| 1 | | Charles Anderson, Member, Illinois Labor Relations Board - Local Panel | Reappointment | PROPOSED REAPPOINTMENT
Appointee(s): Charles Anderson
Position: Member
Department/Board/Commission: Illinois Labor Relations Board - Local Panel
Effective date: Immediate
Expiration date: 1/31/2019 or until a successor is appointed or qualified
Summary: This item is for informational purposes only | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Hipolito ‘Paul’ Roldan, Chairman, Housing Authority of Cook County Board of Directors | Reappointment | PROPOSED REAPPOINTMENT
Appointee(s): Hipolito ‘Paul’ Roldan
Position: Chairman
Department/Board/Commission: Housing Authority of Cook County Board of Directors
Effective date: Immediate
Expiration date: 4/12/2022 or until a successor is appointed and qualified.
Summary: N/A | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Berkeley 1 PIN NCB 2017 Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Rudy Espiritu, Village Administrator, Village of Berkeley
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Berkeley
Volume and Property Index Number:
157, 15-07-310-022-0000.
Summary: Thank you for the opportunity to submit a request for assistance through the No Cash Bid Program. We are pleased to submit one (1) parcel for your consideration.
This unoccupied commercial property is located in close proximity to the Village Hall, under 1/10th of a mile and comprises an estimated land square footage of 6,350 square feet. The existing structure has been unoccupied with no water use since October of 2008. The Village will be exploring plans for usage by Village sponsored clubs and organizations or possible expansion of Village offices for ease of providing streamlined services. Therefore, the Village will file for tax exempt status on the property if tax deeds are obtained. The Village also intends to retain ownership of the parcel and therefore will not be applying with a Third Party.
The Village will ret | refer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Brookfield 1 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Keith R. Sbrial, AICP, Village Manager, Village of Brookfield
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Brookfield
Volume and Property Index Number:
075, 18-03-214-030-0000.
Summary: The Village of Brookfield, Illinois (the “Village”) hereby requests no-cash bid acquisition of the following parcel. This Request Package contains one (1) PIN referred to herein as the “Property.” The Property is located at 8834 Ogden Avenue in the Village of Brookfield. The Property is improved with a single-story commercial structure used as part of a retail facility selling custom countertops operating as the Marble Place. The Village seeks to acquire and hold the Property for redevelopment pending a future proposal by a yet-to-be-determined developer for commercial use of the Property. Acquisition of the Property through the Cook County No-Cash Bid Program will benefit the Village by potential redevelopment of a commercial, tax-generating use of Property. Commercial development of the Property will benefit the Village | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Brookfield 2 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Keith R. Sbrial, AICP, Village Manager, Village of Brookfield
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Brookfield
Volume and Property Index Number:
176, 15-34-119-019-0000.
Summary: The Village of Brookfield, Illinois (the “Village”) hereby requests no-cash bid acquisition of the following parcel. This Request Package contains one (1) PIN and is referred to herein as the “Property.” The Property is located at 9401 Henrietta in the Village of Brookfield. The Property is currently a vacant parcel of land between two (2) residential structures. By acquiring the Property through the Cook County No-Cash Bid Program, the Village will benefit by removing the property from the tax roll and from the potential future development of taxable uses thereon. The parcel of land immediately east of the Property is improved with a dilapidated residential structure, currently the subject of a housing complaint filed by the Village of Brookfield.
If the Village is successful in acquiring the Property through the No-Ca | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Calumet Park 31 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Ronald Denson, Mayor, Village of Calumet Park
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Calumet Park
Volume and Property Index Number:
036, 25-29-300-003-0000; 037, 25-30-203-007-0000; 037, 25-30-203-023-0000; 037, 25-30-203-024-0000; 037, 25-30-203-025-0000; 037, 25-30-203-026-0000; 037, 25-30-203-027-0000; 037, 25-30-203-028-0000; 037, 25-30-203-029-0000; 037, 25-30-203-030-0000; 037, 25-30-203-031-0000; 037, 25-30-203-032-0000; 037, 25-30-203-033-0000; 037, 25-30-203-034-0000; 037, 25-30-203-042-0000; 037, 25-30-203-045-0000; 037, 25-30-208-010-0000; 037, 25-30-208-011-0000; 037, 25-30-208-012-0000; 037, 25-30-208-013-0000; 037, 25-30-208-014-0000; 037, 25-30-403-001-0000; 037, 25-30-403-004-0000; 037, 25-30-410-007-0000; 037, 25-30-410-008-0000; 037, 25-30-410-041-0000; 037, 25-30-418-033-0000; 037, 25-30-418-034-0000; 037, 25-30-418-041-0000; 039, 25-32-206-034-0000; 039, 25-32-206-035-0000.
Summary: This letter is to express the Village of Calumet Park’s interest in receiving a No Cash Bid for par | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Crestwood 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Louis Presta, Mayor, Village of Crestwood
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Crestwood
Volume and Property Index Number:
248, 24-33-100-029-0000.
Summary: On behalf of the Village of Crestwood (the “Village”), and pursuant to the duly enacted resolution by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Crestwood, this letter shall serve as notice of the Village’s interest in the No Cash Bid for the following parcel. The number of parcels in this request is one (1). The property is currently vacant, unoccupied and unused, and it is the intention of the Village to return this parcel to tax-paying status through commercial redevelopment. This would benefit the Village by adding commercial property and businesses to the Village and increasing the Village’s assessed valuation.
The Village will initially file for tax exempt status upon receipt and filing of tax deeds, but expects to return the property to tax-paying status at the earliest possible time. At the present time there are no Third Party Request | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ford Heights 14 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Charles R. Griffin, Mayor, Village of Ford Heights
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Ford Heights
Volume and Property Index Number:
016, 32-23-116-029-0000; 016, 32-23-116-030-0000; 016, 32-23-116-031-0000; 016, 32-23-116-032-0000; 016, 32-23-116-033-0000; 016, 32-23-116-034-0000; 016, 32-23-116-035-0000; 016, 32-23-116-037-0000; 016, 32-23-116-038-0000; 016, 32-23-116-039-0000; 016, 32-23-116-040-0000; 016, 32-23-116-041-0000; 016, 32-23-316-019-0000; 017, 32-24-202-004-0000.
Summary: The Village of Ford Heights requests the listed abandoned properties in the Cook County Board of Commissioners No Cash Bid Program. This request package contains fourteen (14) PINs. The request is for twelve (12) parcels of vacant land and two (2) parcels with unoccupied residential structures. The parcels will be used to assist in our efforts to revitalize, stabilize, and decrease vandalism in our community. The vacant lots and houses are located in blighted sections of the community. The Village of Ford Heights | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Glenwood 1 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: John F. Donahue, Village Attorney, Village of Glenwood
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Glenwood
Volume and Property Index Number:
009, 32-03-318-008-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Glenwood’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Scavenger Sale for the parcel of property identified. This request package is for the one (1) PIN listed above. The PIN is a vacant, unoccupied lot that does not contain any structures. It is the Village of Glenwood’s desire to obtain title to this property through the County’s No Cash Bid Program so that the property can be redeveloped by a private entity, returned to the property tax rolls and create additional employment opportunities within the Village. This parcel is in the Village of Glenwood’s Main Street Tax Increment Financing District. Accordingly, TIF incentives as allowed by the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act would be available to incentivize the acquisition and redevel | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Glenwood 2 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: John F. Donahue, Village Attorney, Village of Glenwood
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Glenwood
Volume and Property Index Number:
009, 32-03-400-023-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Glenwood’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Scavenger Sale for the parcel of property identified. This request package is for the one (1) PINs listed above. This PIN is an unoccupied lot that has an abandoned greenhouse structure that was used by an abandoned business storefront located on an adjacent PIN. The business that previously occupied this PIN and the adjoining PIN (32-03-400-022-0000) went out of business on December 22, 2015. It is the Village of Glenwood’s desire to obtain title to this property through the County’s No Cash Bid Program so that the property can be redeveloped by a private entity, returned to the property tax rolls and create additional employment opportunities within the Village. The rear portion of the reque | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Glenwood 3 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: John F. Donahue, Village Attorney, Village of Glenwood
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Glenwood
Volume and Property Index Number:
009, 32-03-327-021-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Glenwood’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Scavenger Sale for the parcel of property identified. This request package is for the one (1) PIN listed above. The PIN contains a vacant dilapidated abandoned house that has been unoccupied for 3 years. The structure on this property is in a flood plain and has substantial damage as a result of previous flooding incidents. The house on this parcel is in a dangerous condition and was first declare as being unfit for occupancy on May 2, 2014. It is the Village of Glenwood’s desire to obtain title to this property so that it can demolish the hazardous structure located on this property and continue to hold this property for flood control purposes.
In the event this application is approved, | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Glenwood 4 - 3 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: John F. Donahue, Village Attorney, Village of Glenwood
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Glenwood
Volume and Property Index Number:
009, 32-03-318-002-0000; 009, 32-03-318-003-0000; 009, 32-03-318-004-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Glenwood’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Scavenger Sale for the parcels of property identified. In the event these parcels are not eligible for the No Cash Bid Program, the Village is alternatively requesting that an Over-The-Counter tax certificate be issued and assigned to the Village of Glenwood. This request package is for the three (3) adjacent PINs listed above. The requested PINs are contiguous parcels that contain a vacant dilapidated abandoned commercial site that was previously occupied by a restaurant that has been closed for three (3) years. At the time the property was abandoned, the Village attempted to work with the business occupying the parcels to see if it could util | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Harvey 1 - 89 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Eric J. Kellogg, Mayor, City of Harvey
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: City of Harvey
Volume and Property Index Number:
198, 29-07-307-004-0000; 198, 29-07-307-005-0000; 198, 29-07-307-007-0000; 198, 29-07-307-008-0000; 198, 29-07-309-018-0000; 198, 29-07-309-019-0000; 198, 29-07-309-020-0000; 198, 29-07-309-021-0000; 198, 29-07-309-022-0000; 198, 29-07-309-023-0000; 198, 29-07-309-024-0000; 198, 29-07-309-025-0000; 198, 29-07-309-026-0000; 198, 29-07-309-027-0000; 198, 29-07-309-028-0000; 198, 29-07-309-029-0000; 198, 29-07-309-030-0000; 198, 29-07-309-031-0000; 198, 29-07-309-032-0000; 198, 29-07-309-033-0000; 198, 29-07-309-034-0000; 198, 29-07-309-035-0000; 198, 29-07-309-036-0000; 198, 29-07-309-037-0000; 198, 29-07-309-038-0000; 198, 29-07-309-039-0000; 198, 29-07-309-040-0000; 198, 29-07-309-041-0000; 198, 29-07-309-042-0000; 198, 29-07-309-043-0000; 198, 29-07-309-044-0000; 198, 29-07-316-012-0000; 198, 29-07-316-013-0000; 198, 29-07-316-014-0000; 199, 29-08-125-037-0000; 199, 29-08-125-038-0000; 1 | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Harvey 2 - 23 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Eric J. Kellogg, Mayor, City of Harvey
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: City of Harvey
Volume and Property Index Number:
198, 29-07-303-013-0000; 198, 29-07-303-019-0000; 198, 29-07-307-006-0000; 198, 29-07-310-022-0000; 198, 29-07-310-037-0000; 198, 29-07-310-040-0000; 199, 29-07-402-009-0000; 199, 29-07-402-010-0000; 199, 29-08-122-031-0000; 199, 29-08-122-032-0000; 199, 29-08-122-033-0000; 199, 29-08-122-034-0000; 199, 29-08-122-035-0000; 199, 29-08-122-036-0000; 199, 29-08-122-037-0000; 199, 29-08-122-038-0000; 200, 29-08-308-003-0000; 209, 29-17-417-040-0000; 210, 29-18-212-028-0000; 210, 29-18-212-032-0000; 210, 29-18-212-033-0000; 216, 29-29-206-016-0000; 216, 29-29-206-017-0000.
Summary: I am delighted to submit this letter of request for the City of Harvey’s interest in Cook County’s No Cash Bid Program to the Cook County Board of Commissioners. There are a total of twenty-three (23) Parcels of non-occupied commercial structures listed in our request and they are as follows. The City’s request | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Harvey 3 - 54 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Eric J. Kellogg, Mayor, City of Harvey
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: City of Harvey
Volume and Property Index Number:
198, 29-07-310-038-0000; 198, 29-07-310-039-0000; 198, 29-07-310-041-0000; 199, 29-07-405-056-0000; 199, 29-07-406-002-0000; 199, 29-08-122-039-0000; 200, 29-08-306-020-0000; 200, 29-08-307-001-0000; 200, 29-08-307-002-0000; 200, 29-08-307-003-0000; 200, 29-08-307-004-0000; 200, 29-08-307-005-0000; 200, 29-08-307-006-0000, 200, 29-08-307-007-0000; 200, 29-08-307-008-0000; 200, 29-08-307-009-0000; 200, 29-08-307-010-0000; 200, 29-08-307-011-0000; 200, 29-08-307-012-0000; 200, 29-08-307-013-0000; 200, 29-08-307-014-0000; 200, 29-08-307-015-0000; 200, 29-08-307-016-0000; 200, 29-08-307-031-0000; 200, 29-08-308-004-0000; 200, 29-08-309-015-0000; 200, 29-08-309-016-0000; 200, 29-08-309-017-0000; 200, 29-08-309-018-0000; 200, 29-08-309-019-0000, 200, 29-08-309-020-0000; 200, 29-08-309-024-0000; 200, 29-08-309-025-0000; 200, 29-08-309-026-0000; 200, 29-08-309-104-0000; 200, 29-08-404-008-0000; 2 | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hazel Crest 1 - 4 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Vernard L. Alsberry, Jr., President, Village of Hazel Crest
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Hazel Crest
Volume and Property Index Number:
217, 29-30-223-011-0000; 217, 29-30-223-012-0000; 217, 29-30-223-044-0000; 217, 29-30-131-005-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Hazel Crest’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Scavenger Sale for the parcels identified. This Request Package contains four (4) PINs. The PINs are all being used as parking lots and have no structures on the property. The first three (3) PINs for a fast food restaurant and the last PIN for a specialty grocery store. It is the Village’s desire to obtain title to these properties through the County’s No Cash Bid Program so that the property can be redeveloped for commercial purposes or transferred to a private entity for redevelopment as commercial property, returned to the tax rolls and create additional employment opportunities within the Village.
In t | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hazel Crest 2 - 21 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Vernard L. Alsberry, Jr., President, Village of Hazel Crest
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Hazel Crest
Volume and Property Index Number:
034, 28-26-402-062-0000; 034, 28-26-412-018-0000; 034, 28-26-412-019-0000; 034, 28-26-412-020-0000; 034, 28-26-412-022-0000; 034, 28-26-412-023-0000; 034, 28-26-412-024-0000; 034, 28-26-412-025-0000; 034, 28-26-412-026-0000; 034, 28-26-412-027-0000; 034, 28-26-412-028-0000; 034, 28-26-412-029-0000; 034, 28-26-412-030-0000; 034, 28-26-412-031-0000; 034, 28-26-412-032-0000; 217, 29-30-202-031-0000; 217, 29-30-217-033-0000; 217, 29-30-217-034-0000; 217, 29-30-217-035-0000; 217, 29-30-217-036-0000; 217, 29-30-217-037-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Hazel Crest’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Over-the-Counter Sale for the parcels identified. This Request Package contains twenty-one (21) PINs.
The first fifteen (15) PINs are vacant land that has never been developed. It is the | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hazel Crest 3 - 3 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Vernard L. Alsberry, Jr., President, Village of Hazel Crest
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Hazel Crest
Volume and Property Index Number:
217, 29-30-227-002-0000; 217, 29-30-227-003-0000; 217, 29-30-131-034-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Hazel Crest’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Scavenger Sale for the parcels identified. This Request Package contains three (3) PINs. The requested PINs are unoccupied commercial buildings. It is the Village’s desire to obtain title to this property through the County’s No Cash Bid Program so that the property can be redeveloped for commercial purposes or transferred to a private entity for redevelopment as commercial property, returned to the tax rolls and create additional employment opportunities within the Village.
In the event this application is approved, it is the Village’s intent to file the necessary documents required to obtain tax-exempt status for the parcel | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hazel Crest 4 - 5 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Vernard L. Alsberry, Jr., President, Village of Hazel Crest
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Hazel Crest
Volume and Property Index Number:
035, 28-35-402-011-0000; 217, 29-30-131-036-0000; 217, 29-30-131-037-0000; 217, 29-30-131-038-0000; 217, 29-30-131-039-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Hazel Crest’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Over-the-Counter Sale for the parcels identified. This Request Package contains five (5) PINs. The first PIN is an unoccupied, stand-alone commercial building. The remaining four (4) PINs are adjacent. The structures are unoccupied industrial and mix-used residential/commercial buildings.
It is the Village’s desire to obtain title to this property through the County’s No Cash Bid Program so that the property can be redeveloped for mixed use or commercial purposes or transferred to a private entity for redevelopment as mixed use or commercial property, returned to the tax rolls and | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hazel Crest 5 - 10 PINs 2017 Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Vernard L. Alsberry, Jr., President, Village of Hazel Crest
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Hazel Crest
Volume and Property Index Number:
217, 29-30-202-016-0000; 217, 29-30-202-017-0000; 217, 29-30-202-018-0000; 217, 29-30-202-019-0000; 217, 29-30-202-020-0000; 217, 29-30-202-021-0000; 217, 29-30-202-022-0000; 217, 29-30-202-023-0000; 217, 29-30-202-024-0000; 217, 29-30-202-025-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Hazel Crest’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Scavenger and Over-the Counter Sales for the parcels identified. This Request Package contains ten (10) PINs. Three (3) PINs comprise an unoccupied building that was formally used as a residence and a day care center. It has been vacant since sometime between 2012 and January 2013. The remaining seven (7) PINs were used as a parking lot for the now defunct day care center. There are no structures on these parcels. It is the Village’s desire to obtain title to th | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hazel Crest 6 - 3 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Vernard L. Alsberry, Jr., President, Village of Hazel Crest
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Hazel Crest
Volume and Property Index Number:
217, 29-30-223-041-0000; 217, 29-30-223-013-0000; 217, 29-30-131-004-0000.
Summary: Please accept this letter as the Village of Hazel Crest’s application to participate in the Cook County No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 County Scavenger Sale for the parcels identified. This Request Package contains three (3) PINs. The first PIN is a commercial building housing a hair salon. It is the Village’s desire to obtain title to this property through the County’s No Cash Bid Program so that the property can be redeveloped for mixed use or commercial purposes or transferred to a private entity for redevelopment as mixed use or commercial property, returned to the tax rolls and create additional employment opportunities within the Village.
The second PIN is a commercial building housing a fast food restaurant. The third PIN is a commercial building housing a sp | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Lansing 1 - 5 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Norman F. Abbott, President, Village of Lansing
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Lansing
Volume and Property Index Number:
228, 30-30-303-036-0000; 228, 30-30-308-037-0000; 228, 30-32-100-005-0000; 228, 30-32-100-006-0000; 230, 30-32-124-032-0000.
Summary: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the Village of Lansing’s desire to participate in the Cook County No-Cash Bid Program. The Village is interested in acquiring certain properties consisting of five (5) permanent index numbers that are delinquent in real estate taxes or special assessments for two (2) or more years, pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/21-90. Please accept this request to obtain the following five (5) permanent index numbers that are all vacant lots. The first four (4) PINs will be assembled with adjacent PINs for industrial or commercial redevelopment. The last requested PIN is currently a public sidewalk and will remain as such upon acquisition. Currently, there are no third-party-applicants for the properties.
The Vil | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Lansing 2 - 10 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Norman F. Abbott, President, Village of Lansing
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Lansing
Volume and Property Index Number:
215, 29-25-301-059-1001; 215, 29-25-301-059-1002; 215, 29-25-301-059-1011; 215, 29-25-301-059-1012; 215, 29-25-301-059-1013; 215, 29-25-301-059-1014; 229, 30-31-120-034-0000; 230, 30-32-124-030-0000; 230, 30-32-124-031-0000; 230, 30-32-302-035-0000.
Summary: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the Village of Lansing’s desire to participate in the Cook County No-Cash Bid Program. The Village is interested in acquiring certain properties consisting of ten (10) permanent index numbers that are delinquent in real estate taxes or special assessments for two (2) or more years, pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/21-90. Please accept this request to obtain the following ten (10) permanent index numbers that are all unoccupied commercial buildings. The first six (6) and the last three (3) PINs are for commercial redevelopment. PIN 30-31-120-034-0000 is an unoccupied commercial | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Lansing 3 - 4 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Norman F. Abbott, President, Village of Lansing
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Lansing
Volume and Property Index Number:
230, 30-32-100-042-0000; 230, 30-32-116-022-0000; 230, 30-32-308-038-0000; 230, 30-32-308-040-0000.
Summary: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the Village of Lansing’s desire to participate in the Cook County No-Cash Bid Program. The Village is interested in acquiring certain properties consisting of four (4) permanent index numbers that are delinquent in real estate taxes or special assessments for two (2) or more years, pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/21-90. Please accept this request to obtain the following four (4) permanent index numbers that are all commercial buildings. The first two (2) PINs are tenant occupied with Dr. Bona, dentist office, and Printmeisters, printing company. The Village intends to maintain occupancy, if desired, or sell to a commercial developer. The last two (2) requested PINs are owner occupied for storage. The Village intends to use th | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Lemont 1 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Michael Peters, Attorney, Village of Lemont
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Lemont
Volume and Property Index Number:
062, 22-20-300-004-0000.
Summary: The Village of Lemont (the “Village”) is writing this letter to express its interest in utilizing the Cook County No Cash Bid Program (the “NCB”) for the following property. In further of the same, the Village would also like to provide the following information regarding the above-referenced property (the “Land”). This letter and the attached documents (collectively the “Request Package”) contain a total of one (1) PIN. The Land is currently vacant, undeveloped, and unoccupied and holds no known improvements either on the surface or below the grade. The Village intends to use the Land as open space and for future municipal development; however, the specific development on the Land has yet to be determined and there are no plans, agreements or contracts associated with the Land between the Village and any third party.
The Village will file | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Lemont 2 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Michael Peters, Attorney, Village of Lemont
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Lemont
Volume and Property Index Number:
062, 22-20-418-013-0000.
Summary: The Village of Lemont (the “Village”) is writing this letter to express its interest in utilizing the Cook County No Cash Bid Program (the “NCB”) for the following property. In further of the same, the Village would also like to provide the following information regarding the above-referenced property (the “Land”. This letter and the attached documents (collectively the “Request Package”) contain a total of one (1) PIN. The Land is currently vacant, undeveloped, and unoccupied and holds no known improvements either on the surface or below the grade. The Village intends to use the Land as open space and for future municipal development; however, the specific development on the Land has yet to be determined and there are no plans, agreements or contracts associated with the Land between the Village and any third party.
The Village will file f | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Lyons 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Christopher Getty, Mayor, Village of Lyons
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Lyons
Volume and Property Index Number:
073, 18-02-308-011-0000.
Summary: This letter is to express the Village of Lyons interest in receiving a No Cash Bid for parcels located in Lyons. The permanent index number of the parcel requested is. This Request Package contains one (1) PIN (the “Subject Property”). The PIN requested is currently a vacant land parcel in the Village of Lyons. It is the intent of the Village of Lyons, as part of its overall economic development strategy, to acquire the Subject Property and return it to a beneficial use for the citizens of the Village in order to facilitate redevelopment in the area surrounding the Subject Property. The Village intends to the Subject Property for future economic development.
The Village of Lyons has retained legal counsel in order to obtain the tax deed and will bear all costs associated with the acquisition of the parcel. In accordance with the requirements | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Richton Park 5 PINs 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Richard Reinbold, President, Village of Richton Park
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Richton Park
Volume and Property Index Number:
180, 31-26-303-050-0000; 180, 31-33-406-045-0000; 180, 31-35-101-012-0000; 180, 31-35-333-007-0000; 180, 31-35-333-009-0000.
Summary: The Village of Richton Park is interested in receiving No Cash Bids for the parcels listed. This Request Package contains five (5) PINs. The first requested PIN is vacant land located in Richton Park’s designated Town Center area. Ownership of this parcel would enable the Village to work directly with a developer or group to facilitate the Town Center Plan for mixed used development. The remaining four (4) PINs are vacant land which would be used to spur residential development and completion of a subdivision plan.
The Village of Richton Park will file for tax exempt status on the above-referenced parcels and will maintain the status until the tax deeds are conveyed to a developer. The Village of Richton Park does not have a | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Willow Springs 1 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Alan Nowaczyk, Mayor, Village of Willow Springs
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Willow Springs
Volume and Property Index Number:
084, 18-33-209-033-0000.
Summary: This letter is to express the Village of Willow Springs’ interest in receiving a No Cash Bid for a parcel located in Willow Springs. The permanent index number of the parcel requested is. This Request Package contains one (1) PIN (the “Subject Property”). The PIN requested is currently a vacant parcel in the Village of Willow Springs. It is the intent of the Village of Willow Springs, as part of its overall economic development strategy, to acquire the Subject Property and return it to a beneficial use for the citizens of the Village in order to facilitate redevelopment in the area surrounding the Subject Property. The Village intends to use the requested PIN as an area for drainage for the Village.
The Village of Willow Springs has retained legal counsel in order to obtain the tax deed and will bear all costs associated with the acquisition | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Willow Springs 2 - 1 PIN 2017 NCB Round 1 | No Cash Bid Request | PROPOSED NO CASH BID REQUEST
Requestor: Alan Nowaczyk, Mayor, Village of Willow Springs
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of Willow Springs
Volume and Property Index Number:
084, 18-33-330-001-0000.
Summary: This letter is to express the Village of Willow Springs’s interest in receiving a No Cash Bid for a parcel located in Willow Springs. The permanent index number of the parcel requested is. This Request Package contains one (1) PIN (the “Subject Property”). The PIN requested is currently a vacant building in the Village of Willow Springs. It is the intent of the Village of Willow Springs, as part of its overall economic development strategy, to acquire the Subject Property and return it to a beneficial use for the citizens of the Village in order to facilitate redevelopment in the area surrounding the Subject Property. The Village intends to use the requested PIN for future economic development.
The Village of Willow Springs has retained legal counsel in order to obtain the tax deed and will bear all costs associated with the ac | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, on June 18, 2014, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved the 1st Cook County Information Security Ordinance and in turn the Information Security Framework for all County agencies; and
WHEREAS, Cook County has a responsibility to its residents to ensure that the information entrusted to the many agencies that make up this government is safe, secure, and protected from unauthorized access, use, or destruction, which was the impetus for crafting said ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the County is in the process of modernizing its technology infrastructure, we must ensure that the considerable amount of data and information maintained throughout our government is protected by continually updating our information security framework to defend against cyber threats which are increasing in complexity and intensity; and
WHEREAS, although the ordinance requires the Chief Information Security Officer (CISOCIO) to present an the Chief Information Security Officer's annual report to the Cook County Boar | refer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | SPECIAL PURPOSE FUND REPORTING 1st Quarter FY 2017 | Report | REPORT
Department: Secretary to the Board
Request: Receive and file
Report Period: 1st Quarter FY 2017
Summary: Resolution 14-4341 directs that a report of all special purpose fund transactions be made to the Secretary of the Cook County Board of Commissioners by the office or agency responsible for administering each special purpose fund on a quarterly basis.
Reports shall be provided to the Secretary's office no later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal quarter, at which point the Secretary will aggregate the reports for distribution to the Board of Commissioners and the Director of Budget and Management Services on the next available Board Agenda;
Reports shall be in a format as prescribed by the Director of Budget & Management Services. Such format shall ensure that the reports contain sufficiently detailed supporting information as to the specifics of each transaction and a justification regarding how each transaction relates to the purpose of the special purpose fund. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Transfer of Funds for the Board of Commissioners, Secretary to the Board | Transfer of Funds | PROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS
Department: Secretary to the Board
Request: Approval
Reason: To provide sufficient funding for required services for the Board of Commissioners and for the Archives Advisory Committee functions of the Secretary to the Board. Adequate funding will be provided for costs associated with the following:
· Transfer of the Municode contract for electronic Code of Ordinances to the Secretary to the Board
· Unanticipated coverage of front desk staffing
· Public hearing requirements
· Transcript requests
· Preservation of documents and records discovered as part of the Cook County Archives project
From Account(s): 018-110 (Salary and Wages of Regular Employees), $25,410.00
To Account(s):
018-245 (Advertising for Specific Purposes) $1,500.00
018-268 (Court Reporting) $4,910.00
018-260 (Professional Services) $7,000.00
018-397 (Office Expense) $12,000.00
Total Amount of Transfer: $25,410.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligation | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Bond Series Status Report - 2016 Fiscal Year, 4th Quarter ending 11/30/2016 | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Budget & Management Services
Report Title: Bond Series Status Report - 2016 Fiscal Year, 4th Quarter ending 11/30/2016
Report Period: 9/1/2016 - 11/30/2016
Summary: The report consists of two sections; the first section defines the funding status for Capital Improvement and the second section for Equipment. The report defines the bond funding status for equipment and projects approved by the Cook County Board of Commissioners. It presents the projected cost, adjustments to the projected cost, expenditures and commitments, unencumbered balances, existing funding resources and future funding resources required for the approved projects after the end of each quarter. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Bills and Claims Report Period 3/1/2017 to 3/22/2017 | Report | REPORT
Department: Comptroller’s Office
Report Title: Bills and Claims Report
Report Period: 3/2/2017-3/22/2017
Summary: This report to be received and filed is to comply with the Amended Procurement Code Chapter 34-125 (k).
The Comptroller shall provide to the Board of Commissioners a report of all payments made pursuant to contracts for supplies, materials and equipment and for professional and managerial services for Cook County, including the separately elected Officials, which involve an expenditure of $150,000.00 or more, within two (2) weeks of being made. Such reports shall include:
1. The name of the Vendor;
2. A brief description of the product or service provided;
3. The name of the Using Department and budgetary account from which the funds are being drawn; and
4. The contract number under which the payment is being made. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | County-Wide Labor and Employment Consultation and Representation Services | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Various County Bureaus, Agencies and Office of the Elected Officials
Vendor: Various Law Firms:
Laner Muchin LTD, Chicago, Illinois
Brothers & Thompson, Chicago, Illinois
Zuber Lawler & del Duca (merged with Greene & Letts), Chicago, Illinois
Franczek Radelet, P.C., Chicago, Illinois
Hennessy & Roach, P.C. Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend contract
Good(s) or Service(s):
Labor and Employment Consultation and/or Representation Services for six (6) categories of legal services:
Category I - Union Contract Negotiations,
Category II - Contract Interpretation,
Category III - Labor Relations,
Category IV - Worker’s Compensation,
Category V - Employment Law, and
Category VI - Employee Benefits
Original Contract Period: 5/1/2013 - 4/30/2015
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2018
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,900,000.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 4/17/2013, $1,900.000.00
Previous Board Increase | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Kforce, Inc., Tampa, Florida | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Department of Revenue
Vendor: Kforce, Inc., Tampa, Florida
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Temporary Staffing Service
Original Contract Period: 2/16/2015 - 2/15/2016, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 2/16/2017 - 2/15/2018
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $105,952.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 2/26/2015, $62,062.00
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 4/27/2016, $43,890.00, 2/16/2016 - 2/15/2017
This Increase Requested: $76,252.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $62,400, FY 2018 $13,852.00
Accounts: 007 - 260 Professional Services
Contract Number(s): 1453-14061
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MWBE waiver.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This second of two (2), | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) CCDPH Quarterly Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH)
Request: Receive & File
Report Title: CCDPH Quarterly Report
Report Period: Quarterly
Summary: The Cook County Department of Public Health hereby presents its Quarterly Report to the Cook County Board of Commissioners in their capacity as the Board of Health of Cook County. | refer | Pass |
Action details
WHEREAS, Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago, a volunteer organization preserving and revitalizing low-income homes and communities, repaired its first home in suburban Cook County in 1992, and has since rehabilitated more than 1,600 homes, as well as assisted in the development of essential community centers and gardens; and
WHEREAS, Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago is part of a national nonprofit program, which sponsors National Rebuilding Day across the country on the last Saturday in April; and
WHEREAS, every year Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago selects two neighborhoods in Cook County in which to provide home repair for elderly, disabled, or low income individuals; and
WHEREAS, this year on Saturday, April 29th, low income homeowners will receive much needed aid as part of National Rebuilding Day 2017; and
WHEREAS, more than 3,100 volunteers annually, including Cook County employees, donate their time and talents to plan and complete hundreds of free home repairs for residents in Cook County through Re | approve as amended in the errata | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | FY17 Veterans Assistance Commission of Cook County First Quarter Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Veterans Assistance Commission of Cook County
Report Title: FY17 Veterans Assistance Commission of Cook County First Quarter Report
Report Period: 12/1/2016 - 2/28/2017
Summary: Per Board Resolution, this quarterly report provides daily activity at the Veterans Assistance Commission from 12/1/2016 - 2/28/2017. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Zipcar Inc., Boston, Massachusetts | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Bureau of Administration
Vendor: Zipcar Inc., Boston, Massachusetts
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Car Sharing and Fleet Management Services
Original Contract Period: 8/2/2012 - 1/11/2014
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 1/12/2017 - 1/11/2018
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $169,214.16
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 8/2/2012, $39,927.35
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 6/10/2015, $86,880.56, 1/12/2015 - 1/11/2017
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 11/7/2014, $42,406.25, 1/12/2014 - 1/11/2015
This Increase Requested: $16,800.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $16,800.00
Accounts: 011-260
Contract Number(s): 12-28-277
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MWBE waiver with indirect participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This increase and extension will allow Cook County to c | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | We Type Transcription, LLC, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Cook County Medical Examiner
Vendor: We Type Transcription, LLC, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Autopsy, Microscopic, Neuropathology, and Radiology Report Transcription Services
Original Contract Period: 4/14/ 2014 - 4/13/2016, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/14/2017 - 4/13/2018
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $165,088.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 4/14/2014, $115,088.00
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 3/23/2016, $50,000.00 4/14/2016 - 4/13/2017
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: $55,000.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $34,374.98, FY 2018 $20,625.02
Accounts: 259-268
Contract Number(s): 1484-13277
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
| approve as amended in the errata | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois | Contract (Highway) | PROPOSED CONTRACT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department(s): Transportation and Highways
Vendor: A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract.
Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services
Location: Roselle Road at Schaumburg Road, in the Village of Schaumburg
County Board District: 15
Section: 14-V6039-02-TL
Contract Value: $889,351.29
Contract period: 4/19/2017- 8/1/2019
Centerline Mileage: N/A
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $711,481.03, FY 2018 $88,935.13, FY 2019 $88,935.13
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund 600-585
Contract Number(s): 1685-15811
IDOT Contract Number(s): N/A
Federal Project Number(s): N/A
Federal Job Number(s): N/A
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This project provides for several improvements at the intersection of Roselle and Schaumburg Road | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Village of Schaumburg, Illinois Roselle Road 14-V6039-02-TL | Intergovernmental Agreement (Highway) | PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Village of Schaumburg, Illinois
Request: Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement
Goods or Services: County will be the lead agency for construction improvement at intersection of Roselle Road at Schaumburg Road
Location: Village of Schaumburg
Section: 14-V6039-02-TL
Centerline Mileage: N/A
County Board District: 15
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: One-time agreement
Fiscal Impact: $937,913.90
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax 600-585
Summary: County will be the lead agency for roadway construction improvement at the intersection of Roselle Road at Schaumburg Road. The Village will reimburse the County for its share of improvement costs, estimated total Village share $170,158.50. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Village of Tinley Park Appropriating Resolution 175th Street-Ridgeland Ave-Oak Forest Ave | Appropriating Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED APPROPRIATING RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): N/A
Request: Approval of resolution
Good(s) or Services(s): Part A and Part B engineering services
Location: Village of Tinley Park
Section: 17-B6125-00-EG
Fiscal Impact: $530,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 600-585 Account
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Appropriating Resolution for Part A and Part B engineering services for 175th Street from Oak Park Avenue to Ridgeland Avenue, Ridgeland Avenue from 175th Street to Oak Forest Avenue, and Oak Forest Avenue from Ridgeland Avenue to 167th Street in the Village of Tinley Park. Part A services include data collection, traffic studies, drainage studies and all other related work to complete the revised Part A Project Report. Part B services include preparation of roadway design plans and contract documents for construction. .end | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Monthly Construction Bureau Report February 2017 | Report | REPORT
Department: Transportation and Highways
Report Title: Bureau of Construction Monthly Status Report
Report Period: Period Ending 2/28/2017
Summary: Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways Bureau of Construction Report for the period ending 2/28/2017. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Quentin Road Supplement No. 8 | Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax
Request: Board Approval
Project: Quentin Road from Dundee Road to Lake-Cook Road,
Location: Village of Palatine, Unincorporated Palatine Township
Section: 05-V6246-10-ES
County Board District: 14
Centerline Mileage: 1.1 miles
Fiscal Impact: $1,120,000.00
Accounts: 600-585 Account
Board Approved Date and Amount: 7/12/2005, $575,000.00; 7/1/2015 $1,100,000.00
Increased Amount: $1,120,000.00
Total Adjusted Amount: $2,795,000.00
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution for Phase I Preliminary Engineering Services by an outside consulting engineering firm for Quentin Road from Dundee Road to Lake-Cook Road | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Black Dog Chicago Corporation d/b/a Black Dog Corporation, Westchester, Illinois Countywide Fuel Contract 1684-15558 | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways, Cook County Sheriff’s Office, and Cook County Health and Hospitals System
Vendor: Black Dog Chicago Corporation d/b/a Black Dog Corporation, Westchester, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Diesel and Unleaded Fuel
Contract Value: $1,224,721.53
Contract period: 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2019, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact:
FY 2017: (501-445) $229,783.40; (499-445) $71,559.40; (895-445) $18,000.00; (898-444) $36,000.00
FY 2018: (501-445) $393,914.40; (499-445) $108,672.00; (895-445) $18,000.00; (897-444) $64,584.33
FY 2019: (501,445) $164,131.00; (499-445) $60,077.00; (895-445) $18,000.00; (897-444) $42,000.00
Accounts: 501-445, 499-445, 895-445, 898-444; 897-444
Contract Number(s): 1684-15558
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct and indirect participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer c | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hey & Associates, Inc. Contract Amendment No. 2 (13-23-061) | Contract Amendment (Highway) | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department(s): Transportation and Highways
Vendor: Hey and Associates, Inc., Volo, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Hydraulic Engineering, Surveying and Wetland Services
Location: Various locations
County Board District(s): Countywide
Original Contract Period: 6/1/2014 - 5/31/2017 with two (2) one (1) year renewal options
Section: 13-6HESS-10-ES
Proposed Contract Period Extension: N/A
Section: Section number or 13-6HESS-10-ES
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $300,000.00
Original Board Approval: 5/21/2014, $300,000.00
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 9/14/2016, 6/1/2017-5/31/2018)
This Increase Requested: $300,000.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $150,000; FY 2018 $150,000
Accounts: 600-585
Contract Number(s): 13-23-061
IDOT Contract Number(s): N/A
Federal Project | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | F.H. Paschen SN Nielsen Associates, LLC, Chicago, Illinois Completion Resolution Crawford Avenue & Grove Street | Completion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): F.H. Paschen SN Nielsen Associates, LLC, Chicago, Illinois
Action: Approval
Good(s) or Service(s): The improvement consists of, concrete pavement removal and replacement, storm sewer removal and replacement, catch basin adjustments, traffic control and other related work to complete the project has been completed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent.
Location of Project: Crawford Avenue at Grove Street
Section: 15-W4340-02-DR
County Board District: 13
Contract Number: 1528-14833
Federal Project Number: N/A
Federal Job Number: N/A
Final Cost: $65,760.00
Percent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: 0%
Summary: The purpose of the improvement was to repair a collapsed storm sewer and restore the roadway to allow for the road to be opened safely to the motoring public. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | McDonagh Demolition, Inc. Completion Resolution Wolf Road at West Point Center 1628-15560 | Completion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): McDonagh Demolition, Inc.
Action: Approval
Good(s) or Service(s): The improvement consists of, HMA pavement removal and replacement, storm sewer removal and replacement, trench excavation and trench backfill, striping, traffic control and other related work to complete the project has been completed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent.
Location of Project: Wolf Road at West Point Center
Section: 16-W2228-00-DR
County Board District: 16 & 17
Contract Number: 1628-15560
Federal Project Number: N/A
Federal Job Number: N/A
Final Cost: $41,995.00
Percent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: 0%
Summary: The purpose of the improvement is to repair a sink hole that formed in the northbound through lanes of Wolf Road at West Pointe Center. As a result of the collapsed sewer, the closed through lanes present an unsafe traffic configuration. The repair pr | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | McDonagh Demolition, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, F.H. Paschen SN Nielsen Associates, LLC, Chicago, IllinoisCompletion Resolution Pavement Rehab 14-REHAB-01-PV | Completion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): McDonagh Demolition, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, F.H. Paschen SN Nielsen Associates, LLC, Chicago, Illinois
Action: Approval
Good(s) or Service(s): The improvements consists of full depth asphalt patching of the existing pavement, milling and resurfacing with hot-mix asphalt or diamond grinding existing concrete pavement, concrete patching, concrete pavement replacement, drainage repairs and adjustments, sidewalk removal and ADA compliant ramp replacement, traffic control and protection, pavement marking, landscaping and other related work to complete the project has been completed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent.
Location of Project: Various Locations
Section: 14-REHAB-01-PV
County Board District: Countywide
Contract Number: 12-28-340-HS7 & 12-28-340GC3
Federal Project Number: N/A
Federal Job Number: N/A
Final Cost: 2,638,271.10
Percent Above or Below Constru | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and Village of Schaumburg 17-IGA Central Road-Ela Road to Roselle Road | Intergovernmental Agreement (Highway) | PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and Village of Schaumburg
Request: Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement
Goods or Services: Construction improvements along Central Road from Ela Road to Roselle Road
Location: Village of Schaumburg
Section: 16-A6110-00-RP
Centerline Mileage: 0.653 miles
County Board District: 14 and 15
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: One-time agreement
Fiscal Impact: $21,921,104.00
Accounts: 600-585
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois State Tollway Authority and Village of Schaumburg. Cook County will be the lead agency for construction for improvements along Central Road from Ela Road to Roselle Road. The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority will reimburse the County for its share of improvement costs of $8,816,945.00 and the Village of Schaumburg will reimb | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Marco Supply Company d/b/a Johnson Pipe and Supply Corporation, Chicago, Illinois | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Facilities Management
Vendor: Marco Supply Company d/b/a Johnson Pipe and Supply Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Steamfitter Supplies
Contract Value: $1,167,485.31
Contract period: 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2019, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $340,516.24, FY 2018 $583,742.88, FY2019 $243,226.19
Accounts: 200-333 Institutional Supplies
Contract Number(s): 1645-15735
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MWBE waiver with indirect participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Department of Facilities Management requests authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Marco Supply Company d/b/a Johnson Pipe and Supply Corporation to supply steamfitter supplies used to repair HVAC machinery in various Cook County facilities.
| approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Root Brothers Manufacturing and Supply Company, Chicago, Illinois | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Facilities Management
Vendor: Root Brothers Manufacturing and Supply Company, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Stanley Best Access Supplies
Contract Value: $252,830.00
Contract period: 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2019, with three (3), one (1) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $73,742.06, FY 2018 $126,414.96, FY2019 $52,672.98
Accounts: 200-333 Institutional Supplies
Contract Number(s): 1645-15610
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MWBE waiver with indirect participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Department of Facilities Management requests authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Root Brothers Manufacturing and Supply Company for Stanley Best Access Supplies to allow Department of Facilities Management’s tradesmen to repair locking mechanisms at var | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Tiles In Styles, LLC d/b/a Taza Supplies, LLC, Willowbrook, Illinois | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Facilities Management
Vendor: Tiles In Styles, LLC d/b/a Taza Supplies, LLC, Willowbrook, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Floor Tile Supplies
Contract Value: $609,661.00
Contract period: 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2019, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $177,817.78, FY 2018 $304,830.40, FY2019 $127,012.82
Accounts: 200-333 Institutional Supplies
Contract Number(s): 1645-15846
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation and full WBE waiver.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Department of Facilities Management requests authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Tiles In Styles, LLC d/b/a Taza Supplies, LLC to supply floor tile supplies used by the Department of Facilities Management staff to repair tile in various Cook County facilities.
| approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Wheatland Title Guaranty, Inc. | License Agreement | PROPOSED LICENSE AGREEMENT
Department: Department of Real Estate Management
Request: Approve a (New) License Agreement
Licensor: County of Cook
Licensee: Wheatland Title Guaranty, Inc.
Location: 118 N. Clark Street, Concourse Level of the Cook County Building set aside for the use of title companies.
Term/Extension Period: 5/1/2017 - 11/30/2017, then automatically renewed for successive one (1) year periods thereafter.
Space Occupied: 100 Square feet
Monthly Rent: $500.00 per month for the initial term based on an annual fee of $6,000.00 then adjusted annually by Consumer Price Index.
Fiscal Impact: Revenue Generating
Accounts: N/A
Option to Renew: N/A
Termination: By County with 30 day written notice
Utilities Included: Yes
Summary/Notes: Licensee will use space in the Recorder of Deeds area located in the Concourse Level of the Cook County Building at 118 N. Clark Street, for its title services business.
The Licensees have met Cook County insurance requirements. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: Katomeda LLC
Address: 55 North Lively Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Elk Grove Village
Cook County District: 15
Permanent Index Number: (1) PIN: 08-22-400-020-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: 18-16 approved 6/21/2016
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 11 months at time of application to BED
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 4 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 8 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: 8 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of construction jobs: 34
Proposed use of property: Industrial-warehousing and distribution
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavi | refer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | 3220 Mannheim LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST | Resolution (Class 6B) Purchase for Value | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: 3220 Mannheim LLC
Address: 3220 Mannheim Road, Franklin Park, Illinois 60131
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Franklin Park
Cook County District: 16
Permanent Index Number: 12-20-401-024-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Resolution No. 1617-R-23
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 11 months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: one (1) - two (2) full-time jobs
Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 12 full-time jobs
Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: Same as above
Estimated Number of construction jobs: 10-20 construction jobs
Proposed use of property: Commercial grade dairy product production plant
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Prov | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: Chicago Pallet Service II, Inc.
Address: 5133 West 66th Street, Bedford Park, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Bedford Park
Cook County District: 11
Permanent Index Number: 19-21-212-043-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Resolution Number 16-013
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Seven (7) months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 20 full-time jobs
Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 20 full-time jobs
Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: Same as above
Estimated Number of construction jobs: 22-25 construction jobs
Proposed use of property: Manufacturing, recycling and distribution of pallets
Living Wage Ordinance Complia | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Illinois Emergency Management Agency UASI 2016 Grant | Grant Award | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD
Department: Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Grantee: Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Grantor: Illinois Emergency Management Agency
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: The Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) 2016 grant funds are allocated for critical homeland security and emergency management activities in the Cook County urban area.
Grant Amount: $21,109,724.38
Grant Period: 9/1/2016 - 7/31/2019
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: N/A
Budget and Management Services has received all requisite documents, and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any
Summary: The UASI 2016 grant program funds the majority of the work of the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. It also funds initiatives of the Cook County’s Sheriff’s Office, the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, and a variety of other countywide emergency management initiatives. The UASI program addresses the unique risk-driven and capabilities-based | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Transfer of Funds DHSEM 3/2017 | Transfer of Funds | PROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS
Department: Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Request: Transfer of Funds
Reason: This Transfer of Funds is requested due to insufficient funding to support critical DHSEM programs. Review and reconciliation of grant finances resulted in need to realign funding sources for expenditures that were ineligible to be funded through specific grant programs.
From Account(s): 499-814 Appropriation Adjustments, $1,589,801.00
To Account(s): 265-110 Salary/Wages of Regular Employees, $533,988.00, 265-228 Delivery Services, $187.00, 265-235 Contract Maintenance Service, $173,286.00, 265-260 Professional Services, $499,410.00, 265-333 Institutional Supplies, $282,272.00, 265-350 Office Supplies, $100,658.00
Total Amount of Transfer: $1,589,801.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
The awareness date was 11/3 | accept as substituted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Transfer of Funds DHSEM 3/2017 | Transfer of Funds | PROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS
Department: Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Request: Transfer of Funds
Reason: This Transfer of Funds is requested due to insufficient funding to support critical DHSEM programs. Review and reconciliation of grant finances resulted in need to realign funding sources for expenditures that were ineligible to be funded through specific grant programs.
From Account(s): 499-814 Appropriation Adjustments, $1,589,801.00
To Account(s): 265-110 Salary/Wages of Regular Employees, $533,988.00, 265-228 Delivery Services, $187.00, 265-235 Contract Maintenance Service, $173,286.00, 265-260 Professional Services, $499,410.00, 265-333 Institutional Supplies, $282,272.00, 265-350 Office Supplies, $100,658.00
Total Amount of Transfer: $1,589,801.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
The awareness date was 11/3 | approve as substituted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | HR Bi-weekly Activity Report Pay Period 4 and Pay Period 5 | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Human Resources
Report Title: HR Bi-weekly Activity Report
Report Period: Pay Period 4 and Pay Period 5
Summary: Pay Period 4 covers the two (2) week pay period beginning 2/5/2017 and ending 2/18/2017. Pay Period 5 covers the two (2) week pay period beginning 2/19/2017 and ending 3/4/2017. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | CDW Government LLC, Vernon Hills, Illinois | Contract Amendment (Technology) | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY)
Department(s): Bureau of Technology
Vendor: CDW Government LLC, Vernon Hills, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Countywide software and network equipment
Original Contract Period: 5/15/2013 - 5/14/2016
Proposed Contract Extension Period: 5/15/2017 - 5/14/2018
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $61,665,500.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 5/8/2013, $28,165,500.00, 5/15/2013 - 5/14/2016
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 4/29/2015, $14,000,000.00; 5/11/2016 $19,500,000.00, on 5/15/2016-5/14/2017
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: $17,000,000.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $17,000,000.00
Accounts: Countywide, accounts 388/Computer Operation Supplies, 579/Computer Equipment, 441/Maintenance and Repair of Data Processing Equipment and Software
Contract Number(s): 13-28-026
The vendo | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Quarterly Progress Report on the Creation of the Automated Criminal Justice System | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Technology
Report Title: Quarterly Progress Report on the Creation of the Automated Criminal Justice System
Report Period: 1st Quarter of 2017
Summary: Pursuant to Resolution 13-2002, the CIO shall update the Board of Commissioners via the Technology Committee on progress being made towards achieving the goal of an integrated, automated Cook County Criminal Justice System. | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | System Solutions, Inc., Northbrook, Illinois | Contract (Technology) | PROPOSED CONTRACT (TECHNOLOGY)
Department(s): Bureau of Technology
Vendor: System Solutions, Inc., Northbrook, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Computer Hardware Maintenance
Contract Value: $1,389,964.25
Contract period: 7/1/2017 - 6/30/2019 with two (2) one-year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $694,982.12, FY 2018 $694,982.13
Accounts: 499-441
Contract Number(s): 1653-15530
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women- owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation and full WBE waiver.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Bureau of Technology requests authorization for Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Systems Solutions, Inc. for Computer Hardware Maintenance for all Cook County departments and offices.
Competitive bidding procedures were followed in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Systems Solutions, Inc. was the | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Bomgar Corporation, Ridgeland, Mississippi | Contract Amendment (Technology) | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY)
Department(s): Bureau of Technology
Vendor: Bomgar Corporation, Ridgeland, Mississippi
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Secure remote desktop software maintenance and support
Original Contract Period: 12/31/2015 - 12/30/2016, with four (4), one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Contract Extension Period: 12/31/2016 - 12/30/2017
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $139,235.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 12/31/2015
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: $19,499.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017, $19,499.00
Accounts: 11000.1009.13485.540137.00000.00000
Contract Number(s): 1514-14655
The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This first of four (4), one (1) year renewal options wi | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Lexis-Nexis | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Cook County Assessor’s Office, Revenue Department, Sheriff’s Office, and Budget Department
Vendor: LexisNexis, a Division of RELX, Inc. & Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions Florida, Inc., Miamisburg, Ohio
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Online Legal Research Services
Original Contract Period: 4/1/2013 - 3/31/2016 with two (2) one-year renewal options
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/1/2017 - 3/31/2018
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $4,863,392.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 3/20/2013, $1,587,600.00
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 10/23/2013 - $1,300,000.00; 4/1/2015 - $600,000.00; 2/10/2016 - $1,237,000.00, 4/1/2016 - 3/31/2017
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 2/9/2015, $138,792.00
This Increase Requested: $1,254,000.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY2017 $836,267.00, FY2018 $417,733.00
Accounts: 588-260 Professional Services: $600,000.00; 007-353 Data Se | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.. Chicago, Illinois | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Juvenile Probation and Court Services Department, Circuit Court of Cook County
Vendor: Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.. Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Detention Reduction Project
Original Contract Period: 2/1/2013 - 11/30/2013
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/1/2017 - 3/31/2018
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $5,250,000.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 2/5/2013, $1,500,000.00
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 3/12/2014, $1,500,000.00, 4/1/2014 - 3/31/2015; 3/11/2015, $1,500,000.00, 4/1/2015 - 3/31/2016; 3/23/2016, $750,000.00, 4/1/2016 - 3/31/2017
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 3/17/2014, 12/1/2013 - 3/31/2014
This Increase Requested: $650,167.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $222,112.00, FY 2018 $428,055.00
Accounts: 326-298, 1326-521313 Special or Cooperative Programs
Contract Number(s): 13-50-025
Conc | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Cristina Foods, Inc., Chicago, Illinois | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, Circuit Court of Cook County
Vendor: : Cristina Foods, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Fresh Produce
Contract Value: $220,560.00
Contract period: 3/22/2017 -2/21/2019 with one (1) one (1) year renewal option
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $82,710.00, FY 2018 $110,280.00, FY 2019 $27,570.00
Accounts: 1440-530010 JTDC Food Supplies)
Contract Number(s): 1625-15655
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The proposed contract 1625-15655 will provide fresh produce for residents of the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center.
Competitive bidding procedures were followed in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Cristina foods, Inc. was the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Black Dog Corporation, Chicago, Illinois | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, Circuit Court of Cook County
Vendor: Black Dog Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Dry and Canned Goods
Contract Value: $3,854,203.34
Contract period: 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2019, with one (1), one (1) year renewal option.
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017: $1,445,326.00, FY 2018: $1,927,102.00, FY 2019: $481,775.34.
Accounts: 1440 JTDC - 530010 Food Supplies
Contract Number(s): 1625-15681
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs
Summary: The Department of Juvenile Temporary Detention Center requests authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Black Dog Corporation to supply dry and canned goods for residents of the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center.
Competitive bidding procedures were followed in a | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Trademark Products, Inc., Elk Grove Village, Illinois | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Clerk of the Circuit Court
Vendor: Trademark Products, Inc., Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase and extend contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Maintenance and Repair of Electric Sealers and Electric Time Stamps
Original Contract Period: 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2015, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 7/1/2017 - 12/31/2017
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $107,700.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 6/12/2013, $30,118.50
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 5/11/2016, $13,700.00, 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2017
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 10/22/2014, $20,381.50, 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016; 8/25/2015, $43,500.00
This Increase Requested: $25,000.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $25,000.00
Accounts: 335-440
Contract Number(s): 12-84-210
The vendor has met Minority-and Women- owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MBE | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Safer Foundation, Chicago, Illinois | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Public Defender
Vendor: Safer Foundation, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Alternative to Detention: Bond Court Backlog Clearance Specialists
Original Contract Period: 1/1/2016 - 12/31/2016
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2017, with one (1), one (1) year renewal option
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $368,510.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 12/16/2015, $368,510.00
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: $415,000.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $380,416.63 FY 2018 $34,583.37
Accounts: (499-298): $80,000.00; (260-298): $335,000.00
Contract Number(s): 1530-15015
The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: In collaboration with the MacArthur Foundation, | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Law Office of Hughes, Socol, Piers, Resnick, Dym, LTD. desires to donate office furniture, specifically 6 conference room tables, chairs, credenzas, and various small tables, with a monetary value of $6,980.00, to Cook County, for use by the Cook County Public Defender’s Office; and
WHEREAS, the Law Office of Hughes, Socol, Piers, Resnick, Dym, LTD. has agreed transfer the furniture free and clear of any encumbrances and without any reimbursement or benefit to Hughes, Socol, Piers, Resnick, Dym, LTD; and
WHEREAS, the Public Defender’s Office intends to use the furniture at various Public Defender office locations;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize acceptance of this donation on behalf of the Cook County Public Defender’s Office. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Robert R. Egan, Evanston, Illinois | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Cook County Sheriff's Office
Vendor: Robert R. Egan, Evanston, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Compliance Officer
Original Contract Period: 4/19/2014 - 4/18/2016, with two (2), one (1) year renewals
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 4/19/2017 - 4/18/2018
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $340,490.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 4/9/2014, $227,000.00
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 3/1/2016, $113,490.00, 4/19/2016 - 4/18/2017
This Increase Requested: $113,490.00
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $66,202.50; FY 2018 $47,287.50
Accounts: 216-260
Contract Number(s): 1411-13576
The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This increase and second of two (2), one (1) year renewal options will allow Robert | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Office of the National Control Policy Chicago HIDTA Grant Renewal | Grant Award Renewal | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD RENEWAL
Department: Chicago High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)
Grantee: Cook County Sheriff's Office
Grantor: Office of the National Control Policy
Request: Authorization to renew grant
Purpose: Continued funding of Chicago HIDTA
Grant Amount: $4,915,870.00
Grant Period: 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2018
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: 655-210
Most Recent Date of Board Authorization for Grant: 4/1/2015
Most Recent Grant Amount: $4,881,891.00
Budget and Management Services has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: Requesting authorization to renew a grant in the amount of $4,915,870.00 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the grant is the continued funding of the Chicago HIDTA Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA). | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Taxpayers’ Interest Assurance Ordinance: Annual Compliance FY2016 | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Report Title: Cook County Taxpayers’ Interest Assurance Ordinance: Annual Compliance Request for Information Regarding Depository Accounts Held in Fiscal Year 2016
Report Period: Report of Depository Accounts held in FY2016 and Balances of said Depository Accounts as of 11/30/2016
Summary: As required by the Cook County Taxpayers’ Interest Assurance Ordinance (County Code Section 34-40 et seq.) the Office of the Chief Financial Officer has requested certain information and documents regarding depository accounts held by all elected and appointed officials of Cook County during Fiscal Year 2016. The attached Report is a compilation of all information received. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Food Service Contract Final Audit Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the County Auditor
Report Title: Food Service Contract Final Audit Report
Report Period: February 2017
Summary: The purpose of the audit was to assess if adequate internal controls and procedures were in place to ensure compliance with the terms of the contract. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | FY’ 17 1st Quarter Open Recommendations Status Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the County Auditor
Report Title: FY’17 1st Quarter Open Recommendations Status Report
Report Period: FY’17 1st Quarter
Summary: Report on the status of open audit recommendations. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Law Library Revenue Operations Audit Internal Audit Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the County Auditor
Report Title: Law Library Revenue Operations Final Audit Report
Report Period: March 2017
Summary: The purpose of the audit was to determine that policies and procedures exist for Law Library revenue operations, are compiled with and establish proper controls. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 7a application containing the following information:
Applicant: 7518 West 98th Place, LLC or its Assignee
Address: 7518 West 98th Place, Bridgeview, Illinois 60455
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Bridgeview
Cook County District: 6
Permanent Index Number: 23-12-211-019-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Bridgeview Resolution No. 17-2
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Nine (9) months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 10-15 full-time jobs
Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 13 full-time jobs
Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: 79 full-time jobs
Estimated Number of construction jobs: 10-15 construction jobs
Proposed use of property: Commercial rental and sale of lifting gear
Living | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: DeZara Holdings LLC
Address: 10 Davis Drive, Bellwood, Illinois 60104
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Bellwood
Cook County District: 1
Permanent Index Number: 15-08-101-061-0000, subject to PIN division changes
Municipal Resolution Number: 16-69
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 35 months at time of application to BED
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 0 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 10 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: 10 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of construction jobs: N/A
Proposed use of property: Industrial- warehousing, storage and distribution
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affid | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: Alliance Companies Inc.
Address: 225 Fencl Lane, Hillside, Illinois 60162
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Hillside
Cook County District: 16
Permanent Index Number: (2) PINs: 15-17-304-060-0000; 15-17-304-093-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: 17-01, approved January 23, 2017
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 3
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 0 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 20 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: 20 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of construction jobs: 8-12
Proposed use of property: Industrial-warehousing and distribution
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information:
Applicant: Hamra Gateway LLC
Address: 300 East 162nd Street, South Holland, Illinois 60473
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: South Holland
Cook County District: 6
Permanent Index Number: (6) PINs: 29-15-308-018-0000; 29-15-308-019-0000; 29-15-308-020-0000; 29-15-308-040-0000; 29-15-308-042-0000; 29-15-308-072-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of South Holland Resolution approved August 3, 2015
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 26 months at time of application to BED
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 50 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 0 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: 0 full-time, 0 part-time
Estimated Number of co | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: Ninja Dog LLC
Address: 1125 Lunt Avenue, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Elk Grove Village
Cook County District: 15
Permanent Index Number: 08-34-204-009-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Elk Grove Village Resolution No. 19-16
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Nine (9) months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 12-17 full-time jobs
Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: Three (3) full-time jobs
Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: same as above
Estimated Number of construction jobs: None
Proposed use of property: Industrial warehousing and distribution
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes
WHEREAS, | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Chapter 30 - ENVIRONMENT | Ordinance Amendment | PROPOSED SUBSTITUTE TO FILE 17-0059
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 30 Environment, of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 30-1. - Short title.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Cook County Environmental Control Ordinance.
Sec. 30-2. - Findings, intent, and purpose and scope.
(a) The County Board hereby finds and determines that in the public policy of the County to preserve, protect and improve the air, water and land resources of the County so as to promote the health, safety, welfare and comfort, prevent injury to human health, plant and animal life, and property; foster the comfort and convenience of its inhabitants and to the greatest degree practicable, facilitate the enjoyment of residents and visitors of the living, recreational and business environment of the County and recognizing that environmental damage does not respect political boundaries or subdivisions of the County, and:
(1) Recognizing that air, wate | approve as substituted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 38, Health and Human Services, Article VII, Clean Indoor Air of the Cook County Code is hereby enacted as Follows:
Sec. 38-201. - Title.
This division shall be known as the "Cook County Clean Indoor Air Ordinance."
Sec. 38-202. - Interpretation with other laws.
Nothing in this division supersedes any existing elimination of smoking that is already covered by fire code restrictions.
Sec. 38-203. - Definitions.
The following words and phrases, wherein used in this division, shall have the following meanings:
Arcade means a place of amusement, which contains four or more automatic amusement devices and is not licensed to serve alcoholic liquor.
Bar/tavern means an establishment that is devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption by guests and patrons on the premises and does not have an on-site kitchen to prepar | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Part II, Land Development Ordinances, Chapter 102, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article III, Building Code, Section 102-104(5) of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 102-104. - General provisions.
(5) Construction hours. Hours of construction shall between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., except for emergency work on public improvements or public utilities, and except for the operation of pumps when continuous pumping is necessary for removal of water from the construction area. A variance may be requested from the Department of Building and Zoning when it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that construction outside these hours would be in the overall public interest or operationally essential, and for a limited time period.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Part II, Land Development Ordinances, Appendix A, Zoning, Article 8, Ge | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | 2017 Performance Based Management and Budgeting Annual Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Budget and Management Services
Report Title: 2017 Performance Based Management and Budgeting Annual Report
Report Period: 12/1/2015 - 11/30/2016
Summary: This report is to comply with the amendments to Article X of the Cook County Code (PERFORMANCE BASED MANAGEMENT AND BUDGETING), approved by the Cook County Board of Commissioners on June 29, 2016. The purpose of the amendments was to enhance the effectiveness of the annual budget process by establishing administrative units called “programs.” Amendments to Article X also created a new process for the submission of performance data.
“Programs” were identified for the purpose of being the primary building blocks of an agency’s or department’s budget request, making it possible to distinguish assigned employees and costs (i.e. inputs), and the resulting program performance metrics, i.e. outputs, outcomes, and efficiency.
Performance data submission was to take the form of an Annual Report, with submittals being due within 45 days of fiscal year end, by each County Department and Ag | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Tyler Technologies, Inc. Plano, Texas Case Management System | Contract (Technology) | SUBSTITUTE TO FILE 17-1491
Department(s): Clerk of the Circuit Court
Vendor: Tyler Technologies, Inc. Plano, Texas
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Implementation of an Electronic Case Management and Court Docket System
Contract Value: $36,449,035.00
Contract period: 4/9/2017 - 4/8/2021, with two (2) three (3)-year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 ($6,181,245.00), FY 2018 ($8,563,007.00), FY 2019 ($8,724,301.00), FY 2020 ($7,954,082.00) FY 2021 ($5,026,400.00)
Accounts: 335-579 ($28,817,803) 528-441($6,966,243) 528-260 ($664,989)
Contract Number(s): 1590-14357
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
The Bureau of Technology concurs
Summary: The Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court is requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and ex | approve as substituted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | In the Interest of Sarai R. | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,890.00
Case Name: In the Interest of Sarai R.
Trial Court No(s): 16JA16
Appellate Court No(s): 1-16-2697 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | C. F., V. F.,N .B., A. B. (minors) | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Gilbert Schumm
Presenter: Same
Fees: $506.25
Case Name: C. F., V. F.,N .B., A. B. (minors)
Trial Court No(s): 09JA1092, 09JA1093, 12JA319, 12JA320
Appellate Court No(s): 1-16-2578, 1-16-2670 (consolidated) | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | In the Interest of Da’Anthony G. | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,380.00
Case Name: In the Interest of Da’Anthony G.
Trial Court No(s): 13JA325
Appellate Court No(s): 16-2954 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Johnny Butler | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $1,186.77
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Johnny Butler
Case No(s): 08CR80007 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Jermaine Carpenter | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $762.21
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Jermaine Carpenter
Case No(s): 09CR80002 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ronald Walker | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $10,050.79
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Ronald Walker
Case No(s): 03CR80001 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Tommy Greenfield | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $1,266.15
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Tommy Greenfield
Case No(s): 08CR80005 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Frank Saloga | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $2,267.22
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Frank Saloga
Case No(s): 01CR80004 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Timothy Bell | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $659.47
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Timothy Bell
Case No(s): 06CR80007 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Michael Horne | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $1,125.40
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Michael Horne
Case No(s): 11CR80021 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Michael Sewell | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $2,412.57
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Michael Sewell
Case No(s): 06CR80015 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Antwone Steward | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $2,373.42
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Antwone Steward
Case No(s): 98CR80005 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | LeRoy Brown | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Dr. Lesley Kane
Presenter: Attorney Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $1,140.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees
Name(s) of respondent(s): LeRoy Brown
Case No(s): 11CR80013 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Derrick Moody | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Dr. Lesley Kane
Presenter: Attorney Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $2,565.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees
Name(s) of respondent(s): Derrick Moody
Case No(s): 11CR80028 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Gary Blakley | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $8,786.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Gary Blakley
Case No(s): 12CR05684-01 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Travis Caguana | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Joseph P. Kennelly Attorney
Presenter: Same
Fees: $5,595.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent
respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent (s): Travis Caguana
Case No(s): 11CR11239-01, 11CR10280-02 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Stephen Smith | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Mark H. Kusatzky
Presenter: same
Fees: $972.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of Respondent(s): Stephen Smith
Case No(s): 05CR80004 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Randolph Williams | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Mark H. Kusatzky
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,553.29
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Names(s) of respondent(s): Randolph Williams
Case No(s): 11CR80018 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Marcus Daniels | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Mark H. Kusatzky
Presenter: Same
Fees: $5,615.70
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name of respondent(s): Marcus Daniels
Case No(s): 11CR10978 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | James Darling | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: The Law Office of Andrea Bonds
Presenter: Same
Fees: $703.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): James Darling
Case No(s): 16CR13131, 16CR16130 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Clifton Lemon, Sr. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Sabra Ebersole
Presenter: Same
Fees: $2,519.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Clifton Lemon, Sr.
Case No(s): 13CR1334905 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Steven Tunget | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $29,069.35
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Steven Tunget
Case No(s): 04CR80005 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Brad Lieberman | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Nicolas Albukerk
Presenter: Same
Fees: $7,923.80
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Brad Lieberman
Case No(s): 00CR80001 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Daniel McCormack | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law
Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne
Fees: $17,100.63
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Daniel McCormack
Case No(s): 09CR80006 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T. Jackson, S. Jackson (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul Karoll
Presenter: Same
Fees: $837.50
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name of respondent(s): T. Jackson, S. Jackson (minors) GAL
In Re: T. Jackson, S. Jackson (minors)
Case No(s): 08JA532, 08JA533 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Luklan, J. Luklan, D. Luklan, M.Luklan, S.Luklan (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $393.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Kevin Luklan (father)
In Re: K. Luklan, J. Luklan, D. Luklan, M.Luklan, S.Luklan (minors)
Case No(s):14JA1027, 14JA1028, 14JA1029, 14JA1030, 14JA1031 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. Brits (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $650.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Donnie Salley (father)
In Re: M. Brits (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA740 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. Chaib (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $325.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Patricia Neece (mother)
In Re: A. Chaib (minor)
Case No(s): 12JA231 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. Simoneaux (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $812.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Gabriel Simoneaux (mother)
In Re: M. Simoneaux (minor)
Case No(s): 14JA1108 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | C. Hardy (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $468.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Janise Coleman (mother)
In Re: C. Hardy (minor)
Case No(s): 12JA692 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. Woodgett (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $287.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Rosetta Williams (mother)
In Re: A. Woodgett (minor)
Case No(s): 13JA775 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Jackson (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $737.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): K. Jackson (minor) GAL
In Re: K. Jackson (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA686 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T. Moore, B. Moore, C. Moore, J. Moore, L. Moore (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $125.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Robert Moore (father)
In Re: T. Moore, B. Moore, C. Moore, J. Moore, L. Moore (minors)
Case No(s): 13JA535, 13JA536, 13JA537, 13JA538, 13JA539 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | L. Portillo (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $562.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Joel Portillo (father)
In Re: L. Portillo (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA630 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. Williams, A. Scott, L. Williams (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $612.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Andriana Williams (mother)
In Re: A. Williams, A. Scott, L. Williams (minors)
Case No(s): 14JA1363, 14JA1364, 14JA1362 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | E. McGee (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Joseph G. Gebhart, Attorney At Law
Presenter: Same
Fees $950.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): E. McGee (minor) GAL
In Re: E. McGee (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA900 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | H. Emmett (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Brenda Sue Shavers
Presenter: Same
Fees: $337.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of Respondent(s): Lauren Emmett (mother)
In Re: H. Emmett (minor)
Case No(s): 13JA1197 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. P. Brooks (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Brenda Sue Shavers
Presenter: Same
Fees: $675.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of Respondent(s): Markee Brooks (father)
In Re: M. P. Brooks (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA247 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. Henry (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ellen J Morris Attorney At Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $356.25
Services Rendered for court appointed representation of Indigent Respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J. Henry (minor) GAL
In Re: J. Henry (minor)
Case NO(s): 15JA358 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. Cobbs, N. Cobbs, S. Cobbs, S. Cobbs (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,331.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Samantha Cobbs (mother)
In Re: A. Cobbs, N. Cobbs, S. Cobbs, S. Cobbs (minors)
Case No(s):14JA59, 14JA60, 15JA1180, 15JA1181 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | U. Carson (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler
Presenter: Same
Fees: $265.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Leonard Carson (father)
In Re: U. Carson (minor)
Case No(s): 13JA0608 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. Ellis, M. Ellis (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,010.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J. Ellis, M. Ellis (minor) GAL
In Re: J. Ellis, M. Ellis (minor)
Case No(s): 14JA0686, 14JA0687 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. Muhammad (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Sherri Williams
Presenter: Same
Fees: $831.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Renny Muhammad (mother)
In Re: A. Muhammad (minor)
Case No(s): 08JA00919 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Calderon (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Brenda Sue Shavers
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,068.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): William Neely (father)
In Re: D. Calderon (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA238 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Jones (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Brenda Sue Shavers
Presenter: Same
Fees: $856.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of Respondent(s): Ethel Ware (guardian)
In Re: D. Jones (minor)
Case No(s): 10JA84 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B. Skipper (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $500.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): B. Skipper (minor) GAL
In Re: B. Skipper (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA00324 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Johnson, V. Johnson (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $387.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Veronica Johnson (mother)
In Re: D. Johnson, V. Johnson (minors)
Case No(s): 13JA434, 13JA437 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | L. Pena, A. Correa-Martinez, A. Correa (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $406.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Adreyanna Correa (mother)
In Re: L. Pena, A. Correa-Martinez, A. Correa (minors)
Case No(s): 15JA402, 15JA403, 15JA404 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Jones, D. Jones (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $287.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): D. Jones, D. Jones (minors) GAL
In Re: D. Jones, D. Jones (minors)
Case No(s): 11JA650, 11JA651 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. Rodriguez (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $700.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Jose Enrique Rodriguez Sanchez (father)
In Re: J. Rodriguez (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA00012 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. Drink (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $525.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Althinia Lofton (mother)
In Re: A. Drink (minor)
Case No(s):07JA1036 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S. Shields (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $268.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Scott Carpenter (father)
In Re: S. Shields (minor)
Case No(s):16JA516 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | N. Nwagwu, E. Nwagwu, N. Watkins (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Sherri Williams
Presenter: Same
Fees: $987.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): N. Nwagwu, E. Nwagwu, N. Watkins (minors) GAL
In Re: N. Nwagwu, E. Nwagwu, N. Watkins (minors)
Case No(s): 12JA00201, 12JA00202, 12JA00203 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | I. Dunn, L. Whitfield (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Sherri Williams
Presenter: Same
Fees: $487.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): I. Dunn, L. Whitfield (minors) GAL
In Re: I. Dunn, L. Whitfield (minors)
Case No(s): 15JA00689, 16JA00610 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J Carter (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Brian J. O’Hara
Presenter: Same
Fees: $931.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent
Respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Joshua Carter (father)
In Re: J Carter (minor)
Case No (s): 15JA1169 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. Price (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Brian J. O’Hara
Presenter: Same
Fees: $787.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent
Respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Julius Price (father)
In Re: J. Price (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA455 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. Witkus, S. Witkus (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Brian J. O’Hara
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,525.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent
Respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Steven Witkus (father)
In Re: A. Witkus, S. Witkus (minors)
Case No(s): 16JA818, 16JA817 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Wiley, Jr. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Judith Hannah
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,082.41
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): D. Wiley (father)
In Re: D. Wiley, Jr. (minor)
Case No(s): 14JA1040 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | N. Womack (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ezra Hemphill Attorney At Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $600.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Ahmad Caldwell (father)
In Re: N. Womack (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA01248 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B. Ford (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: John Benson
Presenter: Same
Fees: $500.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): B. Ford (minor) GAL
In Re: B. Ford (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA00846 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B. Ford (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey
Presenter: Same
Fees: $700.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Shavonda Anderson Jenkins (mother)
In Re: B. Ford (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA846 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Lewis (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,915.91
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): K. Lewis (minor) GAL
In Re: K. Lewis (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA803 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Haywood (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $190.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): K. Haywood (minor) GAL
In Re: K. Haywood (minor)
Case No(s): 13JA214 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Jackson (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,325.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Brittany Stevens (mother)
In Re: K. Jackson (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA686 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. Robinson (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $243.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Ernestine Curry, Geneva Davis (guardians)
In Re: M. Robinson (minor)
Case No(s): 10JA973 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Johnson (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $612.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Donnal Johnson (father)
In Re: D. Johnson (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA1124 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Rodrigues (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Gilbert C. Schumm
Presenter: Same
Fees: $443.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Marcos Rodriguez (father)
In Re: D. Rodrigues (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA05 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | X. Rayford (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,430.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Lashonda Bell (mother)
In Re: X. Rayford (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA0359 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | G. Dade, J. Strong Jr., J. McKinney (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,280.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): G. Dade, J. Strong Jr., J. McKinney (minors)GAL
In Re: G. Dade, J. Strong Jr., J. McKinney (minors)
Case No(s): 16JA0940, 16JA0941, 16JA0942 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Davis (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Robert A. Horwitz
Presenter: Same
Fees: $337.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Tyrone Davis (father)
In Re: D. Davis (minor)
Case No(s): 12JA1022 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | I. Riley (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Michael D. Stevens, Ltd.
Presenter: Same
Fees: $360.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent: legal representation
Names(s) of respondent(s): Edwin Riley (father)
In Re: I. Riley (minor)
Case No(s): 17JA79 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Steward (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Michael D. Stevens, Ltd.
Presenter: Same
Fees: $187.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent: legal representation
Names(s) of respondent(s): Rhonda Wilson (mother)
In Re: D. Steward (minor)
Case No(s): 14JA1197 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Morrow, M. Scott, A. Scott, M. Scott (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Michael D. Stevens, Ltd.
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,465.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent: legal representation
Names(s) of respondent(s): K. Morrow, M. Scott, A. Scott, M. Scott (minors) GAL
In Re: K. Morrow, M. Scott, A. Scott, M. Scott (minors)
Case No(s): 15JA157, 15JA158, 15JA159, 15JA552 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | E. Dixon (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Maureen T. Murphy
Presenter: Same
Fees: $537.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Michael Dixon (father)
In Re: E. Dixon (minor)
Case No(s): 13JA895 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. Taylor (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Maureen T. Murphy
Presenter: Same
Fees: $775.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): M. Johnson (mother), K. Taylor (father)
In Re: M. Taylor (minor)
Case No(s): 12JA1086 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T. Richardson, T. Richardson (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ellen Sidney Weisz
Presenter: Same
Fees: $425.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Ernie Richardson (father)
In Re: T. Richardson, T. Richardson (minor)
Case No(s): 13JA01210, 16JA152 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T. Dennis (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $781.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Vincent Buckner (father)
In Re: T. Dennis (minor)
Case No(s): 09JA707 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S. McGrath (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $293.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Kathleen Clarke (mother)
In Re: S. McGrath (minor)
Case No(s): 07JA741 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | N. LeGrone (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Michael D. Stevens, Ltd.
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,647.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent: legal representation
Names(s) of respondent(s): N. LeGrone (minor)GAL
In Re: N. LeGrone (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA126 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Sullivan (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul Karoll
Presenter: Same
Fees: $287.50
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name of respondent(s): Kalso Sullivan (father)
In Re: K. Sullivan (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA347 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. McAlister, D. Purches (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ildiko Bodoni
Presenter: Same
Fees: $958.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): George McAlister (father)
In Re: D. McAlister, D. Purches (minors)
Case No(s): 14JA405, 14JA406 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Fisher (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,062.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): K. Fisher (minor) GAL
In Re: K. Fisher (minor)
Case No(s): 10JA00510 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. Washington (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $662.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Sheilita Kennix (mother)
In Re: J. Washington (minor)
Case No(s): 11JA00761 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | I. Jones, K. Jones, C. Jones, Jr., (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stuart Joshua Holt, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,093.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Curtis Jones (father)
In Re: I. Jones, K. Jones, C. Jones, Jr., (minors)
Case No(s): 10JA01100, 10JA01101, 10JA01102 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | X. Rayford (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ellen Sidney Weisz
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,193.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): X. Rayford (minor) GAL
In Re: X. Rayford (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA359 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T. Moody, T. Patterson (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ellen Sidney Weisz
Presenter: Same
Fees: $525.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): T. Moody, T. Patterson (minors) GAL
In Re: T. Moody, T. Patterson (minors)
Case No(s): 16JA00137, 16JA00138 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | C. Adeams-Craig, C. Adams-Craig (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ellen Sidney Weisz
Presenter: Same
Fees: $306.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Cordaire Craig (father)
In Re: C. Adeams-Craig, C. Adams-Craig (minors)
Case No(s): 15JA306, 15JA307 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | L. Carter AKA L. Threatt (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $381.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Lesean Carter (father)
In Re: L. Carter AKA L. Threatt (minor)
Case No(s): 14JA1460 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S. Reese (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $593.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): S. Reese (minor) GAL
In Re: S. Reese (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA437 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | E. McGowan (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $462.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Michael McGowan (father)
In Re: E. McGowan (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA1273 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Mays (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask
Presenter: Same
Fees: $862.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Charquitta Garrett (mother)
In Re: D. Mays (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA770 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Carr, W. Sanders (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ezra Hemphill Attorney At Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,266.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Morrisa Carr (mother)
In Re: K. Carr, W. Sanders (minors)
Case No(s): 16JA1121, 16JA1122 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Z. Cathey (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Judith Hannah
Presenter: Same
Fees: $388.91
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Dery Cathey (father)
In Re: Z. Cathey (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA298 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B. Stewart, Jr. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Judith Hannah
Presenter: Same
Fees: $344.69
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Brian Stewart, Sr. (father)
In Re: B. Stewart, Jr. (minor)
Case No(s): 01JA1568 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T. Redmond (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Judith Hannah
Presenter: Same
Fees: $300.47
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): T. Redmond (minor) GAL
In Re: T. Redmond (minor)
Case No(s): 12JA90 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. Celestine (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey
Presenter: Same
Fees: $475.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J. Celestine (minor) GAL
In Re: J. Celestine (minor)
Case No(s):13JA626 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Jackson (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,350.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Eugene Jackson (father)
In Re: K. Jackson (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA686 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | N. Washington (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $187.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Nathaniel Washington (father)
In Re: N. Washington (minor)
Case No(s): 10JA126 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Parks (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $275.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Kalyhia Warren (mother)
In Re: K. Parks (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA492 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. Pierce, S. Tucker, Z. Hill (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes
Presenter: Same
Fees: $281.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Cornelius Hill (father), Kiwanis Webb (mother)
In Re: J. Pierce, S. Tucker, Z. Hill (minors)
Case No(s): 16JA00270, 16JA00271, 16JA00745 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B. Collins (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes
Presenter: Same
Fees: $406.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): B. Collins (minor) GAL
In Re: B. Collins (minor)
Case No(s): 14JA00939 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. Summeries (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes
Presenter: Same
Fees: $318.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J. Summeries (minor) GAL
In Re: J. Summeries (minor)
Case No(s): 11JA00841 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | O. Poindexter (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes
Presenter: Same
Fees: $212.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Oliver Poindexter (father)
In Re: O. Poindexter (minor)
Case No(s): 09JA00187 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. Tate (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes
Presenter: Same
Fees: $325.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): David Tate (father)
In Re: D. Tate (minor)
Case No(s): 16JA01009 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S. Staples (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes
Presenter: Same
Fees: $418.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): Shunnell Stepney (mother)
In Re: S. Staples (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA00301 | approve | Pass |