract period: 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2028 with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. The prime vendor is a certified MBE.. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $155,555.56, FY 2026 $233,333.34, FY 2027 $233.333.33, FY 2028 $77,777.77 Accounts: 11100.1200.12355.530188 Contract Number(s): 2419-11062A Summary: This contract will allow the Department of Facilities Management to procure General Electric Lamps and LED Lamps, Sylvania Lamps and Ballasts, Halco Lamps and Ballasts, Lithonia Lamps and Ballasts. The vendoapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1120 1 J.P. Simons and CompanyContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management Vendor: J.P. Simons and Company, Glendale Heights, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): General Electric Ballasts, Remphos Lamps and Ballasts Contract Value: $450,000.00 Contract period: 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2028, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. The prime vendor is a certified WBE. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $100,000.00, FY 2026 $150,00.00, FY 2027 $150,000.00 FY 2028 $50,000.00 Accounts: 11100.1200.12355.530188 Contract Number(s): 2419-11062B Summary: This contract will allow the Department of Facilities Management to receive General Electric Ballasts, Remphos Lamps and Ballasts. The vendor was selected pursuant to a publicly advertised Invitation for Bids (IFB) in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. J.P. Simons and approvePass Action details Not available
25-1432 1 Independent Recycling ServicesContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management, Cook County’s Sheriff’s Office and Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office Vendor: Independent Recycling Services, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to Increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Waste Removal, Disposal and Recycling Services Original Contract Period: 11/15/2023 - 11/14/2026, with one (1), two (2) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Increase Proposed Contract Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $2,737,102.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 10/19/2023, $2,365,232.00 Increase Requested: $430,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): $371,870.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: TapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1472 1 The Stone GroupContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Facilities Management Vendor: The Stone Group, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to Increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Maintenance of Grease Trap Pumping and Water Jetting of Sewer Lines Original Contract Period: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2026, with one (1), two (2) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Increase Proposed Contract Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $834,424.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 6/29/2023, $624,424.00 Increase Requested: $210,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: The contract specific goal set on this contract was zero . Potential Fiscal Impact: (Build Up Cook, - BUC: FY 2025 $210,000.00) Accounts: (BUC) approvePass Action details Not available
25-1696 1 Furniture Donation ResolutionResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION TO COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, Midwest Moving and Storage, located in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, desires to donate various pieces of office furniture, including tables, chairs, lockers, and marker boards, to Cook County for use by the Cook County Bureau of Asset Management and its departments (estimated value of the furniture is approximately $94,000.00); and WHEREAS, upon acceptance of the donation, Midwest Moving will transport the furniture to the Hawthorne Warehouse, where it will be added to the County’s salvage supply; and WHEREAS, the Bureau and its departments always first consider using salvaged furniture for capital improvement projects when possible before purchasing new furniture for County use; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Cook County is hereby authorized to accept this donation on behalf of the Cook County Bureau of Asset Management and shall transfer the furniture to Cook County.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0011 1 FGM Architects, Chicago, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy Vendor: FGM Architects, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Architectural and Engineering Services for Corporate Portfolio - Renovation of 7th and 11th Floor at County Building and Real Estate Development for Oak Forest Campus Original Contract Period: 11/1/2023 - 10/31/2026 with two (2) one-year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Increase Proposed Contract Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $4,992,609.09 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board 10/19/2023 $4,992,609.09 Increase Requested: $246,025.00 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-ownedreferPass Action details Not available
25-1588 1 Westside Health Lease AmendmentLease Agreement AmendmentPROPOSED LEASE AMENDMENT Department: Department of Real Estate Management Request: Request to Approve Lease Agreement Amendment Landlord: Westside Health Authority Tenant: County of Cook, for use by Cook County Health (CCH) Location: 4800 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60651 Term/Extension Period: 4/23/2025 - 7/22/2029 Space Occupied: 14,960 sq. ft. Monthly Rent: Lease Year Annual Base Rent Estimated CAM/Taxes Total Est. Rent 1.5% Escalation 3% Escalation 4/23/25 to 7/22/25 $7,192.58 $3,728.90 $10,921.48 7/23/25 to 7/22/26 $29,201.85 $15,363.15 $44,565.00 7/23/26 to 7/22/27 $29,639.88 $15,824.02 $45,463.90 7/23/27 to 7/22/28 $30,084.48 $16,298.74 $46,347.22 7/23/28 to 7/22/29 $30,535.75 $16,787.67 $47,323.42 Total Fiscal Impact $126,654.54 $68,002.48 $194,621.02 Fiscal Impact: $194,621.02 (Term of Lease) Accounts: 41215.4893.10700.550130 Option to Renew: N/A Termination: N/A Utilities Included: Paid by Tenant Summary: Requesting approval to amend the existing lease agreement between WestsidereferPass Action details Not available
25-1499 1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY NOTES OF THE COUNTY; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO - 720 N. WellsOrdinancePROPOSED ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY NOTES OF THE COUNTY; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, Cook County (the “County”), is a county duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Illinois (the “State”), and is a home rule unit of local government of the State pursuant to the 1970 Constitution of the State (the “Constitution”), and is further authorized pursuant to the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act of Illinois, 50 ILCS 50/1 et seq., as amended (the “PACE Act”) to establish a property assessed clean energy program (the “PACE Program”), create a PACE area (as defined in the PACE Act) and finance and/or refinance energy projects (as defined in the PACE Act) (the “Energy Projects”), and may, under the power granted by Section 6(a) of Article VII of the Constitution, as supplemented by the Local Government Debt Reform Act of the State of Illinois, as amended (the “Debt Reform Act”), and the other Omnibus Bond Acts, as amended, exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its goversuspend the rulesPass Action details Not available
25-1499 1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY NOTES OF THE COUNTY; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO - 720 N. WellsOrdinancePROPOSED ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY NOTES OF THE COUNTY; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, Cook County (the “County”), is a county duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Illinois (the “State”), and is a home rule unit of local government of the State pursuant to the 1970 Constitution of the State (the “Constitution”), and is further authorized pursuant to the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act of Illinois, 50 ILCS 50/1 et seq., as amended (the “PACE Act”) to establish a property assessed clean energy program (the “PACE Program”), create a PACE area (as defined in the PACE Act) and finance and/or refinance energy projects (as defined in the PACE Act) (the “Energy Projects”), and may, under the power granted by Section 6(a) of Article VII of the Constitution, as supplemented by the Local Government Debt Reform Act of the State of Illinois, as amended (the “Debt Reform Act”), and the other Omnibus Bond Acts, as amended, exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its goverapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0036 1 Zoning Ordinance AmendmentOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Appendix A - Zoning to Part II - Land Development Ordinances of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows: ARTICLE 1. TITLE 1.1. Title. ARTICLE 2. PURPOSE 2.0. Purpose. ARTICLE 3. ZONING DISTRICTS 3.1. Establishment of districts. 3.2. Zoning maps. 3.3. Area included. ARTICLE 4. - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 4.0. - Purpose. 4.1. - R-1 Single-Family Residence District. 4.2. - R-2 Single-Family Residence District. 4.3. - R-3 Single-Family Residence District. 4.4. - R-4 Single-Family Residence Districts. 4.5. - R-5 Single-Family Residence District. 4.5A. - R-5A Residential Transition District. 4.6. - R-6 General Residence District. 4.7. - R-7 General Residence District. 4.8. - R-8 General Residence District. ARTICLE 5. - COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS 5.0. - Purpose. 5.1. - C-1 Restricted Business District. 5.2. - C-2 Restricted Office District. 5.3. - C-3 General Service District. 5.4. - C-4 General Commercial DireferPass Action details Not available
25-1481 1 25 W. Waltz LLCResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION 25 W. Waltz LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: 25 W. Waltz LLC Address: 25 W. Waltz, Wheeling, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Wheeling Cook County District: 14th District Permanent Index Number: 03-11-406-003-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Wheeling, Resolution No. 23-048 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Five (5) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for AreferPass Action details Not available
25-1482 1 17550, LLCResolution (Class 8) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION 17550, LLC CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information: Applicant: 17550, LLC Address: 17550 Chicago Avenue, Lansing, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Lansing Cook County District: 4th District Permanent Index Number: 30-30-406-031-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Lansing Resolution Number 1361 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Six (6) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Commercial use - auto repair and maintenance Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned commercial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for Assessment definereferPass Action details Not available
25-1483 1 DN Solutions AmericaResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION DN Solutions America 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: DN Solutions America Address: 360 E. State Parkway, Schaumburg, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Schaumburg Cook County District: 15th District Permanent Index Number: 07-10-401-027-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Schaumburg, Resolution No. R24-059 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Three (3) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - manufacturing training center Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification referPass Action details Not available
25-1484 1 Oak Ridge Development, LLCResolution (Class 8) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Oak Ridge Development, LLC CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information: Applicant: Oak Ridge Development, LLC Address: 3045 Holeman Avenue, Steger, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Steger Cook County District: 6th District Permanent Index Number: 32-33-400-021-0000, 32-33-400-022-0000, 32-33-400-023-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Steger, Ordinance No. 1284 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Nine (9) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing, and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned commercial facilitreferPass Action details Not available
25-1485 1 Pumbaa 1985, LLCResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION Pumbaa 1985, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Pumbaa 1985, LLC Address: 1985 Anson Drive, Melrose Park, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Melrose Park Cook County District: 16th District Permanent Index Number: 12-32-403-004-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Melrose Park, Resolution No. 28-24 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Six (6) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County ClassificareferPass Action details Not available
25-1611 1 Human Resources Bi-weekly Activity Reports Pay Period 03 & 04: January 12, 2025 – February 08, 2025ReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Human Resources Report Title: Human Resources Bi-weekly Activity Reports Report Period: Pay Period 03: January 12, 2025 - January 25, 2025 Pay Period 04: January 26, 2025 - February 08, 2025 Summary: This report lists all new hires and terminations of employees in executive, administrative or professional positions, Grades 17 through 24, and employees in such positions who have transferred positions, received salary adjustments, whose positions have been transferred or reclassified, or employees who are hired into positions as Seasonal Work Employees, Extra Employees, Extra Employees for Special Activities and Employees per Court Order.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1609 1 Information Technology Projects Report September 2024 - March 2025ReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Technology Report Title: Information Technology Projects Report Report Period: September 2024 - March 2025 Summary: A report provided by Offices Under the President, represented by the Bureau of Technology and all other separately elected offices providing semi-annual updates to the Cook County Technology and Innovation committee of the Board of Commissioners regarding information technology projects related to their offices’ strategic initiatives.referPass Action details Not available
25-1610 1 Software Asset and Technology Hardware Asset Inventory ReportReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Technology Report Title: Software Asset and Technology Hardware Asset Inventory Report Report Period: FY 2025 Annual Report Summary: In accordance with the Cook County Information Technology Report Ordinance, Offices Under the President represented by the Bureau of technology’s Chief Information Officer, and all other Chief Information Officers from each of the separately elected offices shall present a Software and Technology Hardware Asset Inventory Report to the Cook County Technology and Innovation Committee of the Board of Commissioners annually in April.referPass Action details Not available
25-1431 1 CoStar Realty InformationContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Cook County Assessor’s Office, Cook County Board of Review, Cook County Department of Revenue Vendor: CoStar Realty Information, Inc., Washington, D.C. Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Real Estate Information Database Subscription Original Contract Period: 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2024, with two, one-year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Increase Proposed Contract Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,046,160.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 3/17/2022, $916,560.00 Increase Requested: $591,264.00 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 8/21/2024, $129,600.00 Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 2/18/2025, 1/1/2025-12/31/2025 Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: The contract specific goal set on this contract wapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0696 1 Cristina Foods Inc., Chicago, IllinoisContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Cristina Foods Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Frozen Foods Contract Value: $2,251, 484 848.00 Contract period: 3/25/2025 - 3/24/2027 with two (2) one-year renewal options Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. The prime vendor is a certified MBE.. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $913,256.25, FY 2026 $1,004,581.88. FY 2027 $273,976.87. Accounts: 11100.1440.35225.530010.00000.00000 Contract Number(s): 2450-08121 Summary: The Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC) is requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter and execute a contract with Cristina Foods, Inc. to supply various frozen food items of healthy products, with recommendations from Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP) for the residents at the JTDC. Competitive bidding proceduapprove as amended in the errataPass Action details Not available
25-1363 1 Black Dog Foods LLC, Lyons, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Black Dog Foods LLC, Lyons, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew, and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Dry and Canned Goods Original Contract Period: 5/1/2023 - 4/30/2024, with three (3), one (1) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period, 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2026 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $2,059,603.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 4/27/2023, $2,059,603.00 Increase Requested: $975,108.00 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 1/25/2024, 5/1/2024 - 4/30/2025 Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise OrdiapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1188 1 Davis Bancorp, Inc., Barrington, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Clerk of the Circuit Court, Department of Adult Probation, Animal and Rabies Control, Department of Corrections, Cook County Clerk Office, Cook County Treasurer Office Vendor: Davis Bancorp, Inc., Barrington, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to Renew, and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Armored Car Transportation Services Original Contract Period: 4/1/2023 - 3/31/2025, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2026 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $694,573.75 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board 3/16/2023, $722,730.00 Increase Requested: $340,152.50 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 7/10/2023, $15,093.75 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Decrease(s): 11/1/2023, (4,250.00); 04/23/2024, ($39,000.00) Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement OfficerapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1475 1 Donation-Funding of Computers for DOC ProgramResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION TO COOK COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE WHEREAS, Professor Mindy Kalchman of DePaul University, an accredited post-secondary educational institution located in Chicago, IL, teaches courses at the Cook County Department of Corrections (“CCDOC”), through which Individuals in Custody (“IICs”) are able to earn college credits upon completion; and WHEREAS, Professor Kalchman and her husband, Russell Pass (hereinafter “Donors”) desire to donate Five Thousand dollars ($5,000.00) (hereinafter “Donation Funds”) to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office (“CCSO”) for the purpose of purchasing computers that will be used to support educational programming for IICs at the CCDOC; and WHEREAS, the CCSO has agreed not to expend Donation Funds for any purpose other than purchasing computers that will be used to support educational programming for IICs at the CCDOC without the Donors’ prior written approval; and WHEREAS, the Donors have agreed to disburse the Donation Funds to the CCSO without any reimbursement or benefit to the Donors. NOW, THEREFORE, approvePass Action details Not available
25-1480 1 Donation -Eco-Friendly Mobile Stand - DOC FarmResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION TO COOK COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE WHEREAS, The Eco-Friendly Mobile Farm Stand Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, wishes to donate a low-speed-electric vehicle (“LSEV”) mobile farm stand to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office’s Urban Farming Initiative; and WHEREAS, Sheriff’s Urban Farming Initiative has a mission of teaching Individuals in Custody ("IICs”) at the Cook County Department of Corrections (“CCDOC”) sustainable agriculture in terms of traditional horticulture, aquaponics, and community gardening; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office will utilize the LSEV mobile farm stand to deliver produce grown by IICs in the CCDOC’s garden to local food kitchens and shelters within a five (5) mile radius of the CCDOC. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby accept the low-speed-electric vehicle (LSEV)/mobile farm stand from The Eco-Friendly Mobile Farm Stand Project.approvePass Action details Not available
25-1157 1 Domino Real Estate, LLCResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Domino Real Estate, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Domino Real Estate, LLC Address: 1539 N. 25th Ave, Melrose Park, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Melrose Park Cook County District: 16th District Permanent Index Number: 15-03-124-004-0000, 15-03-124-005-0000, 15-03-124-006-000, 15-03-124-007-0000, 15-03-124-008-00000, 15-03-124-056-0000 and 15-04-209-012 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Melrose Park ,Resolution No. 132-22 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Eight (8) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reductapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1158 1 IMBIBE RP, LLC / AMT GROUP, LLCResolution (Class 6B) No Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION IMBIBE RP, LLC / AMT GROUP, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: IMBIBE RP, LLC / AMT GROUP, LLC Address: 7400 Croname Road, Niles, Illinois & 7449 N. Natchez Avenue, Niles, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Niles Cook County District: 13th District Permanent Index Number: 10-29-300-012-0000 and 10-30-407-001-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Niles, Resolution No. 2022-42R Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 26 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - manufacturing, warehousing and/or distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level foapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1159 1 Shummi US LLCResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Shummi US LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Shummi US LLC Address: 951 Nicholas Boulevard, Elk Grove, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Elk Grove Cook County District: 15th District Permanent Index Number: 08-26-309-020-0000 and 08-26-309-022-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Elk Grove Resolution No. 21-23 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Four (4) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use -Manufacturing, warehousing and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County approvePass Action details Not available
25-0035 1 Requesting Hearing of Criminal Justice CommitteeResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION REQUESTING A HEARING OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS THE STATUS OF OPERATIONAL CHANGES TO THE COUNTY’S ELECTRONIC MONITORING PROGRAMS WHEREAS, Cook County operates two independent electronic monitoring programs run by different county agencies, the Sheriff’s Office and the Office of the Chief Judge, with different policies and procedures, and WHEREAS, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office has set a target date of April 1, 2025 for ending placements in its electronic monitoring program; and WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners, in approving amendment #15 to the FY25 Cook County annual appropriation bill, has provided funding to account for operational changes to the Adult Probation Department’s budget and the Department of Corrections’ budget, and WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners seek a collaborative approach to consolidating the County’s electronic monitoring programs to prevent issues or concerns that may jeopardize the safety and security of Cook County residents; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the approvePass Action details Not available
25-1430 1  ReportREPORT Department: Office of the Chief Judge Report Title: Report of Legal and Expert Witness Fees and Expenses Processed for Payment Report Period: February 01,2025 through February 28, 2025 Summary: This report includes court orders for the payment of fees and associated expenses to attorneys and experts for legal services provided on behalf of indigent litigants. The orders have been processed by the Office of the Chief Judge and submitted to the Cook County Comptroller’s Office for payment during the period.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1577 1  Special Court Case (Probate)Firm: James F. Dunneback, P.C. Special State's Attorney(s): James F. Dunneback Case Name: In Re Estate of Jacob Howard Case No.(s): 2024 P 007312 Time period: 10/31/2024 - 12/13/2024 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $2,177.50 Paid to Date: $0.00 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1489 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: Law Office of Karla Fiaoni Attorney(s): Karla M. Fiaoni Case Name: In re Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 99 CR 2602001 & 99 CR 2602002 Date of This Order: 02/11/2025 Time period: 12/16/2024 - 02/11/2025 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $7,483.90 Paid to Date: $210,783.22 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1490 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: Reimer, Dobrovolny & LaBardi PC Attorney(s): Nemura Pencyla Case Name: In re Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 97 CR 2956002 Date of This Order: 02/11/2025 Time period: 11/23/2024 - 02/06/2025 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $15,801.20 Paid to Date: $136,061.13 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1493 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: McCarthy & Valentini, LLC Attorney(s): Maria McCarthy Case Name: In re Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 88 CR 230902 Date of This Order: 02/11/2025 Time period: 10/22/2-24 - 02/10/2025 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $58,072.95 Paid to Date: $368,818.30 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1495 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: Office of the Special Prosecutor Attorney(s): Michael J. O’Rourke Case Name: Appointment of Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 91 CR 2145101 Date of This Order: 02/10/2025 Time period: 11/19/2024 - 02/07/2025 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $59,387.50 Paid to Date: $8,847,334.41 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1511 1  Proposed Settlements (Municipal Litigation)Case: Lucy Parsons Labs v. CCSO Case No: 2024 CH 06099 Settlement Amount: $4,500.00 Fixed Charges Department: 499 Payable to: Loevy & Loevy Attorneys at Law Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: An allegation of a FOIA violation.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0950 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Reese, Deiel v Dart, et al., and Reese, Deiel v Delitz, et al., Case No: 20-C-7488, 20-C-7487 Settlement Amount: $30,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 1239 - Department of Corrections Payable to: UB Greensfelder LLP Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: An allegation of civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1163 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Krentowski v. Dart et. al Case No: 23 cv 379 Settlement Amount: $2,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 1210 (Office of the Sheriff) Payable to: Carl Krentowski Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: An allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1173 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Lopez, Michael v. Cook County, et al. Case No: 23 L 6343 Settlement Amount: $160,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 1210-Office of the Sheriff Payable to: Michael A. Lopez and Clifford Law Offices, P.C. Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 01/15/2025 Subject matter: an allegation of premises liabilityapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1342 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Sanchez v. City of Chicago, et al. Case No: 18 C 8281 Settlement Amount: $7,500.00 Fixed Charges Department: 499 (Public Safety) Payable to: Law Office of Samuel S. Bae P.C. Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1444 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Diaz v. Dart, et al., Case No: 2021M1300141 Settlement Amount: $12,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 1239 - Department of Corrections Payable to: Manno Law Group Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: An allegation of automobile negligenceapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1496 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Sykes, Gregory v Cobble et al., Case No: 23 C 16570 Settlement Amount: $1,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 1239 - Department of Corrections Payable to: Gregory Sykes Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1512 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Cullum, Denyia as Administrator of the Estate of James Jamal Taylor v. Wondrasek, et al. Case No: 20 C 6914 Settlement Amount: $1,400,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 1239-Department of Corrections Payable to: Tyler Law Offices and Denyia Cullum as Independent Administrator of the Estate of James Jamal Taylor Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 02/05/2025 Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1435 1  Proposed Settlements (Labor and Employment)Case: Gray, Monica v. Cook County Case No: 23 C 7934 Settlement Amount: $7,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 4897 - John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County Payable to: Monica Gray and Pietrucha Law Firm, LLC Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of employment discriminationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1438 1  Proposed Settlements (Labor and Employment)Case: McCarthy, Theresa v. Cook County Health System Case No: 440-2023-03329 Settlement Amount: $295,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 4897 - John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County Payable to: 440-2023-03329 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 01/15/2025 Subject matter: an allegation of employment discriminationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1365 1  Proposed Settlements (Complex Litigation)Case: Langendorf v. Sheriff Dart, et al. Case No: 20CH6129 Settlement Amount: $900,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 1210 - Office of the Sheriff 580145-General Liability Payable to: Langendorf v Cook County Sheriff Settlement Fund Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 09/18/2024 Subject matter: Class action settlement for refund of feesapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1492 1  Report (SAO Workers Comp)REPORT Department: Civil Actions Bureau Report Title: Workers’ Compensation Payments Following Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office - Litigated Settlements & Awards Report Period: February 5, 2025 through March 11, 2025 Summary: Authorization to Pay Workers’ Compensation Settlements & AwardsapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1497 1 25-1497 Receive File- Workers' Compensation Claim Payments - January 2025Workers' Compensation Claims (Risk Management)REPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Workers’ Compensation Claim Payments Report Period: 01/01/2025 - 01/31/2025 Summary: The Department of Risk Management is submitting for your information Workers’ Compensation Claim Payments for the month ending January 2025. Payments total $1,025,225.19approvePass Action details Not available
25-1529 1  ReportREPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Receive and File - Patient Arrestee Claims Report Period: The month ending January 31, 2025 Summary: The Department of Risk Management is submitting for your information a summary of Patient Arrestee Claims for the month ending 12/31/2024 - Total: $23,282.36receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0894 1  ReportREPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Receive and File - Subrogation Claim Recoveries Report Period: The month ends in February Summary: The Department of Risk Management is submitting for your information, a summary of Claim Recoveries for the month ending 02/28/2025 - Total Recovery: $20,507.40 - Number of Recoveries: 6deferPass Action details Not available
25-1630 1  ReportREPORT Department: Comptroller Report Title: Analysis of Revenues and Expenses Report Report Period: two-month period ended January 31, 2025 Summary: Attached is an Analysis of Revenues and Expenses Report for the two-month period ended January 31, 2025, for the Corporate, Public Safety, Health, Grants and Special Purpose funds of Cook County. The report presents estimates of revenues and expenses expected to occur during the fiscal period compared to actual revenues and expenses recorded.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1167 1  ReportREPORT Department: Cook County Health Report Title: CCH Monthly Report Report Period: March 2025 Summary: This report is provided in accordance with Resolution 14-4311 approved by the County Board on 7/23/14.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1251 1 Cook County Department of Public Health Quarter 1 ReportReportREPORT Department: Cook County Health / Cook County Department of Public Health Report Title: Cook County Department of Public Health Quarter 1 Report Report Period: Quarter 1 2025 Summary: TBDapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1338 1 PD Behavioral Health Quarterly ReportReportREPORTS Department: Cook County Public Defender’s Office Report Period: 3rd & 4th Quarter Report, June 2024-November 2024 Summary: Behavioral Health Resolution Quarterly Report for the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defenderreceive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1340 1 Behavioral Semi-Annual ReportReportREPORT Department: Office of the Chief Judge Report Title: Behavioral Semi-Annual Report Report Period: June 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024 Summary: Pursuant to the Cook County Board Resolution to assess needs and improve the quality and effectiveness of behavioral health provided by Cook County government, enclosed are the quarterly reports of behavioral health programs and services provided by the Circuit Court of Cook County.suspend the rulesPass Action details Not available
25-1340 1 Behavioral Semi-Annual ReportReportREPORT Department: Office of the Chief Judge Report Title: Behavioral Semi-Annual Report Report Period: June 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024 Summary: Pursuant to the Cook County Board Resolution to assess needs and improve the quality and effectiveness of behavioral health provided by Cook County government, enclosed are the quarterly reports of behavioral health programs and services provided by the Circuit Court of Cook County.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1358 1 REVISED COOK COUNTY HUMAN RIGHTS' DEFINITION OF NATIONAL ORIGINOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REVISED COOK COUNTY HUMAN RIGHTS' DEFINITION OF NATIONAL ORIGIN BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 42 - Human Relations, Article II - Human Rights, Sections 42-31 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows: Sec. 42-31. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Age means chronological age of not less than 40 years. Assisted reproduction means a method of achieving a pregnancy through the handling of human oocytes, sperm, zygotes, or embryos for the purpose of establishing a pregnancy. "Assisted reproduction" includes, but is not limited to, methods of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, zygote transfer, embryo biopsy, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, embryo cryopreservation, oocyte, gamete, zygote, and embryo donation, and gestational surrogacy. Bodily autonomy means self-governance over one's own reproapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1324 1 AMENDMENT TO ETHICS ORDINANCEOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AMENDMENT TO ETHICS ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 2 Administration, Article VII Ethics, Division 2 Code of Ethical Conduct, Sections 2-562, 2-580 and 2-585 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 2-562. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Absolutely necessary means that another means of identification, such as employee identification number, cannot be substituted for the social security number without frustrating the purpose of the request. Agency means the County Board, any committee or other subdivision thereof, any County department or other administrative unit, commission, board or other division of the government of the County. Board of Ethics or Board means the Cook County Board of Ethics, as defined in Section 2-591. Board or Commission Appointee means all individuals appointed by the PreapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1616 1 Journal of Proceedings 02-06-2025Journal of ProceedingsJOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS COOK COUNTY CLERK, Monica Gordon, presented in printed form a record of the Journal of Proceedings of the regular meeting held on February 6, 2025.approvePass Action details Not available
25-1361 1 Journal of Proceedings 01-16-2025Journal of ProceedingsJOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS COOK COUNTY CLERK, Monica Gordon, presented in printed form a record of the Journal of Proceedings of the regular meeting held on January 16, 2025.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0963 1 CISO FY 2024 ReportReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Technology Report Title: Chief Information Security Officer Report Report Period: Fiscal Year 2024 Summary: This report proves an update on Agencies’ adoption of the information Security Framework and a summary of advice and recommendation for each Agency.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0966 1 Toshiba Multi-functional devicesContract (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: Toshiba Business Solutions, a division of Toshiba America Business Solution, Inc., Buffalo Grove, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract Good(s) or Service(s): Leasing of multi-functional devices (copiers and printers) Contract Value: $8,365,654.20 Contract period: 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2030 with three (3) one-year renewals options Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation and a partial MBE waiver. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025: $939,942.37, FY26: $1,730,942.37, FY 2027: $1,732,942.37, FY 2028: $1,733,942.37, FY 2029: $1,735,942.37, FY 2030: $491,942.37 Accounts: 11000.1490.15050.550030.00000.00000 Contract Number(s): 2414-10170 Concurrence: BOT - N/A Summary: The Bureau of Technology is requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into a contract with Toshiba Business Solutions for approvePass Action details Not available
25-0972 1 SHI Reseller ContractContract Amendment (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: SHI International Corp., Somerset New Jersey Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Countywide software and related services reseller Original Contract Period: 3/29/2019 - 3/28/2023 with three (3), one-year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Increase Proposed Contract Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $153,661,291.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 3/21/2019, $56,000,000.00 Increase Requested: $ 15,857,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): 6/16/2022: $33,215,755.00; 12/14/2023:64,445,536.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: 6/16/2022, (3/29/2023-3/28/2024); 12/14/2023, (3/29/2024-3/28/2025) Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 7/11/2024, (3/29/2025 - 3/28/2026) Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: The vendorapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0341 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for IIC 2024 with the City of EvanstonIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): City of Evanston, Illinois (“City”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Construction Location: City of Evanston, Illinois Section: 24-IICTR-00-MS Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 13 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $155,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($155,000.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and the City of Evanston. The City will be the lead agency for construction and other associated work to expand and retrofit existing Divvy stations to improve access to public transit and commercial districts while enhancing safety and connectivity project. The County will reimburse the City for its share of construction and other associated costs.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0342 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for IIC 2024 with Illinois Medical DistrictIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Illinois Medical District Commission Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Preliminary and Design Engineering Location: City of Chicago, Illinois Section: 24-IICBP-07-EG Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 2 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $165,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($165,000.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and the Illinois Medical District Commission. The Illinois Medical District Commission will be the lead agency for preliminary and design engineering to enhance mobility along Harrison Street, identified as needing critical improvements within the Illinois Medical District (IMD) by the IMD’s recently completed Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. The approvePass Action details Not available
25-0425 1 Contract Amendment for County Line Road South – I294 Ramp to North Avenue Contract no. 2028-18250RContract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: R.W. Dunteman Company, Addison, Illinois Action: Refer to Transportation Committee Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services Location: County Line Road - I-294 Ramp to North Avenue County Board District(s): 17 Original Contract Period: 7/12/2021 - 9/30/2027 Section: 16-W7331-00-RP Proposed Contract Period Extension: N/A Section: 16-W7331-00-RP Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $35,213,874.52 Original Board Approval: 6/24/2021, $34,472,832.70 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 2/29/2024, $741,041.82 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $3,491,060.94 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2025 $3,491,060.94 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($41,248.08); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($713,368.30) Grant: 11900.1500.53654.560019 ($164,968.60approvePass Action details Not available
25-0611 1 Contract Amendment for Herc Rentals, Inc. co. no. 1923-17924Contract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Herc Rentals, Inc., Bonita Springs, Florida Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase, and extend contract Good(s) or Service(s): Equipment Rental Location: Countywide County Board District(s): All Cook County Districts Original Contract Period: 4/15/2020 - 4/14/2023 with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Section: N/A Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/15/2025 - 10/31/2025 Section: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $5,532,620.00 Original Board Approval: 4/8/2020, $3,000,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 12/15/2022, $1,155,000.00 increase, 12/14/2023, $1,332,620.00 increase Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 12/20/2024, $45,000.00 increase Previous Board Renewals: 12/15/2022, 4/15/2023-4/14/2024, and 12/14/2023, 4/15/2024-4/14/2025 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A approvePass Action details Not available
25-0685 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for Lehigh Ave Bridge over E Lake Ave_ GlenviewIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Glenview, Illinois (“Village”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Design Engineering, Construction and Construction Engineering Location: Village of Glenview, Illinois Section: 24-BREPN-00-BR Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 14 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $9,143,284.00 ($2,054,031.00 to be reimbursed from the Village of Glenview, Illinois) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($9,143,284.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the County and the Village of Glenview. The County will be the lead agency for design engineering, construction and construction engineering improvements along Lehigh Avenue Bridge over East Lake Avenue. The Village of Glenview will reimburse the County for approvePass Action details Not available
25-0686 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for Meacham Road Bridge over West Branch Salt Creek_ SchaumburgIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Schaumburg, Illinois (“Village”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Design Engineering, Construction and Construction Engineering Location: Village of Schaumburg, Illinois Section: 24-BREPN-00-BR Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 15 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: N/A Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the County and the Village of Schaumburg. The County will be the lead agency for design engineering, construction and construction engineering for improvements along Meacham Road Bridge over West Branch Salt Creek. The Village will own, operate, and maintain the 30-foot long segmental concrete block wall installed on the east side of Meacham Road at the Village of Schaumburg gateway approvePass Action details Not available
25-0755 1 Improvement Resolution for Amtrak - Chicago Hub Improvement ProgramImprovement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: Amtrak Chicago Hub Improvement Program Location: City of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Section: 25-ACHIP-00-RR County Board District(s): 2 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $6,250,000.00 (FY25 = $2,100,000.00; FY26 = $2,650,000.00; FY27 =$1,000,000.00; FY28 = $500,000.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.521536 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed improvement resolution for work being done in the City of Chicago. The resolution is appropriating funds for the Amtrak Chicago Hub Improvement Program in the City of Chicago in Cook County.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0780 1 Contract for Construction Management Services – Various Various. Co number- 2316-05022AContract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Collins Engineers, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Services - Construction Management Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-CMSVV-02-PV Contract Value: 8,000,000.00 Contract period: 4/15/2025 - 4/14/2030 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account Motor Fuel Tax: FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 11300.1500.29150.560019 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 11300.1500.29150.521536 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($4,000,000.00); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($4,000,000.00) Contract Number(s): 2316-05022A Summary: The DepartmentapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0781 1 Contract for Construction Management Services – Various Various- Co number- 2316-05022BContract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Program Management and Control Services, LLC, La Grange, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Services - Construction Management Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-CMSVV-03-PV Contract Value: $8,000,000.00 Contract period: 4/15/2025 - 4/14/2030 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. The prime vendor is a certified WBE. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 11300.1500.29150.560019 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 11300.1500.29150.521536 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($4,000,000.00); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($4,000,000.00) Contract Number(approvePass Action details Not available
25-0782 1 Contract for Construction Management Services – Various Various-Co number- 2316-05022CContract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Michael Baker International, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Services - Construction Management Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-CMSVV-04-PV Contract Value: $8,000,000.00 Contract period: 4/15/2025 - 4/14/2030 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account Motor Fuel Tax: FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 11300.1500.29150.560019 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 11300.1500.29150.521536 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($4,000,000.00); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($4,000,000.00) Contract Number(s): 2316-05022C Summary: TapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0783 1 Contract for Construction Management Services – Various Various-Co number-2316-05022DContract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Infrastructure Engineering, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Services - Construction Management Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-CMSVV-05-PV Contract Value: $8,000,000.00 Contract period: 4/15/2025 - 4/14/2030 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. The prime vendor is a certified MBE. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account Motor Fuel Tax: FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 11300.1500.29150.560019 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 11300.1500.29150.521536 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($4,000,000.00); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($4,000,000.00) Contract NumbeapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0784 1 Contract Amendment for Preliminary Engineering Services – Various Various- Co number- 2028-18231BContract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: HR Green, Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renewal and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Preliminary Engineering Services Location: Countywide County Board District(s): Countywide Original Contract Period: 4/1/2021 - 3/31/2024 with two (2) one-year renewal options Section: 18-6PESV-01-ES Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2026 (2nd renewal option) Section: 18-6PESV-01-ES Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $5,000,000.00 Original Board Approval: 3/18/2021, $5,000,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 4/1/2024 - 3/31/2025 (1st renewal option) This Increase Requested: $525,000.00 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Impact: Account:approvePass Action details Not available
25-0785 1 Contract Amendment Preliminary Engineering Services – Various Various-Co number- 2028-18231CContract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: HDR Engineering, Inc., Rosemont, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renewal and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Preliminary Engineering Services Location: Countywide County Board District(s): Countywide Original Contract Period: 4/1/2021 - 3/31/2024 with two (2) one-year renewal options Section: 18-6PESV-02-ES Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2026 Section: 18-6PESV-02-ES Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $5,000,000.00 Original Board Approval: 3/18/2021, $5,000,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 3/8/2024, 4/1/2024 -3/31/2025 (1st renewal option) This Increase Requested: $525,000.00 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Impact: Account: MoapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0866 1 Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Hoffman EstatesIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois (“Village”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Construction and Construction Engineering Improvements Location: Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois Section: 21-A6107-00-PV Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 15 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $18,221,431.00 ($540,000.00 to be reimbursed from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) fund, $67,000.00 to be reimbursed from Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) fund, $500,000.00 to be reimbursed from Congressional Allocation fund and $37,270.00 to be reimbursed from the Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($18,221,431.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the CountapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0920 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for 2022 Pavement Rehabilitation Program North CorridorSupplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution Project: 2022 Pavement Rehabilitation Program Northern Corridor Package 3 Location: Villages of Elk Grove, Glenview, Hoffman Estates, Northfield, Northbrook Section: 22-PRPN1-00-PV County Board District: 14, 15 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $2,450,000.00: (FY25 = $392,000.00 Motor Fuel Tax Funding; $1,570,000.00 RBI; FY26 = $96,000.00 Motor Fuel Tax Funding, $392,000.00 RBI) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019, 11300.1500.29152.560019 Board Approved Date and Amount: 5/16/2024, $23,000,000.00 Increased Amount: $2,450,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $25,450,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for work being done throughout various locations in northern Cook County. The supapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0921 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for Preliminary Engineering Services (Contract #2)Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution Project: Preliminary Engineering Services (Contract 2) Location: Various Locations throughout Cook County Section: 18-6PESV-01-ES County Board District: Countywide Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $$525,000.00 (FY25 = $425,000.00, FY26 = $100,000.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019 Board Approved Date and Amount: 6/6/2018, $5,000,000.00 Increased Amount: $525,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $5,525,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for work being done throughout various locations in Cook County. The supplemental resolution appropriating funds for Preliminary engineering services which includes phase I studies for intersections, roadway segments, structures, and multi-uapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0922 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for Preliminary Engineering Services (Contract #3)Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution Project: Preliminary Engineering Services (Contract 3) Location: Various Locations throughout Cook County Section: 18-6PESV-02-ES County Board District: Countywide Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $525,000.00 (FY25 = $425,000.00, FY26 = $100,000.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019 Board Approved Date and Amount: 6/6/2018, $5,000,000.00 Increased Amount: $525,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $5,525,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for work being done throughout various locations in Cook County. The supplemental resolution appropriating funds for Preliminary engineering services which includes phase I studies for intersections, roadway segments, structures, and multi-usapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1445 1 SU 24-0006 Advocate Health & Hospitals SU 24-0006 Advocate Health & HospitalZoning Board of Appeals RecommendationRECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Request: Special Use SU 24-0006 Township: Maine County District: 17 Property Address: 9375 Church Street in Des Plaines, Illinois Property Description: The Subject Property consists of a single-story, 43,000 square-foot building and located at the southeast corner of Church Street and Potter Road in Cook County. The Property is currently occupied by the Applicant, minus the vacant 9,000 square-foot space within the Property that is the subject of this application. Owner: Advocate Health & Hospitals Corp., 2025 Windsor Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60523 Agent/Attorney: Daniel C. Shapiro Esq., Shapiro & Associates Law, 570 Lake Cook Road, Unit 119, Deerfield, IL 60015. Current Zoning: R-4 Single Family Residence District Intended use: Applicant seeks a Special Use to operate a daycare. Recommendation: ZBA Recommendation is that the application be granted with 2 conditions . Conditions: 1. Signage for daycare and adult care be placed in the parking area entrance. 2. The daycare provider institute an emergency plan exitapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0037 1 ALTERNATE WATER SOURCES FOR NONPOTABLE APPLICATIONSOrdinancePROPOSED ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 118, Articles IV and V of the Cook County Code are hereby enacted as follows: Article IV. - ALTERNATE WATER SOURCES FOR NONPOTABLE APPLICATIONS Sec. 118-50. - General. Sec. 118-51. - Inspection and testing. Sec. 118-52. - Gray Water Systems. Sec. 118-53. - Subsurface irrigation system zones. Sec. 118-54. - Reclaimed (recycled) water systems. Sec. 118-55. - On-site treated nonpotable water systems. Article V. - NONPOTABLE RAINWATER CATCHMENT SYSTEMS Sec. 118-56. - General. Sec. 118-57. - Nonpotable rainwater catchment systems. Sec. 118-58. - Design and installation. Sec. 118-59. - Signs. Sec. 118.60. - Inspection and Testing. Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption. Click here for link to full text: referPass Action details Not available
25-0875 1 COOK COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODEOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT COOK COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that the Cook County Electrical Code is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 1 General Chapter 2 Wiring and Protection Chapter 3 Wiring Methods and Materials Chapter 4 Equipment for General Use Chapter 5 Special Occupancies Chapter 6 General Equipment Chapter 7 Special Conditions Chapter 8 Communications Systems Chapter 9 Tables Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption Click here for link to full text: referPass Action details Not available
25-1370 1 Contract Amendment 2025 B&WContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Building and Zoning Vendor: Baxter and Woodman, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Engineering Services Original Contract Period: 3/15/2021- 3/14/2024, with two (2), one-year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 3/15/2025 - 3/14/2026 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $800,000.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 3/14/2021, $650,000.00 Increase Requested: $200,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): 3/15/2024, $150,000.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: 3/15/2024 - 3/14/2025 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participaapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0002 1 Powerhouse Construction Co., Chicago, IllinoisContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy Vendor: Powerhouse Construction Co., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) Services for John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital Improvements Project Contract Value: $372,807,782.00 Contract period: 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2029 Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY2025 $51,006,276.00, FY2026 $117,752,338.00, FY2027 $102,901,287.00 FY2028 $35,409294.00, FY2029 $32,869,294, FY2030 $32,869,294.00 Accounts: 11569.1031.11190.560105.00000.00000 and 11569.1031.11190.560107.00000.00000 (Capital Improvement Program) Contract Number(s): H24-25-167 Concurrences: This Item has not been reviewed for Compliance yet as it is being referred to Committee for further review. The CCH Chief Procurement Officer Concurs. Summary: This request is for Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) services for improvements to Stroger Hospital. Vendor shall provide pre-construction services anreferPass Action details Not available
25-0012 1 GSG Consultants, Inc., Schaumburg, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department Capital Planning and Policy Vendor: GSG Consultants, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Service - Architectural and Engineering Design Services for the Oak Forest Health Campus Demolition Original Contract Period: 8/1/2021 - 7/31/2024 Proposed Amendment Type: Increase Proposed Contract Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $3,704,396.12 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 7/25/2024, $3,207,730.12 Increase Requested: $494,085.00 Previous Board Increase(s): $496,666.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): 7/25/2024, 8/1/2024 - 7/31/2025 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2025 $494,085.00 Accounts: 11569.1031.11190.560105.00000.00000; 11569.1031.11190.560107.00000.00000, referPass Action details Not available
25-1416 1 Juvenile Client Case Management SystemContract (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Office of the Public Guardian, Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Journal Technologies, Inc, Los Angeles, California Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Juvenile Client Case Management System Contract Value: $3,405,411.00 Contract period: 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2030, with two (2) one-year renewal options Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation and partial MWBE waiver. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $770,000.00, FY 2026 $1,135,120.00, FY 2027 $489,213.00, FY 2028 $499,989.00, FY 2029 $511,089.00, Accounts: 11620.1305.21120.560225. (Capital Project), 11100.1305.35320.540130 (Maintenance and Subscriptions). Contract Number(s): 2210-05241 Summary: The Cook County Public Guardian is appointed by the Chief Judge of Cook County Court System to manage the Cook County Office of the Public Guardian. The Public Guardian is responsible for providing legal repapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1767 1 CLEAN WATERPOWER AND HYDROPOWER ENERGYResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE UTILIZATION OF RENEWABLE HYDROKINETIC CLEAN WATERPOWER AND HYDROPOWER ENERGY WHEREAS, Cook County acknowledges the need for renewable energy to combat climate change, improve energy security, and promote economic sustainability; and WHEREAS, hydrokinetic power and hydropower is a reliable renewable energy source, accounting for 27% of U.S. renewable electricity generation and offering scalable solutions from large dams to smaller run-of-river systems; and WHEREAS, hydropower provides energy storage and grid reliability benefits, with over 24 GW of firm capacity, surpassing current U.S. energy storage capacity; and WHEREAS, hydropower is used in 48 states, with states like Washington sourcing up to 60% of their electricity from hydropower; and WHEREAS, Cook County, the City of Chicago, and the State of Illinois have opportunities to expand hydropower generation using existing infrastructure, such as dams and water treatment facilities; and WHEREAS, investing in hydropower creates jobs, boosts economic growth, and reducreferPass Action details Not available
25-1795 1 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ACCOUNTING OF ALL KNOWN OUTSTANDING LIABILITIES OF ELK GROVE FIRE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND TRANSFER OF ANY REMAINING MONIES TO THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECTResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ACCOUNTING OF ALL KNOWN OUTSTANDING LIABILITIES OF ELK GROVE FIRE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND TRANSFER OF ANY REMAINING MONIES TO THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT WHEREAS, properties located within the former Elk Grove Rural Fire Protection District (hereinafter referred to as the "EGRFPD”) no longer receive fire protection and emergency medical services from the EGRFPD with the EGRFPD dissolved on July 1, 2024, pursuant to 70 ILCS 705/15e; and WHEREAS, since dissolution, the EGRFPD President and Board of Trustees have worked with the Mayor of the Village of Mount Prospect (the “Village”) to close up the business affairs of EGRFPD and the President and the Mayor have completed their statutory duties and obligations and support the adoption of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 70 ILCS 705/15e(c)(3), the dissolution process requires the submittal to, and approval by resolution adopted by the Cook County Board of Commissioners (the “County”), an accounting showing that all known outstanding liabilities of the EGRPreferPass Action details Not available
25-1278 1 Contract for Diesel and Unleaded Fuel - co. no. 2406-07020ContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (DoTH), Cook County Department of Facilities Management (DFM), Cook County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO), and Cook County Health and Hospitals (CCHH) Vendor: Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville, Inc., Gainesville, Georgia Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Diesel and Unleaded Fuel Contract Value: $2,280,000.00 Contract period: 5/1/2025 - 2/10/2027 with one (1), one (1) year renewal option Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Transportation and Highways: FY2025 $450,000.00; FY2026 $575,000.00; FY2027 $250,000.00 Facilities Management: FY2025 $30,000.00; FY2026 $30,000.00; FY2027 $10,000.00 Sheriff’s Office: FY2025 $143,000.00; FY2026 $288,000.00; FY2027 $144,000.00 Health and Hospitals: FY2025 $120,000.00; FY2026 $120,000.00; FY2027 $120,000.00 Accounts: referPass Action details Not available
25-1713 1 Eckenhoff Saunders Architects, Inc, Chicago , IllinoisContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy Vendor: Eckenhoff Saunders Architects, Inc, Chicago , Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): John H. Stroger Jr Hospital MRI Center Expansion Design Services Contract Value: $1,994,000.00 Contract period: 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2028 Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $1,000,000.00 FY 2026 $594,000.00, FY 2027 $200,000.00, FY 2028 200,000.00 Accounts: 11569.1031.11190.560105.00000.00000 11569.1031.11190.560107.00000.00000 (Capital Improvement Program) Contract Number(s): 2416-04040 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Summary: This request is for the provision of professional architectural and engineering services for the evaluation and design of renovations John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital MRI Center Expansion and Radiology equipment replacement. The vendor will provide design, engineering, and constructireferPass Action details Not available
25-1853 1 RESOLUTION FOR MIDDLE EASTERN AND NORTH AFRICAN DATA INCLUSIONResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION RESOLUTION FOR MIDDLE EASTERN AND NORTH AFRICAN DATA INCLUSION WHEREAS, Cook County is one of the largest and most racially, ethnically and linguistically diverse counties in the country; and WHEREAS, Cook County Government is committed to supporting equitable, inclusive and accessible government; and WHEREAS, Cook County Government must collect accurate data to understand and serve the specific needs of its diverse communities; and WHEREAS, Cook County recognizes Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) as a minority group; and WHEREAS, MENA includes over 26 ethnicities speaking many languages; and WHEREAS, there were approximately 3.5 million MENA Americans in the United States according to the 2020 US Census; and WHEREAS, Cook County is home to a large, growing and diverse MENA population including one of the largest Assyrian American communities in the country; and WHEREAS, the United State Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published updated Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 (SPD 15) on March 28, 2024 that included a new racereferPass Action details Not available