Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/6/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
Issued on: 1/31/2025
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: To comment on an item on this agenda, click here, Click to Watch Live, Consent Calender Agenda 2-6-2025.pdf, New Items 2-6-2025.pdf, Second New Items 2-6-2025.pdf, ETHOS Toxin Spreadsheet Summary - A. Anne Holcomb.pdf, Second Set Consent Calendar Agenda 2-6-2025.pdf, Third New Items 2-6-2025.pdf, Errata Board Agenda 2-6-2025.pdf, Fourth New Items 2-6-2025.pdf, Third Set Consent Calendar Agenda 2-6-2025.pdf, Second Errata Board Agenda 2-6-2025.pdf, Teresa McNamara Testimony 02.06.2025.pdf, Fourth Set Consent Calendar Agenda 2-6-2025.pdf, Fifth Set Consent Calendar Agenda 2-6-2025.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleMotionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-1208 1 PUBLIC DEFENDER TO REPRESENT COOK COUNTY RESIDENTS BEFORE IMMIGRATION COURTSResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION THE LAW OFFICE OF THE COOK COUNTY PUBLIC DEFENDER TO REPRESENT COOK COUNTY RESIDENTS BEFORE IMMIGRATION COURTS OUTSIDE COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender (“Law Office”) has a mission to protect the fundamental rights, liberties, and dignity of each person whose case has been entrusted to it by providing the finest legal representation to individuals appearing before the Circuit Court of Cook County; and WHEREAS, the Law Office with its expertise in defending the constitutional rights of its clients and its history of providing zealous representation to indigent clients, is uniquely qualified to represent indigent noncitizens who are otherwise unable to obtain counsel, including those with criminal backgrounds and those who are incarcerated; and WHEREAS, Public Act 102-0410, signed into law by Illinois Governor JB Pritzker on August 19, 2021, authorizes public defender offices in counties with over three million residents and with the county board’s concurrence, to represent noncitizens in immigration cases arising within an approve as amended in the errataPass Action details Not available
25-1107 1 COVID-19 Financial Response ReportReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Finance Report Title: COVID-19 Financial Response Report Report Period: 3/1/2020 - 1/10/2025 Summary: This report serves as an update on Cook County’s Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), FEMA PA and ERA fund use for COVID-19 efforts. It covers activity for the period from March 1, 2020, through January 10, 2025. This report includes updates on the County’s FEMA PA, Emergency Rental Assistance and American Rescue Plan Act grant allocations.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1108 1 Quarterly Update of the Long-Term Revenue ForecastReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Finance Report Title: Quarterly Update of the Long-Term Revenue Forecast Report Period: FY2025 - FY2029 Summary: In accordance with Sec. 2-78.b of the Cook County Code of Ordinances, we have provided the attached quarterly report updating the five-year revenue forecast developed by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer. We respectfully request that this report be received and filed. The following report provides an update between the Long-Term Financial Plan provided to the Independent Revenue Forecasting Commission and posted on the County’s website in October 2024, and the most up-to-date forecast. This report includes a variance analysis comparing the two forecasts and provides an explanation for any significant variances. A summary of the impact of the revenue projections on our long-term expense projections for both the General and Health Funds is also included. We conclude with FY2025 project plans and an update on recent regional and relevant economic activity.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1147 1 Bills and Claims Report 12/24/2024-1/13/2025ReportREPORT Department: Comptroller’s Office Report Title: Bills and Claims Report Report Period: 12/24/2024 - 1/13/2025 Summary: This report to be received and filed is to comply with the Amended Procurement Code Chapter 34-125 (k). The Comptroller shall provide to the Board of Commissioners a report of all payments made pursuant to contracts for supplies, materials and equipment and for professional and managerial services for Cook County, including the separately elected Officials, which involve an expenditure of $150,000.00 or more, within two (2) weeks of being made. Such reports shall include: 1. The name of the Vendor; 2. A brief description of the product or service provided; 3. The name of the Using Department and budgetary account from which the funds are being drawn; and 4. The contract number under which the payment is being made.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1251 1 Cook County Department of Public Health Quarter 1 ReportReportREPORT Department: Cook County Health / Cook County Department of Public Health Report Title: Cook County Department of Public Health Quarter 1 Report Report Period: Quarter 1 2025 Summary: TBDreferPass Action details Not available
25-0960 1 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block GrantGrant AwardPROPOSED GRANT AWARD Department: Environment and Sustainability Grantee: Cook County Government Grantor: U.S Department of Energy Request: Authorization to accept grant Purpose: Solar and battery storage for Community Resilience Hubs Grant Amount: $1,072,210.00 Grant Period: 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2026 Fiscal Impact: (FY2025 $72,210.00); (FY2026 $1,000,000) Accounts: None Concurrences: The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. Summary: Cook County will use the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) award to add solar energy and battery storage to two community resilience hubs within suburban Cook County. Cook County started a community resilience hub pilot program using allocated American Rescue Plan Act funding and will be using EECBG to supplement that program allocation in Harvey and Chicago Heights, IL, two Justice40 communities. Resilience Hubs are existing physical facilities that provide day-to-day services and resources that address commapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0341 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for IIC 2024 with the City of EvanstonIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): City of Evanston, Illinois (“City”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Construction Location: City of Evanston, Illinois Section: 24-IICTR-00-MS Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 13 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $155,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($155,000.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and the City of Evanston. The City will be the lead agency for construction and other associated work to expand and retrofit existing Divvy stations to improve access to public transit and commercial districts while enhancing safety and connectivity project. The County will reimburse the City for its share of construction and other associated costs.referPass Action details Not available
25-0342 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for IIC 2024 with Illinois Medical DistrictIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Illinois Medical District Commission Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Preliminary and Design Engineering Location: City of Chicago, Illinois Section: 24-IICBP-07-EG Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 2 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $165,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($165,000.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and the Illinois Medical District Commission. The Illinois Medical District Commission will be the lead agency for preliminary and design engineering to enhance mobility along Harrison Street, identified as needing critical improvements within the Illinois Medical District (IMD) by the IMD’s recently completed Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. The referPass Action details Not available
25-0424 1 Contract for Franklin Avenue/Green Street – York Road to Runge Street Contract no. 2316-09171Contract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: K-Five Construction Corporation of Westmont, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services - Franklin Avenue/Green Street Location: Leyden Township Section: 21-FRAGS-00-PV Contract Value: $34,548,712.19 Contract period: 1/30/2025 - 11/30/2028 Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Motor Fuel Tax (“MFT’) Account FY2025 FY2026 FY2027 Total MFT Cap: 11300.1500.29150.560019 $3,500,000.00 $8,326,969.79 $1,500,000.00 $13,326,969.79 MFT No Cap: 11300.1500.29150.521536 $318,580.40 $00.00 $318,580.40 $637,160.80 Grant Cap: 11900.1500.54179.560019 $1,631,205.60 $427,252.56 $00.00 $2,058,458.16 Grant No Cap: 11900.1500.54179.521536 $14,680,850.40 $3,845,273.04 $00.00 $18,526,123.44 Total $20,130,636.40 $12,599,495.39 $1,818,580.40 $34,548,712.19 Accounts: MFT: 11300.1500.29150.560019, 11300.1500.29150.521536 Grant: 11900.1500.54179.56001approvePass Action details Not available
25-0426 1 Contract Amendment for Traffic Signal Systems and Electrical Design Services – Contract no. 2038-18575Contract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., Rosemont, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Traffic Signal Systems and Electrical Design Services Location: Countywide County Board District(s): Countywide Original Contract Period: 3/1/2022 - 2/28/2025 Section: 20-8TSDS-00-ES Proposed Contract Period Extension: 3/1/2025 - 2/28/2027 Section: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,485,000.00 Original Board Approval: 2/10/2022, $1,485,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $742,500.00 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2025 $250,000.00, FY 2026 $375,000.00, FY 2027 $117,500.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0611 1 Contract Amendment for Herc Rentals, Inc. co. no. 1923-17924Contract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Herc Rentals, Inc., Bonita Springs, Florida Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase, and extend contract Good(s) or Service(s): Equipment Rental Location: Countywide County Board District(s): All Cook County Districts Original Contract Period: 4/15/2020 - 4/14/2023 with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Section: N/A Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/15/2025 - 10/31/2025 Section: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $5,532,620.00 Original Board Approval: 4/8/2020, $3,000,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 12/15/2022, $1,155,000.00 increase, 12/14/2023, $1,332,620.00 increase Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 12/20/2024, $45,000.00 increase Previous Board Renewals: 12/15/2022, 4/15/2023-4/14/2024, and 12/14/2023, 4/15/2024-4/14/2025 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A referPass Action details Not available
25-0685 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for Lehigh Ave Bridge over E Lake Ave_ GlenviewIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Glenview, Illinois (“Village”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Design Engineering, Construction and Construction Engineering Location: Village of Glenview, Illinois Section: 24-BREPN-00-BR Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 14 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $9,143,284.00 ($2,054,031.00 to be reimbursed from the Village of Glenview, Illinois) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($9,143,284.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the County and the Village of Glenview. The County will be the lead agency for design engineering, construction and construction engineering improvements along Lehigh Avenue Bridge over East Lake Avenue. The Village of Glenview will reimburse the County for referPass Action details Not available
25-0686 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for Meacham Road Bridge over West Branch Salt Creek_ SchaumburgIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Schaumburg, Illinois (“Village”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Design Engineering, Construction and Construction Engineering Location: Village of Schaumburg, Illinois Section: 24-BREPN-00-BR Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 15 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: N/A Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the County and the Village of Schaumburg. The County will be the lead agency for design engineering, construction and construction engineering for improvements along Meacham Road Bridge over West Branch Salt Creek. The Village will own, operate, and maintain the 30-foot long segmental concrete block wall installed on the east side of Meacham Road at the Village of Schaumburg gateway referPass Action details Not available
25-0755 1 Improvement Resolution for Amtrak - Chicago Hub Improvement ProgramImprovement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: Amtrak Chicago Hub Improvement Program Location: City of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Section: 25-ACHIP-00-RR County Board District(s): 2 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $6,250,000.00 (FY25 = $2,100,000.00; FY26 = $2,650,000.00; FY27 =$1,000,000.00; FY28 = $500,000.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.521536 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed improvement resolution for work being done in the City of Chicago. The resolution is appropriating funds for the Amtrak Chicago Hub Improvement Program in the City of Chicago in Cook County.referPass Action details Not available
25-0780 1 Contract for Construction Management Services – Various Various. Co number- 2316-05022AContract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Collins Engineers, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Services - Construction Management Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-CMSVV-02-PV Contract Value: 8,000,000.00 Contract period: 4/15/2025 - 4/14/2030 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account Motor Fuel Tax: FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 11300.1500.29150.560019 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 11300.1500.29150.521536 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($4,000,000.00); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($4,000,000.00) Contract Number(s): 2316-05022A Summary: The Department of Transportation and HighwayreferPass Action details Not available
25-0781 1 Contract for Construction Management Services – Various Various- Co number- 2316-05022BContract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Program Management and Control Services, LLC, La Grange, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Services - Construction Management Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-CMSVV-03-PV Contract Value: $8,000,000.00 Contract period: 4/15/2025 - 4/14/2030 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. The prime vendor is a certified WBE. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 11300.1500.29150.560019 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 11300.1500.29150.521536 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($4,000,000.00); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($4,000,000.00) Contract Number(s): 2316-05022B SummaryreferPass Action details Not available
25-0782 1 Contract for Construction Management Services – Various Various-Co number- 2316-05022CContract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Michael Baker International, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Services - Construction Management Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-CMSVV-04-PV Contract Value: $8,000,000.00 Contract period: 4/15/2025 - 4/14/2030 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account Motor Fuel Tax: FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 11300.1500.29150.560019 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 11300.1500.29150.521536 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($4,000,000.00); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($4,000,000.00) Contract Number(s): 2316-05022C Summary: The Department of TransportatioreferPass Action details Not available
25-0783 1 Contract for Construction Management Services – Various Various-Co number-2316-05022DContract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Infrastructure Engineering, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Services - Construction Management Services Location: Countywide Section: 23-CMSVV-05-PV Contract Value: $8,000,000.00 Contract period: 4/15/2025 - 4/14/2030 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. The prime vendor is a certified MBE. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account Motor Fuel Tax: FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 11300.1500.29150.560019 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 11300.1500.29150.521536 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($4,000,000.00); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($4,000,000.00) Contract Number(s): 2316-05022D SummarreferPass Action details Not available
25-0862 1 Contract for Pavement Rehabilitation North 2022 Contract no. 2411-10160Contract (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: Builders Paving, LLC, Hillside, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract. Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services Location: 2022 Pavement Rehabilitation Program North Corridors Package 3 Landwehr Road - Hampton Court to Dundee Road Walters Avenue - Landwehr Road to Pfingsten Road Landmeier Road - Arlington Heights Road to west of Busse Road Landmeier Road - Cambridge Drive to Higgins Road Shoe Factory Road - Beverly Road to Bartlett Road Sunset Ridge Road - Lake Avenue to Skokie Boulevard Section: 22-PRPN1-00-PV Contract Value: $22,188,808.00 Contract period: 2/20/2025 - 12/29/2028 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Account FY 2025 FY 2026 Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019 $5,263,734.96 $1,315,933.75 Rebuild Illinois: 11300.1500.29150.521536 $12,487,311.43 $3,121approvePass Action details Not available
25-0866 1 Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Hoffman EstatesIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois (“Village”) Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Goods or Services: Construction and Construction Engineering Improvements Location: Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois Section: 21-A6107-00-PV Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 15 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $18,221,431.00 ($540,000.00 to be reimbursed from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) fund, $67,000.00 to be reimbursed from Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) fund, $500,000.00 to be reimbursed from Congressional Allocation fund and $37,270.00 to be reimbursed from the Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($18,221,431.00) Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the CountreferPass Action details Not available
25-0920 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for 2022 Pavement Rehabilitation Program North CorridorSupplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution Project: 2022 Pavement Rehabilitation Program Northern Corridor Package 3 Location: Villages of Elk Grove, Glenview, Hoffman Estates, Northfield, Northbrook Section: 22-PRPN1-00-PV County Board District: 14, 15 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $2,450,000.00: (FY25 = $392,000.00 Motor Fuel Tax Funding; $1,570,000.00 RBI; FY26 = $96,000.00 Motor Fuel Tax Funding, $392,000.00 RBI) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019, 11300.1500.29152.560019 Board Approved Date and Amount: 5/16/2024, $23,000,000.00 Increased Amount: $2,450,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $25,450,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for work being done throughout various locations in northern Cook County. The supreferPass Action details Not available
25-0921 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for Preliminary Engineering Services (Contract #2)Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution Project: Preliminary Engineering Services (Contract 2) Location: Various Locations throughout Cook County Section: 18-6PESV-01-ES County Board District: Countywide Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $$525,000.00 (FY25 = $425,000.00, FY26 = $100,000.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019 Board Approved Date and Amount: 6/6/2018, $5,000,000.00 Increased Amount: $525,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $5,525,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for work being done throughout various locations in Cook County. The supplemental resolution appropriating funds for Preliminary engineering services which includes phase I studies for intersections, roadway segments, structures, and multi-ureferPass Action details Not available
25-0922 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for Preliminary Engineering Services (Contract #3)Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution Project: Preliminary Engineering Services (Contract 3) Location: Various Locations throughout Cook County Section: 18-6PESV-02-ES County Board District: Countywide Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $525,000.00 (FY25 = $425,000.00, FY26 = $100,000.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019 Board Approved Date and Amount: 6/6/2018, $5,000,000.00 Increased Amount: $525,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $5,525,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for work being done throughout various locations in Cook County. The supplemental resolution appropriating funds for Preliminary engineering services which includes phase I studies for intersections, roadway segments, structures, and multi-usreferPass Action details Not available
25-1001 1 Improvement Resolution for 55th Street - La Grange Road to East AvenueImprovement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: 55th Street - La Grange Road to East Avenue Location: City of Countryside, Illinois Section: 25-55LGR-00-SS County Board District(s): 17 Centerline Mileage: 0.5 miles Fiscal Impact: $500,000.00 (FY25) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.521536 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed improvement resolution for work being done in the City of Countryside. The resolution is appropriating funds for the 55th Street, La Grange Road to East Avenue project in the City of Countryside in Cook County.approvePass Action details Not available
25-1009 1 Supplemental Improvement Resolution for Joe Orr Road - Torrence Avenue to Burnham AvenueSupplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of proposed supplemental improvement resolution Project: Joe Orr Road - Torrence Avenue to Burnham Avenue Location: Village of Lynwood, Illinois Section: 04-B6736-02-LA County Board District: 6 Centerline Mileage: 2.03 miles Fiscal Impact: $1,000,000.00 (FY25) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560010 Board Approved Date and Amount: 11/3/2004, $1,500,000.00 Increased Amount: $1,000,000.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $2,500,000.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed supplemental improvement resolution for work being done in the Village of Lynwood. The supplemental resolution is appropriating funds for Joe Orr Road from Torrence Avenue to Burnham Avenue in the Village of Lynwood in Cook County.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0601 1 Ferguson Enterprises, LLC d/b/a/ Columbia Pipe & Supply,ContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Department of Facilities Management Vendor: Ferguson Enterprises, LLC, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Cast Iron Plumbing Supplies Contract Value: $260,000.00 Contract period: 3/1/2025 - 2/29/2028, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Contract Utilization: The Contract specific goal set on this contract is Zero Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $65,000.00, FY 2026 $86,666.67, FY 2027 $86,666.67, FY 2028 $21,666.66 Accounts: 11100-1200-12355-530188 Contract Number(s): 2401-02081R Summary: This contract will allow the Department of Facilities Management to purchase Cast Iron Plumbing Supplies. The vendor was selected pursuant to a publicly advertised Invitation for Bids (IFB) in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Ferguson Enterprises, LLC was the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder. ..endapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0778 1 Production Distribution CompaniesContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): The Department of Facilities Management Vendor: Production Distribution Companies, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): ABB drives Contract Value: $646,782.00 Contract period: 3/1/2025 - 2/29/2028, with one (1), two (2) year renewal option Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. The prime vendor is a certified MBE.. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025 $161,695.50; FY 2026 $215,594.00; FY 2027 $215,594.00, FY 2028 $53,898.50 Accounts: 11100.1200.12355.540350 Contract Number(s): 2457-10030 Summary: This contract will allow the Department of Facilities Management to purchase ABB Drives. The vendor was selected pursuant to a publicly advertised Invitation for Bids (IFB) in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Production Distribution Companies was the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.approvePass Action details Not available
25-1179 1 Orland Park Public Way License AgreementPublic Way License AgreementPROPOSED PUBLIC WAY LICENSE AGREEMENT Department: Department of Real Estate Management Request: Request to Approve Public Way License Agreement Grantor: County of Cook Grantee: Village of Orland Park, an Illinois Municipal Corporation Term: 2/1/2025 - 1/31/2035 Annual License Fee: $2,049.60 for the first five (5) months, based on an annual fee of $4,919.08, as adjusted annually buy Consumer Price Index and the adjusted annual fee for the following year. Summary: Requesting approval of a Public Way License Agreement between the County of Cook, as Grantor, and Village of Orland Park, an Illinois Municipal Corporation as Grantee. Upon issuance of this License, the Grantee shall have the authority to apply for permits to construct, install, replace, relocate, modify, maintain, and remove its facilities located in the public ways of Cook County. This license is in accordance with Cook County Code Chapter 66, Road and Bridges, Article 3, Public Way Regulatory Ordinance, enacted by the Board of Commissioners on June 19, 2007. The license fees, term start, aapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0669 1 Grant Acceptance State of IL DECO CDBG CV for Homeless Shelter RenovationGrant AwardPROPOSED GRANT AWARD Department: Department of Planning and Development within the Bureau of Economic Development Department Grantee: Cook County, a body Politic Grantor: State of Illinois, Department of Commerce and Economic Development Request: Respectfully request the authority to receive the grant in the amount of $4,000,000 from the State of Illinois, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, authority to develop a budget and authority for the Department to enter into necessary contracts to facilitate renovations of two hotels for the purpose of homeless shelter development Purpose: Pass-through funding needed renovations of two non-congregate fixed-site permanent shelter locations: Aloha Motel located at 8515 S. Cicero Avenue, Chicago, 60652 and the Margarita Inn located at 1566 Oak Avenue, Evanston, IL, 60201. Grant Amount: $4,000,000.00 Grant Period: April 2025 - April 2027 Fiscal Impact: $4,000,000.00 Accounts: Budget accounts to be determined upon subject authority. Concurrences: The Budget Department has received alapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1157 1 Domino Real Estate, LLCResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Domino Real Estate, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Domino Real Estate, LLC Address: 1539 N. 25th Ave, Melrose Park, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Melrose Park Cook County District: 16th District Permanent Index Number: 15-03-124-004-0000, 15-03-124-005-0000, 15-03-124-006-000, 15-03-124-007-0000, 15-03-124-008-00000, 15-03-124-056-0000 and 15-04-209-012 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Melrose Park ,Resolution No. 132-22 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Eight (8) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reductreferPass Action details Not available
25-1158 1 IMBIBE RP, LLC / AMT GROUP, LLCResolution (Class 6B) No Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION IMBIBE RP, LLC / AMT GROUP, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: IMBIBE RP, LLC / AMT GROUP, LLC Address: 7400 Croname Road, Niles, Illinois & 7449 N. Natchez Avenue, Niles, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Niles Cook County District: 13th District Permanent Index Number: 10-29-300-012-0000 and 10-30-407-001-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Niles, Resolution No. 2022-42R Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 26 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - manufacturing, warehousing and/or distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level foreferPass Action details Not available
25-1159 1 Shummi US LLCResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Shummi US LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Shummi US LLC Address: 951 Nicholas Boulevard, Elk Grove, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Elk Grove Cook County District: 15th District Permanent Index Number: 08-26-309-020-0000 and 08-26-309-022-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Elk Grove Resolution No. 21-23 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Four (4) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use -Manufacturing, warehousing and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County referPass Action details Not available
25-0983 1 Bureau of Human Resources Bi-weekly Report PP1, PP2, PP2 COLA and PP2 Schedule AdjustmentsReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Human Resources Report Title: Human Resources Bi-weekly Activity Reports Report Period: Pay Period 01: December 15, 2024 - December 28, 2024 Pay Period 02: December 29, 2024 - January 11, 2025 Pay Period 02: COLA - December 29, 2024 - January 11, 2025 Pay Period 02: Pay Schedule Adjustment - December 29, 2024 - January 11, 2025 Summary: This report lists all new hires and terminations of employees in executive, administrative or professional positions, Grades 17 through 24, and employees in such positions who have transferred positions, received salary adjustments, whose positions have been transferred or reclassified, or employees who are hired into positions as Seasonal Work Employees, Extra Employees, Extra Employees for Special Activities and Employees per Court Order.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0963 1 CISO FY 2024 ReportReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Technology Report Title: Chief Information Security Officer Report Report Period: Fiscal Year 2024 Summary: This report proves an update on Agencies’ adoption of the information Security Framework and a summary of advice and recommendation for each Agency.referPass Action details Not available
25-0966 1 Toshiba Multi-functional devicesContract (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: Toshiba Business Solutions, a division of Toshiba America Business Solution, Inc., Buffalo Grove, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract Good(s) or Service(s): Leasing of multi-functional devices (copiers and printers) Contract Value: $8,365,654.20 Contract period: 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2030 with three (3) one-year renewals options Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation and a partial MBE waiver. Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2025: $939,942.37, FY26: $1,730,942.37, FY 2027: $1,732,942.37, FY 2028: $1,733,942.37, FY 2029: $1,735,942.37, FY 2030: $491,942.37 Accounts: 11000.1490.15050.550030.00000.00000 Contract Number(s): 2414-10170 Concurrence: BOT - N/A Summary: The Bureau of Technology is requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into a contract with Toshiba Business Solutions for referPass Action details Not available
25-0972 1 SHI Reseller ContractContract Amendment (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: SHI International Corp., Somerset New Jersey Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Countywide software and related services reseller Original Contract Period: 3/29/2019 - 3/28/2023 with three (3), one-year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Increase Proposed Contract Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $153,661,291.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 3/21/2019, $56,000,000.00 Increase Requested: $ 15,857,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s): 6/16/2022: $33,215,755.00; 12/14/2023:64,445,536.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: 6/16/2022, (3/29/2023-3/28/2024); 12/14/2023, (3/29/2024-3/28/2025) Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 7/11/2024, (3/29/2025 - 3/28/2026) Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-oreferPass Action details Not available
25-0818 1 Sebis Direct, Inc.Contract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Cook County Assessor’s Office Vendor: Sebis Direct, Inc. Bedford Park, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew, and/or increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Printing of Valuation Notices and Exemption Forms, and Related Services Original Contract Period: 1/17/2022 - 1/16/2025 with two, one-year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and increase Proposed Contract Period: 1/17/2025 - 1/16/2026 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,193,544.03 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 1/13/2022, $1,193,544.03 Increase Requested: $321,132.46 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: FY2025 $321,132.46 Accounts: 11000.1040.10155.520496.00000.00000 Contract Number(s):approvePass Action details Not available
25-0007 1 Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Office of the Chief Judge, Juvenile Probation and Court Services Department Vendor: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Clinical Assessment and Forensic Services for Court Involved Youth Original Contract Period: 3/1/2022 - 2/28/2025, with two (2), one-year renewal options Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 3/1/2025 - 11/30/2026 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $6,382,951.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 1/13/2022, $6,382,951.00 Increase Requested: $3,926,372.11 Previous Board Increase(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A Contract Utilization: The Contract specific goaapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1016 1 OIIG Quarterly ReportReportREPORT Department: Office of the Independent Inspector General Report Title: Independent Inspector General Quarterly Report, 4th Quarter 2024 Report Period: October 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024 Summary: This report was written in accordance with Section 2-287 of the Independent Inspector General Ordinance, Cook County, Ill., Ordinances 07-O-52 (2007) (“OIIG Ordinance”), to apprise the President and the County Board of the activities of this office during the time period beginning October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. It is being placed on the County Board meeting agenda for receipt and file or referral to the Litigation Committee pursuant to Section 2-287 of the OIIG Ordinance.referPass Action details Not available
25-1054 1 Public Defender's FY25 Transfer RequestTransfer of FundsPROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS Department: Public Defender’s Office Request: Transfer of Funds Reason: Pay for recently Board approved contract: 12/16/2024, Item #25-0252: Contract with Safer Foundation for First Appearance and Detention Court Specialists. From Account(s): -$500,000.00; 11100.1260.10155.540135, MAINT & SUBSCRIPTION SVCS To Account(s): $500,000.00; 11100.1260.10155.521313, SPECIAL OR COOP PROGRAMS Total Amount of Transfer: $500,000.00 On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date? This transfer of funds is needed to cover the costs of a recently Board approved contract with Safer Foundation for First Appearance and Detention Court Specialists. The contract was approved on December 16, 2024 and after our FY25 appropriation was finalized. Our FY25 estimate of $1,000,000.00 for this contact was low as we were working with Procurement on finalizing the awardapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1186 1 ROBERT “BOB” ERLENBAUGH, IN MEMORIAMConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION ROBERT “BOB” ERLENBAUGH, IN MEMORIAM WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Robert “Bob” Erlenbaugh from our midst; and WHEREAS Robert “Bob” Erlenbaugh was the beloved husband and best friend of Madge (Hartnett) for 58 years; and WHEREAS, Robert “Bob” Erlenbaugh was the loving father of Jamie (Bob) Vanecko, Marijo (John) Talaga, Bob (Kristin) Erlenbaugh and Maggie (Mike) Nelson; and WHEREAS, Robert “Bob” Erlenbaugh was the devoted Bapa to Bobby, Mary Kate, Danny, Meg, and Ellie Vanecko; Jack, Nora, Rosie and Maggie Talaga; Libby and Maisy Erlenbaugh; Mikey, Annie, Gracie and Lily Nelson; and WHEREAS, Robert “Bob” Erlenbaugh was the cherished brother in law to Fr Dan Hartnett SJ and Kathy Erlenbaugh, and much loved uncle to JD, Matt and Dan Erlenbaugh, Patt Cheney and Rick Rann; and WHEREAS, Robert “Bob” Erlenbaugh was the devoted son of the late Bob and Jayne Erlenbaugh and Faye Hartnett, brother Chuck Erlenbaugh, granddaughter Emily Nelson, sisters in law Murph Hartnett and Joan Raan; and WHEREAS, Robert “Bob” ErlenbauapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0547 1 Honoring Dr. Claudia Fegan on Her RetirementConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING DR. CLAUDIA FEGAN ON HER RETIREMENT AND RECOGNIZING HER DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AT COOK COUNTY HEALTH WHEREAS, Dr. Claudia Fegan has dedicated 24 years of exemplary service to Cook County Health (CCH), having served in a number of leadership positions including Medical Director-Sengstacke Health Center (2000-2004), Medical-Director Fantus Health Center (2005-2007), Associate Chief Medical Officer-South & South Suburban Ambulatory Health Centers (2007-2011) Interim Chief Medical Officer-CCH System (2011), Chief Medical Officer-Stroger Hospital (2011-2019) and most recently as Chief Medical Officer-CCH System (2013-2024) making invaluable contributions to the advancement of healthcare in our community; and WHEREAS, during her tenure at Cook County Health, Dr. Fegan has been a tireless advocate for patient care, public health, and healthcare access for underserved populations, embodying the mission and values of the CCH System; and WHEREAS, Dr. Fegan's commitment to the betterment of healthcare delivery, and her contributions have had a lasting impapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1270 1 RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING SHARON PRESTON FOR HER EXCEPTIONAL DEDICATION TO HUMANITARIAN SERVICE AND COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENTConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING SHARON PRESTON FOR HER EXCEPTIONAL DEDICATION TO HUMANITARIAN SERVICE AND COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT WHEREAS, in 1963, Sharon Preston was born in Chicago, Illinois. Sharon Preston is a devoted single mother of two sons and a tireless champion of humanitarian causes, whose life’s work exemplifies unparalleled altruism and unwavering commitment to the betterment of society; and WHEREAS, Sharon Preston is the distinguished Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Flags Of The Heart, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization epitomizing the ethos of service by providing critical support to veterans, their families, and underserved populations across diverse communities, irrespective of race, nationality, or socioeconomic status; and WHEREAS, for over 13 years, Sharon Preston demonstrated exceptional leadership and unwavering resolve in addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by marginalized individuals by fostering inclusivity and equity through a comprehensive array of transformative services; and WHEREAS, under Sharon Preston’s visiapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1271 1 CELEBRATING THE RESILIENCE AND ADVOCACY OF YOLANDA CARTERConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CELEBRATING THE RESILIENCE AND ADVOCACY OF YOLANDA CARTER WHEREAS, Yolanda Carter, a native of Chicago, stands as a beacon of resilience, strength, and determination, embodying the spirit of courage and transformation through her tireless advocacy for survivors of domestic violence; and WHEREAS, Yolanda Carter is a devoted mother to five adult children and a loving grandmother to eleven grandchildren, exemplifying unwavering dedication to her family while extending her compassion and wisdom to countless others; and WHEREAS, on March 22, 2016, Yolanda Carter survived a near-fatal domestic assault, a tragedy resulting in the loss of her left eye and required her to endure over 11 surgeries. Despite these physical challenges, Yolanda Carter channeled her experience into a mission of empowerment, demonstrating that healing is a journey of both body and spirit; and WHEREAS, Yolanda Carter founded Beautifully Scarred, a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting survivors of domestic violence in their healing journeys. Through Yolanda Carter’s leadershapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1298 1 NATIONAL CONDOM WEEKConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING NATIONAL CONDOM WEEK WHEREAS, research shows that positive conversations about safe sex is an effective way to increase condom use, and WHEREAS, sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) s like H.I.V. AIDS, syphilis, and gonorrhea and sexually-transmitted infections (STIs are major causes of death in the world, and WHEREAS, each year in the United States, there are approximately 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and WHEREAS, STIs and unwanted pregnancies have a profound impact on lifelong health, and WHEREAS, condoms are proven to be a highly-effective protection against pregnancy and (STDs) and (STIs), and WHEREAS, Condoms are inexpensive and reduce the risks for STI’s and, WHEREAS, condoms are 98 percent effective at preventing STIs and unplanned pregnancies. condoms are effective, accessible and easy to use, and WHERES, National Condom Week was initiated to raise awareness of the importance of practicing safe and protected sex, and WHEREAS, National Condom Week was created tapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1303 1 LLINOIS BLACK HISTORY MUSEUMConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE ILLINOIS BLACK HISTORY MUSEUM WHEREAS, The Illinois Black History Museum is a non-profit organization, founded in 2023, and WHEREAS, The Illinois Black History Museum is a mobile pop-up museum that can be found in locations throughout the community WHEREAS, The Illinois Black History Museum’s mission is to educate and celebrate African Americans who were born and/or built the State of Illinois. and WHEREAS, The vision of the Illinois Black History Museum is to honor and celebrate the rich and diverse history of Blacks in Illinois, and WHEREAS, ILBHM succeeds in its efforts by truly representing the Ghanian Asante Adinkra symbol, ”Sankofa”, that means the importance of knowing the past to have a future and WHEREAS, The Illinois Black History Museum was founded by travel historian and accomplished re-enactor Tammy Gibson whose passion is amplifying the voices of the past that have been overlooked, and WHEREAS, The Illinois Black History Museum is dedicated to preserving the rich culture and history of AfriapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1203 1 HONORING DR. CHERYL GREEN ON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT AS PRESIDENT OF GOVERNORS STATE UNIVERSITYConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING DR. CHERYL GREEN ON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT AS PRESIDENT OF GOVERNORS STATE UNIVERSITY WHEREAS, Dr. Cheryl Green has dedicated more than 30 years to the field of higher education, serving as an educator, administrator, and leader who has significantly advanced academic enrichment opportunities and student success initiatives for first-generation and non-traditional college students; and WHEREAS, Dr. Green currently serves as the sixth President of Governors State University, where her visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to student success have solidified the university's reputation for excellence; and WHEREAS, Dr. Green’s career includes distinguished service as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Interim Chancellor for the University of Wisconsin Whitewater, and Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at Tennessee State University, as well as numerous administrative and academic roles at Chicago State University; and WHEREAS, Dr. Green has demonstrated exceptional fiscal management, oapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1204 1 RECOGNIZING FEBRUARY AS AMERICAN HEART MONTH AND DECLARING FEBRUARY 6TH, 2025 AS GO RED DAY IN COOK COUNTYConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING FEBRUARY AS AMERICAN HEART MONTH AND DECLARING FEBRUARY 6TH, 2025 AS GO RED DAY IN COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, the month of February is recognized as American Heart Month; and WHEREAS, the annual celebration began in 1963 to encourage Americans to join the battle against heart disease and each year a presidential proclamation pays tribute to researchers, physicians, public health professionals and volunteers for their tireless efforts in preventing, treating, and researching heart disease; and WHEREAS, heart disease (including coronary heart disease, hypertension, and stroke) remains the No. 1 cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States and cardiovascular diseases claim more lives each year than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease combined accounting for 1 in every 4 deaths; and WHEREAS, heart disease is the leading cause of death in Cook County as well, accounting for 10,270 deaths in 2022 of that, 5,018 were in the City of Chicago and 5,252 were in suburban Cook County;approvePass Action details Not available
25-1207 1 RESOLUTION HONORING UNIVERSAL METRO ASIAN SERVICESConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING UNIVERSAL METRO ASIAN SERVICES WHEREAS, Universal Metro Asian Services (UMAS) has been providing Homecare and Adult Day Care services in the Chicagoland area for over 25 years; and WHEREAS, UMAS was founded by Dr. Santosh Kumar, who migrated to America in 1985; and WHEREAS, upon witnessing the neglect of elderly individuals in America, Dr. Kumar recognized the need to support immigrant families struggling to care for their elderly while managing full-time work, childcare, and cultural assimilation; and WHEREAS, the homecare industry in Chicagoland lacked cultural understanding and effectiveness for ethnic populations; and WHEREAS, Dr. Kumar was determined to alleviate the suffering of South Asian elderly in her community and successfully applied for the Homecare Program from the State of Illinois in 1993. She expanded services to include Public Benefits, Social Services, Nutrition Programs, Educational & Health Research shortly thereafter; and WHEREAS, in 2006, UMAS initiated Adult Day Care Services to provide care for seniors neapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1206 1 VILLAGE OF SCHAUMBURG TRUSTEE GEORGE DUNHAM RETIREMENTConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION VILLAGE OF SCHAUMBURG TRUSTEE GEORGE DUNHAM RETIREMENT WHEREAS, George Dunham was elected to the Village of Schaumburg Board of Trustees in April of 1991; and WHEREAS, he and his family, including his late wife and former Schaumburg Township Trustee Diane Dunham, moved to the Lexington Field South subdivision in 1978; and WHEREAS, following their move Dunham quickly began establishing himself within his new community, becoming one of three founders of Lexington Fields South Homeowner’s Association in 1979; and WHEREAS, Dunham additionally served on the ad hoc Village Committee on Residential Development in 1983 and 2002, and was also appointed to the Business Development Commission in 1986, the Plan Commission in 1989, the Illinois International Convention Center Authority in 1993, and the National League of Cities Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy & Advocacy Committee in 2013; and WHEREAS, he also was a member of Schaumburg Regional Airport Advisory Commission since 1993; and WHEREAS, during his tenure as Trustee, DunapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1201 1 NORTH LAWNDALE EMPLOYMENT NETWORKConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CELEBRATION OF THE NORTH LAWNDALE EMPLOYMENT NETWORK AND ITS 25TH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, the North Lawndale Employment Network has tirelessly worked towards fostering economic empowerment, job creation, and community development; and WHEREAS, the organization has demonstrated unwavering commitment to transforming lives by providing innovative employment opportunities and skills development programs; and WHEREAS, NLEN, in addition to its pivotal role in employment initiatives, has successfully launched social impact businesses that further enrich our community, including the renowned Beelove Café and Sweet Beginnings; and WHEREAS, these social enterprises not only provide exceptional products and services but also serve as beacons of empowerment, creating opportunities for those who have faced significant employment barriers and justice-related challenges; and WHEREAS, NLEN's visionary approach extends beyond conventional boundaries, recognizing the potential for transformation and growth in every individual, regardless of past experiences; and WapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1209 1 CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF BERTHA PURNELLConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF BERTHA PURNELL “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 WHEREAS, Bertha Purnell was born to Bertha and Randolph Purnell Sr. on March 4, 1960, and; WHEREAS, Bertha confessed a hope in Christ with faith to live again in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, evident in her service to her home church, All Nations Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend Willie Purnell, and; WHEREAS, Bertha graduated from Dawson Skill Center where she was trained as a Licensed Practical Nurse and transitioned into the natural role of caretaker for family, friends, and loved ones, and; WHEREAS, Bertha’s role as caregiver expanded when becoming mother to her son Terry Lee, her only daughter, Theandelia, and triplet sons; Marcus, Mario and Maurice, and; WHEREAS, Bertha suffered a devasting loss June 24, 2017 when her son and one of the triplets, Maurice was murdered, and; WHEREAS, Bertha turned her papprovePass Action details Not available
25-1210 1 IN HONOR OF BLACK HISTORY MONTHConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION IN HONOR OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH WHEREAS, Africans were first brought to the United States early as the 17th century; and, WHEREAS, their inhumane and involuntarily journey to America through capture resulting in enslavement, mistreatment, separation from families, humiliation, and poor living conditions; and, WHEREAS, in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed emphasizing ‘‘all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,’’ yet Africans faced the injustices of lynch mobs, segregation, the denial of the basic and fundamental rights of citizenship including the right to vote; and, WHEREAS, many African Americans paved the way for future generations to succeed by the example of how they lived, toiled, and died in obscurity; and, WHEREAS, in the years after Reconstruction, campaigning for the importance of Black history and doing the scholarly work of creating the canon was a cornerstone of civil rights in the face of injusticapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1357 1 AN BERNSTEIN’S 100th BIRTHDAYConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING JEAN BERNSTEIN’S LIFE AND CAREER ON HER 100th BIRTHDAY WHEREAS, it is estimated that over 300,000 students in Cook County’s south suburbs were directly impacted by the life and work of educator Jean Bernstein; and WHEREAS, Jean Bernstein, nee Collier, was born in Grand Rapids on February 12th, 1925, and moved to Freeport, Il as a young girl; and WHEREAS, Jean Bernstein attended the University of Iowa and during a summer job in Chicago, she met her future husband George Bernstein (1917 - 2011); and WHEREAS, after living briefly in Chicago after graduation, Jean and George Bernstein moved to the south suburb Park Forest. There, she began her educational career as a kindergarten teacher; and WHEREAS, in 1962, Jean Bernstein completed her masters in economics at the University of Chicago; and WHEREAS, Jean Bernstein was motivated by her liberal politics, eschewing for profit organizations to work directly with school districts in underserved areas; and WHEREAS, after her time as a kindergarten teacher, Jean Bernstein became the coordinapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1347 1 Honoring Bishop Elect Lawrence J SullivanConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING REV. LAWRENCE J. SULLIVAN ON THE OCCASION OF HIS ELEVATION TO AUXILIARY BISHOP FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Rev. Lawrence J. Sullivan will be elevated to Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Chicago on February 26, 2025; and WHEREAS, Rev. Lawrence J. Sullivan was born in Chicago, Illinois and earned a B.A. in Political Science from Niles College Seminary of Loyola University Chicago; and WHEREAS, Rev. Lawrence J. Sullivan earned a Master of Divinity degree from the University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary in 1988; and WHEREAS, Rev. Lawrence J. Sullivan was ordained to the priesthood in 1992; and WHEREAS, Rev. Lawrence J. Sullivan earned a M.S. in Ecclesial Management from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. in 2019; and WHEREAS, Rev. Lawrence J. Sullivan performed pastoral work at St. Celestine Parish in Elmwood Park, St. Christina Parish in Chicago and currently serves at Christ the King Parish in Chicago’s approvePass Action details Not available
25-1336 1 HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF CECILE RICHARDSConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF CECILE RICHARDS WHEREAS, Cecile Richards was a passionate advocate for reproductive rights and social justice, dedicating her career to expanding access to healthcare and championing women's rights; and WHEREAS, born on July 15, 1957, in Waco, Texas, she was the daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards and a lifelong leader in progressive activism, working tirelessly to advance equity and healthcare accessibility; and WHEREAS, Cecile Richards served as the President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America from 2006 to 2018, during which she strengthened the organization’s advocacy efforts and expanded its healthcare services to millions across the country; and WHEREAS, under her leadership, Planned Parenthood grew to nearly 600 health centers nationwide, solidifying its role as the nation’s leading provider of affordable reproductive healthcare and education, ensuring access to services such as cancer screenings, contraception, STI testing, and family planning; and WHEREAS, Richards played a pivotal role approvePass Action details Not available
25-1325 1 DECLARING FEBRUARY 20TH WORLD DAY FOR SOCIAL JUSTICEConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION DECLARING FEBRUARY 20TH WORLD DAY FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE WHEREAS, on November 26, 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed February 20th as World Day of Social Justice and was observed for the first time in 2009; and WHEREAS, World Day of Social Justice was created to highlight the importance of addressing global challenges such as poverty, exclusion, unemployment, gender inequality, and human rights; and WHEREAS, this day advocates for social justice as a foundation for peace, equality, and sustainable development worldwide; and WHEREAS, to achieve these goals, the Global Coalition for Social Justice was formally established in November 2023, a voluntary platform led by the International Labor Organization (ILO) that now has over 300 partners from governments, employers' and workers' organizations, international organizations, civil society, and academia, all of which share the same goal of building a world better tailored for social justice; and WHEREAS, The World Day of Social Justice supports several United Nations approvePass Action details Not available
25-0038 1 JO ANN SERPICO, IN MEMORIAMConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE LIFE OF JO ANN SERPICO, IN MEMORIAM WHEREAS, Jo Ann Serpico was a pillar of the Italian-American community in the Chicago area since the 1960s, died April 23, 2024; and WHEREAS, Jo Ann Serpico’s work in the community was in honor of her father, Joseph R. who was an early organizer of the Chicago area’s Italian-American community’s many societies and clubs and founded Rosario D. Salerno Sons Funeral Homes; and WHEREAS, Jo Ann Salerno was born in 1941; and graduated from St. Mary’s High School, attended Marquette University and graduated from Worsham College of Mortuary Science; and WHEREAS, she married Phillip Serpico in 1961 and raised their three sons, Philip, Joseph and Christopher; the family settled in Elmwood Park where Jo Ann served with distinction in leadership in both community organizations and public service, holding leadership positions in Elm School PTA, Elmwood Park Women’s Club, Infant Welfare Society, and Elmwood Park Friends of the Library. She served as an Elmwood Park Village Trustee, Republican Committeewoman and PreapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1334 1 THE KRIŠJĀNIS BARONS LATVIAN SCHOOL OF CHICAGOConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION COMMEMORATING THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE KRIŠJANIS BARONS LATVIAN SCHOOL OF CHICAGO WHEREAS The Krišjanis Barons Latvian School of Chicago, located at 6551 W. Montrose Ave is this year celebrating its 75th anniversary. Since 1950 Latvian School of Chicago has dedicated itself to preserving the Latvian language, culture, music, history and traditions through its classes for children in kindergarten through high school; and WHEREAS The school is named after Krišjanis Barons, a 19th Century writer known among Latvians as the “father of the daimas,” traditional Latvian folk songs and poems. More than 1.2 million folk music texts and 30,000 melodies have been identified in Latvian culture; and WHEREAS the Republic of Latvia is a representative democracy of about 1.8 million people in northern Europe and between the Baltic Ocean on the west and Russia to the east. The Latvian people, who trace their roots back 3,000 years to Baltic tribes, have endured centuries of rule by Teutonic, Swedish, Polish-Lithuanian and Russians; and WHERapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1388 1 Hersey High School Soccer TeamConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING THE HERSEY HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER TEAM IHSA CLASS 3A CHAMPIONSHIP WIN WHEREAS, on Saturday, November 9, 2024, the Hersey High School Huskies boys soccer team, led by Coach Michael Rusniak, won the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Class 3A boys state soccer championship; and WHEREAS, the Huskies 2024 boys soccer team IHSA Class 3A win made history for both Hersey High School as well as the boys soccer program; and WHEREAS, the Huskies played a watertight defense for the entirety of the 80-minute regular match, leading to two 10-minute overtimes; and WHEREAS, the Huskies battled for duration of the 100-minute final game despite a steady rain falling on the outdoors Hoffman Estates High School’s Graber Stadium; and WHEREAS, in the light of the scoreless match after 100 minutes of play, the Huskies bested Lane Tech 4-2 in a series of penalty kicks thus winning with match with a 1-0 score; and WHEREAS, Huskies goalkeeper Adrian Smakowski was instrumental, stopping two of Lane Tech’s penalty kicks and then scoring approvePass Action details Not available
25-1380 1 PROPOSED RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING LIFEWAY FOODSConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING LIFEWAY FOODS WHEREAS, Cook County proudly recognizes businesses that play a critical role in driving economic growth, innovation, and community vitality within our community; and WHEREAS, Lifeway Foods, Inc., headquartered in Morton Grove, Illinois with a refrigerated warehouse in Niles, Illinois employs dozens of people in our region as they create, package, prepare and ship probiotic and cultured dairy products around the world from Cook County; and WHEREAS, Lifeway Foods, Inc. was founded in 1986 by Michael Smolyansky, who immigrated to the United States from the former Soviet Union with the vision of introducing the health benefits of kefir to the American market; and WHEREAS, Under the leadership of Julie Smolyansky who became CEO at the age of 27 - the youngest female CEO of a publicly traded company at that time - Lifeway Foods, Inc. has continued to expand and excel, achieving significant milestones as a publicly traded company and as an industry leader in innovative, health-focused food and beverage solutions; and WHEREAS, LapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1400 1 CELEBRATING RAMADAN AND HONORING MUSLIM AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTHConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION CELEBRATING RAMADAN AND HONORING MUSLIM AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH WHEREAS, Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar which follows a lunar cycle, beginning the day after the new crescent moon is sighted; and WHEREAS, this year, Ramadan is expected to begin the evening of Friday, February 28, and end on Saturday, March 29; and WHEREAS, the Islamic faith is guided by Five Pillars including Profession of Faith (shahada), Prayer (salat), Alms (zakat), fasting (sawm), and pilgrimage (hajj); and WHEREAS, Ramadan is recognized by Muslims and non-Muslims alike at the most significant and holy time of the Islamic calendar; and WHEREAS, Muslims seek to grow spiritually during this time through prayer and recitation of the Quran, as well as focusing on intentional and selfless action; and WHEREAS, each year, Muslims fast each day from dawn until dusk for the duration of Ramadan; and WHEREAS, during this time of fasting, Muslims perform meaningful rituals that illuminate their faith, exercise humility, and engage in self-reflection;approvePass Action details Not available
25-1399 1 PROPOSED RESOLUTION IN REMEMBRANCE OF GEORGE GODFREY GREAVES, “DJ DOOM”Consent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION IN REMEMBRANCE OF GEORGE GODFREY GREAVES, “DJ DOOM” WHEREAS, George Godfrey Greaves was born December 29, 1970, and passed away on January 26, 2025; and WHEREAS, George was baptized at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Evanston, IL, and attended St. Nicholas School from preschool through eighth grade; and WHEREAS, George graduated from Evanston Township High School, Class of 1988. He was deeply rooted in the Evanston/St. Nick’s community in which he was raised; and WHEREAS, George began a career with the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) in 2011, where his years of dedicated hard work resulted in several promotions; and WHEREAS, George’s deep commitment to his profession led to a true impact on the culture of the company, where his coworkers felt, “In a world full of distractions, George’s genuine attention and generous heart were a rare gift that he carried effortlessly; and WHEREAS, George, known as “DJ Doom” was a master on the turntables. He was a brilliant musician whose talent transcended many eras. There wapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1404 1 Justice Freddrenna M. LyleConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Justice Freddrenna M. Lyle has been honored by the Cook County Bar Association at their Legend’s Award Dinner for her diverse and distinguished legal career; and WHEREAS, Justice Freddrenna Lyle was raised in the Park Manor neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois and attended Park Manor Elementary School and South Shore High School; and WHEREAS, Judge Lyle earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Illinois at Chicago and received her Juris Doctor from the University of Illinois Chicago John Marshall School of Law. Justice Lyle was admitted to the Illinois Bar Association in 1980; and WHEREAS, before joining the bench, Judge Lyle served as an Alderman in Chicago’s 6th Ward from 1998 to 2011 and previously worked in private practice for many years both as a solo practitioner and as partner. Simultaneously she created Lyle for Kids a not-for-profit that provided afterschool and summer programming for more than 9000 children; and WHEREAS, Justice Lyle was appointed to the Circuit Court of Cook County in Dec. 2011. She presided over cases iapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1407 1 Ed MullenConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Ed Mullen has been voted “Best Lawyer” for The Chicago Reader’s Best of Chicago 2024; and WHEREAS, Ed graduated with a degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania and graduated with highest honors from The George Washington University Law School, where he served as President of the Student Bar Association and was a member of the George Washington Law Review and Moot Court Board; and WHEREAS, Ed was a Litigation Partner at Ross, Dixon & Bell in Chicago (now Troutman Sanders) and a Litigation Associate at Howard Rice (now Arnold & Porter), where he litigated complex commercial lawsuits in state and federal courts around the country and maintained an active pro bono practice; and WHEREAS, for several years, Ed was the Managing Attorney for Community Integration at Access Living, a disability rights organization in Chicago. There, he served as Access Living’s lead counsel on three class action cases in federal court alleging that Illinois violated the Americans with Disabilities Act in administering its Medicaid plan. All three casapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1408 1 HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF DANIEL LEVINConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION - HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF DANIEL LEVIN WHEREAS, Daniel E. Levin,founder and chairman of The Habitat Company, passed away at the age of 94 on January 11, 2025 at his home in Winnetka, Illinois; and WHEREAS, Mr. Levin received a B.A. and J.D. from the University of Chicago. One of his first jobs was as a lawyer at a small firm in Detroit, where he represented the Chicago company that planned and developed Lafayette Park, designed by Mies van der Rohe. In 1957, he moved to Chicago and became involved with the firm that developed all the Mies van der Rohe-designed apartment buildings, which was a catalyst for his venture into the real estate world; and WHEREAS, In 1971, Mr. Levin founded The Habitat Company which became a respected real estate development and property management company. In 1987, Levin and The Habitat Company were appointed receiver of the Chicago Housing Authority Scattered Site housing development program. In that capacity, Habitat oversaw the revitalization of nearly 2,800 public housing units citywide; andapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1409 1 PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR EVANSTON-NORTH SHORE ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF DELTA SIGMA THETA Delta Sigma Theta 50thENSAConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR EVANSTON-NORTH SHORE ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF DELTA SIGMA THETA 50TH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a distinguished organization committed to the ideals of Sisterhood, Scholarships, Service and Social Action; and WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta was the first Black sorority in Evanston, IL., with the chartering of the Omicron Chapter on January 20, 1948 as a mixed chapter with undergrad and alumnae members; and WHEREAS, in 1971 the collegiate members of Northwestern University established the Theta Alpha Chapter, leading to the renaming as the Evanston-North Shore Alumnae Chapter (ENSA) on February 9, 1975; and WHEREAS, ENSA has significantly impacted the Evanston community through outstanding public service programs, particularly in the areas of youth mentorship, educational achievement, and social action; and WHEREAS, the chapter has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to education by awarding over $300,000 in scholarships to deserving high school graduates from the Evanston and North Shore area; and WHEREASapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1410 1 AUBREY SCOTT HUNTERConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION IN REMEMBRANCE OF AUBREY SCOTT HUNTER WHEREAS, Aubrey Scott Hunter was born September 25, 1966 in Evanston, Illinois and passed away on January 26, 2025; and WHEREAS, Aubrey graduated from Evanston Township High School in 1984, before continuing his education at Lincoln University in Jefferson City MO.; and WHEREAS, At Lincoln University, Aubrey earned his Bachelors of Science in Economics and became a proud member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Aubrey built a remarkable 30 plus year career as a successful entrepreneur, establishing and running several businesses, in addition to holding leadership roles in sales and business development positions for other companies and organizations; and WHEREAS, Aubrey’s passion for sports was established early as one of the only Black hockey players on the Evanston team and entire hockey league at the time. He would excel at baseball and became an avid golfer, in addition to finding joy in coaching his son’s baseball team; and WHEREAS, Aubrey dedicated himself to thapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1411 1 HONORING THE LIFE OF JOSE AUSTRIACOConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOSE AUSTRIACO WHEREAS, Dr. Jose “Joe” Austriaco, age 90, of Park Ridge, formerly of Lombard and Oak Brook, passed away on January 29, 2025, surrounded by his loving family; and WHEREAS, Jose was born on December 8, 1934 in Manila, Philippines; and WHEREAS, At 34, Jose immigrated to the USA in April of 1969. While studying for his Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates exam, he worked as an x-ray technician to earn, in preparation for his wife, Lina, and the kids to arrive in November; and WHEREAS, By 1973, upon passing the exam, Jose began practicing and having saved enough money he and Lina moved the family to Oak Brook where life flourished; and WHEREAS, He was very involved in many Filipino organizations including the PMAC (Philippines Medical Association of Chicago), PNBAA (Philippines National Basketball Association of America), and Chicago Philippines Lions Club. He was a sports enthusiast playing tennis, bowling and basketball; and WHEREAS, Jose continued practicingapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1409 1 PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR EVANSTON-NORTH SHORE ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF DELTA SIGMA THETA Delta Sigma Theta 50thENSAConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR EVANSTON-NORTH SHORE ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF DELTA SIGMA THETA 50TH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a distinguished organization committed to the ideals of Sisterhood, Scholarships, Service and Social Action; and WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta was the first Black sorority in Evanston, IL., with the chartering of the Omicron Chapter on January 20, 1948 as a mixed chapter with undergrad and alumnae members; and WHEREAS, in 1971 the collegiate members of Northwestern University established the Theta Alpha Chapter, leading to the renaming as the Evanston-North Shore Alumnae Chapter (ENSA) on February 9, 1975; and WHEREAS, ENSA has significantly impacted the Evanston community through outstanding public service programs, particularly in the areas of youth mentorship, educational achievement, and social action; and WHEREAS, the chapter has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to education by awarding over $300,000 in scholarships to deserving high school graduates from the Evanston and North Shore area; and WHEREASapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1410 1 AUBREY SCOTT HUNTERConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION IN REMEMBRANCE OF AUBREY SCOTT HUNTER WHEREAS, Aubrey Scott Hunter was born September 25, 1966 in Evanston, Illinois and passed away on January 26, 2025; and WHEREAS, Aubrey graduated from Evanston Township High School in 1984, before continuing his education at Lincoln University in Jefferson City MO.; and WHEREAS, At Lincoln University, Aubrey earned his Bachelors of Science in Economics and became a proud member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Aubrey built a remarkable 30 plus year career as a successful entrepreneur, establishing and running several businesses, in addition to holding leadership roles in sales and business development positions for other companies and organizations; and WHEREAS, Aubrey’s passion for sports was established early as one of the only Black hockey players on the Evanston team and entire hockey league at the time. He would excel at baseball and became an avid golfer, in addition to finding joy in coaching his son’s baseball team; and WHEREAS, Aubrey dedicated himself to thapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1411 1 HONORING THE LIFE OF JOSE AUSTRIACOConsent Calendar ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOSE AUSTRIACO WHEREAS, Dr. Jose “Joe” Austriaco, age 90, of Park Ridge, formerly of Lombard and Oak Brook, passed away on January 29, 2025, surrounded by his loving family; and WHEREAS, Jose was born on December 8, 1934 in Manila, Philippines; and WHEREAS, At 34, Jose immigrated to the USA in April of 1969. While studying for his Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates exam, he worked as an x-ray technician to earn, in preparation for his wife, Lina, and the kids to arrive in November; and WHEREAS, By 1973, upon passing the exam, Jose began practicing and having saved enough money he and Lina moved the family to Oak Brook where life flourished; and WHEREAS, He was very involved in many Filipino organizations including the PMAC (Philippines Medical Association of Chicago), PNBAA (Philippines National Basketball Association of America), and Chicago Philippines Lions Club. He was a sports enthusiast playing tennis, bowling and basketball; and WHEREAS, Jose continued practicingapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0330 1 3300 Holeman, LLCResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION 3300 Holeman, LLC CLASS 6B SUSTAINABLE EMERGENCY RELIEF (SER) WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b Sustainable Emergency Relief (SER) application containing the following information: Applicant: 3300 Holeman, LLC Address: 3300 Holeman Avenue, Steger, Illinois Length of time at current location: 30 years Length of time property under same ownership: 30 years Is there evidence supporting 10 years of the same ownership and/or occupancy (tenancy): Yes Age of the Property (Building): 31 Years Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Steger Cook County District: 6th District Permanent Index Number(s): 32-33-331-020-0000 32-33-331-021-0000, 32-33-331-022-0000, 32-33-331-023-0000, 32-33-331-024-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Steger, Ordinance No. 1285 Evidence of Economic Hardship: Yes Number of blighting factors associated with the property: Three (3) blighting factors, Obsolescence - the physical structure whereapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0833 1 Bill Doran CompanyResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION Bill Doran Company 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Bill Doran Company Address: 1400 Morse Avenue, Elk Grove Village Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Elk Grove Village Cook County District: 15th District Permanent Index Number: 08-34-204-020-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Elk Grove Village Resolution No. 18-23 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: One (1) month vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing and distribution Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and WHEREAS, the Cook County ClassificationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0834 1 Village of PosenResolution (Class 8) No Purchase for Value TEERMPROPOSED RESOLUTION Village of Posen CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information: Applicant: Village of Posen Address: 14727-51 South Kedzie, Posen, Illinois Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Posen Cook County District: 5th District Permanent Index Number: 28-12-300-015-0000; 28-12-300-016-0000; 28-12-300-017-0000; 28-12-300-018-0000;28-12-300-019-0000; 28-12-300-020-0000; 28-12-300-021-0000; 28-12-300-022-0000; 28-12-300-023-0000; 28-12-300-024-0000; 28-12-300-025-0000; 28-12-300-026-0000; 28-12-300-027-0000 and 28-12-300-028-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Posen, Resolution No. 2024-21 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 12 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Proposed use of property: Commercial use - Strip mall Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes WHEREAS, the Cook County BapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1039 1  ReportREPORT Department: Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County Report Title: Report of Legal and Expert Witness Fees and Expenses Processed for Payment Report Period: January 1,2025 through January 31,2025 Summary: This report includes court orders for the payment of fees and associated expenses to attorneys and experts for legal services provided on behalf of indigent litigants. The orders have been processed by the Office of the Chief Judge and submitted to the Cook County Comptroller’s Office for payment during this period.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1059 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: Law Office of Karla Fiaoni Attorney(s): Karla M. Fiaoni Case Name: In re Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 99 CR 2602001 & 99 CR 2602002 Date of This Order: 01/10/2025 Time period: 10/28/2024 - 12/10/2024 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $4,692.51 Paid to Date: $206,090.71 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1061 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: : (1) Lawrence Oliver II - Special Prosecutor (2) Sidley Austin - Deputy Special Prosecutor (3) FTI Consulting (4) Lawrence Rosen and (5) Wendy Muchman Attorney(s): Lawrence Oliver II Case Name: In re Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 82 CR 1221 & 88 CR 7771 Date of This Order: 01/13/2025 Time period: 11/01/2024 - 12/18/2024 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $Lawrence Oliver II - $31,090.38, FTI Consulting $4,821.95 Paid to Date: $805,826.67 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
25-1062 1  Special Court OrdersFirm: Office of the Special Prosecutor Attorney(s): Michael J. O’Rourke Case Name: Appointment of Special Prosecutor Case No.(s): 90 CR 25846 Date of This Order: 12/23/2024 Time period: 08/01/2024 - 11/30/2024 This Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $5,466.64 Paid to Date: $8,841,867.77 Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0879 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Terry, Tyshawn v. Cook County Case No: 21 C 6863 Settlement Amount: $20,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 4240 - Cermak Health Services Payable to: George S. Bellas, Client Funds Account as attorney for Tyshawn Terry Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of a civil rights violationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0931 1  Proposed Settlements (Torts and Civil Rights)Case: Brown, Demiaus v. Grossman Case No: 2024M1300872 Settlement Amount: $18,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 1250 - State’s Attorney Payable to: Deutschman + Skafish, PC Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of automobile negligenceapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0977 1  Proposed Settlements (Labor and Employment)Case: Carroll, Margaret v. Cook County Case No: 23 C 16565 Settlement Amount: $90,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 899 (Health) Payable to: Margaret Carroll and the Law Offices of Goldman & Ehrlich Client Trust Fund Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: an allegation of employment discriminationapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0958 1  Report (SAO Workers Comp)REPORT Department: Civil Actions Bureau Report Title: Workers’ Compensation Payments Following Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office - Litigated Settlements & Awards Report Period: January 1, 2025, to February 4, 2025 Summary: Authorization to Pay Workers’ Compensation Settlements & AwardsapprovePass Action details Not available
25-0979 1  ReportREPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Receive and File - Patient Arrestee Claims Report Period: The month ending December 31, 2024 Summary: The Department of Risk Management is submitting for your information a summary of Patient Arrestee Claims for the month ending 12/31/2024 - Total: $263,952.26receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0980 1  ReportREPORT Department: Risk Management Report Title: Receive and File Self Insurance Claims Report Period: Months ending December 31, 2024 Summary: The Department of Risk Management is submitting for your information Self Insurance Claims for the months ending December 31, 2024. Payments total: $31,457.68.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1146 1  ReportREPORT Department: Office of the Comptroller Report Title: Analysis of Revenues and Expenses Report Report Period: One-month period ended December 31, 2024 Summary: Attached is an Analysis of Revenues and Expenses Report for the one-month period ended December 31, 2024, for the Corporate, Public Safety, Health, Grants and Special Purpose funds of Cook County. The report presents estimates of revenues and expenses expected to occur during the fiscal period compared to actual revenues and expenses recorded.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-1166 1  ReportREPORT Department: Cook County Health Report Title: CCH Monthly Report Report Period: February 2025 Summary:receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0739 1 FY 2024 Elected Officials Compensation and Market SurveyReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Human Resources Report Title: FY 2024 Elected Official Compensation and Market Survey Report Report Period: Fiscal Year 2024 Summary: The Cook County Bureau of Human Resources commissioned an independent Compensation and Market Survey to determine if the current compensation of the following elected officials is in line with similarly situated positions nationwide or if increases are warranted: President of the Cook County Board, Finance Chairman of the Cook County Board, Each Elected Commissioner of the Cook County Board, Cook County Assessor, Cook County Clerk, Cook County Sheriff, Cook County Treasurer, Members of the Board of Review, and Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0525 1 Behavioral Semi-Annual Health ReportReportREPORT Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Office Report Title: Behavioral Health Report Report Period: June 2024 - November 2024 Summary: This semi-annual report is to comply with the requirements of Resolution# 23-0523 to Assess the Needs and Improve the quality and Effectiveness of Behavioral Health Care Provided by Cook County Government.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0580 1 Behavioral Services ReportReportREPORT Department: Cook County State’s Attorney Report Title: Behavioral Services Report Report Period: June 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024 Summary: Pursuant to the Cook County Board Resolution to assess needs and improve the quality and effectiveness of behavioral health provided by Cook County government, enclosed is a report of behavioral health programs and services related to or arising from operations of the Cook County State’s Attorney. Cook County.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0948 1 First Semi-annual Disparities Report 2025ReportREPORT Department: Cook County Health Report Title: Semi-annual Disparities Report Report Period: Firs Semi-annual Report for 2025 Summary: TBDreceive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0962 1 CCH OBH Semiannual Behavioral Health Report Nov CCH OBH Semiannual Mental Health Report 11.2024ReportREPORT Department: CCH Office of Behavioral Health Report Title: CCH OBH Semiannual Mental Health Report November 2024 Report Period: 5/1/2024 - 11/30/2024 Summary: Semiannual Reportreceive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0829 1 2024 Ethics Annual ReportReportREPORT Department: Human Rights and Ethics Report Title: 2024 Board of Ethics Annual Report Report Period: 12/1/2023 - 11/30/2024 Summary: This is the annual report for the Board of Ethics for Fiscal Year 2024.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0951 1 Jacob Clinkscales JDTC Advisory BoardAppointmentPROPOSED APPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Jacob Clinkscales Position: Member Department/Board/Commission: Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Advisory Board Effective date: 2/6/2025 Expiration date: 2/6/2028approvePass Action details Not available
25-0985 1 Chauncey Kingsbury Glenbrook Sanitary DistrictAppointmentPROPOSED APPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Chauncey Kingsbury Position: Trustee Department/Board/Commission: Glenbrook Sanitary District Effective date: 2/6/2025 Expiration date: 2/6/2028, the appointment will remain in effect until reappointed or successor is appointed.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0984 1 CONSENT CALENDAR MEETINGSOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT CONSENT CALENDAR MEETINGS BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that CHAPTER 2 ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE III COUNTY BOARD, DIVISION 2, RULES OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE, SECTION 2-107(a)(3) of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows: Sec. 2-107. Board of commissioners; meetings of the board. (a) Meetings, types of. **** (3) Consent Calendar agenda. The Consent Calendar is a compilation of proposed resolutions concerning deaths, anniversaries, and congratulations for notable achievements. Only proposed resolutions conforming to this description may be submitted to the Secretary for inclusion on the Consent Calendar, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to prepare the Consent Calendar for the Board. The President and each Commissioner will be allowed to have up to two resolutions recognized during the Consent Calendar meeting. The recognized resolutions will not be read in their entirety; however, a summary or short statement as prepared by the sponsoring official may be read aloud by the Clerk at the approvePass Action details Not available
25-0986 1 REVISED ANNUAL CONSENT CALENDAR MEETINGS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2025ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE REVISED ANNUAL CONSENT CALENDAR MEETINGS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2025 WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 2, Article III, Division 2, Section 2-107, the Cook County Board of Commissioners shall hold regular meetings pursuant to an annual calendar adopted by resolution of the Board; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2.02 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, every public body shall give public notice of the schedule of regular meetings at the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year and shall state the regular dates, times and places of such meetings; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Cook County approved its annual calendar for regular meetings on October 24, 2024 via Item -24-5720; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Cook County desires to hold a regular meeting of the Board for the purpose of approving Consent Calendar resolutions separate and apart from the regular 10:00 a.m. meeting and WHEREAS, the Board Secretary shall post the regular cadence of meetings for the Consent Calendar as provided herein. NOW, approvePass Action details Not available
25-0262 1 Technology Strategic Plan Report FY 2025ReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Technology Report Title: Technology Strategic Plan Report Report Period: Fiscal year 2025 Summary: Offices Under the President, represent4ed by the Bureau of Technology, and all other separately elected offices shall present an annual Technology Strategic Plan Report to the Cook County Technology and Innovation committee of the Board of Commissioners.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0346 1 Report for ADA Transition PlanReportREPORT Department: Transportation and Highways Report Title: Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways ADA Transition Plan Report Period: N/A Action: Refer to Committee Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully request that this Report be referred to the Transportation Committee where a presentation will be provided to this honorable Board. The Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways ADA Transition Plan intends to identify and outline the goals, objectives, and actions necessary to ensure that all of its facilities, services, programs, and activities in the public right-of-way (ROW) are accessible to all individuals. This document addresses features under the jurisdiction of the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (DoTH) within the public right-of-way (ROW). The Transition Plan fulfills a federal requirement for all Transportation Agencies to have such a plan and references Federal requirements as it relates to ADA.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0537 1 Improvement Resolution for Burnham Avenue Railroad Crossing StudyImprovement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: Burnham Avenue Railroad Crossing Study Location: Village of Burnham Section: 23-BURGS-01-EG County Board District(s): 4 Centerline Mileage: 0.9 miles Fiscal Impact: $250,000.00 (FY 2025, $100,000.00; FY 2026, $150,000.00) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.521536 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed improvement resolution for work being done in the Village of Burnham. The work involves preliminary engineering for the Burnham Avenue Railroad Crossing Study in the Village of Burnham in Cook County.approvePass Action details Not available
25-0737 1 4th Quarter Hiring Timeline ReportReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Human Resources Report Title: Bureau of Human Resources Hiring Timeline Report Report Period: 4th Quarter FY 2024 Summary: This report provides a quarterly analysis of the Bureau of Human Resources’ hiring timeline showing the amount of time it takes to fill vacant positions. The timeline begins with the date the completed hiring request is submitted to the Bureau of Human Resources and ends with an employee’s first day of employment.receive and filePass Action details Not available
25-0425 1 Contract Amendment for County Line Road South – I294 Ramp to North Avenue Contract no. 2028-18250RContract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: R.W. Dunteman Company, Addison, Illinois Action: Refer to Transportation Committee Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services Location: County Line Road - I-294 Ramp to North Avenue County Board District(s): 17 Original Contract Period: 7/12/2021 - 9/30/2027 Section: 16-W7331-00-RP Proposed Contract Period Extension: N/A Section: 16-W7331-00-RP Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $35,213,874.52 Original Board Approval: 6/24/2021, $34,472,832.70 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 2/29/2024, $741,041.82 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $3,491,060.94 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2025 $3,491,060.94 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019 ($41,248.08); 11300.1500.29150.521536 ($713,368.30) Grant: 11900.1500.53654.560019 ($164,968.60); 11900.1500.53654.521536 ($2,571,475referPass Action details Not available
25-0784 1 Contract Amendment for Preliminary Engineering Services – Various Various- Co number- 2028-18231BContract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: HR Green, Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renewal and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Preliminary Engineering Services Location: Countywide County Board District(s): Countywide Original Contract Period: 4/1/2021 - 3/31/2024 with two (2) one-year renewal options Section: 18-6PESV-01-ES Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2026 (2nd renewal option) Section: 18-6PESV-01-ES Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $5,000,000.00 Original Board Approval: 3/18/2021, $5,000,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 4/1/2024 - 3/31/2025 (1st renewal option) This Increase Requested: $525,000.00 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Impact: Account:referPass Action details Not available
25-0785 1 Contract Amendment Preliminary Engineering Services – Various Various-Co number- 2028-18231CContract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: HDR Engineering, Inc., Rosemont, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renewal and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Preliminary Engineering Services Location: Countywide County Board District(s): Countywide Original Contract Period: 4/1/2021 - 3/31/2024 with two (2) one-year renewal options Section: 18-6PESV-02-ES Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/1/2025 - 3/31/2026 Section: 18-6PESV-02-ES Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $5,000,000.00 Original Board Approval: 3/18/2021, $5,000,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 3/8/2024, 4/1/2024 -3/31/2025 (1st renewal option) This Increase Requested: $525,000.00 Contract Utilization: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation. Potential Fiscal Impact: Account: MoreferPass Action details Not available
25-1067 1 Milhouse Engineering & Construction, Inc., Chicago, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy Vendor: Milhouse Engineering & Construction, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Professional Architectural and Engineering Services (Public Safety Portfolio) Original Contract Period: 1/25/2017 - 4/24/2020 Proposed Amendment Type: Extension and Increase Proposed Contract Period: Extension period 12/25/2024 - 07/04/2025 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,394,446.53 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 1/18/2017, $866,546.33 Increase Requested: $237,774.19 Previous Board Increase(s): 5/13/2021, $195,000.00; 10/20/2022, $190,000.00; 10/19/2023, $65,000.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 5/18/2018, $27,485.00; 1/22/2019, $34,575.20; 5/14/2020, $15,840.00 Previous Board Renewals: N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A Previous Board Extension(s): 5/13/2021, 4/25/2021 - 7/24/2022; 10/20/202approvePass Action details Not available
25-1338 1 PD Behavioral Health Quarterly ReportReportREPORTS Department: Cook County Public Defender’s Office Report Period: 3rd & 4th Quarter Report, June 2024-November 2024 Summary: Behavioral Health Resolution Quarterly Report for the Law Office of the Cook County Public DefenderreferPass Action details Not available
25-1324 1 AMENDMENT TO ETHICS ORDINANCEOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AMENDMENT TO ETHICS ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 2 Administration, Article VII Ethics, Division 2 Code of Ethical Conduct, Sections 2-562, 2-580 and 2-585 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 2-562. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Absolutely necessary means that another means of identification, such as employee identification number, cannot be substituted for the social security number without frustrating the purpose of the request. Agency means the County Board, any committee or other subdivision thereof, any County department or other administrative unit, commission, board or other division of the government of the County. Board of Ethics or Board means the Cook County Board of Ethics, as defined in Section 2-591. Board or Commission Appointee means all individuals appointed by the PrereferPass Action details Not available
25-1343 1 Proposed Changes to the Procedural Rules for the Paid Leave OrdinanceProposed Changes to Public Facing Rules and RegulationsPROPOSED CHANGES TO PUBLIC FACING RULES AND REGULATIONS Department: Department of Human Rights & Ethics Summary: These are proposed changes to the Procedural Rules for the Cook County Paid Leave Ordinance. It includes changes to the definition of “Date of Allowable First Allowable Use” under Section 110.100. It also proposes updated language under Section 200.100 A Compensation and Benefits, Section 310.100 C (1-2) Exempt Employees, Section 330.100 Pursuant to Collective Bargaining Agreements, Section 400.200 Accrual Methods, Section 400.300 C Hours Worked, Section 500.200 Increments of Use, Section 500.300 B Disciplinary Leave, and Section 500.500 Payment of Paid Leave.referPass Action details Not available
25-1340 1 Behavioral Semi-Annual ReportReportREPORT Department: Office of the Chief Judge Report Title: Behavioral Semi-Annual Report Report Period: June 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024 Summary: Pursuant to the Cook County Board Resolution to assess needs and improve the quality and effectiveness of behavioral health provided by Cook County government, enclosed are the quarterly reports of behavioral health programs and services provided by the Circuit Court of Cook County.referPass Action details Not available
25-1358 1 REVISED COOK COUNTY HUMAN RIGHTS' DEFINITION OF NATIONAL ORIGINOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REVISED COOK COUNTY HUMAN RIGHTS' DEFINITION OF NATIONAL ORIGIN BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 42 - Human Relations, Article II - Human Rights, Sections 42-31 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows: Sec. 42-31. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Age means chronological age of not less than 40 years. Assisted reproduction means a method of achieving a pregnancy through the handling of human oocytes, sperm, zygotes, or embryos for the purpose of establishing a pregnancy. "Assisted reproduction" includes, but is not limited to, methods of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, zygote transfer, embryo biopsy, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, embryo cryopreservation, oocyte, gamete, zygote, and embryo donation, and gestational surrogacy. Bodily autonomy means self-governance over one's own reproreferPass Action details Not available