Meeting Name: Environment and Sustainability Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/22/2019 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Proposed Substitute Ordinance 19-3082 -- Environmental Commission_.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleMotionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-3664 1  Committee MinutesCOMMITTEE MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 7/25/2018approvePass Action details Video Video
19-3082 1 ESTABLISHING THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF COOK COUNTYOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE SUBSTITUTE to File 19-3082 PROPOSED ORDINANCE SUBSTITUTE ESTABLISHING THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, Cook County Government and the Forest Preserves of Cook County commit herein to combat global warming, which according to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) has resulted in detrimental impacts to the Midwest including extreme heat, heavy downpours and flooding affecting infrastructure, health, agriculture, forestry, transportation, air and water quality, and exacerbating risks to the Great Lakes. How Climate is Changing, NASA: Global Climate Change, Vital Signs of The Planet (April 12, 2019), Global warming is expected to depress economic development, while decreasing gross domestic product per capita 23% lower by 2100 and widening income inequality. Marshall Burke, et al., Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production, 527 Nature Int’l J. Sci. 235 (2015). BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 2. Administration Article VI, Boards, Cowaive the rulesPass Action details Video Video
19-3082 1 ESTABLISHING THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF COOK COUNTYOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE SUBSTITUTE to File 19-3082 PROPOSED ORDINANCE SUBSTITUTE ESTABLISHING THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, Cook County Government and the Forest Preserves of Cook County commit herein to combat global warming, which according to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) has resulted in detrimental impacts to the Midwest including extreme heat, heavy downpours and flooding affecting infrastructure, health, agriculture, forestry, transportation, air and water quality, and exacerbating risks to the Great Lakes. How Climate is Changing, NASA: Global Climate Change, Vital Signs of The Planet (April 12, 2019), Global warming is expected to depress economic development, while decreasing gross domestic product per capita 23% lower by 2100 and widening income inequality. Marshall Burke, et al., Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production, 527 Nature Int’l J. Sci. 235 (2015). BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 2. Administration Article VI, Boards, Coaccept as substitutedPass Action details Video Video
19-3082 2 ESTABLISHING THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF COOK COUNTYOrdinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE SUBSTITUTE to File 19-3082 PROPOSED ORDINANCE SUBSTITUTE ESTABLISHING THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF COOK COUNTY WHEREAS, Cook County Government and the Forest Preserves of Cook County commit herein to combat global warming, which according to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) has resulted in detrimental impacts to the Midwest including extreme heat, heavy downpours and flooding affecting infrastructure, health, agriculture, forestry, transportation, air and water quality, and exacerbating risks to the Great Lakes. How Climate is Changing, NASA: Global Climate Change, Vital Signs of The Planet (April 12, 2019), Global warming is expected to depress economic development, while decreasing gross domestic product per capita 23% lower by 2100 and widening income inequality. Marshall Burke, et al., Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production, 527 Nature Int’l J. Sci. 235 (2015). BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 2. Administration Article VI, Boards, Corecommend for approval as substitutedPass Action details Video Video