Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/13/2017 11:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: New Items Agenda 9-13-2017.pdf, New Items Agenda 9-13-2017 - Second Set.pdf, New Items Agenda 9-13-2017 - Third Set.pdf, Proposed Substitute 17-5196.pdf, Proposed Substitute 17-5191 Charlottesville Substitute.pdf, New Items Agenda 9-13-2017 - Fourth Set.pdf, New Items Agenda 9-13-2017 - Fifth Set.pdf, New Items Agenda 9-13-2017 - Sixth Set.pdf, New Items Agenda 9-13-2017 - Seventh Set.pdf, Armando Oritz_SEIU Local 73_Testimony.pdf, Tawanda Johnson-Gray Testimony.pdf, Rabbi Craig Maranz Testimony.pdf, Margaret Stapleton_Shriver Center_Testimony.pdf, Allan Mellis Testimony.pdf, Clare Crosh Advocate Children's Hospital - Oak Lawn Testimony.pdf, Speakers List Board Meeting 09.13.2017.pdf, District 1 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 2 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 3 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 4 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 5 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 6 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 7 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 8 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 9 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 10 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 11 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 12 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 13 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 14 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 15 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 16 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf, District 17 09.13.2017 Public Comment.pdf
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17-4588 1 REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO REAPPOINT THE INCUMBENT AS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS AND FOR THE REAPPOINTMENT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYSResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO REAPPOINT THE INCUMBENT AS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS AND FOR THE REAPPOINTMENT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Superintendent of Highways, said vacancy being caused by the expiration of the six year term of office; and WHEREAS, in accordance with 605-ILCS 5/5-201 of the Illinois compiled statutes, the County Board must request the consent of the Illinois Department of Transportation before reappointment of the present incumbent can be made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Cook County, Illinois does hereby request the consent of the Illinois Department of Transportation to the reappointment of John Yonan, P.E. as Superintendent of Highways; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board, subject to receiving consent from the Illinois Department of Transportations does reappoint John Yonan, P.E. as Superintendent of Highways for a term of six years effective January 18, 2018; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,approvePass Action details Video Video
17-4693 1 Judith Avery, Trustee, Mission Brook Sanitary District Board of TrusteesReappointmentPROPOSED REAPPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Judith Avery Position: Trustee Department/Board/Commission: Mission Brook Sanitary District Board of Trustees Effective date: Immediate Expiration date: 5/1/2020 or until a successor is duly appointed and qualified Summary: N/AapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-5175 1 Carmen Dutack, Trustee, Glenview Sanitary DistrictReappointmentPROPOSED REAPPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Carmen Dutack Position: Trustee Department/Board/Commission: Glenview Sanitary District Effective date: Immediate Expiration date: 9/10/2020 or until a successor is appointed and qualified Summary: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
17-5176 1 Lynette Stokes-Wilson Ed.D , Trustee, South Cook County Mosquito Abatement DistrictAppointmentPROPOSED APPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Lynette Stokes-Wilson Ed.D Position: Trustee Department/Board/Commission: South Cook County Mosquito Abatement District Effective date: Immediate Expiration date: 10/11/2021 or until a successor is appointed and qualified.referPass Action details Video Video
17-5178 1 Ammar Rizki, Chief Financial Officer, Bureau of FinanceAppointmentPROPOSED APPOINTMENT Appointee(s): Ammar Rizki Position: Chief Financial Officer Department/Board/Commission: Bureau of Finance Effective date: Immediately Expiration date: The appointment will remain in effect until reappointed or successor is appointed Summary: I hereby appoint Ammar Rizki to the position of Chief Financial Officer, Bureau of Finance. Ammar has been a part of the County and the Department of Revenue since 2010. During his tenure, he implemented a multi-year plan to ensure that the County’s debt and pension obligations do not become a burden on County operations. Additionally, he has managed the functional implementation of the Enterprise Resource Planning System to modernize the County’s financial systems. Rizki previously served as Deputy Chief Financial Officer and stepped in as Acting Chief Financial Officer in June of 2017 after the departure of Ivan Samstein. Rizki has a MBA from University of Chicago and BA in Finance from the University of Illinois at Chicago.referPass Action details Not available
17-4704 1 TO REPEAL THE SWEETENED BEVERAGE TAXOrdinance AmendmentSUBSTITUTE TO ITEM NO. 17-4704 PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT SPONSORED BY: COMMISSIONER SEAN M. MORRISON CO-SPONSORED BY: COMMISSIONERS RICHARD BOYKIN, JOHN A. FRITCHEY, TIMOTHY O. SCHNEIDER, JEFFERY R. TOBOLSKI, PETER N. SILVESTRI, BRIDGET GAINER, GREGG GOSLIN, JOHN P. DALEY, JESUS G. GARCIA, STANLEY MOORE AND DENNIS DEER ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO REPEAL THE COOK COUNTY SWEETENED BEVERAGE TAX WHEREAS, the Sweetened Beverage Tax Ordinance was approved and adopted on November 10, 2016; and WHEREAS, it has becoming increasingly clear that this is a regressive tax which will cause immediate and irrevocable hardship to businesses in Cook County and put those businesses in competitive disadvantage to businesses nearby; and WHEREAS, the U. S. Census Bureau has reported that from July of 2015 to June of 2016 Cook County has lost more population than any other county in the entire United States; and WHEREAS, it has been widely reported that one of the main reasons businesses and residents are moving out of Cook County is excessive tax regulations; and WHEREAS, a lawsuit referPass Action details Video Video
17-4717 1 REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FOR CERTAIN CIVIL SUITSOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AN AMENDMENT REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FOR CERTAIN CIVIL SUITS WHEREAS, the Cook County Sweetened Beverage Tax went into effect on August 2, 2017 following a legal challenge that took a month to resolve, and WHEREAS, the temporary restraining order cost the County about $17 million, and WHEREAS, Cook County filed suit against the Illinois Retail Merchants Association seeking damages in that amount, and WHEREAS, this retribution for a valid lawsuit is unacceptable, and WHEREAS, no citizen or group should face such dire consequences for filing a valid lawsuit against a government that implements any sort of tax, and WHEREAS, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office is already overly burdened, as assistant state’s attorneys prosecuting misdemeanors have 5,700 cases rather than the nationally recommended 400, and WHEREAS, the County Board has the fiduciary duty to its citizens to spend County resources in a fair, reasonable manner rather than as a tool for retribution. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that referPass Action details Video Video
17-5196 1 CALLING ON THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS TO REINSTATE THE DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALSResolutionPROPOSED SUBSTITUTE FOR FILE ID 17-5196 County Board Agenda 9-13-2017 PROPOSED RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CALLING ON THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS TO REINSTATE THE DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS PROGRAM OR REPLACE IT WITH A PATHWAY TO PERMANENT LEGAL RESIDENCY WHEREAS, President Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012, as a compromise measure after Congress failed to pass the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would have provided certain eligible persons with a pathway to permanent legal residency; and WHEREAS, DACA did not provide a pathway to permanent legal residency, but made it possible for individuals who were brought to the United States as children to live and work here legally for a renewable two-year period, if they met the program’s stringent qualifications and other requirements; and WHEREAS, since 2012, over 800,000 individuals have been approved for DACA, receiving deferred action from deportation, social security numbers, and temporary work authorization; and WHEREASsuspend the rulesPass Action details Video Video
17-5196 1 CALLING ON THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS TO REINSTATE THE DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALSResolutionPROPOSED SUBSTITUTE FOR FILE ID 17-5196 County Board Agenda 9-13-2017 PROPOSED RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CALLING ON THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS TO REINSTATE THE DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS PROGRAM OR REPLACE IT WITH A PATHWAY TO PERMANENT LEGAL RESIDENCY WHEREAS, President Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012, as a compromise measure after Congress failed to pass the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would have provided certain eligible persons with a pathway to permanent legal residency; and WHEREAS, DACA did not provide a pathway to permanent legal residency, but made it possible for individuals who were brought to the United States as children to live and work here legally for a renewable two-year period, if they met the program’s stringent qualifications and other requirements; and WHEREAS, since 2012, over 800,000 individuals have been approved for DACA, receiving deferred action from deportation, social security numbers, and temporary work authorization; and WHEREASaccept as substitutedPass Action details Video Video
17-5196 1 CALLING ON THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS TO REINSTATE THE DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALSResolutionPROPOSED SUBSTITUTE FOR FILE ID 17-5196 County Board Agenda 9-13-2017 PROPOSED RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CALLING ON THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS TO REINSTATE THE DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS PROGRAM OR REPLACE IT WITH A PATHWAY TO PERMANENT LEGAL RESIDENCY WHEREAS, President Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012, as a compromise measure after Congress failed to pass the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would have provided certain eligible persons with a pathway to permanent legal residency; and WHEREAS, DACA did not provide a pathway to permanent legal residency, but made it possible for individuals who were brought to the United States as children to live and work here legally for a renewable two-year period, if they met the program’s stringent qualifications and other requirements; and WHEREAS, since 2012, over 800,000 individuals have been approved for DACA, receiving deferred action from deportation, social security numbers, and temporary work authorization; and WHEREASapprove as substitutedPass Action details Video Video
17-5191 1 HONORING THE VICTIMS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND CONDEMNING AND DISAVOWING WHITE SUPREMACY AND ALL FORMS OF RACISMResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE VICTIMS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND CONDEMNING AND DISAVOWING WHITE SUPREMACY AND ALL FORMS OF RACISM WHEREAS, the Declaration of Independence establishes one of the underlying principles of our democracy with the following words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; and WHEREAS, one of the foundational principles of America and the strengths of our great democracy is our diversity of thought, ideas and people; and WHEREAS, we are a country where men and women of different races, faiths, sexual orientations and political beliefs are united under the banner of the greatest country in the world, the United States of America; and WHEREAS, the members of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and the people of Cook County mourn the victims of the tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia and stand unified in our condemnation of the hatred and intolerance espoused by the hunsuspend the rulesPass Action details Video Video
17-5191 1 HONORING THE VICTIMS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND CONDEMNING AND DISAVOWING WHITE SUPREMACY AND ALL FORMS OF RACISMResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE VICTIMS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND CONDEMNING AND DISAVOWING WHITE SUPREMACY AND ALL FORMS OF RACISM WHEREAS, the Declaration of Independence establishes one of the underlying principles of our democracy with the following words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; and WHEREAS, one of the foundational principles of America and the strengths of our great democracy is our diversity of thought, ideas and people; and WHEREAS, we are a country where men and women of different races, faiths, sexual orientations and political beliefs are united under the banner of the greatest country in the world, the United States of America; and WHEREAS, the members of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and the people of Cook County mourn the victims of the tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia and stand unified in our condemnation of the hatred and intolerance espoused by the hunaccept as substitutedPass Action details Video Video
17-5191 1 HONORING THE VICTIMS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND CONDEMNING AND DISAVOWING WHITE SUPREMACY AND ALL FORMS OF RACISMResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION HONORING THE VICTIMS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND CONDEMNING AND DISAVOWING WHITE SUPREMACY AND ALL FORMS OF RACISM WHEREAS, the Declaration of Independence establishes one of the underlying principles of our democracy with the following words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; and WHEREAS, one of the foundational principles of America and the strengths of our great democracy is our diversity of thought, ideas and people; and WHEREAS, we are a country where men and women of different races, faiths, sexual orientations and political beliefs are united under the banner of the greatest country in the world, the United States of America; and WHEREAS, the members of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and the people of Cook County mourn the victims of the tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia and stand unified in our condemnation of the hatred and intolerance espoused by the hunapprove as substitutedPass Action details Video Video
17-5209 1 AN AMENDMENT TO THE COOK COUNTY PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT CLASSESOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AN AMENDMENT TO THE COOK COUNTY PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT CLASSES BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 74 - Taxation, Article II - Real Property Taxation, Division 2 - Classification System for Assessment, Section 74-63 - Assessment Classes and Section 74-64 - Market Value Percentages are hereby amended as follows: Sec. 74-63. - Assessment classes. Real estate is divided into the following assessment classes: (1) Class 1. Unimproved real estate. (2) Class 2. Real estate: a. Used as a farm; b. Used for residential purposes when improved with a house, an apartment building of not more than six living units, or residential condominium, a residential cooperative or a government subsidized housing project, if required by statute to be assessed in the lowest assessment category; c. Improved with a building put to commercial and residential use, of six or less units where the building measures less than 20,000 square feet of above grade space; or d. Real estatreferPass Action details Video Video
17-5210 1 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE COMMITTEE ON DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE RULESOrdinanceSECOND PROPOSED SUBSTITUTE TO 17-5210 PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ISSUANCE OF REGULATIONS BY COUNTY DEPARTMENTS BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS, Section 1-9 - Regulations issued by County departments is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 1-9. - Rules and Regulations issued by County departments, agencies, and offices impacting the public at-large. (a) Public facing Rules and Regulations issued to implement ordinances and resolutions enacted by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, as defined in Sec. 1-3 of Chapter 1 of this Code and issued by County departments, agencies and offices in accordance with this Code shall be transmitted to the Chair of the Cook County Rules Committee and posted on the County department, agency or offices web page at at least County Clerk 10 days 30 days prior to taking effect, with the exception of emergency Rules and Regulations which shall be transmitted to the Chair of the Cook County Rules Committee Clerk and posted on the areferPass Action details Not available
17-4730 1 Bills and Claims Report for Period 6/29/2017-8/23/2017ReportREPORT Department: Comptroller’s Office Report Title: Bills and Claims Report Report Period: 6/29/2017-8/23/2017 Summary: This report to be received and filed is to comply with the Amended Procurement Code Chapter 34-125 (k). The Comptroller shall provide to the Board of Commissioners a report of all payments made pursuant to contracts for supplies, materials and equipment and for professional and managerial services for Cook County, including the separately elected Officials, which involve an expenditure of $150,000.00 or more, within two (2) weeks of being made. Such reports shall include: 1. The name of the Vendor; 2. A brief description of the product or service provided; 3. The name of the Using Department and budgetary account from which the funds are being drawn; and 4. The contract number under which the payment is being made.receive and filePass Action details Video Video
17-4262 1 Office Depot, Inc., Boca Raton, FloridaContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Various Cook County Agencies Vendor: Office Depot, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): County-wide office supplies Original Contract Period: 8/1/2014 - 7/31/2017, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options Proposed Contract Period Extension: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $5,059,561.21 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 7/23/2014, $4,919,561.21 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 8/25/2017, $140,000.00, 8/1/2017 - 7/31/2018 This Increase Requested: $1,630,815.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $407,703.75, FY 2018 $1,223,111.25 Accounts: 350 - Various Departments Contract Number(s): 1384-13045 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MBEWBE waiver. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This contract iapprovePass Action details Not available
17-5128 1 The Public Group, LLC, Provo, UtahContract (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Office of the Chief Procurement Officer Vendor: The Public Group, LLC, Provo, Utah Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): On-line Public Auction Services Contract Value: None, Revenue Generating Contract period: 10/15/2017 - 10/14/2020 Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: None, Revenue Generating Accounts: N/A Contract Number(s): 1625-15738 Concurrences: The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero. The chief Procurement Officer concurs. The Bureau of Technology concurs Summary: Section 34-125(j) of the Cook County Procurement Code provides that the Chief Procurement Officer facilitate the sale of surplus property. The Public Group LLC, provides a public web-based, online auction system which will enable the County to manage the sale of its surplus items, including but not limited to vehicles. This is a revenue generating contract, projected to return approximately $160,000.00 to Cook County per year during the life of thapprovePass Action details Not available
17-1581 1  Health and Hospitals System Preliminary BudgetPROPOSED COOK COUNTY HEALTH AND HOSPITALS SYSTEM PRELIMINARY BUDGET Department: Cook County Health and Hospitals System Summary: The Board of Directors of the Cook County Health & Hospitals System (“Health System Board”) respectfully requests approval of the FY2018 Preliminary Budget of the Cook County Health & Hospitals System (“CCHHS”), a copy of which is attached, pursuant to the Cook County Ordinance Establishing the Cook County Health & Hospitals System, Section 38-83, Preliminary CCHHS Budget and Annual Appropriation Ordinance.approvePass Action details Not available
17-5116 1 Interpark, LLC, Chicago, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Various Agencies Vendor: Interpark, LLC, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Self-Park parking spaces Original Contract Period: 1/1/2013 - 12/31/2015 with two (2) one-year renewal options Proposed Contract Period Extension: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $161,400.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 11/1/2012, $108,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 12/14/16, $43,200.00, 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2017 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 5/3/2016, $10,200.00, 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 This Increase Requested: $68,886.40 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $68,886.40 Accounts: Various Contract Number(s): 12-53-308B Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MBEWBE waiver. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This increase amendment will allow the consolidation of self-park parking spaces neededapprovePass Action details Not available
17-3490 1 Village of Tinley Park 175th Street Oak Park Avenue 17-B6125-00-EGIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Tinley Park, Illinois Request: Approval of Proposed Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: Part A Preliminary Engineering Study update and Part B Design Engineering Services Location: 175th Street from Oak park Avenue to Ridgeland Avenue, 175th Street to Oak Forest Avenue, Ridgeland Avenue to 167th Street in the Village of Tinley Park. Section: 17-B6125-00-EG Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 6 and 17 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time Agreement Fiscal Impact: $482,562.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account: 600-585 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between Cook County and the Village of Tinley Park. The Village of Tinley Park will be the lead agency for a Part A Preliminary Engineering Study Update and Part B Design Engineering Services for improvements along 175th SapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-4121 1 TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois Contract Amendment #8 TranSystems Corp.Contract Amendment (Highway)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department(s): Transportation and Highways Vendor: TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois Request: Approval Good(s) or Service(s): Engineering Services - Contract Increase - Amendment 8 Location: Quentin Road: Dundee Road (IL Route 68) to Lake Cook Road County Board District(s): 14 Original Contract Period: Section: Section number or 05-V6246-10-ES Proposed Contract Period Extension: Section: Section number or 05-V6246-10-ES Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,695,824.96 Original Board Approval: 6/7/2005, $455,658.09 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): (9/7/2006, $116,044.36), (7/10/2007, $129,570.80), (10/15/2008, $191,759.15), (10/19/2010, $148,547.68), (9/10/2012, $35,225.00), (7/17/2013, $148,566.98), (9/09/2015, $470,452.90) Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $736,562.09 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $254,153.93; FY 2018 $240,704.08; FY 2019 $240,704.08 AccouapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4282 1 Worth Township Roadway RehabilitationIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Township of Worth Request: Approval of Proposed Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: Construction and Engineering of Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements Location: Township of Worth, Illinois Section: 17-REHAB-02-PV Centerline Mileage: N/A County Board District: 4, 5, 6, 11 and17 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time agreement Fiscal Impact: $1,000,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account 600-585 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between Cook County and the Township of Worth. The Township of Worth will be the lead agency for the design, construction and construction engineering of pavement rehabilitation improvements at various locations throughout the Township, which includes 129th Place, 128th Street, Lawndale Avenue and 116th Street. The County will reimburse the Township of Worth foapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4354 1 Construction Monthly Status Report June 2017ReportREPORT Department: Department of Transportation and Highways Report Title: Bureau of Construction Monthly Status Report Report Period: Period ending 6/30/2017 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits the Bureau of Construction’s Monthly Status Report for the period ending 6/30/2017.receive and filePass Action details Not available
17-4636 1 Village of Willow Springs, Illinois -- Old Willow Springs Road over the Des Plaines River Interagency Agreement-Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement-IDOT-Pedestrian BridgeInteragency Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Request: Authorization to enter into an interagency agreement Description: IDOT will construct a new Pedestrian Bridge along Old Willow Springs Road over the Plaines River. IDOT will transfer jurisdiction of the Pedestrian Bridge to Cook County 21 days after the final inspection and acceptance of the proposed improvement by IDOT. Location: Village of Willow Springs, Illinois - Old Willow Springs Road over the Des Plaines River. County Board District: 17 Centerline Mileage: N/A Agreement Period: One-time Agreement Agreement Number(s): N/A Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/AapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4639 1 Village of Hoffman Estates Central Road 14-6PESV-03-ESIntergovernmental Agreement (Highway)PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Village of Hoffman Estates, Hoffman Estates, Illinois Request: Approval of Proposed Intergovernmental Agreement Goods or Services: Off Street Multi-use Path Engineering Study for the Village of Hoffman Estates, as part of the County’s Phase I Engineering Study, along Central Road from Barrington Road to Huntington Boulevard. Location: Central Road from Barrington Road to Huntington Boulevard in the Village of Hoffman Estates Section: 14-6PESV-03-ES Centerline Mileage: 0.95 miles County Board District: 14 and 15 Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: One-time Agreement Fiscal Impact: $292,604.06 ($64,306.62 to be reimbursed from the Village of Hoffman Estates) Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account: 600-585 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between Cook County and the Village of Hoffman Estates. The County will inclapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4640 1 ExxonMobil Oil Corporation,Hintz Road-Buffalo Grove Road, Village of Wheeling, IllinoisAgreement (Highway)PROPOSED AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): ExxonMobil Oil Corporation Request: Approval of Proposed Agreement Goods or Services: Highway Authority Agreement, along with an attached Supplemental Agreement, between Cook County and ExxonMobil Oil Corporation Location: 1798 Hintz Road (CH A54) at Old Buffalo Grove Road in the Village of Wheeling, Illinois Section Number: N/A County Board District: 14 Centerline Mileage: N/A Agreement Period: a One-time Agreement Agreement Number(s): N/A Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Agreement for Highway Authority between Cook County and ExxonMobil Oil Corporation. The County, by executing the Agreement, will agree to restrict the extraction of potable water from its highway right-of-way at this location, inform Permittees of the proscribed status of the referenced location and require that Permittees properly dispose of exapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-4642 1 Village of La Grange Park, Illinois -- 26th Street from Beach Avenue to Kenman Avenue Improvement Resolution-PaymentImprovement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: Pavement Rehabilitation Location: 26th Street from Beach Avenue to Kenman Avenue in the Village of La Grange Park Section: 17-REHAB-01-PV County Board District(s): 16 and 17 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $175,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account: 600-585 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Improvement Resolution for pavement rehabilitation services. The services will include improvements from 26th Street from Beach Avenue to Kenman Avenue in the Village of La Grange Park, in Cook County. These improvements, as proposed, will consist of milling existing roadway pavement and full depth patching of base course as needed.approvePass Action details Not available
17-4643 1 City of Chicago, Illinois -- various locations Improvement Resolution Pavement Rehab CDOT 2017Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: Pavement Rehabilitation Location: Various locations within the City of Chicago Section: 17-REHAB-03-PV County Board District(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7-13 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $3,000,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account: 600-585 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Improvement Resolution for pavement rehabilitation services in the City of Chicago. The services will include improvements of roadways at various locations within the City of Chicago, in Cook County, which will consist of milling and resurfacing of the existing bituminous pavement with hot-mix asphalt or diamond grinding existing concrete pavement.approvePass Action details Not available
17-4644 1 Various locations throughout Cook County Appropriating Resolution QC-QA Material TestingAppropriating Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED APPROPRIATING RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): N/A Request: Approval of the Proposed Appropriating Resolution Good(s) or Services(s): Professional Engineering Services - Quality Control/Quality Assurance and Material Testing for the construction of County projects Location: Various locations throughout Cook County Section: 17-8TEST-00-EG Fiscal Impact: $2,750,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account: 600-585 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Appropriating Resolution for professional engineering services throughout Cook County. The engineering services will include Quality Control/Quality Assurance and Material Testing for the construction of County projects at various locations throughout Cook County by an engineering consultant. Said services shall be supervised by County Forces. endapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4645 1 Village of Alsip, Illinois; Village of Palos Heights, Illinois; and Worth Township, Illinois -- Cal-Sag Bridge Improvement Resolution Cal-Sag Bridge Streel Truss StrengtheningImprovement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: Construction and Engineering Services - Cal-Sag Bridge Steel Truss Strengthening FY 2018 Location: Village of Alsip, Illinois; Village of Palos Heights, Illinois; and Worth Township, Illinois -- Cal-Sag Bridge Section: 18-CSSTS-00-BR County Board District(s): 5, 6 and 17 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $3,000,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account: 600-585 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Improvement Resolution for Design Engineering and Construction Services. The services include design engineering for the steel truss member strengthening design, construction repairs to seventy eight members and other necessary work.approvePass Action details Not available
17-4646 1 City of Rolling Meadows, Illinois -- Plum Grove Road at Euclid Avenue and Kirchoff RoadSupplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution Project: Construction Services Location: Plum Grove Road at Euclid Avenue and Kirchoff Road in the City of Rolling Meadows Section: 05-00743-01-CH County Board District: 14 Centerline Mileage: N/A Fiscal Impact: $9,500.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account: 600-585 Board Approved Date and Amount: 1/20/2005, $450,000.00 Increased Amount: $9,500.00 Total Adjusted Amount: $459,500.00 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution. The improvements will include roadway reconstruction along Plum Grove Road, widening of the existing channelized pavement along Euclid Avenue and widening of the existing pavement along Kirchoff Road in the City of Rolling Meadows.approvePass Action details Not available
17-4647 1 Village of Skokie, Illinois -- Old Orchard Road, Woods Drive to Skokie BoulevardImprovement Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project: Construction Services Location: Old Orchard Road - Woods Drive to Skokie Boulevard in the Village of Skokie Section: 17-A8327-00-PV County Board District(s): 13 Centerline Mileage: 0.7 miles Fiscal Impact: $24,860,000.00 Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account: 600-585 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Improvement Resolution for construction services in the Village of Skokie. The improvements will include pavement widening and reconstruction, intersection improvements including additional turn lanes, pedestrian crosswalks and pedestrian-actuated signals, traffic modernization including emergency vehicle pre-emption and re-optimization of signal timings and replacement of the IDOT Bridge over I-94.approvePass Action details Not available
17-4648 1 Report - Bureau of Construction Monthly Status Report Ending 7/31/17ReportREPORT Department: Transportation and Highways Report Title: Bureau of Construction Monthly Status Report Report Period: Period Ending 7/31/2017 Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits the Bureau of Construction Monthly Status Report for the period ending 7/31/2017.receive and filePass Action details Video Video
17-4649 1 Village of Northbrook, Illinois -- Sanders Road - Techny Road to Lake Cook RoadCompletion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Peter Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois Action: Approval of Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services - QC/QA Milling and Resurfacing Improvements Location of Project: Sanders Road - Techny Road to Lake Cook Road in the Village of Northbrook Section: 13-W2445-07-RS County Board District: 14 Contract Number: 1455-13406 Federal Project Number: N/A Federal Job Number: N/A Final Cost: $2,705,385.74 Percent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: $539,079.03 or 16.6% below the Construction Contract Bid Amount Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution. The QC/QA improvement consists of milling and resurfacing of Sanders Road from Techny Road to Lake-Cook Road. The improvement provides for removal of the existing approvePass Action details Not available
17-4650 1 Completion of Construction Kedzie Ave-139th to 135th to Utica AveCompletion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Landmark Contractors, Incorporated, Huntley, Illinois Action: Approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services Location of Project: Kedzie Avenue from 139th Street to 135th Street and 139th Street from Kedzie Avenue to Utica Avenue in the Village of Robins and the Village of Blue Island Section: 13-W4612-07-LS and 13-W4612-09-LS County Board District: 5 Contract Number: 1428-13237 Federal Project Number: TE-HPP-1375(002) Federal Job Number: C-91-288-13 Final Cost: $1,854,491.19 Percent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: $302,064.21 or 8.9% below the Construction Contract Bid Amount Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution. The construction improvements include construction and installation of papprovePass Action details Not available
17-4812 1 Completion of Construction Mount Hope Cemetery Driveway-Village of Blue Island 12-6HISP-36-ESCompletion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): Paul Borg Construction Company, Chicago, Illinois Action: Approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services Location of Project: Mount Hope Cemetery Driveway on 119th Street between Kedzie Avenue and Western Avenue in the Village of Blue Island Section: 12-6HISP-36-ES County Board District: 5 Contract Number: 11-28-055 Federal Project Number: N/A Federal Job Number: N/A Final Cost: $45,953.74 Percent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: 0% Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution. The services included the reconstruction of Mount Hope Cemetery Driveway on 119th Street. A new driveway was reconstructed with pipe culvert, trench backfill, manhole, catch basin, binder and surface course, concrete curb, tapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4813 1 A. Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois. Village of Deerfield, Illinois and Unincorporated Northfield Township, Illinois Lake Cook Road from Pfingsten Road to Waukegan Road C 05-A5021-07-RPCompletion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): A. Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois. Action: Approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services Location of Project: Lake Cook Road from Pfingsten Road to Waukegan Road in the Village of Deerfield and Unincorporated Northfield Township Section: 05-A5021-07-RP County Board District: 14 Contract Number: 13-28-023 Federal Project Number: N/A Federal Job Number: N/A Final Cost: $8,972,455.88 Percent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: $240,809.48 or 2.76% above the Construction Contract Bid Amount. Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution. The construction services included the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Lake Cook Road, from four lanes to six lanes with concrete pavement, pavement approvePass Action details Not available
17-4814 1 FHP Tectonics Corporation, Chicago, Illinois Village of Stickney, Illinois -- Central Avenue Bridge 12-6HISP-36-ESCompletion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway)PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS) Department: Transportation and Highways Other Part(ies): FHP Tectonics Corporation, Chicago, Illinois Action: Approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services Location of Project: Central Avenue Bridge in the Village of Stickney Section: 12-6HISP-36-ES County Board District: 11 and 16 Contract Number: 11-28-056 Federal Project Number: N/A Federal Job Number: N/A Final Cost: $27,050.76 Percent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: 0% Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Approval Resolution. The Central Avenue Bridge-Debris Protective Shield construction services included the installation of a concealed protective barrier, over secured area (MWRDGC) between bridge girders, wood supports, plywood, bridge span on B Street and between Pier 12 and 18 for the of 660 linear feet anapprovePass Action details Not available
17-5058 1 Nagle Hartray Architecture, Ltd., Chicago, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Capital Planning & Policy Vendor: Nagle Hartray Architecture, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend contract Good(s) or Service(s): Architectural and Engineering Services Original Contract Period: 7/7/2014 - 9/23/2016 Proposed Contract Period Extension: 9/23/2017 - 09/22/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $696,077.64 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 7/18/2014, $640,142.64 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 2/16/2016, $55,935.00, 10/27/2016, 9/23/2016 - 9/22/2017 This Increase Requested: N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $50,000.00, FY 2018 $346,077.64 Accounts: Capital Improvement Program - 031 Contract Number(s): 1455-13398 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This extension will allowapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-4658 1 Root Brothers Manufacturing & Supply Company, Hammond, IndianaContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Facilities Management Vendor: Root Brothers Manufacturing & Supply Company, Hammond, Indiana Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Supply Power Tools and Accessories Contract Value: $153,187.50 Contract period: 9/27/2017 - 9/26/2020 with two (2) one (1) year renewal options Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $8,510.40, FY 2018 $51,062.40, FY2019 $51,062.40, FY2020 $42,552.30 Accounts: 200-333 Institutional Supplies Contract Number(s): 1784-16512B Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MBE/WBE waiver with indirect participation. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This contract will allow the Department of Facilities Management to acquire power tools and accessories for various Cook County Facilities. Competitive bidding procedures were followed in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Root Brothers Manufacturing and Supply Company was approvePass Action details Not available
17-4277 1 Exoho Harlem Assoc., LLC, North Riverside, Illinois CCHHS 1800 Harlem Ave, North RiversideLease AgreementPROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT Department: Department of Real Estate Management Request: Request to approve new lease agreement Landlord: Exoho Harlem Assoc., LLC, North Riverside, Illinois Tenant: County of Cook Location: 1800 Harlem Ave., North Riverside, Illinois Term/Extension Period: Ten (10) years, commencement estimated 9/15/2017. Space Occupied: 20,676 sq. ft. Monthly Rent: Years PSF (Rounded) Monthly Annual 1 - 5 $15.50 $26,706.50 $320,478.00 6 - 10 $16.28 $28,050.44 $336,605.28 Fiscal Impact: Approval of this item would commit Fiscal 2017-2027 funds. Accounts: 893-690/550162 Rental and Leasing Option to Renew: Two (2) option periods of five (5) years with no less than nine (9) months written notice to the landlord. Termination: NA Utilities Included: Tenant shall pay for all water, sanitary sewer, gas, electricity, and other utilities used on the Premises to be separately metered. Summary/Notes: The Cook County Ambulatory & Community Health Network, (ACHN) will operate a primary care clinic allowing for expanded services in familyapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4492 1 CBRE, Inc., Los Angeles, California Contract 1323-13201 RenewalContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Department of Real Estate Management Vendor: CBRE, Inc., Los Angeles, California Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Property management services for George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Original Contract Period: 8/15/2014 - 8/14/2017, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options Proposed Contract Period Extension: 8/15/2017 - 8/14/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $522,000.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 7/23/2014, $522,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $178,800.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $52,150.00, FY 2018 $126,650.00 Accounts: 490-472 Operating Costs for the Cook County Adm. Bldg. Contract Number(s): 1323-13201 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MBEWBE waiver. The ChieapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4703 1 Uhlich Children’s Advantage Network (UCAN); Chief Judge's Office/UCAN New Lease AgreementLease AgreementPROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT Department: Department of Real Estate Management Request: Approval of a (New) Lease Agreement Landlord: Uhlich Children’s Advantage Network (UCAN) Tenant: County of Cook Location: 3605 W. Fillmore, Chicago, Illinois 60624 Term/Extension Period: 9/28/2017 - 10/31/2018 Space Occupied: 2,892 sq. ft Monthly Rent: $1,600.00 Years Rent PSF Monthly Annual |109|$6.64 $1,600.00 $20,800.00 Fiscal Impact: $3,200.00 FY17 $17,600.00 FY18 Accounts: 310-260 FY17/310-660 FY18 Option to Renew: N/A Termination: N/A Utilities Included: Yes, Landlord provides electricity, heat, air conditioning and water each Thursday of the month Summary/Notes: Circuit Court of Cook County will utilize the four (4) rooms and the common space of the premises once per week for the Restorative Justice Community Court (RJCC) of North Lawndale. The RJCC will serve emerging adults ages 18-26 by applying restorative justice practices to encourage defendants to take accountability for their actions and then work outapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4705 1 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago/Central State Institute Fifth Amendment CSI Dist 2nd-6th District CourthousesLease Agreement AmendmentPROPOSED LEASE AMENDMENT Department: Department of Real Estate Management Request: Approval of a Fifth Amendment to Lease Landlord: County of Cook Tenant: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago/Central State Institute Location: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th District Court Buildings Term/Extension Period: Three (3) years/10/1/2017 - 9/30/2020 Space Occupied: 12,040 sq. ft Monthly Rent: Period Annual Monthly PSF 10/1/2017-9/30/2018 $141,951.60 $11,829.30 $11.79 10/1/2018-9/30/2019 $146,286.00 $12,190.50 $12.15 10/1/2019-9/30/2020 $150,620.40 $12,551.70 $12.51 Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: Revenue Generating Option to Renew: N/A Termination: Either party may terminate with 120 days written notice Utilities Included: Yes Summary: The Tenant shall continue to use and occupy the premises for general office purposes for Central States Institute of Addiction, in connection with activities related to the operation of the courts in the Building in which the respective portion of the premises is located. The Fourth approvePass Action details Not available
17-4811 1 LW Arlington, LLC 3250 Arlington Heights Rd, Arlington Heights, IllinoisLease AgreementPROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT Department: Department of Real Estate Management Request: Approval of a (New) Lease Agreement Landlord: LW Arlington, LLC Tenant: County of Cook Location: 3250 Arlington Heights Rd, Arlington Heights, Illinois Term/Extension Period: Ten (10) years and two (2) months Space Occupied: Approximately 25,771 rentable square feet; final determination of square footage will be subject to space planning and in accordance with the 1996 BOMA standard for office buildings. Final determination is 24,948 sq. ft. Monthly Rent: Landlord will abate initial two (2) months of gross rent to start upon lease commencement: Years Rent PSF Monthly Annual |109|$16.00 $33,264.00 $399,168.00 |109|$16.50 $34,303.50 $411,642.00 |109|$17.00 $35,343.00 $424,116.00 |109|$17.50 $36,382.50 $436,590.00 |109|$18.00 $37,422.00 $449,064.00 |109|$18.50 $38,461.50 $461,538.00 |109|$19.00 $39,501.00 $474,012.00 |109|$19.50 $40,540.00 $486,486.00 |10 9|$20.00 $41,580.00 $498,960.00 10 $20.50 $42,619.50 $511,434.00 Fiscal Impact: Approval of tapprovePass Action details Not available
17-1003 1 Cicero ESG Intergovernmental AgreementIntergovernmental AgreementPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Department: Planning and Development Other Part(ies): The Town of Cicero Request: Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Cook County and the Town of Cicero Goods or Services: The Cook County Department of Planning and Development will administer the Town of Cicero’s Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) in the amount of $135,154.00 on the Town’s behalf, providing critical services to homeless individuals and those at risk of becoming homeless in the Town of Cicero. Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: The agreement is effective as of 1/1/2017 and will remain in effect until the ESG funds are expended. This is a one-time agreement, but Cook County and the Town of Cicero may execute similar agreements in the future for additional ESG funds received by the Town Cicero. Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A Summary: The Town of Cicero is receiving ESG funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the first time. Cicero has asked the County to administer this new fundapprovePass Action details Not available
17-5083 1 800 LEE STREET, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUESTResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION 800 LEE STREET, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: 800 Lee Street, LLC Address: 800 Lee Street, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007 Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Elk Grove Village Cook County District: 15th Permanent Index Number: 08-22-102-143-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Elk Grove Village, Resolution Number 2-17 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Four (4) months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: Two (2) - five (5) full-time jobs Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: Eight (8) full-time, two (2) part-time Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: same as above Estimated Number of construction jobs: 10-20 construction jobs Proposed use of property: Assembly of Aluminum windows and doors and thereferPass Action details Not available
17-5086 1 800 LEE STREET, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUESTResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION TRADEWATER EGV, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Tradewater EGV, LLC Address: 650 Morse Ave., Elk Grove, Illinois 60007 Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Elk Grove Village Cook County District: 15th Permanent Index Number: 08-34-102-025-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Elk Grove Village, Resolution Number 20-16 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 20 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: Three (3) full-time jobs Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 10 full-time jobs Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: same as above Estimated Number of construction jobs: 30-40 construction jobs Proposed use of property: Warehousing and processing of harmful CFC refrigerants to reduce and prevent the release of referPass Action details Not available
17-5106 1 PARAMOUNT TRUCK BODY CO. OR ITS NOMINEE, UNINCORPORATED COOK COUNTY 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUESTResolution (Class 6B) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION PARAMOUNT TRUCK BODY CO. OR ITS NOMINEE, UNINCORPORATED COOK COUNTY 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Paramount Truck Body Co. or its Nominee Address: 4929 S. Mason Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60638 Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Unincorporated Township Stickney Cook County District: 16 Permanent Index Number: 19-08-202-036-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: N/A Unincorporated Cook County Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Number of months vacant 60 months Special circumstances justification requested: No Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: Three (3) - five (5) full-time jobs, over the next five (5) years Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 13 full-time jobs Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: Same as above Estimated Number of construction jobs: 10-12 construction jobs referPass Action details Not available
17-5114 1 MALMO PRATT LLC -MALMO DRIVE SERIES 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUESTResolution (Class 6B) No Purchase for Value TEERMPROPOSED RESOLUTION MALMO PRATT LLC -MALMO DRIVE SERIES 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information: Applicant: Malmo Pratt LLC -Malmo Drive Series Address: 3000 Malmo Drive, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60005 Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Mount Prospect Cook County District: 9 Permanent Index Number: 08-23-202-035-0000 Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Mount Prospect Resolution Number 23-17 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 12 months vacant Special circumstances justification requested: Yes TEERM (TEMPORARY EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RECOVERY MODIFICATION (Vacant for more than 12 months but less than 24 months - No Purchase for Value) Justification: Yes Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 20 full-time jobs over the next 3 years Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 15 full-time jobs Estimated Number of employees in Cook CountreferPass Action details Not available
17-5115 1 BLUETICK REAL ESTATEResolution (Class 8) Purchase for ValuePROPOSED RESOLUTION BLUETICK REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC/CHRIS PALIGA CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information: Applicant: Bluetick Real Estate Holdings LLC/Chris Paliga Address: 17940 Torrence Avenue, Lansing, Illinois 60438 Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Lansing Cook County District: 4 Permanent Index Number: (2) PINs: Municipal Resolution Number: Resolution 917 approved 2/17/2015 Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 22 months at the time of application to BED Special circumstances justification requested: Yes Estimated Number of jobs created by this project: 4 full-time, 32 part-time Estimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 0 full-time, 0 part-time Estimated Number of employees in Cook County: 0 full-time, 0 part-time Estimated Number of construction jobs: 7-12 Proposed use of property: Commercial-Restaurant Living Wage OrdreferPass Action details Not available
17-4877 1 The Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management JAG 2017 AwardGrant AwardPROPOSED GRANT AWARD Department: The Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Grantee: Homeland Security and Emergency Management Grantor: City of Chicago Police Department Request: Authorization to accept grant Purpose: The purpose of this grant is to support training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support and criminal justice information systems related to law enforcement programs, prosecution and court programs, prevention and education programs, corrections and community corrections programs, drug treatment programs; planning, and evaluation and technology improvement programs. Grant Amount: $476,582.00 Grant Period: 10/1/2017 - 9/30/2020 Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A Concurrences: Budget and Management Services has received all requisite documents, and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. Summary: Chicago, as the lead agency, will receive the full JAG award amount on behalf of all parties and distribute JAG funds to all subgrantees, to include Cook County. Chicago and each GoveapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-5105 1 HR Activity Report Pay Periods 13, 14, and 15, covering dates: 6/11/2017 - 7/22/2017ReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Human Resources Report Title: HR Activity Report Report Period: Pay Periods 13, 14, and 15, covering dates: 6/11/2017 - 7/22/2017 Summary: These reports lists all Human Resources activity for Grades 17 - 24 including new hires, terminations, transfers and salary increases, for all Cook County employees.receive and filePass Action details Video Video
17-4267 1 Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc., Ramsey, New JerseyContract Amendment (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc., Ramsey, New Jersey Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Leasing of multifunction photocopiers on a cost-per-copy basis Original Contract Period: 11/2/2013 - 11/1/2018 Proposed Contract Extension Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $2,083,024.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 9/11/2013 $2,083,024.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $750,000.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $375,000.00, FY 2018 $375,000.00 Accounts: 490/630 Contract Number(s): 1384-12815 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation and full MBE waiver. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: The Bureau of Technology reqapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-4276 1 Pro-West and Associates, Inc., Walker, MinnesotaContract Amendment (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: Pro-West and Associates, Inc., Walker, Minnesota Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Building and Zoning Permit Tracking Application Original Contract Period: 3/1/2014 - 2/28/2016 Proposed Contract Extension Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $585,364.27 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 2/19/2014, $379,365.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 2/8/17, $97,435.52, 3/1/2017 - 2/28/2018) Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 1/4/2016, $16,200.00, 3/1/2017 - 2/28/2017; 5/25/2016, $25,228.75; 9/8/2016, $67,135.00 This Increase Requested: $149,820.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $85,611.43, FY 2018 $64,208.57 Accounts: Fund#: 11569, Project ID#: 21411 Award#: 10095 Contract Number(s): 1318-12726 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participaapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-5096 1 AT&T Corp., New York City, New YorkContract (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: AT&T Corp., Bedminster, New Jersey Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract Good(s) or Service(s): Telecommunications Services Contract Value: $35,000,000.00 Contract period: 10/1/2017 - 9/30/2022 with two (2) one (1)-year renewal options Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $1,750,000.00, FY 2018 $7,000,000.00, FY 2019 $7,000,000.00, FY 2020 $7,000,000.00, FY 2021 $7,000,000.00, FY 2022 $5,250,000.00. Accounts: 11100.1499.10155.520155 Contract Number(s): 1718-16625 Concurrence(s): The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This contract will provide telecommunications utility services for all Cook County locations, including the Health and Hospitals System. In addition to ongoing telecommunications services, the County will receive much-needed upgrades to replace legacy telephone service with Voice over IP (VoIP) and increase bandwireferPass Action details Video Video
17-5097 1 JULIE, Inc., Joliet, IllinoisIntergovernmental AgreementPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Department: Bureau of Technology Other Part(ies): JULIE, Inc., Joliet, Illinois Request: Authorization to enter into an intergovernmental agreement Goods or Services: Fiber optic locate and notification services Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: In effect until terminated by the County Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: N/A Summary: The Bureau of Technology requests Board authorization to enter into a membership agreement with JULIE, Inc., a corporation created pursuant to the Illinois Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act (220 ILCS 50/). Membership services include notification to contractors and private citizens of County-owned fiber locations to prevent damage from blind excavation, and notification to members of planned and emergency excavations. This agreement has been reviewed and approved by the Cook County State’s Attorney.approvePass Action details Video Video
17-5108 1 System Solutions, Inc., Northbrook, IllinoisContract Amendment (Technology)PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY) Department(s): Bureau of Technology Vendor: System Solutions, Inc., Northbrook, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Standard Specification Hardware (Lot A) and Hardware Maintenance (Lot C ) Original Contract Period: 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2015, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Proposed Contract Extension Period: N/A Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $13,189,457.10 (Lot A); $4,424,976.56 (Lot C) Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 6/5/2012, $13,189,457.10 (Lot A); ($1,424,976.56 (Lot C) Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 10/8/2014, $1,630,000.00 (Lot C); 4/13/2016 $840,000.00 (Lot C), and 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2017 (Lot A & Lot C); 6/28/17 $530,000.00 (Lot C), 7/1/2017 - 6/30/2018 (Lot A) Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 5/6/2015, 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 This Increase Requested: $3,100,000.00 (Lot A) Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $1,150,780.00, FY 2018 $1,949approvePass Action details Video Video
17-4338 1 Deer Rehabilitation Services, Chicago, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Adult Probation and Social Service Department, Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Deer Rehabilitation Services, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew contract Good(s) or Service(s): Domestic Violence Partner Abuse Intervention Counseling Original Contract Period: 6/1/2013 - 5/31/2016, with two (2) one-year renewal options Proposed Contract Period Extension: 6/1/2017 - 5/31/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $395,000.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 5/8/2013, $265,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 6/20/2016, $130,000.00; 6/1/2016 - 5/31/2017 This Increase Requested: N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $65,000.00, FY 2018 $65,000.00; paid with probation and supervision fees collected from probationers. Accounts: 11326-520835 Professional Services Contract Number(s): 13-88-081G Concurrences: The vendor has meapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-3615 1 Epperson Consulting, Flossmoor, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Epperson Consulting, Flossmoor, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend contract Good(s) or Service(s): Evaluation services for Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) Access to Community Treatment Court (ACT) and the ARI HOPE Court Original Contract Period: 12/1/2014 - 6/30/2015 with one (1) one (1)-year renewal Proposed Contract Period Extension: 7/1/2017 - 6/30/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $50,000.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 11/25/2014, $35,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 7/13/2016, 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2017 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 7/15/2015, 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016, $15,000 This Increase Requested: NA Potential Fiscal Impact: NA Accounts: NA Contract Number(s): 1453-13969 Concurrences: The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: approvePass Action details Not available
17-3688 1 Ace Coffee Bar, Inc. Streamwood, Illinois Cafeteria Operation and Impaneled Jury Food ServiceContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Ace Coffee Bar, Inc., Streamwood, Illinois (n/k/a/ Compass Group USA, Inc. dba Canteen Vending Services) Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase and renew contract Good(s) or Service(s): Cafeteria Operation and Impaneled Jury Food Service at the George N. Leighton Criminal Division Courthouse Original Contract Period: 8/17/2014 - 8/16/2017, with two (2) one-year renewal options Proposed Contract Period Extension: 8/17/2017 - 8/16/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $962,839.97 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 5/21/2014, $943,780.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 10/23/2015, $19,059.97 This Increase Requested: $370,000.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $107,916.66, FY 2018 $262,083.34 Accounts: 310-223 (520210) Contract Number(s): 1353-13213 Concurrences: The vendor has met the MapprovePass Action details Not available
17-3977 1 Nestle Waters North America, Louisville Kentucky Bottled Water - Payment ApprovalPayment ApprovalPROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL Department(s): Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County Action: Payment Approval Payee: Nestle Waters North America, Louisville Kentucky Good(s) or Service(s): Five (5) Gallon Bottled Water Fiscal Impact: $14,178.34 Accounts: 310-350 Contract Number(s): 1430-14172 Summary: The Office of Chief Judge worked with the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer to release small order bid for bottled water services in anticipation of a Nestle contract expiring in February 2017. However, no bidders responded to two open solicitations on these services. The Office of the Chief Judge requests payment for services from 2/13/2017 - 5/17/2017, in the amount of $14,178.34. A new County-wide contract for bottle water has been awarded.approvePass Action details Not available
17-4453 1 The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesGrant AwardPROPOSED GRANT AWARD Department: Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County Grantee: Circuit Court of Cook County Grantor: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Request: Authorization to accept grant Purpose: The Cook County Suburban Municipal Districts Drug Court Service Enhancement Program will build the County’s capacity to help drug-addicted program participants in three suburban drug treatment courts in Cook County. Grant Amount: $324,811.00 Grant Period: 9/30/2017 - 9/29/2018 Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: NA Concurrences: The Budget Department has received all the requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. Summary: The Cook County Suburban Municipal Districts Drug Court Service Enhancement Program (DCSEP) will build the court’s capacity to help program participants as follows: assess needs, offer practical recovery supports, reduce financial and access barriers to treatment through integration of clinapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4702 1 SAMHSA Department of Health and Human ServicesGrant AwardPROPOSED GRANT AWARD Department: Circuit Court of Cook County, Office of the Chief Judge Grantee: Office of the Chief Judge Grantor: SAMHSA Department of Health and Human Services Request: Authorization to accept grant Purpose: Expand and enhance the Circuit Court of Cook County’s Rehabilitation Alternative Probation (RAP) Drug Court Program for men and the Women’s Rehabilitation Alternative Probation (WRAP) Drug Court Program for women. Grant Amount: $324,905.00 Grant Period: 9/30/2017-9/29/2018 Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: Not applicable Concurrences: Budget and Management Services has received all requisite documents, and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. Summary: The Circuit Court of Cook County will use this second year grant award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to continue efforts to expand and enhance the Rehabilitation Alternative Probation (RAP) Drug Court Program for men and the Women’s Rehabilitation Alternative Probation (WRAP) Drug Court Program for women. The court’s goal is to approvePass Action details Not available
17-4659 1 Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center, Inc., Olympia Fields, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Juvenile Probation and Court Services Department, Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center, Inc., Olympia Fields, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase and renew contract Good(s) or Service(s): Evening Reporting Centers Program and Pre-trial Services Original Contract Period: 10/1/2013-9/30/2016, with two (2), one (1)-year renewal options Proposed Contract Period Extension: 10/1/2017-9/30/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $6,960,900.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 9/11/13, $5,192,160.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 9/14/16, $1,768,740.00, 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2017 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $1,962,329.30 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $179,393.30, FY 2018 $1,782,936.00 Accounts: 326-298 Contract Number(s): 13-23-001 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise OrdinapprovePass Action details Not available
17-3122 1 Ergometrics and Applied Personnel Research, Lynnwood, WashingtonContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC), Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Ergometrics and Applied Personnel Research, Inc., Lynnwood, Washington Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Licenses and Testing Material Services Original Contract Period: 9/1/2015 - 8/31/2016 with one (1) year renewal option Proposed Contract Period Extension: 9/1/2017 - 8/31/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $16,000.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 9/11/2015, $16,000.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 10/5/2016, 9/1/2016 - 8/31/2017 This Increase Requested: $7,000.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $1,700.00, FY 2018 $5,300.00 Accounts: 1440-260 Contract Number(s): 1550-14582 Concurrences: The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This extension and increase will allow the JTDC to use the personnelapprovePass Action details Not available
17-3815 1 Chicago Uniform, Chicago, IllinoisPayment ApprovalPROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL Department(s): Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Action: Payment Payee: Chicago Uniform, Chicago, Illinois Good(s) or Service(s): Bullet-proof Ballistic Vest Fiscal Impact: $3,100.00 Accounts: 1440-189 Contract Number(s): N/A Summary: On 7/25/2016, the Circuit Court of Cook County Office of the Chief Judge entered a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamster’s Local 700. A provision within the agreement required the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center to provide bullet-proof ballistic vest to security specialist who transport residents to various locations (e.g. - court and hospital) throughout Cook County and the State of Illinois. The new bullet-proof armor provides additional protection in response to elevated safety and security concerns in the Chicago area.approvePass Action details Not available
17-5113 1 Black Dog Chicago Corporation, Chicago, IllinoisContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, Circuit Court of Cook County Vendor: Black Dog Chicago Corporation, Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend contract Good(s) or Service(s): Meat Products Original Contract Period: 10/1/2014 - 9/30/2016 Proposed Contract Period Extension: 10/1/2017 - 12/31/2017 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,412,062.40 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 9/14/2014, $1,412,062.40 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 9/20/2016, 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2017 This Increase Requested: N/A Potential Fiscal Impact: N/A Accounts: 1440-310 Contract Number(s): 1425-13704 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This three month time extension will allow the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC)approvePass Action details Not available
17-2239 1 Paper Solutions, Cedar Rapids, IowaContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Clerk of the Circuit Court, Department of Corrections, Law Office of the Public Defender, Adult Probation Department, Office of the State’s Attorney, Office of the Assessor Vendor: Paper Solutions, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Printing and Manufacturing of Court File Jackets and Folders Original Contract Period: 8/16/2015 - 8/15/2017, with two (2), one (1)-year renewal options. Proposed Contract Period Extension: 8/16/2017 - 8/15/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,456,855.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 7/29/2015, $1,456,855.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $756,992.75 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY2017: $78,679.45; FY2018: $678,313.30 Clerk of the Circuit Court FY2017: $0.00; FY2018: $486,605.25, Department of Corrections FY2017: $22,791.45; FY2018: $31,approvePass Action details Not available
17-4260 1 Ready Refresh By Nestle, Louisville, KentuckyPayment ApprovalPROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL Department(s): Clerk of the Circuit Court Action: Payment Approval Payee: Ready Refresh By Nestle, Louisville, Kentucky Good(s) or Service(s): Bottled Drinking Water Fiscal Impact: $5,049.83 Accounts: 335-350 Contract Number(s): N/A Summary: The vendor provided services to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. We are requesting payment to be made to the vender for services rendered to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The services were needed until the Cook County Countywide bottle drinking water contract was awarded. We recently received the request for payment for the services rendered, totaling $5,049.83 and would like to move forward at this time for payment. Due to Direct Pay limit the Clerk’s office would exceed the $5,000 direct pay amountapprovePass Action details Video Video
17-4889 1 Transfer of Funds within Account 11100.1335Transfer of FundsPROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS Department: Clerk of the Circuit Court Request: Transfer of Funds within Account 11100.1335 Reason: Funds are needed in the Clerk of the Circuit Court Accounts in order to make adequate funds available to: (a) install video monitors on the 11th and 22nd floors at Daley Center, (b) pay for Photography and Videography Services, (c) pay for employee blazers, (d) pay the Case Management System Vendor’s employees for travel reimbursements incurred as these costs cannot be paid from capital funds, and pay for Employment/Labor Relations Consulting Services. From Account(s): (a)11100-550010 (Rental of Office Equipment), $10,000.00; 11100-520260 (Postage), $2,000.00; 11100-520490 (Graphics and Reproduction Services), $8,000.00; 11100-540130 (Maintenance and Repair of Office Equipment), $2,250.00; (b) 11100-520260 (Postage), $9,400; (c) 11100-550010 (Rental of Office Equipment), $10,000.00; 11100-520260 (Postage),$5,000; (d) 11100-520260 (Postage), $100,000; and (e) 11100-520260 (Postage), $163,000 To Account(s): (a)11100-520830 (Professional and ManagerdeferPass Action details Video Video
17-4801 1 JJ Collins Sons, Inc., Carol Stream, IllinoisPayment ApprovalPROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL Department(s): County Clerk Action: Payment of outstanding invoice Payee: JJ Collins Sons, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois Good(s) or Service(s): Printing and Mailing of Voter Information Fiscal Impact: $11,570.16 Accounts: 524-240 External Graphics and Reproduction Services Contract Number(s): 1335-13044 Summary: The County Clerk’s Office is requesting approval of a payment in the amount of $11,570.16 to JJ Collins Sons, Inc., the vendor for printing and mailing of voter information. The invoice reflects an amount over the original contract value due to the redesign of the household mailers which now display location and candidates’ name like the sample ballots. The additional details along with the change in the size of the mailers increased the printing costs.approvePass Action details Video Video
17-3324 1 Progressive Industries, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Detainee Tennis ShoesContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Cook County Department of Corrections Vendor: Progressive Industries, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Detainee Tennis Shoes Original Contract Period: 11/26/2014 - 11/25/2016, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Proposed Contract Period Extension: 11/26/2017 -11/25/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $966,735.00 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 11/19/2014, $644,490.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 9/14/2016, 11/26/2016-11/25/2017, $322,245.00 Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A This Increase Requested: $322,245.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2018 $322,245.00 Accounts: 239-320 Contract Number(s): 1411-13972 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation and a full MBE waiver. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: approvePass Action details Video Video
17-4505 1 Pyramid Enterprise Supplies, Solon, OhioContract Amendment PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department(s): Cook County Department of Corrections Vendor: Pyramid Enterprise Supplies, Solon, Ohio Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract Good(s) or Service(s): Smith and Wesson Handcuffs and Leg Irons Original Contract Period: 11/26/2014 - 11/25/2016, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options Proposed Contract Period Extension: 11/26/2017 - 11/25/2018 Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $85,162.50 Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 11/20/2014, $56,775.00 Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 5/24/2016, $28,387.50, 11/26/2016 - 11/25/2017 This Increase Requested: $56,775.00 Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2018, $56,775.00 Accounts: 239-333 Contract Number(s): 1411-14022 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MBE/WBE waiver. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This increase and approvePass Action details Not available
17-4804 1 Pest Control Services for various county departmentsContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): The Sheriff’s Department of Corrections and Court Services, Facilities Management, Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and Department of Transportation and Highways Vendor: Quality & Excellence Pest Control, Inc., Lansing, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Pest Control Services Contract Value: $488,816.00 Contract period: 9/26/2017 - 9/25/2019, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $39,134.66 FY 2018 $229,638.96 and FY 2019 $220,042.38 DOC; FY2017 $28,538.00, FY2018 $156,959.00, FY 2019 $156,959.00 JTDC; FY 2017 $1,000.00, FY 2018 $8,500.00, FY 2019 $8,500.00 FACILITIES; FY 2017 $9,596.66 FY 2018 $57,579.96, FY 2019 $47,983.38 TRANSPORTATION; FY 2018 $6,600.00, FY 2019 $6,600.00 Accounts: 239-235, 440-235, 200-235 and 501-461 Contract Number(s): 1784-16393 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation. approvePass Action details Not available
17-4833 1 Hygiene SuppliesContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): The Sheriff’s Department of Corrections, Department of Facilities Management, Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and the Medical Examiner’s Office Vendor: Bob Barker Company, Inc., Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Hygiene Supplies Contract Value: $652,239.28 Contract period: 10/3/2017 - 10/2/2019, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017; $31,217.75, FY 2018; $296,345.19 and FY 2019; $324,676.34 DOC - FY 2018 $ 186,075.74 and FY 2019 $186,075.74 Facilities - FY 2017; $3,355.00, FY 2018; $24,156.00 and FY 2019; $24,424.40 JTDC- FY 2017; $ 27,862.75, FY 2018; $83,388.25.and FY 2019; $ 111,451.00 Medical Examiner - FY 2018; $2,725.20 and FY2019; $2,725.20 Accounts: (239-330), (200-330), (440-330) and (259-330) Contract Number(s): 1712-16491 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MBEWBE waiver. ThapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4190 1 City of Blue Island, Illinois for 911 dispatching/monitoringIntergovernmental AgreementPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Office Other Part(ies): City of Blue Island (“Blue Island”), Blue Island, Illinois Request: Authorization to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Blue Island. Goods or Services: The Cook County Sheriff’s Office will provide 911 System dispatching/monitoring services for the City of Blue Island twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Agreement Number(s): N/A Agreement Period: 11/1/2017 and continue for five (5) years Fiscal Impact: None. Revenue Generating Accounts: N/A Summary: Authorization for the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Blue Island to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement for 911 System dispatching/monitoring services for the Blue Island Police Department twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Blue Island Police Department dispatch will be done on a Cook County 800 mhz frequency. City of Blue Island agrees to reimburse the Cook County Sheriff’s Office quarterly for allapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4732 1 Ray O’Herron Co., Inc., Danville, Illinois AmmunitionContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office Vendor: Ray O’Herron Co., Inc., Danville, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Ammunition Contract Value: $1,587,612.00 Contract period: 9/20/2017 - 9/19/2020, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2017 $50,000.00, FY 2018 $529,203.76, FY 2019 $529,203.76, FY 2020 $479,204.48 Accounts: 214-333 Contract Number(s): 1712-16515 Concurrences: The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: The approval of this contract will supply the Sheriff’s Training Institute with the necessary ammunition for new recruit officers as well as in-service qualification training for current officers. Competitive bidding procedures were followed in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Ray O’Herron Co., Inc. was the lowest, responsive bidder.approvePass Action details Not available
17-5054 1 Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor of the State of Illinois; State's Attorney Appeallate Assistance Program IGA with StateGrant AwardPROPOSED GRANT AWARD Department: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Grantee: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Grantor: Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor of the State of Illinois Request: Authorization to accept grant Purpose: This funding will enable the State’s Attorney’s Office to maintain assistant state’s attorney positions in the Criminal Appeals Division that are dedicated to working on criminal appeals in Cook County. Grant Amount: $2,000,000.00 Grant Period: 9/1/2017- 6/30/2018 Fiscal Impact: None Accounts: N/A Concurrences: The Budget Department has received all the requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. Summary: The State’s Attorney’s Office has received funding from the Illinois Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor for consecutive years beginning in 2003; with 2016 being the last year to receive. The purpose of these funds is to staff the Criminal Appeals Division at a level that better balances staffing between defense attorneys working on criminal appeals in Cook approvePass Action details Video Video
17-4692 1 17-4283 Darius Dotson v. DartAmendment to a Previously Approved ItemPROPOSED PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEM AMENDMENT Department: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Request: Amend to a previously approved settlement item on the 7/19/2017 Finance Agenda and County Board Agenda of the same date to change the Settlement Amount Item Number: 17-4283 Fiscal Impact: $N/A Account(s): N/A Original Text of Item: Case: Darius Dotson v. Dart Case No: 14 C 5944 Settlement Amount: $4,000.00 Fixed Charges Department: 499 (Public Safety) Payable to: Jannette Dotson Litigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A Subject matter: Allegation of a civil rights violation Settlement Amount: $4,000.00 $1,000.00approve as amended in the errataPass Action details Not available
17-4538 1 JJ Collins Sons Inc., Woodridge, IllinoisContractPROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Treasurer Vendor: JJ Collins Sons Inc., Woodridge, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Printing, Tax Bill Paper, Envelopes, Brochures, Folding and Inserting for the Billing and Collection of Tax Years 2017 and 2018 Property Taxes Contract Value: $1,097,508.00 Contract period: 9/13/2017 - 9/12/2019, with two (2) one-year renewal options Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2018 $548,754.00, FY 2019 $548,754.00 Accounts: 534-240 External Graphics and Reproduction Services Contract Number(s): 1730-16580 Concurrences: The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation and partial MBE and full WBE waiver. The Chief Procurement Officer concurs. Summary: This contract will allow the Treasurer’s Office to fulfill its obligation to print and mail the first and second installment property tax bills for Tax Years 2017 and 2018. Competitive bidding procedures were followed in acapprovePass Action details Not available
17-4430 1 Maniya P., Monica H.Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe Presenter: Same Fees: $1,387.50 Case Name: In the Interest of Maniya P., Monica H. Trial Court No(s): 13JA175, 13JA176 Appellate Court No(s): 1-17-0424approvePass Action details Not available
17-4490 1 Zenea Y., Aiden Y.Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe Presenter: Same Fees: $367.50 Case Name: In the Interest of Zenea Y., Aiden Y. Trial Court No(s): 14JA482, 15JA36 Appellate Court No(s): 1-17-0425approvePass Action details Not available
17-4495 1 Tyrenzo K., Tyeisha K., Sariah A.Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Elizabeth Butler Presenter: Same Fees: $6,318.35 Case Name: In re Tyrenzo K., Tyeisha K., Sariah A. Trial Court No(s): 15JA467, 15JA468, 15JA469 Appellate Court No(s): 16-1731approvePass Action details Not available
17-4496 1 In re Jamari R.Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Elizabeth Butler Presenter: Same Fees: $6,139.74 Case Name: In re Jamari R. Trial Court No(s): 07JA386 Appellate Court No(s): 16-0850approvePass Action details Not available
17-4510 1 Kaniyah W., Kendall W. Kentrell W, Kention W., (minors)Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Eleesha Madeline O’Neill Presenter: Same Fees: $2,531.25 Case Name: In re Kaniyah W., Kendall W. Kentrell W, Kention W., (minors) Trial Court No(s): 12JA1009, 12JA1010, 12JA1011, 12JA1012 Appellate Court No(s): 1-17-0428approvePass Action details Not available
17-4511 1 Rhiannon C. (minor)Appellate CasesAppellate Case Attorney/Payee: Eleesha Madeline O’Neill Presenter: Same Fees: $3,675.00 Case Name: In re Rhiannon C. (minor) Trial Court No(s): 14JA1288 Appellate Court No(s): 1-16-3315, 1-17-0060approvePass Action details Not available
17-4601 1 Cynthiana M. (minor)Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Victoria Almeida, Attorney Presenter: Same Fees: $2,137.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Case Name: In Re Cynthiana M. (minor) Trial Court No (s): 15JA0681 Appellate Court No(s): 1-16-3262, 1-16-3264approvePass Action details Not available
17-4656 1 Alondra R., Melissa R., Alejandra R.Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe Presenter: Same Fees: $2,887.50 Case Name: In the Interest of Alondra R., Melissa R., Alejandra R. Trial Court No(s): 15JA656, 15JA657, 15JA658 Appellate Court No(s): 1-17-0379approvePass Action details Not available
17-4865 1 I. R., M. R., T. R.Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell Presenter: Same Fees: $2,593.19 Case Name: In re I. R., M. R., T. R. Trial Court No(s): 15JA1262, 12JA1263, 12JA1264 Appellate Court No(s): 1-16-2552approvePass Action details Not available
17-4866 1 Stephanie S., Stephen S.Appellate CasesAttorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell Presenter: Same Fees: $2,452.28 Case Name: In re Stephanie S., Stephen S. Trial Court No(s): 15JA815, 15JA816 Appellate Court No(s): 1-16-1898approvePass Action details Not available
17-4248 1 LaDarius HarrisCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Law Offices of Karla Fiaoni Presenter: Same Fees: $1,375.00 Services rendered for court appointed representation of indigent respondent: legal representation Name of respondent: LaDarius Harris Case No. 14CR22241-01approvePass Action details Not available
17-4355 1 Francisco Olivares-HernandezCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Barry M. Leavitt, Psy.D. Presenter: Same Fees: $4,493.89 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Francisco Olivares-Hernandez Case No(s): 15CR12143approvePass Action details Not available
17-4380 1 Francisco Olivares-HernandezCriminal DivisionPayee: Lesley Kane Presenter: Same Fees: $3,475.64 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondents: expert witness Name of respondent: Francisco Olivares-Hernandez Case No: 15CR12143approvePass Action details Not available
17-4462 1 James IvoryCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dena M. Singer Presenter: Dena M. Singer Fees: $7,663.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): James Ivory Case No(s): 14CR2054501approvePass Action details Not available
17-4465 1 Travis CaguanaCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Joseph P. Kennelly Attorney Presenter: Same Fees: $8,461.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Travis Caguana Case No(s): 11CR11239-01, 11CR10280-02approvePass Action details Not available
17-4466 1 Shawn RandallCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Joseph P. Kennelly Attorney Presenter: same Fees: $1,975.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Shawn Randall Case No(s): 15CR13171approvePass Action details Not available
17-4493 1 Clifton Lemon, Sr.Criminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Sabra Ebersole Presenter: Same Fees: $5,968.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Clifton Lemon, Sr. Case No(s):13CR1334905approvePass Action details Not available
17-4529 1 Kirk HaugenCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Stephen F. Potts Presenter: Same Fees: $3,306.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Kirk Haugen Case No(s): 10CR80014approvePass Action details Not available
17-4530 1 Mark LindseyCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Stephen F. Potts Presenter: same Fees: $3,243.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Mark Lindsey Case No(s): 13CR80007approvePass Action details Not available
17-4531 1 Mark MelcherCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Stephen F. Potts Presenter: same Fees: $668.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Mark Melcher Case No(s): 10CR80011approvePass Action details Not available
17-4532 1 Leonardo SimmonsCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Stephen F. Potts Presenter: Same Fees: $468.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Leonardo Simmons Case No(s): 01CR80005approvePass Action details Not available
17-4548 1 Robert SealsCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law Presenter: Same Fees: $3,450.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Robert Seals Case No(s): 16CR9384, 17CR0946, 17CR2214approvePass Action details Not available
17-4556 1 Shawn RashidiCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Independent Forensics Presenter: Susan Ritacca Law Office Fees: $3,788.34 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert witness Name(s) of respondent(s): Shawn Rashidi Case No(s): 15CR1091approvePass Action details Not available
17-4574 1 Zachary HatterCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Plainfield Forensic Psychological Services Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $1,140.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Zachary Hatter Case No(s): 10CR80010approvePass Action details Not available
17-4575 1 Jonathan ByrdCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Lesley Kane Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $3,135.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Jonathan Byrd Case No(s): 10CR80006approvePass Action details Not available
17-4576 1 Timothy BellCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Luis Rosell Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $2,470.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Timothy Bell Case No(s): 06CR80007approvePass Action details Not available
17-4577 1 Rex HulbertCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Luis Rosell Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $3,781.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Rex Hulbert Case No(s): 05CR80003approvePass Action details Not available
17-4589 1 Michael HughesCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Brian Abbott Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $3,325.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Michael Hughes Case No(s): 10CR80013approvePass Action details Not available
17-4590 1 Bashiro EvansCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Brian Abbott Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $4,674.35 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Bashiro Evans Case No(s): 14CR80009approvePass Action details Not available
17-4591 1 Michael HorneCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Brian Abbott Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $3,135.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Michael Horne Case No(s): 11CR80021approvePass Action details Not available
17-4592 1 Tommy GreenfieldCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Lesley Kane Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $1,900.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Tommy Greenfield Case No(s): 08CR80005approvePass Action details Not available
17-4641 1 Leo McGuinnCriminal DivisionAttorney /Payee: Scarline Jerome-Kon Presenter: Same Fees: $1,180.00 Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert witness Name(s) of respondent(s): Leo McGuinn Case No(s): 2017COMH2228, 2017COMH2227approvePass Action details Not available
17-4683 1 Victor PerezCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Geoffrey R. Loftus Presenter: Attorney Michael Petro Fees: $7,815.12 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert witness Name(s) of respondent: Victor Perez Case No(s): 15CR3874approvePass Action details Not available
17-4709 1 Darrick WilliamsCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Law Offices of Karla Fiaoni Presenter: Attorney Karla Fiaoni Fees: $6,250.00 Services rendered for court appointed representation of indigent respondent legal representation Name of respondent: Darrick Williams Case No. 14CR14000approvePass Action details Not available
17-4741 1 Junius WarrenCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Law Offices of Karla Fiaoni Presenter: Karla Fiaoni Fees: $3,625.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Junius Warren Case No. 16CR10808-03approvePass Action details Not available
17-4828 1 Dionell PayneCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Allan R. Sincox Presenter: Same Fees: $4,872.79 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Dionell Payne Case No(s): 12CR20806approvePass Action details Not available
17-4829 1 Dionell PayneCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Alice Washington Presenter: Allan R. Sincox Fees: $3,298.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Dionell Payne Case No(s): 12CR20806approvePass Action details Not available
17-4846 1 Michael HughesCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Brian Abbott Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $1,675.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Michael Hughes Case No(s): 10CR80013approvePass Action details Not available
17-4847 1 Michael HorneCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Brian Abbott Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $1,865.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Michael Horne Case No(s): 11CR80021approvePass Action details Not available
17-4848 1 Stephen MislichCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dr. Brian Abbott Presenter: Daniel T. Coyne Fees: $1,836.35 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert fees Name(s) of respondent(s): Stephen Mislich Case No(s): 98CR80010approvePass Action details Not available
17-4879 1 Steven StevensonCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Richard Albanese Presenter: Same Fees: $1,562.50 Service Rendered for court appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Steven Stevenson Case No(s): 17DV71305approvePass Action details Not available
17-4895 1 M. PhilippasCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Glasgow & Olsson Presenter: Same Fees: $93.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): M. Philippas Case No(s): 16ACC0094approvePass Action details Not available
17-4896 1  Criminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Glasgow & Olsson Presenter: Same Fees: $131.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Philippas Case No(s): 17ACC0072approvePass Action details Not available
17-4920 1 Joey JonesCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Tony Thedford Presenter: Same Fees: $15,360.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Joey Jones Case No(s): 14CR7806approvePass Action details Not available
17-4929 1 Crystal McKireCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: Michael A. Jarard Presenter: Michael A. Jarard Fees: $3,750.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Crystal McKire Case No(s): 13CR21040-01approvePass Action details Not available
17-4985 1 Cornell Dawson, Ulysses PolkCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: George E. Becker Presenter: Same Fees: $637.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Cornell Dawson, Ulysses Polk Case No(s): 13CR13349-01, 13CR13349-04approvePass Action details Not available
17-4986 1 Cornell Dawson, Ulysses PolkCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: George E. Becker Presenter: Same Fees: $3,600.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Cornell Dawson, Ulysses Polk Case No(s): 13CR13349-01, 13CR13349-04approvePass Action details Not available
17-4987 1 Cornell Dawson, Ulysses PolkCriminal DivisionAttorney/Payee: George E. Becker Presenter: Same Fees: $887.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Cornell Dawson, Ulysses Polk Case No(s): 13CR13349-01, 13CR13349-04approvePass Action details Not available
17-4901 1 Eliezer LopezDomestic Relations DivisionAttorney/Payee: Rotman & Rotman, Ltd. Presenter: Michael H. Rotman Fees: $825.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name of respondent: E. Lopez Case No: 2014D080636approvePass Action details Not available
17-4980 1 Frank EpsteinDomestic Relations DivisionAttorney/Payee: Matthew A. Ingram, Esq. Presenter: same Fees: $632.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): F. Epstein Case No(s): 05D331058approvePass Action details Not available
17-4120 1 D. Purches, D. McAlister, D. Purches (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Robert A. Horwitz Presenter: Same Fees: $431.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): D. Purches, D. McAlister, D. Purches (minors) GAL In Re: D. Purches, D. McAlister, D. Purches (minors) Case No(s): 11JA244, 14JA405, 14JA406approvePass Action details Not available
17-4191 1 C. Miles, C. Miles (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven O. Ross Presenter: Same Fees: $222.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Quintalia Boyd (mother) In Re: C. Miles, C. Miles (minors) Case No(s): 13JA056, 13JA057approvePass Action details Not available
17-4216 1 M. Brady (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $325.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): John Brady (father) In Re: M. Brady (minor) Case No(s): 17JA0395approvePass Action details Not available
17-4217 1 P. Bentley (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $462.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Taneil Curtis (mother) In Re: P. Bentley (minor) Case No(s): 11JA00085approvePass Action details Not available
17-4218 1 J. Medina, J. Medina (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $425.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Jose Medina (father) In Re: J. Medina, J. Medina (minors) Case No(s): 14JA1239, 14JA1240approvePass Action details Not available
17-4219 1 D. Mullins (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $775.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): D. Mullins (minor) GAL In Re: D. Mullins (minor) Case No(s): 11JA0467approvePass Action details Not available
17-4220 1 N. Vcherashansky, B. Vcherashansky (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $1,068.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Mark Vcherashansky (father) In Re: N. Vcherashansky, B. Vcherashansky (minors) Case No(s): 14JA0055, 14JA1058approvePass Action details Not available
17-4221 1 S. Hall (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $1,137.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Alphonso Hall (father) In Re: S. Hall (minor) Case No(s): 16JA00850approvePass Action details Not available
17-4222 1 M. Watkins-Gray, J. Watkins-Gray (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $306.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Jamal Gray (father) In Re: M. Watkins-Gray, J. Watkins-Gray (minors) Case No(s): 16JA0242, 16JA0243approvePass Action details Not available
17-4223 1 I. Cannon (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $275.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Robert Cannon (father) In Re: I. Cannon (minor) Case No(s): 08JA00455approvePass Action details Not available
17-4224 1 J. Cocroft, J. Cocroft, J. Cocroft (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Charles J. Aron Presenter: Same Fees: $740.90 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Jonathan Cocroft (father) In Re: J. Cocroft, J. Cocroft, J. Cocroft (minors) Case No(s): 15JA0287, 15JA0702, 16JA0838approvePass Action details Not available
17-4228 1 K. Monterubio (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets Presenter: Same Fees: $1,462.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Adam Monterubio (father) In Re: K. Monterubio (minor) Case No(s): 16JA87approvePass Action details Not available
17-4229 1 M. Haynes (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets Presenter: Same Fees: $437.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Martell Moore (father) In Re: M. Haynes (minor) Case No(s): 15JA675approvePass Action details Not available
17-4230 1 N. Womack (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Ezra Hemphill Attorney At Law Presenter: Same Fees: $500.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Ahmad Caldwell (father) In Re: N. Womack (minor) Case No(s): 15JA01248approvePass Action details Not available
17-4232 1 M. Price (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder Presenter: Same Fees: $265.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondents(s): Edward Price (father) In Re: M. Price (minor) Case No(s): 14JA1420approvePass Action details Not available
17-4233 1 M. Lee, Jr. (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe Presenter: Same Fees: $412.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Chanice Houston (mother) In Re: M. Lee, Jr. (minor) Case No(s): 14JA239approvePass Action details Not available
17-4285 1 T. Weeks (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets Presenter: Same Fees: $1,062.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Tyrone Weeks (father) In Re: T. Weeks (minor) Case No(s): 15JA1184approvePass Action details Not available
17-4286 1 S. Garner, S. Watkins (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets Presenter: Same Fees: $500.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Stanley Garner (father) In Re: S. Garner, S. Watkins (minors) Case No(s): 09JA1097, 11JA629approvePass Action details Not available
17-4288 1 Y. Spires, Z. Spires, J. Newman, J. Newman, J. Newman, D. Mathews (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Sabra Ebersole Presenter: Same Fees: $1,059.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Dinishia Matthews (mother) In Re: Y. Spires, Z. Spires, J. Newman, J. Newman, J. Newman, D. Mathews (minors) Case No(s): 16JA1085, 16JA1086, 16JA1087, 16JA1088, 16JA1089, 16JA1090approvePass Action details Not available
17-4289 1 J. Price, J. Price (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Crystal B. Ashley Presenter: Same Fees: $1,060.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): J. Price, J. Price (minors) GAL In Re: J. Price, J. Price (minors) Case No(s): 15JA455, 16JA462approvePass Action details Not available
17-4292 1 G. Marshall (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law Presenter: Same Fees: $750.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Kaleel Sample (father) In Re: G. Marshall (minor) Case No(s): 15JA00084approvePass Action details Not available
17-4293 1 S. Murph, A. Alexander (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law Presenter: Same Fees: $168.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Demarcus Williams, Anthony Alexander (fathers) In Re: S. Murph, A. Alexander (minors) Case No(s): 07JA01076, 07JA01079approvePass Action details Not available
17-4294 1 J. Foster, A. Duling (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Robert A. Horwitz Presenter: Same Fees: $338.28 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Joanne Foster (mother) In Re: J. Foster, A. Duling (minors) Case No(s): 11JA889, 13JA621approvePass Action details Not available
17-4296 1 A. Fells, A. Fells (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven O. Ross Presenter: Same Fees: $130.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Carolyn Fells (mother) In Re: A. Fells, A. Fells (minors) Case No(s): 14JA17, 14JA1243approvePass Action details Not available
17-4300 1 K. Newsome (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Paul S. Kayman Presenter: Same Fees: $350.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Kathleen Moore (mother) In Re: K. Newsome (minor) Case No(s): 07JA00266approvePass Action details Not available
17-4305 1 A. Davis, O. Tucker (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marcie Claus Presenter: Same Fees: $400.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): A. Davis, O. Tucker (minors) GAL In Re: A. Davis, O. Tucker (minors) Case No(s): 14JA859, 15JA1147approvePass Action details Not available
17-4307 1 E. Allen, E. Allen, H. Kimble (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marcie Claus Presenter: Same Fees: $275.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Isaac Allen In Re: E. Allen, E. Allen, H. Kimble (minors) Case No(s): 15JA16, 15JA17, 15JA18approvePass Action details Not available
17-4308 1 M. Sanchez, J. Lopez (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marcie Claus Presenter: Same Fees: $ 275.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Angelica Lopez In Re: M. Sanchez, J. Lopez (minors) Case No(s): 10JA1085, 12JA1225approvePass Action details Not available
17-4309 1 E. Correa (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe Presenter: Same Fees: $1,806.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): E. Correa (minor) GAL In Re: E. Correa (minor) Case No(s): 14JA746approvePass Action details Not available
17-4314 1 M. Thomas (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Eleesha Madeline O’Neill Presenter: Same Fees: $625.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Dionte Thomas (father) In re: M. Thomas (minor) Case No(s): 16JA0231approvePass Action details Not available
17-4317 1 L. Love, L. Francois, L. Luckett (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law Presenter: Same Fees: $712.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): L. Love, L. Francois, L. Luckett (minors) GAL In Re: L. Love, L. Francois, L. Luckett (minors) Case No(s): 15JA00295, 15JA00296, 15JA00297approvePass Action details Not available
17-4318 1 R. Slepika (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $437.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Richard Slepika (father) In Re: R. Slepika (minor) Case No(s): 15JA225approvePass Action details Not available
17-4319 1 B. Honey (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $1,512.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Breanna Haynes (mother) In Re: B. Honey (minor) Case No(s): 16JA1084approvePass Action details Not available
17-4320 1 N. Dirkins, K. Ross, J. Banks, T. Holcomb, T. Holcomb (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $1,187.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): N. Dirkins, K. Ross, J. Banks, T. Holcomb, T. Holcomb (minors) GAL In Re: N. Dirkins, K. Ross, J. Banks, T. Holcomb, T. Holcomb (minors) Case No(s): 14JA329, 14JA330, 14JA331, 14JA332, 14JA333approvePass Action details Not available
17-4321 1 C. Sterling, G. Brown, G. Brown (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $800.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): LaJardine Sterling (mother) In Re: C. Sterling, G. Brown, G. Brown (minors) Case No(s): 11JA730, 14JA613, 14JA267approvePass Action details Not available
17-4322 1 P. Garrett, A. Garrett, B. Garrett, B. Garrett (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $547.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Tiara Weatherspoon (mother) In Re: P. Garrett, A. Garrett, B. Garrett, B. Garrett (minors) Case No(s): 12JA773, 12JA774, 12JA775, 12JA776approvePass Action details Not available
17-4323 1 Z. Patterson (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $812.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Fortunate Rice (mother) In Re: Z. Patterson (minor) Case No(s): 15JA1221approvePass Action details Not available
17-4325 1 T. Winston (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $450.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Christopher Robinson (father) In Re: T. Winston (minor) Case No(s): 15JA224approvePass Action details Not available
17-4326 1 A. Dixon (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $200.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Lee Dixon (father) In Re: A. Dixon (minor) Case No(s): 02JA344approvePass Action details Not available
17-4327 1 N. Johnson, M. Johnson (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $262.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): N. Johnson, M. Johnson (minors) GAL In Re: N. Johnson, M. Johnson (minors) Case No(s): 15JA82, 15JA83approvePass Action details Not available
17-4328 1 G. Oliver, M. Oliver, L. Colon (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $836.59 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Annie Irizarry (mother) In Re: G. Oliver, M. Oliver, L. Colon (minors) Case No(s): 16JA286, 15JA761, 15JA672approvePass Action details Not available
17-4329 1 C. Hardy (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard Presenter: Same Fees: $525.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Janise Coleman (mother) In Re: C. Hardy (minor) Case No(s): 12JA692approvePass Action details Not available
17-4332 1 Antonio Stone-Ray (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask Presenter: Same Fees: $500.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Antonio Ray (father) In Re: A. Stone-Ray (minor) Case No(s): 10JA721approvePass Action details Not available
17-4333 1 C. Ingram (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask Presenter: Same Fees: $462.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Cody Ingram (father) In Re: C. Ingram (minor) Case No(s): 12JA1071approvePass Action details Not available
17-4334 1 S. Cruseno, A. Cruseno (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets Presenter: Same Fees: $593.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Reynaldo Munoz (father) In Re: S. Cruseno, A. Cruseno (minors) Case No(s): 15JA932, 15JA933approvePass Action details Not available
17-4335 1 D. Robinson (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets Presenter: Same Fees: $412.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Desmond Mayo (father) In Re: D. Robinson (minor) Case No(s): 15JA810approvePass Action details Not available
17-4336 1 Y. Spires, Z. Spires, J. Newman, J. Newman, J. Newman, D. Mathews (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets Presenter: Same Fees: $931.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): B. Spires, J. Newman, L. Johnson, D. Davis (fathers) In Re: Y. Spires, Z. Spires, J. Newman, J. Newman, J. Newman, D. Mathews (minors) Case No(s): 16JA1085, 16JA1086, 16JA1087, 16JA1088, 16JA1089, 16JA1090approvePass Action details Not available
17-4346 1 K. Cassell (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Marilyn L. Burns Presenter: Same Fees: $1,100.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent: K.Cassell (minor) GAL In Re: K. Cassell (minor) Case No(s):11JA981approvePass Action details Not available
17-4349 1 U. Carson (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler Presenter: Same Fees: $485.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Leonard Carson (father) In Re: U. Carson (minor) Case No(s): 13JA0608approvePass Action details Not available
17-4350 1 J. Williams, R. Jones (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler Presenter: Same Fees: $1,050.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): J. Williams, R. Jones (minors) GAL In Re: J. Williams, R. Jones (minors) Case No(s): 14JA1248approvePass Action details Not available
17-4352 1 R. Faulkner (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Judith Hannah Presenter: Same Fees: $731.72 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Rocky Faulkner (father) In Re: R. Faulkner (minor) Case No(s): 15JA1128approvePass Action details Not available
17-4358 1  Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Brian Danloe Presenter: same Fees: $450.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): A. Cobbs, N. Cobbs, S. Cobbs, S. Cobbs, A. Simmons, J. Hopkins, M. Watkins (minors) GAL In Re: A. Cobbs, N. Cobbs, S. Cobbs, S. Cobbs (minors) Case No(s) 15JA1180, 15JA1181approvePass Action details Not available
17-4359 1 T. Burnett (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Ellen Sidney Weisz Presenter: Same Fees: $112.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Angela Tarrer In Re: T. Burnett (minor) Case No(s): 08JA00730approvePass Action details Not available
17-4361 1 D. Charles D. Charles (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Brian Danloe Presenter: Same Fees: $268.75 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Deontae Charles (father) In Re: D. Charles D. Charles (minors) Case No(s): 16JA546, 16JA547approvePass Action details Not available
17-4365 1 C. Vaval (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Brian Danloe Presenter: Same Fees: $406.25 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): C. Vaval (minor) GAL In Re: C. Vaval (minor) Case No(s): 14JA1408approvePass Action details Not available
17-4366 1 A. Sanders, A. Hall (minors)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Brian Danloe Presenter: Same Fees: $587.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Samairah Hall (mother) In Re: A. Sanders, A. Hall (minors) Case No(s): 14JA757, 15JA414approvePass Action details Not available
17-4381 1 B. Honey (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Sherri Williams Presenter: Same Fees: $1,437.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Devonte Honey (father) In Re: B. Honey (minor) Case No(s): 16JA1084approvePass Action details Not available
17-4382 1 S. Campbell (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Sherri Williams Presenter: Same Fees: $1,775.00 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Anthony Pace (father) In Re: S. Campbell (minor) Case No(s): 16JA917approvePass Action details Not available
17-4383 1 J. Currie (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Sherri Williams Presenter: Same Fees: $637.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): J. Currie (minor) GAL In Re: J. Currie (minor) Case No(s): 16JA00747approvePass Action details Not available
17-4384 1 B. Ford (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Joseph G. Gebhart, Attorney At Law Presenter: Same Fees $562.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Alastar Ford (father) In Re: B. Ford (minor) Case No(s): 15JA846approvePass Action details Not available
17-4385 1 N. Legrone (minor)Child Protection DivisionAttorney/Payee: Joseph G. Gebhart, Attorney At Law Presenter: Same Fees $337.50 Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation Name(s) of respondent(s): Nashawn Legrone (father) In Re: N. Legrone (minor) Case No(s): 16JA126approvePass Action details Not available