Meeting Name: Zoning and Building Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/22/2017 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleMotionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-2319 1 Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 3/8/2017Committee MinutesCOMMITTEE MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 3/8/2017approvePass Action details Not available
17-2104 1 V 17-04 Jessie LeszanczukZoning Board of Appeals RecommendationRECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Request: Variation V 17-04 Township: Leyden County District: 16 Property Address: 10213 West Dickens Avenue, Melrose Park, Illinois 60164 Property Description: The Subject Property consists of approximately 0.40 acre located on the south side of Dickens Avenue and approximately 57.33 feet west of Dora Street in Section 33. Owner: Jessie Leszanczuk, 10213 West Dickens Avenue, Melrose Park, Illinois 60164 Agent/Attorney: N/A Current Zoning: R-5 Single Family Residence District Intended use: Applicant seeks a variance to reduce the right interior side yard setback from the minimum required 10 feet to an existing 1.5 feet. The variance is sought in order to bring existing lot conditions into compliance to allow for the construction of a breezeway connecting the existing principal and accessory structures. Recommendation: ZBA Recommendation is that the application be granted. Conditions: None Objectors: None History: Zoning Board Hearing: 3/1/2017 Zoning Board Recommendation date: 3/1/recommend for approvalPass Action details Not available
17-2307 1 SU 14-06 & V 14-55 Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminaryan Temple and Cultural Center "Haridham" Sokhada, IncZoning Board of Appeals RecommendationRECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Request: Second one-year extension of time for Special Use SU 14-06 & Variation V 14-55. First approval of application and first extension of time approved by Cook County Board of Commissioners as 15-2563 Township: Schaumburg County District: 15 Property Address: 540 Martingale Road, Schaumburg Township, Schaumburg, Illinois Property Description: The subject property consists of approximately 8.003 acres. It measures 460.03 feet on the north line, 560.70 feet on the south line, 683.65 on the west line and 686.76 on the east line. Owner: Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Temple and Cultural Centre "Haridham" Sokhada Inc DBA YDS (not for profit corporation), 4074 South Archer Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Agent/Attorney: Richard E. Zulkey, 77 W. Washington Street, Suite 1300, Chicago, Illinois Current Zoning: R-3 Single Family Residence District Intended use: Applicant seeks a Special Use for a PUD and a variation (V 14-55) in a R-3 Single Family Residence District on a property that is derecommend for approvalPass Action details Not available