Meeting Name: Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/24/2017 12:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
This meeting was recessed to Wednesday, 10/25/2017 at 1230p in the same location
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleMotionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-5590 1 Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 9/12/2017Committee MinutesCOMMITTEE MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 9/12/2017approvePass Action details Not available
17-5591 1 Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 9/12/2017Committee MinutesCOMMITTEE MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 10/5/2017approvePass Action details Not available
17-5348 1 SPECIAL STATE’S ATTORNEY’S INVOICES FOR APPROVALSpecial State’s Attorney’s InvoicesSPECIAL STATE’S ATTORNEY’S INVOICES FOR APPROVAL Percy Taylor v. Sheriff Dart, et al. Case No. 13 C 1856, 13 C 6512, 15 C 5919 Case No. 14 L 6617 In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney John J. Rock and the firm of Rock, Fusco & Connelly, LLC. Tab Item No. 1 United States of America, et al. v. Triad Isotopes Inc. et al. Case No. 11 C 8098 In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney John J. Rock and the firm of Rock, Fusco & Connelly, LLC. Tab Item No. 2 Kelly v. Village of Kenilworth, et al. Case No. 16 CH 5192 In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney John J. Rock and the firm of Rock, Fusco & Connelly, LLC. Tab Item No. 3 Avalos, Hector, et al. v. Robert Vais, et al. Case No. 14 L 1734 In re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses For Special State’s Attorney William B. Oberts and the Firm of Tribler, Orpett & Meyer, P.C. Tab Item No. 4 Stewart Title Guaranty Company v. Nicholas Grapsas, et al. Case No. 2015 L 4520 and 2012 P 3203 In Re: Review ofapprovePass Action details Not available
17-5349 1 Civil Rights Section - 9/13/2017 - 10/10/2017Case Disposition Summary ReportCASE DISPOSITION SUMMARY REPORT Civil Rights Section - 9/13/2017 - 10/10/2017 ..endreceive and filePass Action details Not available
17-5557 1 Labor Division Settlement Report Month Ending 9/30/2017ReportREPORT Department: Bureau of Human Resources Report Title: Receive and File Report Period: Month Ending 9/30/2017 Summary: Submitting for your information, a summary of Bureau of Human Resources Labor Division Settlements for the month ending 9/30/2017recommend for receiving and filingPass Action details Not available
17-5641 1 Hernandez, et al. v. Cook County Sheriff’s Department, et al.Litigation Pending PROPOSED LITIGATION PENDING Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Case Name: Hernandez, et al. v. Cook County Sheriff’s Department, et al. Case Number: 07 C 855recommend for receiving and filingPass Action details Not available
17-5655 1 Hernandez v. John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital, et al.Litigation Pending PROPOSED LITIGATION PENDING Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Case Name: Hernandez v. John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital, et al. Case Number: 15 L 11937recommend for receiving and filingPass Action details Not available
17-5688 1 Borys v. Cook County, et al.Litigation Pending PROPOSED LITIGATION PENDING Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Case Name: Borys v. Cook County, et al. Case Number: 15 C 8973approvePass Action details Not available
17-5692 1 Hamilton v. Dart, et al.Litigation Pending PROPOSED LITIGATION PENDING Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Case Name: Hamilton v. Dart, et al. Case Number: 16 L36approvePass Action details Not available
17-5708 1 Stotler, Helen and Billy v. Cook CountyLitigation Pending PROPOSED LITIGATION PENDING Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Case Name: Stotler, Helen and Billy v. Cook County Case Number: 14 L 7981approvePass Action details Not available
17-5709 1 Higuera, Rosalba (Est. Belinda Higuera) v. Cook CountyLitigation Pending PROPOSED LITIGATION PENDING Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Case Name: Higuera, Rosalba (Est. Belinda Higuera) v. Cook County Case Number: 14 L 1757approvePass Action details Not available
17-5710 1 Jones, Kayla v. Cook CountyLitigation Pending PROPOSED LITIGATION PENDING Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Case Name: Jones, Kayla v. Cook County Case Number: 14 L 8178approvePass Action details Not available