| 1 | | Appointment to Board of Ethics - Antara Nath Rivera | Appointment | PROPOSED APPOINTMENT
Appointee(s): Honorable Antara Nath Rivera
Position: Member
Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Board of Ethics
Effective date: Immediate
Expiration date: Four years from date of approval | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Appointment of Anjali Waikar to Cook County Commission on Human Rights | Appointment | PROPOSED APPOINTMENT
Appointee(s): Anjali Waikar
Position: Member
Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Commission on Human Rights
Effective date: Immediate
Expiration date: Three years from date of approval | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Reappointment of Jack Block to | Reappointment | PROPOSED REAPPOINTMENT
Appointee(s): Jack L. Block
Position: Member
Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Commission on Human Rights
Effective date: Immediate
Expiration date: Three years from date of approval
Summary: | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 74 TAXATION, ARTICLE II. - REAL PROPERTY TAXATION, DIVISION 1. - GENERALLY, SECTION 74- 48 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 74-48. Covid-19 Property Tax Relief for Real Property Tax Payments due in 2020 and 2021.
(a) In Cook County, the first installment of property taxes for the 2019 tax year were due on March 2, 2020 and the second installment is due August 3, 2020. Real property owners in the County of Cook have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic and Cook County has been designated a disaster area by the Governor of Illinois. While the second installment for the 2019 tax year remains due on August 3, 2020, in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/21-40(C)(1)(A) and Section 21-40(C)(1)(B), the Cook County Board of Commissioners declares that real property owners in Cook County are adversely impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders issued by the State. Due to such adverse impact o | suspend the rules | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 74 TAXATION, ARTICLE II. - REAL PROPERTY TAXATION, DIVISION 1. - GENERALLY, SECTION 74- 48 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 74-48. Covid-19 Property Tax Relief for Real Property Tax Payments due in 2020 and 2021.
(a) In Cook County, the first installment of property taxes for the 2019 tax year were due on March 2, 2020 and the second installment is due August 3, 2020. Real property owners in the County of Cook have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic and Cook County has been designated a disaster area by the Governor of Illinois. While the second installment for the 2019 tax year remains due on August 3, 2020, in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/21-40(C)(1)(A) and Section 21-40(C)(1)(B), the Cook County Board of Commissioners declares that real property owners in Cook County are adversely impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders issued by the State. Due to such adverse impact o | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | District 1 Transfer of Funds | Transfer of Funds | PROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS
Department: Cook County Board of Commissioners, District 1
Request: Approval of the Board of Commissioners to transfer funds totaling $22,000 from and to the accounts listed below, for the continued operation of the office of Commissioner Brandon Johnson.
Reason: Funds are needed for seasonal support staff and community outreach expenses.
From Account(s): (Salaries and Wages of Employees with Benefits) 11000.1081.14040.501010.00000.00000, $22,000.00
To Account(s): (Professional Develop/Fees) 11000.1081.14040.501790.00000.00000, $4,000.00; (Graphics and Reproduction Services) 11000.1081.14040.520490.00000.00000, $3500.00; (Professional Services); 11000.1081.14040.520830.00000.00000, $14,500.00
Total Amount of Transfer: $22,000.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
It became apparent on June 1, 2021. At that time, the bal | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Equity in Evaluation and Selection for Contract Negotiation | Ordinance Amendment | PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 34-Finance, Article IV.-Procurement Codes, Division 2.-Procurement Procedures, Sec.34-138(S) of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec 34-138 Evaluation and Selection for Contract Negotiation. The CPO in coordination with the Using Agency shall develop evaluation criteria, which are included in the RFQ or RFP. These criteria may include, but are not limited to, experience and qualifications of the Respondent or Proposer, the quality, content and completeness of the Response or Proposal, the demonstrated willingness and ability of the Respondent or Proposer to satisfy the requirements as described in the RFQ or RFP, and, if applicable, the cost proposal. The evaluation shall be performed by a committee chaired by the CPO or a designee of the CPO with representatives of the Using Agency and other persons designated by the CPO.
The CPO will m | refer as amended in the errata | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Transfer of Funds | Transfer of Funds | PROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS
Department: Commissioner Dennis Deer, 2nd District 1082
Request: Approve Transfer of Funds
Reason: Consultant Services/Office Supplies
From Account(s): Fund 11000;-Dept.1082; Program 19140; 501010 Sal/Wages of Reg Employees; $17,000.00 ; Grand Total $17,000.00
To Account(s): Fund, 11000; Dept 1082; Program 19140; 520830-Professional Services $8.500.00
Fund, 11000; Dept, 1082; Program 19140; 530605-Office Supplies, $ 8,500.00
Total Amount of Transfer: $17,000.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
July 1, 2021 -Professional Service had a balance of $2,421.00. The account had a balance of $2,421.00 thirty days prior.
July 1, 2021 -Office Supplies had balance of $3,985.00. The account had a balance of $4,285.00 thirty days prior.
How was the account used for the source of transferred funds identified? Lis | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Elliott Data System Implementation | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the County Auditor
Report Title: Elliott Data System Implementation
Report Period: June 2021
Summary: The purpose of this audit were to determine if the Department of Emergency Management and Regional Security has implemented adequate controls in the Elliott Data System to ensure accuracy and completeness of inventory records, accountability for inventory transactions, and safeguarding of assets. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Grant Thornton Proposed Contract Amendment | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Vendor: Grant Thornton LLP, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Program Manager for Integrated Property Tax and Mass Appraisal System Independent Verification and Validation Services
Original Contract Period: 7/1/2017-6/30/2019, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Amendment Type: Increase
Proposed Contract Period: N/A
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $8,583,411.52
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 6/7/2017, $1,024,000.00
Increase Requested: $149,907.36
Previous Board Increase(s): (5/23/2019-$1,990,746.52), (7/30/2020 - $5,419,665.00)
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 5/20/2019-$149,000.00
Previous Board Renewals: (one (1) year - 7/1/2019-6/30/2020), one (1) year - (7/1/2020-10/31/2022)
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A
Previous Board Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Office | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Department: Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Request: To approve budget transfer
Reason: To provide funding for project management services provided by Grant Thornton LLP in relation to the Cook County Property Assessment and Tax Integration Project (Item # 21-4090)
From Account(s): 11000.1490.11030.521313
To Account(s): 11000.1490.33840.520830
Total Amount of Transfer: $150,000.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
7/1/2021. $40,000.00 and $40,000.00 30 days prior
How was the account used for the source of transferred funds identified? List any other accounts that were also considered (but not used) as the source of the transferred funds.
Fixed charges has sufficient funds available to support the transfer
Identify any projects, purchases, programs, contracts, or other obligations that will be def | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Board Report of Coronavirus Relief Funds, Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance Grant, and Emergency Rental Assistance | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Finance
Report Title: Cook County Board Report of Coronavirus Relief Funds, Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance Grant, and Emergency Rental Assistance.
Report Period: 3/1/2020 - 6/30/2021
Summary: The report provides detailed information regarding expenditures related to Coronavirus Relief Funds, the Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance Grant and Emergency Rental Assistance for the time period covering 3/1/2020 - 6/30/2021. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | NUPIP Fellowship Agreement with DBMS | Intergovernmental Agreement | PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT
Department: Department of Budget & Management Services
Other Part(ies): Northwestern University’s Public Interest Program (NUPIP), Evanston Illinois
Request: Approve agreement between DBMS and Northwestern University’s Public Interest Program (NUPIP)
Goods or Services: DBMS to host two public interest fellows to work on projects to further the work of the County’s budget process
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: 8/1/2021 - 7/31/2022
Fiscal Impact: $100,000.00
Accounts: 11000.1490.11030.521313
Summary: The agreement is between DBMS and Northwestern University’s Public Interest Program (NUPIP). NUPIP is a one-year fellowship that helps train a new generation of leaders for social change. The program combines paid public service work, professional development seminars, mentorship with experienced alumni, and collaboration with a community of peers. NUPIP is designed to introduce recent graduates to organizations engaged in public interest work, as well as to enable organizations to benefi | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Bills and Claims Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Comptroller
Report Title: Bills and Claims Report
Report Period: 6/4/2021 - 7/8/2021
Summary: This report is to be received and filed and comply with the Amendment Procurement Code Chapter 34-125, (l)
The Comptroller shall provide to the Board of Commissioners a report of all payments made pursuant to contracts for supplies, materials and equipment and for professional managerial services for Cook County, including the separately elected Officials, which involve an expenditure of $150,000.00 or more, within two (2) weeks of being made. Such reports shall include;
1. The name of the Vendor:
2. A brief description of the product or source provided:
3. The name of the Using Department and budgetary account from which the funds are being drawn; and
4. The contract number under which the payment is being made. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Office Depot, Boca Raton, Florida Office Supplies (Group 1 and Group 3) | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Countywide
Vendor: Office Depot, Boca Raton, Florida
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Office Supplies (Office Supply Products and Furniture)
Contract Value: $4,077,865.14
Contract period: 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2024, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY2021 $679,644.19, FY2022 $1,359,288.38; FY2023 $1,359,288.38; FY 2024 $679,644.19
Accounts: Countywide 350 Office Supplies
Contract Number(s): 2045-18119A
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation with a full WBE waiver.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This Countywide Contract will allow Cook County Using Agencies to receive office supply products and small office furniture such as carts, stands, podiums, bookcases, etc.
In accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code, the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer issued a publicly advertised com | withdraw | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B2B Supplies USA, LLC d/b/a Printing Supplies USA, Plainsboro, New Jersey Office Supplies (Ink and Toner) | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Countywide
Vendor: B2B Supplies USA, LLC d/b/a Printing Supplies USA, Plainsboro, New Jersey
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Office Supplies (Ink and Toner)
Contract Value: $1,921,727.00
Contract period: 8/15/2021 - 8/14/2024, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2021 $172,115.79, FY 2021 $344,231.53, FY 2022 $344,231.52, FY 2024 $172,115.79
Accounts: Countywide 530 Office Supplies
Contract Number(s): 2045-18119B
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full MWBE waiver.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This Countywide Contract will allow Cook County Using Agencies to receive ink and toner.
In accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code, the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer issued a publicly advertised competitive bid for Office Supplies. Accordingly, the bid said bidders can bid on one or all Groups (Group 1 - Office Su | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Proposed Contract 1953-17913 for Employer Sponsored Dental Benefits | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Risk Management
Vendor: First Commonwealth, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Employer Sponsored Dental Benefits
Contract Value: $34,344,364.00
Contract period: 12/1/2021 - 11/30/2024, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2022 $10,837,676.0,; FY 2023 $11,430,065.00, FY 2024 $12,076,623.00
Accounts: 11250.1021.501650
Contract Number(s): 1953-17913
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Department of Risk Management is requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to award a contract to First Commonwealth, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian ("Guardian"), to provide employer-sponsored dental insurance benefits for Cook County Employees. Cook | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Illinois Department of Public Health XDRO | Grant Award | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD
Department: Cook County Health
Grantee: Cook County Health
Grantor: Illinois Department of Public Health
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: Epidemiology & Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Disease-Combating Extensive Drug Resistant Organism
Grant Amount: $249,698.00
Grant Period: 08/01/2020-07/31/2021
Fiscal Impact: $249,698.00
Accounts: N/A
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: The purpose of this program is to facilitate prevention & control of high consequence pathogens in Illinois through data integration, analytics, and informatics initiatives jointly implemented between DPH and CCH. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | CCH C.A.R.E Program | Grant Award Renewal | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD RENEWAL
Department: Cook County Health
Grantee: Cook County Health
Grantor: Cook County Health Foundation
Request: Authorization to renew grant
Purpose: To connect adolescents to education/employment resources.
Grant Amount: $262,330.00
Grant Period: 7/1/21-6/30/22
Fiscal Impact: $262,330.00
Accounts: N/A
Most Recent Date of Board Authorization for Grant: 10/30/2020
Most Recent Grant Amount: $202,445.00
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: The Cook County Connecting Health Connecting Adolescents to Education/Employment Resources Program (C.A.R.E. Program) will continue to create a workforce pipeline with key community partners to provide opportunities for 13 through 25-year old’s from marginalized communities in Chicago for entry into middle-skill jobs. Cook County Health has been working as part of its strategic goals to develop a training-to-employee pipeline and engage with local health career institution | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | State Opioid Response | Grant Award Amendment | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD AMENDMENT
Department: Cook County Health
Grantee: Cook County Health
Grantor: Illinois Department of Health & Human Services
Request: Authorization to amend Grant.
Purpose: State Opioid Response to the Opioid Crisis.
Supplemental Grant Amount: $526,547.00
Grant Period: 7/1/21-6/30/22
Extension Period: N/A
Fiscal Impact: $526,547.00
Accounts: N/A.
Date of Previous Board Authorization for Grant: 7/31/2020
Previous Grant Amount: $1,400,000.00
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: This grant will continue to provide and expand services to people living with Opioid Use Disorders (OUD) and continue to support the State Opioid Response (SOR) Warm Handoff Program which includes screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment. Grant was previously approved by the Board for $958,338.00 during the FY21 Budget Appropriation. The Difference between the actual grant award and appropriation is $526,547.00 (s | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Primary Care Training & Enhancement | Grant Award | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD
Department: Cook County Health
Grantee: Cook County Health
Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: Primary Care Training and Enhancement-Community Prevention and Maternal Health
Grant Amount: $600,000.00
Grant Period: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022
Fiscal Impact: $600,000.00
Accounts: N/A
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: The Cook County Health (CCH) Primary Care Training and Enhancement-Community Prevention and Maternal Health Program seeks to expand its current curriculum to include focused training in maternal health outcomes targeted to underserved populations in Cook County, IL. This program will also enhance the existing clinical curriculum in priority areas of HIV, opioid addiction and overdose, quality improvement, telehealth, and mental health access to include a focus on maternal health needs and initiatives in each area. CCH will convene an adviso | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Quarterly Mental Health Services Report - Cermak
Report Period: May 2021 - July 2021 | Report | REPORT
Department: Cook County Health
Report Title: Quarterly Mental Health Services Report - Cermak
Report Period: May 2021 - July 2021 March 2021- May 2021
Summary: This Quarterly Report is to comply with the requirements of the Resolution to Assess Needs and Improve the Quality and Effectiveness of Behavioral Health Care Provided by Cook County Government | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Quarterly Mental Health Services Report - CCDPH
Report Period: May 2021 - July 2021 | Report | REPORT
Department: Cook County Health
Report Title: Quarterly Mental Health Services Report - CCDPH
Report Period: May 2021 - July 2021 March 2021- May 2021
Summary: This Quarterly Report is to comply with the requirements of the Resolution to Assess Needs and Improve the Quality and Effectiveness of Behavioral Health Care Provided by Cook County Government | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | University of Illinois at Chicago Analytical Forensic Testing Lab, Chicago, Illinois | Intergovernmental Agreement | PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT
Department: Cook County Medical Examiner
Other Part(ies): University of Illinois at Chicago Analytical Forensic Testing Lab, Chicago, Illinois
Request: To approve the sale of toxicology equipment to University of Illinois at Chicago Analytical Forensic Testing Lab.
Goods or Services: Cook County Medical Examiner is giving (2) two diluters and (1) one zero air compressor to University of Illinois at Chicago.
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: 7/30/2021 - 7/30/2022. This is a one-time agreement
Fiscal Impact: $10,000.00 (“Revenue Generating”)
Accounts: General Revenue
Summary: This is an intergovernmental agreement between the Cook County Medical Examiner and the University of Illinois at Chicago Analytical Forensic Testing Lab for the sale of new and used toxicology equipment. The Cook County Medical Examiner will receive $10,000 in revenue from this agreement. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | RUSH University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois | Payment Approval | PROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL
Department(s): Cook County Medical Examiner
Action: To request payment approval for post-mortem testing services from 12/1/2020 - 5/31/2021.
Payee: RUSH University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): Post-Mortem Testing Services
Fiscal Impact: $43,164.50
Accounts: 11100.1259.15430.521240
Contract Number(s): N/A
Summary: This final payment approval is for post-mortem testing services. The Office of the Chief Procurement previously publicly advertised a bid to secure a contract for post-mortem testing services through this competitive process, but the OCPO did not receive any bids. The Medical Examiner’s Office was ultimately able to negotiate and execute a cooperative agreement pursuant to Sec. 38-117 of the Medical Examiner’s Ordinance. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Southland Medical, LLC, Orange, California | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Cook County Medical Examiner
Vendor: Southland Medical, LLC, Orange, California
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Autopsy Supplies
Contract Value: $991,961.75
Contract period: 9/15/2021 - 9/14/2024, one (1), two (2) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2021 $68,886.23, FY 2022 $330,653.88, FY 2023 $330,653.88, FY 2024 $ 261,767.76
Accounts: 11100.1259.17140.530791
Contract Number(s): 2001-18674
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This contract will allow the Office of the Medical Examiner to continue daily operations without any delays. This contract for autopsy supplies is the most important contract for this office.
This contract is awarded pursuant to a publicly advertised competitive bid in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Southland Medical, LLC | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Intergovernmental Agreement for IIC with the Village of University Park | Intergovernmental Agreement (Highway) | PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Village of University Park, Illinois
Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement.
Goods or Services: Improvement Plan Project
Location: Village of University Park, Illinois
Section: 20-IICRD-07-ES
Centerline Mileage: N/A
County Board District: 6
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: One-time agreement
Fiscal Impact: $150,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and the Village of University Park. The Village will be the lead agency for conducting the Steger Road Improvement Plan Project. The County will reimburse the Village for its share of conducting the Steger Road Improvement Plan costs. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Intergovernmental Agreement for IIC with Sauk Village | Intergovernmental Agreement (Highway) | PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Village of Sauk Village, Illinois
Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement.
Goods or Services: Study
Location: Village of Sauk Village, Illinois
Section: 20-IICBP-12-ES
Centerline Mileage: N/A
County Board District: 6
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: One-time agreement
Fiscal Impact: $300,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and the Village of Sauk Village. The Village will be the lead agency for conducting the Old Plank Road Trail Extension Study. The County will reimburse the Village for its share of conducting the Old Plank Road Trail Extension Study costs. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Supplemental Resolution for Joe Orr Road-JOC | Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project
Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution
Project: Joe Orr Road Building Demo - JOC
Location: Village of Lynwood, Illinois
Section: 21-B6737-00-BD
County Board District: 6
Centerline Mileage: N/A
Fiscal Impact: $7,500.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300 1500 29150 521537
Board Approved Date and Amount: April 15, 2021, $95,000.00
Increased Amount: $7,500.00
Total Adjusted Amount: $102,500.00
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution for work being done in the Village of Lynwood. The supplemental resolution is for appropriating funds for the Building Demolition at 20510 Burnham Avenue for the Joe Orr Road Project in the Village of Lynwood in Cook County. Additional funding is requested to properly dispose of Subtitle D contaminated soil and re | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Amendment to Previously Approved item for Maintenance Resolutions | Amendment to a Previously Approved Item | PROPOSED PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEM AMENDMENT
Department: Transportation and Highways
Request: Approval of Previously Approved Item Amendment
Item Number: 20-3718, 20-4813, 20-4815, 20-4816, 20-4817, 20-4808, 20-4810, 20-4811, 20-4812
Fiscal Impact: $0.00
Account(s): Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.540370
Original Text of Item: Fiscal year 2020 Section Numbers with IDOT and beginning and ending date of said resolution (Previously approved Board items numbers are as follows: 20-3718, 20-4813, 20-4815, 20-4816, 20-4817, 20-4808, 20-4810, 20-4811, 20-4812). The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed previously approved item. As an administrative action with IDOT, CCDOTH is revising the maintenance period for the above general maintenance resolutions to be consistent with the calendar year the maintenance contracts will be issued. CCDOTH is also revising the section numbers for the resolutions to match the ending year of the maintenance period at IDOT’s direction. There are no fiscal impacts to this actio | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Azteca Systems Inc., Sandy, Utah | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Transportation and Highways
Vendor: Azteca Systems Inc., Sandy, Utah
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Cityworks Software License and Maintenance
Contract Value: $1,431,099.00
Contract period: 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2024, with two (2) one (1) year renewals
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2021 $471,099.00; FY 2022 $464,500.00; FY 2023 $495,500.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11856.1500.29150.540136
Contract Number(s): 2038-18304
The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Contract between the County and Azteca Systems Inc., Sandy, Utah. This contract with Azteca Systems for their Cityworks Asset Management Server (AMS) provides CCDOTH’s Maintenance Bureau with an automated process to accommodate a streamlined response for citizen service requests, work order assignm | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Monthly Construction Status Report June 2021 | Report | REPORT
Department: Transportation and Highways
Report Title: Bureau of Construction Status Report
Report Period: 6/1/2021 - 6/30/2021
Action: Receive and File
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests that the status report be received and filed for Construction for the month of June 2021. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Completion Resolution: Crawford – Devon to Oakton | Completion of Construction Approval Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Capitol Cement Company, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
Action: Approval of the Proposed Completion of Construction Resolution
Good(s) or Service(s): Construction services
Location of Project: Crawford Avenue-Devon Avenue to Oakton Street
Section: 08-W4337-03-PV
County Board District: 13
Contract Number: 1388-13051
Federal Project Number: N/A
Federal Job Number: N/A
Final Cost: $20,224,984.39
Percent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: $1,496,691.22 or 7.99% above the contract award amount
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Approval Resolution for Completion of Construction. The proposed improvement consisted of the reconstruction of the existing four lane concrete pavement to a four lane concrete pavement separated by a physical median, including concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, enclosed drainage | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Appropriating Resolution for Design Engineering Services for Various Locations Countywide | Appropriating Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED APPROPRIATING RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): N/A
Request: Approval of Proposed Appropriation Resolution
Good(s) or Services(s): Design Engineering Services for Various Locations Countywide
Location: Countywide
Section: 21-8DESV-00-EG, 21-8DESV-01-EG, 21-8DESV-02-EG, 21-8DESV-03-EG
Fiscal Impact: $20,000,000.00
Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560019, 11300.1500.29150.521536,
11900.1500.29150.560019, 11900.1500.29150.521536
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully request approval of the Proposed Appropriating Resolution for funding Design Engineering Services. The four resolutions are for appropriating funds for Design Engineering Services for Various Locations Countywide in Cook County. The total maximum amount for the engineering services is $20,000,000. The Department intends to award four consultant contracts for this work, each with an upper limit of $5,000,000. A section number and resolution have been es | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Supplemental Resolution for Tinley Park, 175th/ Ridgeland/Oak Forest Avenue | Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project
Request: Approval of the Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution
Project: 175th Street, Oak Forest Avenue, Ridgeland Avenue
Location: Village of Tinley Park, Illinois
Section: 17-B6125-00-EG
County Board District: 6, 17
Centerline Mileage: N/A
Fiscal Impact: $100,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.560010, 11300.1500.29150.560019
Board Approved Date and Amount: 4/12/2017, $530,000.00
Increased Amount: $100,000.00
Total Adjusted Amount: $630,000.00
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution for work to be done in the Village of Tinley Park. The supplemental resolution is for appropriating funds for an improvement along 175th Street from Oak Park Avenue to Ridgeland Avenue, Ridgeland Avenue from 175th Street to Oak Forest Avenue, and Oak Forest Avenue | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Supplemental Improvement Resolution for River Trail Improvements – Rosemont | Supplemental Improvement Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project
Request: Approval of Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution
Project: Des Plaines River Trail Improvements-Rosemont
Location: the City of Des Plaines, City of Park Ridge, Villages of Rosemont, Schiller Park, Franklin Park,
Elmwood Park, Norridge, and River Grove
Section: 17-IICBP-07-BT
County Board District: 9
Centerline Mileage: 8.5 miles
Fiscal Impact: $120,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.21950.521541
Board Approved Date and Amount: 11/15/2017, $309,000.00
Increased Amount: $120,000.00
Total Adjusted Amount: $429,000.00
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Supplemental Improvement Resolution for work to be done throughout the ninth Cook County Board District. The supplemental resolution is for appropriating funds for the Des Plaines River Trail Improvements from North Avenue to | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Maintenance Resolution for Pavement Markings Countywide 2022-25 | Resolution, Maintenance (Highway) | PROPOSED RESOLUTION, MAINTENANCE (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Request: Approval of the Proposed Resolution for Maintenance
Type of Project: Motor Fuel Tax Project
Maintenance District(s): 1,2, 4, 5
County Board District(s): Countywide
Fiscal Impact: $9,000,000.00
Account(s): Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.540370
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Resolution for Maintenance. The funds will go towards furnishing and installation of paint pavement and median markings, reflective pavement markers, replacement markers various County Highways. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Maintenance Resolution Signage Countywide 2022-2025 | Resolution, Maintenance (Highway) | PROPOSED RESOLUTION, MAINTENANCE (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Request: Approval of the Proposed Resolution for Maintenance
Type of Project: Motor Fuel Tax Project
Maintenance District(s): 1, 2, 4, 5
County Board District(s): Countywide
Fiscal Impact: $4,500,000.00
Account(s): Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 11300.1500.29150.540370
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully request approval of the proposed Resolution for Maintenance. The funds will go towards furnishing, installation, relocation, and removal of signs, sign supports, object markers, barricades, and changeable message signs on various County Highways. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Improvement Resolution for Invest in Cook 2021 | Improvement Resolution (Highway) | PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION (TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)
Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: 2021 Invest in Cook Program
Request: Approval of appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds
Project: Transit, bicycle, pedestrian, freight, and roadway improvements for 2021 Invest in Cook Program.
Location: Various Municipalities and Entities
Section: Multiple
County Board District(s): All Cook County Board Districts
Centerline Mileage: N/A
Fiscal Impact: $8,502,580.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Improvement Resolution for the 2021 Invest in Cook Program. This improvement is needed to fund various, multi-modal transportation projects across the entirety of Cook County as an enactment of the priorities set forth in our Long-Range Transportation Plan, Connecting Cook County. The 34 different projects include transit, bicycle, pedestrian, freight, and roadway improvements at various stages of completio | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Acceptance of Donation to Cook County | Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Midwest Moving and Storage, located in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, desires to donate furniture, specifically 33 Chicago code Knoll cubicles, 60 Knoll task chairs, 33 filing cabinets, 17 private offices, and 3 conference tables to Cook County for use by the Cook County Bureau of Asset Management and its departments; and
WHEREAS, upon acceptance of the donation, Midwest Moving will transport the furniture to the Hawthorne Warehouse, where it will be added to the County’s salvage supply; and
WHEREAS, the Bureau and its departments always first consider using salvaged furniture when possible before purchasing new furniture for County use;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Cook County is hereby authorized to accept this donation on behalf of the Cook County Bureau of Asset Management, and shall transfer the furniture to Cook County. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Midwest Moving & Storage, Inc., Elk Grove Village, Illinois | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy
Vendor: Midwest Moving & Storage, Inc., Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Moving Services
Original Contract Period: 7/20/2017 - 7/19/2019, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Amendment Type: Extension
Proposed Contract Period: Extension period 7/20/2021 - 1/19/2022
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $609,000.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 7/19/2017, $460,000.00
Increase Requested: N/A
Previous Board Increase(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 8/16/2019, $149,000.00
Previous Board Renewals: 7/30/2020, 7/20/2020-7/19/2021
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 8/16/2019, 7/20/2019 - 7/19/2020
Previous Board Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A
Potential Fiscal Impact: N/A
Accounts: 11100.1499.520835
Contract Number(s): 1745-16286
| approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | GSG Consultants, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy
Vendor: GSG Consultants, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Architectural and Engineering Design Services
Contract Value: $3,207,730.12
Contract period: 8/ 1/2021 - 7/31/2024
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2021 $356,414.43, FY 2022 $1,069,243.42, FY 2023 $1,069,243.42 FY 2024 $712,828.85
Accounts: 11569.1031.11190.560105/7.00000.00000 (Capital Improvement Program)
Contract Number(s): H21-25-108
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation. The prime is a certified MBE.
Summary: This request is for the vendor to provide professional architectural and engineering services for the abatement, remediation, and demolition of the existing buildings, tunnels, and plumbing systems of the Oak Forest Campus, with the exception of buildings related to the Cook County Departme | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Fourth Lease Amendment with Amerco as Tenant | Lease Agreement Amendment | PROPOSED LEASE AMENDMENT
Department: Department of Real Estate Management
Request: To approve a Fourth Lease Amendment
Landlord: County of Cook
Tenant: Amerco Real Estate Company
Location: Adjacent to that real property commonly known as 801 South Harlem Avenue, Forest Park, Illinois
Term/Extension Period: 9/1/2021 - 8/31/2026
Space Occupied: Approximately 6,846 square feet
Monthly Rent:
$950.00 with 3% annual escalations
9/1/2021 - 8/31/2022 $950.00
9/1/2022 - 8/31/2023 $979.00
9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 $1,008.00
9/1/2024 - 8/31/2025 $1,038.00
9/1/2025 - 8/31/2026 $1,069.00
Fiscal Impact: $60,524 Revenue Generating
Accounts: NA
Option to Renew: NA
Termination: Tenant may terminate with 90-day notice; Landlord may terminate with 30-day notice.
Utilities Included: No
Summary: The Tenant will continue to maintain and utilize the premises for parking and for no other purpose. Due to the proximity of the land to two arterial roadways, the vacant land cannot be sold and is reserved for future road improvements. | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Small Business Community Navigator Program grant | Grant Award | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD
Department: Bureau of Economic Development
Grantee: Bureau of Economic Development
Grantor: State of Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO)
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: To use the Small Business Community Navigator Program grant to expand Cook County’s Small Business Assistance Program to further support businesses recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grant Amount: $744,600.00
Grant Period: 7/1/2021 - 12/31/2021
Fiscal Impact: “None” (Pass-through Funding)
Accounts: The account string where cash match requirement, if applicable, is funded, in following format: Fund.Office.Object Account, Object Account Description.
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: Cook County launched the Cook Country COVID-19 Recovery Small Business Assistance program to meet those needs and support small businesses under the mantra of “Together We Thrive.” Our goal was to assist Cook County small business | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Flood Plain Ordinance Amendment | Ordinance Amendment | PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 106 - Floodplains, Sections 106-2, 106-4, 106-5, 106-7, 106-8, and 106-9 are amended and Chapter 106-15 is enacted as follows:
Sec. 106-2. - Definitions
Accessory Structure means a non-habitable building, used only for parking of vehicles or storage, that is on the same parcel of property as the principal building and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal building.
ASCE means the American Society of Civil Engineers
Base flood means the flood having a one-percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The base flood is also known as the 100-year frequency flood event. Application of the base flood elevation at any location is as defined in Section 106-5.
Base Flood Elevation (BFE) means the height in relation to the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988 (or other datum, where specified) of the crest of the Base Flood. Application of the base flood | suspend the rules | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Flood Plain Ordinance Amendment | Ordinance Amendment | PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 106 - Floodplains, Sections 106-2, 106-4, 106-5, 106-7, 106-8, and 106-9 are amended and Chapter 106-15 is enacted as follows:
Sec. 106-2. - Definitions
Accessory Structure means a non-habitable building, used only for parking of vehicles or storage, that is on the same parcel of property as the principal building and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal building.
ASCE means the American Society of Civil Engineers
Base flood means the flood having a one-percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The base flood is also known as the 100-year frequency flood event. Application of the base flood elevation at any location is as defined in Section 106-5.
Base Flood Elevation (BFE) means the height in relation to the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988 (or other datum, where specified) of the crest of the Base Flood. Application of the base flood | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | 19606 Burnham, LLC | Resolution (Class 8) Purchase for Value | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information:
Applicant: 19606 Burnham, LLC
Address: 1906 Burnham Avenue, Lynwood, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Lynwood
Cook County District: 6th District
Permanent Index Number: 33-07-203-009-0000 and 33-07-203-010-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Lynwood Resolution Number 19-35
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: one (1) month vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Commercial use - restaurant
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: No not applicable
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned commercial facility; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Classific | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | All Smiles Orthodontics, Inc. | Resolution (Class 8) Purchase for Value | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
Fadi Akhras d/b/a All Smiles Orthodontics, Inc. CLASS 8 PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information:
Applicant: Fadi Akhras d/b/a All Smiles Orthodontics, Inc.
Address: 2635 Flossmoor Road, Flossmoor, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Flossmoor
Cook County District: 5
Permanent Index Number: 31-01-420-047-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Flossmoor Resolution No. 2018-2
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Number of months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Commercial use - Dental Office
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned commercial facility; and
WHEREAS, the Co | refer | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | 7500 Industrial East LLC | Resolution (Class 6B) Purchase for Value | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: 7500 Industrial East LLC
Address: 7500 Industrial Drive, Forest Park, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Forest Park
Cook County District: 1
Permanent Index Number: 15-24-404-021-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Forest Park Resolution No. R-22-20
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 17 months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing and distribution
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Cl | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Michael Manzo and Robert Trusz or an entity to be named Class 7a PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST | Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
Michael Manzo and Robert Trusz or an entity to be named Class 7a PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 7a application containing the following information:
Applicant: Michael Manzo and Robert Trusz or an entity to be named
Address: 1901 Mc Connor Parkway, Schaumburg, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Schaumburg
Cook County District: 15
Permanent Index Number: 07-12-402-012-0000 and 08-07-301-011- 0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Schaumburg, Resolution No. R-20-017
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 15 months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Commercial use - Restaurant
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Not applicable
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 7a that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Michael Z. Goich | Resolution (Class 8) Purchase for Value | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 application containing the following information:
Applicant: Michael Z. Goich
Address: 211 Dixie Hwy., Chicago Heights, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Chicago Heights
Cook County District: 5
Permanent Index Number: 32-17-131-009-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Chicago Heights, Resolution NO. 2019-30
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 17 months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Commercial use: office space and medical clinic
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: No, not applicable
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned commercial facility; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System fo | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Bi-Weekly Activity Report Pay Period 10 and 11 | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Human Resources
Report Title: Human Resources Bi-Weekly Activity Report
Report Period:
Pay Period 10: 4/25/2021 - 5/8/2021
Pay Period 11: 5/9/2021 - 5/22/2021
Summary: This report lists all new hires and terminations of employees in executive, administrative or professional positions, Grades 17 through 24, and employees in such positions who have transferred positions, received salary adjustments, whose positions have been transferred or reclassified, or employees who are hired into positions as Seasonal Work Employees, Extra Employees, Extra Employees for Special Activities and Employees per Court Order. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | SAO Interest Arbitration | Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 14 of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/14) that has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union, an interest arbitration before a neutral arbitrator was held between the Cook County Sheriff/County of Cook (“County”, “Sheriff”, “Employer”, or “Joint Employers”) and Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (“Union” or “FOP”) and its representative Investigators, to set the terms of the parties’ collective bargaining agreements for the period December 1, 2017 to November 30, 2020; and
WHEREAS, there were two (2) unresolved issues during collective bargaining negotiations submitted to the arbitrator during the one-day interest arbitration hearing. After the conclusion of the hearing and filing of post-hearing briefs, the arbitrator accepted the Union’s position on
insura | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Prevailing Wage COUPE | Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et5 seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and
WHEREAS, the County is obligated to pay the prevailing rate for these categories of employees pursuant to the state statute, 820 ILCS 130 et.seq., and the collective bargaining agreement between the County of Cook and the Coalition of Unionized Public Employees (COUPE), representing, Boilermaker/Blacksmith, Boilermaker/Welder, Elevator Mechanic, Elevator Inspector, Plaster, Building & Construction Plan Examiner I, Building & Zoning Inspector 1, Building & Zoning Inspector II, Zoning Plan Examiner I, Fire Prevention Instructor, Carpenter, Carpenter Foreman, Lather, Painter, Painter Foreman, Pipe coverer, Pipe coverer Foreman, Pipe coverer Material Handler, Bricklayer, Bricklayer Foreman, Marble Polisher, Glazier, Master Locksmith, Architectural Iron Worker Foreman, Architectur | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Substance Abuse Treatment and Counseling Services for the South Side of Chicago and Southern Cook County | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Adult Probation Department, Circuit Court of Cook County
Vendor: The South Suburban Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse - Hazel Crest, Illinois;
Pilsen Wellness Center - Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Substance Abuse Treatment and Counseling Services for the South Side of Chicago and South Suburbs of Cook County
Contract Value: The South Suburban Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse - $300,000.00;
Pilsen Wellness Center - $150,000.00
Contract period: 8/15/2021 - 8/14/2024 with two (2) one-year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Services paid with probation fees collected from probationers:
The South Suburban Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse - 1953-17892A: FY 2021 $29,165.00, FY 2022 $100,000.00, FY 2023 $100,000.00, FY 2024 $70,835.00;
Pilsen Wellness Center - 1953-17892C: FY 2021 $14,585.00, FY 2022 $50,000.00, FY 2023 $50,000.00, FY 2024 $35,415.00
Accounts: 11326.1310.10155.521 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Staffing for Electronic Device Storage Lockers | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County
Vendor: Professional Dynamic Network, Inc., Matteson, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Staffing for Electronic Device Storage Lockers for the Office of the Chief Judge
Contract Value: $1,085,017.20
Contract period: 09/01/2021 - 08/31/2026, with two (2) one-year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2021 $54,250.86, FY 2022 $217,003.44, FY 2023 $217,003.44, FY 2024 $217,003.44, FY 2025 $217,003.44, FY 2026 $162,752.58
Accounts: 11100.1300.14185.520840, Professional Services
Contract Number(s): 2112-18587
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation. The prime is a certified MBE.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This contract will provide staffing services needed to collect and store prohibited electronics at the George Leighton Criminal Division Courthouse in accor | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Juror and Victim Witness Meal Service | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County
Vendor: Twomaytoz, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Juror and Victim Witness Meal Services
Contract Value: $1,535,320.00
Contract period: 8/1/2021-7/31/2026 with two (2) one-year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: Office of the Chief Judge, (1310): FY 2021 $91,138, FY 2022 $273,414, FY 2023 $273,414, FY2024 $273,414, FY2025 $273,414, FY 2026 $182,276
State’s Attorney’s Office (Dept. 1250): FY 2021 $11,216.67, FY 2022 $33,650, FY 2023 $33,650, FY2024 $33,650, FY2025 $33,650, FY 2026 $22,433.33
Accounts: 11100.1310.15345.520210, (Food Services);
11100.1250.35650.520210, (Food Services)
Contract Number(s): 2112-18553
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This proposed contract will replace contracts 1953-17 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Behavioral Health Quarterly Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County
Report Title: Behavioral Health Quarterly Report
Report Period: 3/1/2021 - 5/31/2021
Summary: Pursuant to the Cook County Board Resolution to Assess Needs and Improve the Quality and Effectiveness of Behavioral Health Care Provided by Cook County Government, enclosed are the quarterly reports of behavioral health programs and services provided by the Circuit Court of Cook County. | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Tiles In Styles, LLC d/b/a TAZA Supplies, LLC | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): County Clerk
Vendor: Tiles In Styles, LLC d/b/a TAZA Supplies, LLC
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Plastic Padlock Security Seals
Original Contract Period: 2/9/2018 - 2/8/2020, with two (2), one (1) year renewal
Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase
Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 2/9/2021 - 2/8/2022
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $111,858.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Procurement, 2/9/2018, $69,000.00
Increase Requested: $42,858.00
Previous Board Increase(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 1/27/2020, $42,858.00
Previous Board Renewals: N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 1/27/2020, 2/9/2020 - 2/8/2021
Previous Board Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2022 $42,858.00
Accounts: 11306.1110.35165.530605 (Office Supplies)
Contract Number(s): 1735-1 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Runbeck Elections Services, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona | Payment Approval | PROPOSED PAYMENT APPROVAL
Department(s): County Clerk
Action: For Payment Only
Payee: Runbeck Elections Services, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
Good(s) or Service(s): Stacker
Fiscal Impact: $27,632.50
Accounts: 11306-1110-18671-530226
Contract Number(s): N/A
Summary: The Cook County Clerk’s Office is requesting an approval of payment to Runbeck Election Services, Inc. for $27,632.50. This request is due to the stacker being delayed. This item was procured within the grant cycle but delivery was delayed from the vendor, causing the item to be invoiced after the grant had expired. This item was authorized for payment using the emergency purchase CARES ACT, but cannot be processed under the CARES ACT because the grant has ended. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | OIIG Quarterly Report 2nd Qtr 2021 | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the Independent Inspector General
Report Title: Independent Inspector General Quarterly Report, 2nd Quarter 2021
Report Period: April 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021
Summary: This report was written in accordance with Section 2-287 of the Independent Inspector General Ordinance, Cook County, Ill., Ordinances 07-O-52 (2007) (“OIIG Ordinance”), to apprise the President and the County Board of the activities of this office during the time period beginning October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. It is being placed on the County Board meeting agenda for receipt and file or referral to the Litigation Committee pursuant to a recent amendment to Section 2-287 of the OIIG Ordinance. | refer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Chicago United Industries 2nd Renewal and Increase | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Sheriff’s Department of Corrections
Vendor: Chicago United Industries, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Smith and Wesson Handcuffs
Original Contract Period: 9/17/2018 - 9/16/2020, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal and Increase
Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 9/17/2021 - 9/16/2022
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $86,206.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Procurement, 9/17/2018, $57,206.00
Increase Requested: $11,000.00
Previous Board Increase(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 6/8/2020, $29,000.00
Previous Board Renewals: N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 6/8/2020, 9/17/2020-7/16/2021
Previous Board Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2022 $11,000.00
Accounts: 11100.1239.16875.530189 (Instit | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | CBM Extend and Increase | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): The Sheriff’s Department of Corrections and Court Services
Vendor: CBM Premier Management, LLC, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Food Service for Detainees Meals
Original Contract Period: 7/24/2012 - 7/23/2015, with three (3), one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Amendment Type: Extension and Increase
Proposed Contract Period: Extension period 7/24/21 - 7/23/2022
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $102,257,543.27
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board or Procurement, 7/24/2012, $38,360,583.23
Increase Requested: $17,000,000.00
Previous Board Increase(s):
1/15/2014, $570,359.78
3/11/2015, $293,222.83
6/10/2015, $12,786,861.07
6/8/2016, $12,070,000.00
10/26/2016, $325,479.24
6/7/20212017, $11,603,000.00
6/6/2018, $11,142,617.47
5/23/2019, $9,328,916.04
5/21/2020, $276,503,61
2/25/2021, $5,500,000.00
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A
Previous Board Renewals: 6/10/2015, | approve as amended | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Change in Signatories Inmate Trust Fund | Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, The Cook County Board of Commissioners has the legal authority to authorize its departments and offices to open and maintain checking and savings accounts at various banks; and
WHEREAS, it is now necessary to update those persons who are authorized to be signatories on these checking and savings accounts; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the checking account and/or savings accounts at Fifth Third Bank for the following purposes, be updated for the Department of Corrections Inmate Trust Fund Account; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the following are the names of those persons who are authorized to sign checks on these checking/savings accounts and that the signatories of at least two (2) of these shall be required on each check:
Sojourner Colbert
Steven Wilensky
Larry Gavin
Jane Gubser
Don Beachman
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following persons heretofore shall be deleted as a signatory:
Amanda Gall | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Change in Signatories Inmate Welfare Fund | Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has the legal authority to authorize its departments and offices to open and maintain checking and savings accounts at various banks; and
WHEREAS, it is now necessary to update those persons who are authorized to be signatories on these checking and savings accounts; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the checking and/or savings account at Marquette Bank for the following purposes, be updated for the Department of Corrections Inmate Welfare Fund Account; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following are the names of those persons who are authorized to sign checks on these checking and/or savings accounts and that the signatories of at least two (2) of these shall be required on each check:
Sojourner Colbert
Steven Wilensky
Larry Gavin
Jane Gubser
Timothy Kinsella
Don Beachman
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following persons heretofore shall be deleted as a signatory:
Amanda Gallegos
Michael Miller
BE IT FURT | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Clarity Partners CLEARNET Records Management | Contract (Technology) | PROPOSED CONTRACT (TECHNOLOGY)
Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Vendor: Clarity Partners, LLC, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract
Good(s) or Service(s): CLEARNET Multi-Agency Criminal Records Management System
Contract Value: $488,000.00
Contract period: 11/1/2021 - 10/31/2023, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2021 $0.00, FY 2022 $244,000.00, FY 2023 $244,000.00
Accounts: 11100.1217.15050.540136 - Maintenance and Subscription Services
Contract Number(s): 2106-18632
The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Cook County Sheriff’s Office is requesting the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Clarity Partners, LLC, for the CLEARNET Multi-Agency Criminal Records Management System.
This contract was awarded as a Sole Source Procurement pursuant to Section 34-139 of the Cook County Procurem | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Transfer of Fund Community Corrections' Other Maint. | Transfer of Funds | PROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS
Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Request: Funds Transfer
Reason: The Sheriff’s Office needs funding in the Community Corrections’ Other Maintenance Services account to provide funding for electronic monitoring services.
From Account(s): 11100.1239.18635.501010 (Salary and Wages)
To Account(s): 11100.1232.13265.540149 (Other Maintenance Services)
Total Amount of Transfer: $1,300,000.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
It became apparent the other maintenance services account would require additional funding at the end of May. The balance at the end of May was $4,197,392.00. The balance at the end of April was $4,197,554.00
How was the account used for the source of transferred funds identified? List any other accounts that were also considered (but not used) as the source of the transferred funds.
The DOC salary account wa | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Transfer of Fund DOC institutional supply account | Transfer of Funds | PROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS
Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Request: Fund Transfer
Reason: The Sheriff’s Office needs funding in the Department of Corrections’ Institutional Supply account to purchase various cleaning and detainee supplies. The current institutional account does not have enough funding due to the payment of COVID-19 needs and increase in population.
From Account(s): 11100.1239.12975.501010 (Salary and Wages)
To Account(s): 11100.1239.16875.530175 (Institutional Supply Expense)
Total Amount of Transfer: $750,000.00
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
It became apparent the institutional supply account would require additional funding at the end of May. The balance at the end of May was $195,942.00. The balance at the end of April was $280,135.47.
How was the account used for the source of transferred funds identified? List any other | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | CDW - Ruggedized Modems 2nd Renewal | Contract Amendment (Technology) | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY)
Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Vendor: CDW Government, LLC, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Sierra Wireless Ruggedized Modems
Original Contract Period: 10/18/2017 - 10/17/2020, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Amendment Type: Renewal
Proposed Contract Period: Renewal period 10/18/2021 - 10/17/2022
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,609,243.80
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 10/11/2017, $1,609,243.80
Increase Requested: N/A
Previous Board Increase(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A
Previous Board Renewals: N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: 12/24/2020, (10/18/2020 to 10/17/2021)
Previous Board Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A
Potential Fiscal Impact: N/A
Accounts: 11100.1217.15050.540136 - Maintenance and Subscription Services
Contract N | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Behavioral Health Services Quarterly Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Sheriff’s Office
Report Title: Behavioral Health Services Quarterly Report
Report Period: May 2021 - July 2021 March 2021 - May 2021
Summary: This Quarterly Report is to comply with the requirements of the Resolution to Assess Needs and Improve the Quality and Effectiveness of Behavioral Health Care Provided by Cook County Government. | refer | Pass |
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| 1 | | IGA- Maine Township Hireback | Intergovernmental Agreement | PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT
Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department
Other Part(ies): Maine Township, Park Ridge, Illinois
Request: Authorization to enter into and Intergovernmental Agreement
Goods or Services: Hireback Police Services provided by the Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department to Maine Township
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: Upon execution of this agreement by all parties and continue for one (1) year
Fiscal Impact: None. Revenue Neutral
Accounts: None
Summary: As part of this agreement, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office will assign one (1) off duty Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department Officer (CCSPD) and one (1) police car to provide Extra Duty police services to Maine Township five (5) days per week from Wednesday through Sunday between the hours of 8:00pm and 1:00am.
Under this agreement, Maine Township agrees to pay CCSPD a rate of $40.00 per hour for police services rendered by the CCSPD Extra Duty Officers. The total cost for a five (5) hour shift will be $200.00. Said payment s | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Illinois Statewide Auto theft Task Force, Village of Thornton | Grant Award | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD
Department: Cook County State’s Attorney
Grantee: Cook County State’s Attorney
Grantor: Village of Thornton
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: The purpose of this grant is for the grant-funded staff to work to increase the prosecution of offenders involved in motor vehicle theft and other motor vehicle related crimes.
Grant Amount: $472,000
Grant Period: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: N/A
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: This grant funding from the Village of Thornton through the Illinois Statewide Auto Theft Task Force will provide funding for the salaries and benefits for two (2) assistant state’s attorneys, and two (2) state’s attorney investigators located at 2650 S. California Ave. The personnel funded by this grant work to increase the prosecution of the offenders involved in motor vehicle theft and other motor vehicle related crimes. | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Behavioral Health Services Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office
Report Title: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Behavioral Health Services Report
Report Period: 2019-2021
Summary: In response to Cook County Resolution #21-1189 : RESOLUTION TO ASSESS NEEDS AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDED BY COOK COUNTY GOVERNMENT, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office (CCSAO) has complied the attached report. This report outlines the various ways the CCSAO makes referrals to behavioral and mental health services. Each section of the report works to address the questions outlined int eh Behavioral Health Services Quarterly Report Template. It should be noted that the CCSAO is not a direct provider of behavioral or mental health services. | refer | Pass |
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| 1 | | Approval to amend settlement amount
Item Number: 21-3097 | Amendment to a Previously Approved Item | PROPOSED PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEM AMENDMENT
Department: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office
Request: Approval to amend settlement amount
Item Number: 21-3097
Fiscal Impact: $10,000.00
Account(s): N/A
Original Text of Item:
Case: Curtis, Lashon v Dart vis-à-vis Whitney v Dart et al 18 C 4475
Case No: 18 C 5783
Settlement Amount: $15,000.00 - $25,000.00
Department: 4240-Cermak Health Services
Payable to: Thomas G. Morrisey, Ltd. And Lashon Curtis
Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 04/13/2021
Subject matter: an allegation of civil rights violation | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Approval to amend settlement amount
Item Number: 21-3098 | Amendment to a Previously Approved Item | PROPOSED PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEM AMENDMENT
Department: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office
Request: Approval to amend settlement amount
Item Number: 21-3098
Fiscal Impact: $10,000.00
Account(s): N/A
Original Text of Item:
Case: Johnson, Larry v Dart, vis-à-vis Whitney v Dart et al 18 C 4475
Case No: 18 C 5782
Settlement Amount: $25,000.00 - $15,000.00
Department: 4240 - Cermak Health Services
Payable to: Thomas G. Morrissey, Ltd and Larry Johnson
Litigation Subcommittee Approval: 04/13/2021
Subject matter: an allegation of civil rights violation. | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Flossmoor Station Restaurant and Brewery Resolution | Consent Calendar Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Flossmoor Station Restaurant and Brewery is celebrating their Silver (25th) Anniversary in a renovated building, and
WHEREAS, in 1906, the Illinois Central Railroad built the century old building as a convenient train station for executives to get away from the routine city life on weekends and for summer stays. This service quickly brought new life to the ever-growing area, which is now known as Flossmoor, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, time eventually rendered the old building obsolete as a train station and the building was deemed unsafe. The building was in desperate need of tender loving care; and
WHEREAS, Flossmoor natives, Dean and Carolyn Armstrong came to the rescue. They could no longer watch the deterioration of the beloved historic building and decided to invest themselves into turning the building back into a charming establishment that the community could once again enjoy; and
WHEREAS, Dean and Carolyn Armstrong added all the modern conveniences, | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, in 1943, Dr. Frederick D. Patterson, president of Tuskegee Institute suggested to the presidents of other private black colleges that they pool their monies and make a united appeal to the national conscience; and
WHEREAS, on April 25, 1944, the United Negro College Fund (“UNCF”) was incorporated with twenty-seven member colleges as a not-for-profit entity established to assist its member institutions of higher education to raise funds from the public for their mutual support; and
WHEREAS, the importance of the United Negro College Fund, and the historically Black colleges and universities it supports, promotes the value of higher education as well as the traditional values of family and heritage that have made this nation great; and
WHEREAS, over the past seven decades the UNCF has grown to become the nation’s oldest and most successful African American higher education assistance organization in the country by having raised more than $5 billion and having helped more than | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Martyl Reinsdorf from our midst, and
WHEREAS, Martyl Reinsdorf was the loving wife of Jerry, and
WHEREAS, Martyl Reinsdorf was the loving mother of Susan, the late David, Michael (Nancy) and Johnathan (Holly), and
WHEREAS, Martyl Reinsdorfwas the adored grandmother of nine wonderful grandchildren, and
WHEREAS, Martyl Reinsdorf was the beloved daughter of the late Milton and Vivette (Ravel) Rifkin, and
WHEREAS, Martyl Reinsdorf was known for her work as a designer with Cloisonné jewelry and helped design the White Sox championship rings after their 2005 World Series title and she designed five of the six rings given to the Chicago Bulls following their championship seasons in the 1990’s, and
WHEREAS, Martyl Reinsdorf was a noted philanthropist and created and distributed more than one million coloring books, crayons, markers and toys to hospitals, orphanages, and shelters around the world, and
WHEREAS, all who knew her will attest that Martyl Reinsdor | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, Dr. James L. “Jim” Buckner was born on July 29, 1934, in Vicksburg, Mississippi, to the late Clarence and Florence Buckner, a dentist and teacher, respectively; and
WHEREAS, Jim grew up and spent his early years of school in Vicksburg, later attending Virginia State University, then migrating north to Chicago and working on the railroad as a Pullman porter while attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he completed his BS and DDS degrees; and
WHEREAS, Jim became a dentist, following in his father’s footsteps; and
WHEREAS, Jim became a highly respected member of his profession with his own practice, also serving as president of the Lincoln Dental Society and operating dental offices at 50th Street and State Street and another at the Harbor Point condominiums near the Columbia Yacht Club; and
WHEREAS, Jim was an accomplished community leader, passionate about the betterment of African Americans and committed to community and economic empowerment; and
WHEREAS, as a young m | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | ANGELO CAPUTO, IN MEMORIAM | Consent Calendar Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom called Angelo Caputo from our midst on June 16, 2021; and
WHEREAS, Angelo Caputo was the beloved husband of the late Romana (nee Berlen); and
WHEREAS, Angelo Caputo was the devoted father of Nat, Caterina (Giuseppe) Ruffolo, and Antonella (Robertino) Presta, and was the loving grandfather of eleven and the great-grandfather of five; and
WHEREAS, Angelo Caputo, founder of Caputo’s Fresh Markets, was born January 1, 1932, in Mola Di Bari, a seaside village on Italy’s southeast coast; and
WHEREAS, the son of Natale and Caterina, Angelo Caputo was fortunate to have been brought up in a family environment with deep family values built on sacrifices and hard work; and
WHEREAS, shortly after arriving to Chicago, Angelo Caputo enlisted in the Army. While on furlough, he returned to Italy and reconnected with Romana Berlen, whom he soon married; and
WHEREAS, in 1958, Angelo and Romana Caputo opened their first store, “Caputo’s New Farm Produce and Italian Specialties,” at the c | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Honoring the appointment of Chicago Fire Commissioner, Annette Nance-Holt | Consent Calendar Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Commissioner Nance-Holt was born and raised on the south side of Chicago within the Maple Park Community where she attended Chicago Public Schools; and
WHEREAS, Commissioner Nance-Holt obtained a Bachelors of Arts - BA in Business Administration and Management from Chicago State University and a Masters of Science - MA in Public Administration and Fire & Emergency Management in 2018 from Anna Marie College. Additionally, Commissioner Nance-Holt pledged Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, in December 1990, Commissioner Nance-Holt began her career as a firefighter within the Chicago Fire Department; and
WHEREAS, through her 31-year career, Commissioner Nance-Holt has steadily advanced within the Chicago Fire Department as a Firefighter, Lieutenant, Captain, Battalion Chief, and Deputy District Chief; and
WHEREAS, in 2007, Commissioner Nance-Holt founded a nonprofit, Purpose Over Pain, after the tragic shooting of her 16-year-old son, Blair Holt, on a CTA b | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, Bernard J. Hansen (Bernie to everyone he met), 76, a former Chicago alderman from the 44th Ward who specialized in constituent services, died Sunday of complications from diabetes in Chandler, Arizona, where he had retired. He served as alderman from 1983 until 2003, through the administrations of four mayors: Jane M. Byrne, Harold Washington, Eugene Sawyer and Richard M. Daley; and
WHEREAS, a Lakeview native, Mr. Hansen went to Hawthorne grade school and Lane Tech High School. His mother Fern was a nurse, and his father Bernard was a factory worker, according to his family. He met Annette, his wife of 56 years, at Waveland Bowl when they were teens. “I bowled for St. Ben’s and he bowled for Lane,” Annette shared. Young Bernie was a dynamic high school baseball and football player who once got a lesson from pro football Hall of Famer George Blanda. After a head injury on the field, doctors feared he would be permanently impaired, his wife said, but he recovered and subsequentl | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, President Irmer, was born and raised in Hyde Park, holds a Professional Bachelor of Architecture degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Chicago Law School; and
WHEREAS, in September 2015, President Irmer began her service as President & CEO of the DuSable Museum of African American History. President Irmer has since been dedicated to advancing the DuSable Museum as a center for African and African American arts and culture, as a center for thought leadership and as a vehicle for community advancement; and
WHEREAS, in 2017, President Irmer, reignited collaborations with the French Embassy including inviting French Artist, Nicolas Henry, to curate a photography exhibit that narrated the adventures of Jean-Baptisite Pointe DuSable; and
WHEREAS, in 2017, President Irmer reopened “Roundhouse” and “Palais de Tokyo”, which enjoined Chicago and French artists; and
WHEREAS, in 2018, President Irmer partnered with the F | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Congratulating The Work Of Aquinas Literacy Center And 25th Year Anniversary | Consent Calendar Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, was founded in 1996 by the Adrian Dominican Sisters- a Catholic Religious Institute of Dominican Sisters- in response to the needs of immigrants to learn English as a second language through individualized tutoring; and
WHEREAS, from humble beginnings in the basement of the Our Lady of Good Counsel Convent, Aquinas Literacy Center has served McKinley Park and surrounding communities for twenty-five (25) years; and
WHEREAS, Aquinas Literacy Center is known as a place of hope for the immigrant population as they strive to help every individual who walks through our door; and
WHEREAS, Aquinas Literacy Center takes a holistic teaching approach and provides English as a Second Language (ESL) participants with weekly tutoring sessions, conversation groups, writing workshops, book clubs, computer-based instruction, and computer literacy; and
WHEREAS, Aquinas Literacy Center’s goal is to enable learners to transform their lives by acquiring skills to become successful | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a deadly infectious disease that has swept across our County, state, nation and world; and
WHEREAS, anyone can contract COVID-19, regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, or gender identity; and
WHEREAS, as of July 21, 2021, COVID-19 had killed more than 4.1 million worldwide, 600,000 in the United States, 25,000 in Illinois, and 11,000 in Cook County; and
WHEREAS, between June 14, and July 21, 2021 five residents who lived in the 13th District of Cook County died from COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, as of July 21, 2021 COVID-19 has killed 1,013 residents who lived in the 13th District of Cook County; and
WHEREAS, each of the departed leave family, friends and communities in mourning; and
WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called the below 13th District residents from our midst:
Ju | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, Barnard’s Schwinn, located at 6109 W. North Avenue, is the oldest family-owned business in Oak Park; and
WHEREAS, in 1911, Robert Barnard opened the store, originally located at 1148 Lake Street, and sold a variety of items in addition to bicycles; and
WHEREAS, after Barnard passed away, his two sons took over the shop and recruited their nephews when they were sophomores in high school; and
WHEREAS, today, Barnard’s is owned by Robert Barnard’s great-nephews, Jeff and Greg Hajduk, who live in Elmwood Park and run the store together with long-time employee Ed Blaszczyk; and
WHEREAS, in the 1960’s, Barnard’s switched to strictly selling bicycles and over the years has established itself for expert bicycle repair and restoration; and
WHEREAS, Barnard’s Schwinn contains new bikes along with vintage classics and is also known for its huge selection of locks and safety equipment; and
WHEREAS, Barnard’s Schwinn features a variety of brands besides Schwinn, but the store is particu | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, Camerino González Valle was born on August 21, 1939 in Jalisco Mexico; and
WHEREAS, at the age of 12, Camerino moved from his hometown of Jalisco to Mexico City, where his grandfather taught him how to make and sell one of the most popular culinary arts of Mexican gastronomy: tacos; and
WHEREAS, when the United States and Mexican governments created diplomatic labor agreements that allowed Mexican men to come to the United States and work short-term, known as the Bracero Program, Camerino crossed the border and lived in California picking oranges; and
WHEREAS, Camerino left the agricultural labor to work in the trucking industry, a route that eventually landed him in the Windy City; and
WHEREAS, Camerino took a job in the meatpacking industry, where he learned the cuts and qualities of meat; and
WHEREAS, combining his knowledge of tacos, the meatpacking industry, and seeing the need to provide a meal that would remind the growing Mexican immigrant community a taste of home, Came | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | HONORING MATTHEW B. DeLEON | Consent Calendar Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Matthew (Matt) B. DeLeon will be retiring as Secretary to the Cook County Board of Commissioners and the Forest Preserve of Cook County Board of Commissioners on July 31, 2021; and
WHEREAS, Matt will leave Cook County after an almost 31-year career in local government, nearly three years with the City of Chicago and 28 of those years with Cook County; and
WHEREAS, Matt’s family history reflects much of the Asian American experience of the 20th century. His parents were each part of two different waves of Filipino immigration that were essential to the Asian American experience. Twenty-four years apart in age, they would meet through their active participation in Filipino American community organizations in Chicago; and
WHEREAS, Matt was born at Evanston Hospital, June 27, 1969. The family would settle on the southwest side of Evanston near James Park. Matt was baptized at St. Nicholas Church in Evanston and would attend Dawes School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Laboratory School | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Resolution for Rev. Jesse Jackson | Consent Calendar Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Jesse Louis Jackson Sr. was born on October 8, 1941, in Greenville, South Carolina; and
WHEREAS, Reverend Jackson began his theological studies at Chicago Theological Seminary, but deferred his studies when he began working full-time in the Civil Rights Movement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Later, he was ordained on June 30, 1968, by Reverend Clay Evans and earned a Master of Divinity degree from Chicago Theological Seminary in 2000; and
WHEREAS, Reverend Jackson, one of America’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures, is the Founder and President of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition and has been a champion of human and civil rights and nonviolent social change for decades, and a leading advocate for a variety of public policy issues, including universal health care, equal administration of justice in all communities, voting rights, sufficient funding for enforcement of civil rights laws, and for increased attention to business inv | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | Resolution for MARIE JOSEE SAINT PREUX | Consent Calendar Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, in 1959, Marie Josee Saint Preux was born in Cap-Haiti and began her community lifelong service until her departure on June 18, 2021; and
WHEREAS, Marie Josee’s education began in Chicago’s elementary schools and high school, and she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Lewis University, where it was utilized to form a successful business (NAS Electronics) along with her brother, John; and
WHEREAS, on April 18, 1981, Marie Josee was initiated into Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc., Lambda Psi Chapter, and had consistently been an active member. She later joined Xi Nu Omega Chapter and served as Financial Secretary, Corresponding Secretary as well as on several other committees; and
WHEREAS, Marie Josee’s heart of gold glimmered and touched all as she worked tirelessly with organizations such as the Midwest Association of Haitian Women, DuSable Heritage Association, Haitian Catholic Mission, a faithful member of St. Barnabas Church, a dedicated | approve | Pass |
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Not available
WHEREAS; Jonathan Brooks, is a lifelong resident of Chicago, IL. currently serving as Senior Pastor of Canaan Community Church in the West Englewood neighborhood, and Director of the Accelerated Pastoral Degree Program at Northern Seminary, in cooperation with Trinity Christian College; and
WHEREAS, Jonathan Brooks, has a Bachelor of Architecture from Tuskegee University, Master of Arts in Teaching from National Louis University and Master of Divinity from Northern Seminary with an emphasis in Christian Community Development. He continues to merge his academic knowledge, practical tools, variety of gifts and ministry training in order to turn his convictions for transformation into tangible solutions, and strives to help change neglected neighborhoods for future generations; and
WHEREAS, Jonathan Brooks, Jonathan and his wife, Micheal, have two children, Jasmine and Jade, and currently reside in West Englewood steps away from the c | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | HONORING MR. WALKER HARRIS JR. | Consent Calendar Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Walker Harris Jr. at a very young age, aspired to be a businessman, and was given the framework during his high school years while working after school and on weekends for an African American businessman; and
WHEREAS, Walker Harris Jr. after high school, while taking an extended vacation in Chicago with his sister and her husband, saw and took advantage of an opportunity to make his dream a reality; and
WHEREAS, Walker Harris Jr. at the age of eighteen became employed at the City Ice Company, as a bagger., and quickly learned the ice business and it distribution process; and
WHEREAS, Walker Harris Jr, learned that one of the drivers was retiring and looking to sell his route, Mr. Harris purchased the drivers list of customers and started his own company; and
WHEREAS, Walker Harris Jr.; Ice Company officially started on March 15, 1972. Soon, after learning that City Ice was in the process of closing the distribution warehouse, he purchase | approve | Pass |
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WHEREAS, Rodolfo “Rudy” Lozano was born in Harlingen, Texas on July 17, 1951. He was one of six children born to Guadalupe and Anita Lozano; and
WHEREAS, Rudy Lozano and his family moved to Chicago in the early 1950’s, and he spent his formative years in the Pilsen neighborhood on the near Southwest Side; and
WHEREAS, Rudy Lozano developed a sense of activism at an early age and as a child walked strike picket lines with his siblings alongside their metalworker and staunch union activist father; and
WHEREAS, Rudy Lozano’s life was characterized by his passion for community activism and his unwavering dedication to humanity and the betterment of all working-class people; and
WHEREAS, Rudy Lozano’s mission was to empower all workers and uplift the voices of immigrants and to organize the unorganized, and to strategically forge coalitions among Latino, Black, white progressive allies, and other historically underrepresented community groups; and
WHEREAS, in 1970, Rudy Lozano helped organize Black an | approve | Pass |
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Not available
WHEREAS, M. Hill Hammock was appointed by Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and approved by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to serve as a Director of the Cook County Health and Hospitals System Board effective July 17, 2013; and
WHEREAS, M. Hill Hammock’s extensive background in finance and government administration have made him a valued member of the Board; and,
WHEREAS, M. Hill Hammock was nominated and elected by the Cook County Health Board of Directors to serve as Chairman of the Board initially in July 2014; and,
WHEREAS, M. Hill Hammock was again nominated and elected by the Cook County Health Board of Directors to serve as Chairman in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020; and,
WHEREAS, in addition to serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors, M. Hill Hammock has also served as an ex-officio member of all of the Cook County Health Board’s standing committees which include the committees on Audit and Compliance, Finance, Human Resourc | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Bartlett Fire Protection District Deputy Fire Deputy Chief Brian Becker and Battalion Chief Denice Maiz have conferred the designation of Chief Fire Officer; and
WHEREAS, Becker and Maiz were conferred by the State of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the designation of Chief Fire Officer is the highest fire officer certification in the State of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the credentialing process evaluates fire professionals' training, education, community involvement, professional contributions, and future professional development goals; and
WHEREAS, the CFO designation program uses a comprehensive peer review model to evaluate candidates seeking the CFO credential. The program prepares individuals for future success and advanced leadership skills; and
WHEREAS, Chiefs Becker and Maiz carry out the mission of the Bartlett Fire Protection District every day to preserve lives and property in our community by providing services directed at the prevention of fires, accidents, a | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Annual Audit of the Cook County Treasurer’s Financials | Report | REPORT
Department: Cook County Treasurer
Report Title: Financial Statements as of 11/30/2020 and 2019, Supplemental Information as of 11/30/2020, and Independent Auditor’s Reports
Report Period: Fiscal Year 2020
Summary: Annual Audit of the Cook County Treasurer’s Financials | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended 11/30/2020 | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Finance, Office of the County Comptroller
Report Title: Cook County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended 11/30/2020
Report Period: 12/1/2019 - 11/30/2020
Summary: Annual audit of Cook County’s financial statements prepared by the Office of the Cook County Comptroller and audited by RSM US LLP in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the USA. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Illinois Report to the County President, Board of Commissioners and the Audit Committee, 5/28/2021 | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Finance, Office of the County Comptroller
Report Title: Cook County Illinois Report to the County President, Board of Commissioners and the Audit Committee, 5/28/2021
Report Period: 12/1/2019 - 11/30/2020
Summary: This report, presented by RSM US LLP, is intended solely for the information and use of the County President, County Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee and management. It summarizes certain matters required by professional standards to be communicated by the independent auditors in their oversight responsibility for the County’s financial reporting process. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Illinois Report on Federal Awards (In accordance with the Single Audit Amendments Act of 1996, and Uniform Guidance) for the Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/2020 | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Finance
Report Title: Cook County Illinois Report on Federal Awards (In accordance with the Single Audit Amendments Act of 1996, and Uniform Guidance) for the Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/2020
Report Period: 12/1/2019 - 11/20/2020
Summary: Annual audits of: (1) the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards prepared by the Office of the Cook County Comptroller and (2) compliance for each major federal program and on internal control over compliance required by Uniform Guidance, audited by Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the USA; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and the audit requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Health and Hospitals System of Illinois d/b/a Cook County Health (An Enterprise Fund of Cook County Illinois) Financial Report, 11/30/2020 | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Finance, Office of the County Comptroller
Report Title: Cook County Health and Hospitals System of Illinois d/b/a Cook County Health (An Enterprise Fund of Cook County Illinois) Financial Report, 11/30/2020
Report Period: 12/1/2019 - 11/30/2020
Summary: Annual audit of the CCH financial statements prepared by CCH Finance, for the Year Ended 11/30/20, audited by RSM US LLP in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the USA. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Health and Hospitals System d/b/a Cook County Health Report to the Audit and Compliance Committee, 5/28/2021 | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Finance, Office of the County Comptroller
Report Title: Cook County Health and Hospitals System d/b/a Cook County Health Report to the Audit and Compliance Committee, 5/28/2021
Report Period: 12/1/2019 - 11/30/2020
Summary: This report, presented by RSM US LLP, is intended solely for the CCH Audit and Compliance Committee and summarizes certain matters required by professional standards to be communicated to them in their oversight responsibility for the CCH’s financial reporting process. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County Illinois Actuarial Study of the Workers Compensation and Liability Self-Insured Programs as of 11/30/2020 | Report | REPORT
Department: Bureau of Finance, Office of the County Comptroller
Report Title: Cook County Illinois Actuarial Study of the Workers Compensation and Liability Self-Insured Programs as of 11/30/2020
Report Period: As of 11/30/2020
Summary: Annual actuarial study completed by Aon Global Risk Consulting. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Clerk of the Circuit Court - FY 2020 Audit Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Clerk of the Circuit Court
Report Title: Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities of Agency Fund
Report Period: Year ending November 30, 2020
Summary: The item is in relation to the Independent Auditor’s Report for the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, year ending November 30, 2020. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | VCOR 47th LLC LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST | Resolution (Class 6B) No Purchase for Value | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: VCOR 47th LLC
Address: 4340 West 47th Street, Chicago, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: City of Chicago
Cook County District: 16
Permanent Index Number: 19-03-400-200-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: City of Chicago Resolution Number R2018-1000
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 51 months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing, and distribution
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for Assessm | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Great Lake Stair & Steel, Inc 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST | Resolution (Class 6B) Purchase for Value | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: Great Lake Stair & Steel, Inc.
Address: 10130 & 10140 Virginia Ave., Chicago Ridge Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Village of Chicago Ridge
Cook County District: 6
Permanent Index Number: 24-07-311-016-0000 and 24-07-311-014-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Chicago Ridge, Resolution No. 20-05-070
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 12 months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Industrial use - Manufacturing
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and
WHEREAS, the | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 7a application containing the following information:
Applicant: Anthony Gambino d/b/a 100 Marion Partners LLC
Address: 100 Marion Street, Oak Park, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Oak Park
Cook County District: 1
Permanent Index Number: 16-07-302-023-0000 and 16-07-302-078-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Oak Park, Resolution No. 20-106_D_051820
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 20 months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Commercial use - Restaurant
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: No
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 7a that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and
WHEREAS, | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Fabmor, LLC 6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST | Resolution (Class 6B) Purchase for Value | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: Fabmor LLC
Address: 2755 Thomas Street, Melrose Park, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Melrose Park
Cook County District: 16
Permanent Index Number: 15-04-404-079-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village Melrose Park Resolution No. 50-19
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: Six (6) months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehouse, manufacturing and/or distribution
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned industrial facility; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for Assessment | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | AMB Partners II Local L.P.6B PROPERTY TAX INCENTIVE REQUEST | Resolution (Class 6B) No Purchase for Value TEERM | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b application containing the following information:
Applicant: AMB Partners II Local, L.P.
Address: 825 Arthur Avenue, Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Municipality or Unincorporated Township: Elk Grove Township
Cook County District: 15
Permanent Index Number: 08-34-302-035-0000
Municipal Resolution Number: Village of Elk Grove, Resolution No.44-20
Number of month property vacant/abandoned: 18 months vacant
Special circumstances justification requested: Yes
TEERM (TEMPORARY EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RECOVERY MODIFICATION (Vacant for more than 12 months but less than 24 months - No Purchase for Value) Justification: Yes
Proposed use of property: Industrial use - warehousing, manufacturing, and/or distribution
Living Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes or No
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | 2021 HUD Annual Entitlement Grants | Grant Award | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD
Department: Department of Planning and Development
Grantee: Cook County Bureau of Economic Development
Grantor: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: To support various community development, homeless and social services, affordable housing, and economic development activities in suburban Cook County
Grant Amount:
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): $10,766,100.00
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG): $881,906.00
HOME Investment Partnerships: $6,577,051.00
Grant Period:
CDBG: 10/1/21-9/30/22
ESG: 10/1/21-9/30/23
HOME: 10/1/21-9/30/25
Fiscal Impact: None
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: Transmitted herewith are the proposed funding sources and uses for the 2021 Program Year for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG); and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs.
These fund | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Cook County 2021 Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERA I) Status Report | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Planning and Development
Report Title: Cook County 2021 Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERA I) Status Report
Report Period: First and Second Quarters 2021
Summary: The Cook County 2021 ERA Program Status Report provides information pertaining to the number of applications and funding amounts being disbursed to assist suburban Cook County residents with financial relief for the purpose of paying rent.
The report describes the program criteria and guidelines, a map illustrating the locales from where applications were received and the amount of funding distributed, as of June 1st, 2021. The final page of the report contains a link to an online dashboard with daily updates on program status. | receive and file | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S. B. | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Bruce H. Bornstein
Presenter: Same
Fees: $2,362.50
Case Name: In the Interest of: S. B.
Trial Court No(s): 16JA046
Appellate Court No(s): 19-1386 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | P. P. | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Bruce H. Bornstein
Presenter: Same
Fees: $3,525.00
Case Name: In the Interest of: P. P.
Trial Court No(s): 18JA120
Appellate Court No(s): 19-0307 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | N. W. | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Bruce H. Bornstein
Presenter: Same
Fees: $3,037.50
Case Name: In the Interest of N. W.
Trial Court No(s): 18JA983
Appellate Court No(s): 19-1003 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. A. | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Bruce H. Bornstein
Presenter: Same
Fees: $3,562.50
Case Name: In the Interest of A. A.
Trial Court No(s): 18JA197
Appellate Court No(s): 19-0874 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | L. A. | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Bruce H. Bornstein
Presenter: Same
Fees: $3,750.00
Case Name: In the Interest of L. A.
Trial Court No(s): 18JA110
Appellate Court No(s): 19-0220 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J.J., N.Y.J., NA J | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $337.50
Name of Representative: Cortez J.
Case Name: In the Interest of J.J., N.Y.J., NA J
Trial Court No(s): 19JA1291, 19JA1292, 19JA1293
Appellate Court No(s): 1- 21 -0130 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | L.W. | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Gilbert Schumm
Presenter: Same
Fees: $2,287.50
Case Name: In the interest of L.W.
Trial Court No(s): 14JA1362
Appellate Court No(s): 1-21-0050 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K.J. a/k/a K. W., minor | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,565.35
Case Name: In re K.J. a/k/a K. W., minor
Trial Court No(s): 14 JA 1194
Appellate Court No(s): 1-21-0049 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A.S., minor | Appellate Cases | Attorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,143.75
Case Name: In re A.S., minor
Trial Court No(s): 20JA00006
Appellate Court No(s): 1-20-0616 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | R. McClinton | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Luis Rosell
Presenter: Same
Fees: $2,090.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert witness
Name(s) of respondent(s): R. M.
Case No(s): 16CR80005 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. B. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Attorney Quentin L. Banks
Presenter: Same
Fees: $2,702.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): M. B.
Case No(s): 2011CR80019 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B. L. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Johnson & Levine LLC
Presenter: Michael Johnson
Fees: $2,622.57
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): B. L.
Case No(s): 00CR80001 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | H. V. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Dr. Robert Brucker
Presenter: Mark Kusatzky
Fees: $5,000.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert opinion
Name(s) of respondent(s): H. V.
Case No(s): 19CR80006 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. W. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Dr. Brian Abbott, Ph. D
Presenter: Sabra Ebersole
Fees: $3,923.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert witness
Name(s) of respondent(s): A. W.
Case No(s):11CR80012 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B. L. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Johnson & Levine LLC
Presenter: Michael Johnson
Fees: $5,982.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): B. L.
Case No(s): 00CR80001 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | C. P. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Johnson & Levine LLC
Presenter: Michael Johnson
Fees: $3,437.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): C.P.
Case No(s): 07CR80004 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. S. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Johnson & Levine LLC
Presenter: Michael R. Johnson
Fees: $1,342.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J. S.
Case No(s): 05CR80007 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | F. S. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Johnson & Levine LLC
Presenter: Kate Levine
Fees: $1,016.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): F. S.
Case No(s): 01CR80004 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | R. S. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $4,431.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): R. S.
Case No(s): 16CR9384, 17CR0946, 17CR2214 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | W. W. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Mark H. Kusatzky
Presenter: Same
Fees: $979.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): W. W.
Case No(s): 03CR80002 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. E. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Johnson & Levine LLC
Presenter: Kate Levine
Fees: $1,581.85
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): M. E.
Case No(s): 17CR80003 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. W. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Johnson & Levine LLC
Presenter: Kate Levine
Fees: $2,397.40
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): A. W.
Case No(s): 12CR80014 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. L. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Laura J. Morask
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,950.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): A. L.
Case No(s): 20CR80002 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. M. | Criminal Division | Attorney/Payee: Johnson & Levine LLC
Presenter: Kate Levine
Fees: $1,943.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): D. M.
Case No(s): 11CR80020 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. G | Domestic Relations Division | Attorney/Payee: Bradley C. Gerlach
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,752.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J. G
Case No(s): 2007 D 330288 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | V. K., V. K., S. K., Z K.., Z K. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marilyn L. Burns
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,175.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s) J. K. (parent)
In Re: V. K., V. K., S. K., Z K.., Z K. (minors)
Case No(s): 20JA810, 20JA811, 20JA812, 20JA813, 20JA814 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S.B. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Sabra Ebersole
Presenter: Same
Fees: $437.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): C.C. (Parent)
In Re: S.B. (minor)
Case No(s):19JA372 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S. L. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $612.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): R. M. (parent)
In Re: S. L. (minor)
Case No(s): 19JA1351 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. B. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $437.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): D. G. (presumptive parent)
In Re: A. B. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA01342 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. Y., A. Y. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $906.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): L. D. (parent)
In Re: A. Y., A. Y. (minors)
Case No(s): 20JA01586, 20JA01587 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | E.D. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $262.50
Services Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s,) of respondent (s): C.F. (parent)
In Re: E.D. (minor)
Case No(s): 19JA484 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. C., J. C., M. C. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $437.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J. C., J. C., M. C. (minors) GAL
In Re: J. C., J. C., M. C. (minors)
Case No(s): 15JA967, 16JA716, 18JA949 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T. C., L. P. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,868.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): L. C. (parent)
In Re: T. C., L. P. (minors)
Case No(s): 20JA00873, 20JA00874 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J.H. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $127.50
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J.H. (parent)
In Re: J.H. (minor)
Case No(s): 18JA34 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | X.M., X.M. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $297.50
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): X.M. (parent)
In Re: X.M., X.M. (minors)
Case No(s): 18JA423, 18JA424 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | I. K. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marcie Claus
Presenter: Same
Fees: $331.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): I. K. (minor) GAL
In Re: I. K. (minor)
Case No(s): 17JA1241 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D.T. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $4,268.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): D.T. (parent)
In Re D.T. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA1578 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S. P (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: John Benson
Presenter: Same
Fees: $975.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): S. P (minor) GAL
In Re: S. P (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA1605 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | C.S., C.S. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Elizabeth Butler
Presenter: Same
Fees: $587.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): C.S. (father)
In Re: C.S., C.S. (minor)
Case No(s): 18JA862, 18JA863 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | H.M. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Elizabeth Butler
Presenter: Same
Fees: $375.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): H.M. (minor) GAL
In Re: H.M. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA1278 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | B/M (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask
Presenter: Same
Fees: $975.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): C.B.M. (parent)
In Re: B/M (minor)
Case No(s): 19JA971, 19JA972, 19JA973 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | L. B. AKA L.LL. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $412.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): L. B. AKA L.L.L, (minor) GAL
In Re: L. B. AKA L.LL. (minor)
Case No(s): 18JA686 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | I.S. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $537.50
Services Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s,) of respondent (s): I.S.
In Re: I.S. (minor)
Case No(s): 18JA752 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | N. N., N. N. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Crystal B. Ashley
Presenter: Same
Fees: $305.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): A. N. (father)
In Re: N. N., N. N. (minors)
Case No(s): 18JA1194, 18JA1195 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A. S. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Crystal B. Ashley
Presenter: Same
Fees: $495.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): C. S. (father)
In Re: A. S. (minor)
Case No(s): 18JA927 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. Z.(minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Crystal B. Ashley
Presenter: Same
Fees: $605.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): C. Z. (father)
In Re: K. Z.(minor)
Case No(s): 21JA00016 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | I. M. AKA A.E. M. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,006.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): I. M. AKA A. E. M. (minor) GAL
In Re: I. M. AKA A.E. M. (minor)
Case No(s): 21JA00203 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T.W. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $325.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): T.W. (parent)
In Re: T.W. (minor)
Case No(s): 15JA1184 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S.L. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask
Presenter: Same
Fees: $993.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): T.M. (parent)
In Re: S.L. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA357 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J.H. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $214.00
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J.H. (parent)
In Re: J.H. (minor)
Case No(s): 18JA34 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J.G. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $375.00
Services Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s,) of respondent (s): J.G. (parent)
In Re: J.G. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA1643 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | S.E., D.H. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,456.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): S.E., D.H. (minors) GAL
In Re: S.E., D.H. (minors)
Case No(s): 13JA1145, 19JA477 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | C.C-D (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Sabra Ebersole
Presenter: Same
Fees: $332.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): S.D. (Parent)
In Re: C.C-D (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA767 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J.B. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $325.00
Services Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s,) of respondent (s): J.B. (parent)
In Re: Z.B. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA240 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T-A, A.A. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard
Presenter: Same
Fees: $812.50
Services Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s,) of respondent (s): C.D. (parent)
In Re: T-A. A, A.A. (minors)
Case No(s): 20JA425, 20JA426 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | L. B., L.B., L.B., A. B., M.W., J.B., J.B. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $400.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): L. B., L.B., L.B., A. B., M.W., J.B., J.B. (minors) GAL
In Re: L. B., L.B., L.B., A. B., M.W., J.B., J.B. (minors)
Case No(s): 20JA844, 20JA845, 20JA846, 20JA847, 20JA848, 20JA849, 20JA850 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. M. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $512.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): M. S. (parent)
In Re: J. M. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA167 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | P. A. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Sherri Williams
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,387.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): A. A. (mother)
In Re: P. A. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA001304 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | T. A. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Sherri Williams
Presenter: Same
Fees: $787.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): T. A. (minor) GAL
In Re: T. A. (minor)
Case No(s): 14JA01130 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A.S.-S. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $2,931.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): M.S. (parent)
In Re: A.S. (minor)
Case No(s): 18JA495 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | F.W. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Elizabeth Butler
Presenter Same
Fees: $450.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): R.R.
In Re: F.W. (minor)
Case No(s):21JA2 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A.D. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Elizabeth Butler
Presenter Same
Fees: $493.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): A.D.
In Re: A.D. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA1664 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. H., J. H. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,850.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): D.F. (parent)
In Re: J. H., J. H. (minors)
Case No(s): 20JA67, 20JA68 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Z.W.(minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Marilyn L. Burns
Presenter: Same
Fees: $2,212.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): (mother)
In Re: Z. W. (minor)
Case No(s): 19JA512 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | F.H., S.H. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Ezra Hemphill Attorney at law
Presenter Same
Fees: $125.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s). legal representation
Name(s) of respondent: R. H. (parent)
In Re: F.H., S.H. (minors)
In Re: 17JA00905, 17JA00906 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | E. H. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $525.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): S. A.-J. (parent)
In Re: E. H. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA891 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K. M. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe
Presenter: Same
Fees: $656.25
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): K. M. (minor) GAL
In Re: K. M. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA477 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | I. M., I. M. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres
Presenter: Same
Fees: $325.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): D.M. (parent)
In Re: I. M., I. M. (minors)
Case No(s): 17JA799, 17JA800 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Z. J. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $700.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J.J. (parent)
In Re: Z. J. (minor)
Case No(s): 19JA338 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | R. L-K., K. L-K., J. L-S., A. L-S. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $607.50
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): R. L-K., K. L-K., J. L-S., A.L-S. (minors) GAL
In Re: R. L-K., K. L-K., J. L-S., A. L-S. (minors)
Case No(s): 14JA302, 14JA304, 14JA305, 15JA165 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K.C. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $267.50
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): S.C. (parent)
In Re: K.C. (minor)
Case No(s): 19JA1090 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J.B., A.J., G.B. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Gilbert C. Schumm
Presenter: Same
Fees: $787.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): G. L. (parent)
In Re: J.B., A.J., G.B. (minors)
Case No(s): 19JA1329, 17JA730, 17JA731 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. S., J. L., S. S., A. H. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,012.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): N. B. (parent)
In Re: M. S., J. L., S. S., A. H. (minors)
Case No(s): 20JA00034, 20JA00035, 20JA00036, 20JA00037 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K.R, M.A., M.A, D.W. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: The Law Office of Ellen Sidney Weisz, Ltd.
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,168.75
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): M.R. (parent)
Name(s) of respondent(s): K.R, M.A., M.A, T.R., D.W. (minors)
Case No(s): 17JA846, 17JA847, 17JA848, 18JA010, 20JA0009 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | J. S. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Crystal B. Ashley
Presenter: Same
Fees: $1,057.50
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): J. S. (father)
In Re: J. S. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA1631 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | D. W. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Crystal B. Ashley
Presenter: Same
Fees: $935.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): D. W. (minor) GAL
In Re: D. W. (minor)
Case No(s): 19JA1104 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | K.W. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $725.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): K.W. (parent)
In Re: K.W. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA884 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | M. H (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $112.50
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): C. S. (parent)
In Re: M. H (minor)
Case No(s): 19JA672 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | X.M., X.M. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $290.00
Service rendered for court-appointed representation on indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): X.M. (parent)
In Re: X.M., X.M. (minors)
Case No(s): 18JA423, 18JA424 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Y.P., Y.P., Y.P., Y.P. (minors) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Donna L Ryder
Presenter: Same
Fees: $482.50
Service rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Nam(s) of respondent(s): M.P (parent)
In Re: Y.P., Y.P., Y.P., Y.P. (minors)
Case No(s): 19JA309 19JA310, 19JA311, 19JA312 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | L.W. (minor) | Child Protection Division | Attorney/Payee: Steven Silets
Presenter: Same
Fees: $675.00
Service Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation
Name(s) of respondent(s): L.W. (minor)
In Re: L.W. (minor)
Case No(s): 20JA1191 | approve | Pass |